Tag Archives: Trump’s War Crimes

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 251

Dictator Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with more information on the fallout from the joke that was his farcical Russia summit and his capitulation to his puppet master in Helsinki, yet another example of our fake president’s fake news as he tries to create another NFL distraction so people will stop talking about his treason, tweeting more baseless bull shit to create other distractions as his failed presidency continues swirling around the drain, our impotent imbeciles Twitter meltdowns are coming more frequently as he’s unable to deflect attention from his treacherous Russia summit after kissing his puppet master’s ass, trying to instill his authoritarian ambitions in his alternate reality isn’t going to work too well for our marmalade miscreant plus so much more.

Rachel Maddow Tells America To Wake Up: Trump’s Surrender To Putin Is ‘Worst Case Scenario’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

On the joke that was Trump’s farcical Russia summit and the ensuing capitulation and treasonous actions he perpetrated during the love fest with his Russian puppet master:

The Bigs Are Starting to Accept the Unimaginable article from Talking Points Memo. –

How it’s appearing more and more that Trump is indeed an illegitimate president*, which is his biggest fear – probably because he always has been.

What Fresh Hell? Our Manchurian President shows his true colors article from The Raw Story. –

Our dimwitted dip shit had a rough week – though it was all self-inflicted as usual and the lengthy list of scandals continued to grow exponentially.

Trump Thinks NFL National Anthem Talks Will Distract Us From Treasonous Behavior article from Splinter News. –

Always one who loves to create distractions with fake news as the real news exposes his endless depths of corruption, our demented delusionist brought up the NFL’s National Anthem hoping it would make everyone forget his most recent criminal behavior:

“Donald Trump’s game is getting weaker by the minute.

He did obtain a brief respite over the last couple of news cycles from damning coverage of his abhorrent subservience to Vladimir Putin this past week, thanks to some salacious news about recordings of Trump and Michael Cohen allegedly discussing hush money payments to cover up an affair with a Playboy model.

Now, he hopes to keep that distraction train rolling by inserting himself once again into the NFL’s discussions over the right of players to kneel during the national anthem, just ahead of the start of the football season.

After it was reported this week that the NFL and the NFL Players Association had agreed to put on hold the league’s national anthem policy announced last May pending new negotiations, Trump on Friday tweeted that he “can’t believe it!” He was referring to the fact that the debate was “alive and well again.”…”

Here’s an Incredible Offer, Donald: Resign article from Truthout. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* would be doing himself a favor if he resigned, but fortunately for us, he won’t and the world will get to see exactly how corrupt he is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 234

Magnitude of Trump’s crimes from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our gift that keeps on giving is making this too easy: The delusions of being above the law becoming more commonplace begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he will soon find out just how incorrect he is, a look back at our marmalade miscreant’s most recent disastrous week as his presidency continues to implode, Trump – like Nixon was – is wrong about being able to pardon himself, the growing desperation – conspiracy theories, Twitter meltdowns to create distractions, etc. – are going to greatly intensify his imminent implosion, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda – FOX faux news – came out on live TV and totally destroyed his lie about being able to pardon himself, our demented delusionist keeps talking about how patriotic he is and he doesn’t even know the words to the National Anthem or God Bless America and so much more.

Trump’s Authoritarian Movement Is Reaching an Inevitable Conclusion article from Esquire. –

The delusions of our dimwitted dip shit are becoming more commonplace just in time for his ass to be removed due to his multitude of corruption charges.

White House says Trump is not above the law article from The Hill. –

The White House constantly contradicts our national embarrassment’s lies but this time they’re correct – except for the assertion that he didn’t interfere in the Russia investigation or obstruct justice many times…

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 71st Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look back at our marmalade miscreant’s most recent disastrous week as his presidency continues to implode.

Here’s what legal scholars say about Trump’s self-proclaimed ‘right’ to pardon himself article from Think Progress. –

Nixon said the same thing and he too was wrong and if Trump did try to dubiously pardon himself he would most likely be removed from office:

“President Trump started off his Monday morning in style, tweeting that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself for any crime.

You know he is serious because the word pardon is in all caps. But is he right?

On August 5, 1974, Mary Lawton, the Acting Assistant Attorney General, examined the question of whether the president can pardon himself. The president at the time was Richard Nixon…”

Yes, Mueller Can Subpoena Trump. No, Trump Can’t Pardon Himself. article from PoliticusUSA. –

Emulating Nixon is going to prove fatal for America’s worst-ever president* as he will soon find out:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 224

Trump can lie faster than you can fact-check from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How his endless lies have increased by almost 33 percent after his first 100 days begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* who keeps lying even more as his corruption implodes his failed presidency, shooting himself in the foot – once again – by eviscerating his legal argument for the Muslim Ban, our dysfunctional dumb ass president* and his ilk have gone from saying there was never any collusion to saying there was never any collusion involving him, why Trump is incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice, fighting a battle with Mueller that he can’t win – especially since it’s blatantly obvious that he’s guilty as hell, how having a corrupt moron on his legal team will prove devastating to the corrupt moron in the White House plus lots more.

Trump’s Rate of Lying Has Increased Almost 33 Percent Since Ranking After First 100 Days article from Alternet. –

The lies keep growing exponentially as his growing scandals and corruption engulfs our dimwitted dip shit’s failed presidency.

Trump’s big mouth just undercut his own administration’s defense of the Muslim Ban article from ThinkProgress. –

Once again our Liar and Thief just shot himself in the foot and put his legal defense of his illegal Muslim Ban in jeopardy due to his chronic stupidity.

Rachel Maddow Just Asked The One Question That Blew The Lid Off Of Trump/Russia Collusion article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why have America’s worst-ever president* and the miscreants he calls his administration gone from saying there was never any collusion to saying there was never any collusion involving Trump?:

Trump’s Game of Sneaky Leaks: Is He Playing the New York Times The Same Way Russia Did? article from Alternet. –

Trump is famous for leaking things to draw attention away from his endless criminal acts and deceptions:

“In her new book, “Chasing Hillary,” New York Times reporter Amy Chozick admits that she and other mainstream media reporters were duped by foreign propaganda. In a chapter titled “How I Became an Unwitting Agent of Russian Intelligence,” Chozick confesses that she and her Times colleagues allowed the need for attention — and clicks — to guide their decision to forefront largely unimportant information obtained from email hacks of Hillary Clinton’s staff. Those leaks were likely the work of Russian agents, who fed the information to the newspaper (by way of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks) in order to feed a false narrative that Clinton was duplicitous and untrustworthy.

“[N]othing hurt worse than my own colleagues calling me a de facto instrument of Russian intelligence,” she wrote. “The worst part was they were right.”

Perhaps after failing democracy in the worst way, you might think staff at the New York Times had learned their lesson. This week there’s reason to be worried that they didn’t — and not because of reporter Maggie Haberman’s feigned umbrage over the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, in an apparent effort to ingratiate herself with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. (As bad as that was.) The real concern is that the Times is getting played by the Trump administration in almost the same way it got played by the Russians, which suggests the Gray Lady’s staffers are still allowing the desire for breaking news to trump their civic duty.

At issue is a recent story from Michael Schmidt about a list of questions that Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly wants to ask Trump, many of them focused on questions of possible collusion with Russian agents or attempts to obstruct justice. The story isn’t all that surprising in itself, but it nonetheless has that frisson of intrigue guaranteed to drive traffic: Secret documents obtained from anonymous sources, the suggestion that the Russia investigation is on the verge of a breakthrough, a hint that the president himself may soon be in the hot seat. As I write this on Tuesday evening, the story has been at the top of the Times homepage for nearly a full day, and became the basis for a dramatic episode of the popular podcast “The Daily.”…”

Trump is simply incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice article from The Raw Story. –

Just as he is incapable of ever telling the truth and much of it has to do with his endless corruption which will destroy what little is left of his failed presidency.

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Beware Of Quick Judgment In Latest Syrian Gas Attack

Man receiving treatment in Damascus photo from Yahoo! News

A recent conveniently timed alleged gas attack on a rebel held town of Douma near Damascus in Syria that killed at least 40 and injured scores more raises a lot of questions. The most recent in a string of gas attacks in the rebel held enclave occurred after negotiations for the forced exile of tens of thousands of civilians and rebel fighters had failed.

If the alleged Syrian chemical attack play book – fabricate evidence-free claims, have corporate media push the unsubstantiated claims without question , then use the fabricated lies to illegally attack the regime you’re trying to overthrow – sounds familiar, they should. The alleged gas attack came almost a year after the chemical attack perpetrated last year by U.S. trained terrorists failed despite Washington’s best attempts at regime change while trying to frame and remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power, making it imperative to question everything, especially who benefits.

The total number of civilian casualties from the alleged attack varies from 40 to 110 depending on which propaganda outlet is pushing the as of yet unconfirmed Psyop reports demonizing Russia, Assad, and in the case of U.S. President Donald J. Trump – former President Barack Obama. The latest attack came at a time when the terrorists supported by the U.S. to overthrow Assad were being beaten badly and, in typical fashion, the attacks were strategically placed in a location full of children and cameras to conveniently capture it all, allowing the sycophantic trumpeters to falsely accuse and rattle war sabers.


Despite having no evidence, baseless accusations are coming fast and furious from the U.S. and its corrupt cohorts in the UK to goad an unsuspecting U.S. public into accepting false narratives that make Russia or Assad look guilty. History also has a way of repeating itself as almost a year ago the same exact type of false flag was used to justify Trump’s War Crimes in Syria when he illegally fired more than 50 Tomahawk Missiles to distract for his multitude of self-inflicted quagmires and imploding presidency at home.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 174

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with revelations that once again he is lying about his tax ‘reform’ scheme as American’s will bear the brunt of his deception while he gives himself and his fraudulent friends more breaks, more revelations of how much of a loser our impotent man-boy in the White House really is, our minority-elect bully turned Twitter tyrant is fighting yet another losing battle in his war against sports players, our illegitimate president and his corrupt administration are getting desperate for a win, Trump’s inept response to Puerto Rico’s catastrophe is on full display despite his lies about how well he’s handling it, chances of our war criminal president committing more war crimes to distract from his ongoing Russia scandal are growing, the swamp that Trump lied about draining while corrupting it even further is proving quite costly to U.S. taxpayers and much more.

AP FACT CHECK: Smoke and mirrors in Trump tax plan article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump and his GOP brown shirts are still trying to sell us a lie labeled as tax reform that helps no one but themselves.

Believe It Or Not, Trump Is An Even Bigger Loser Than You Thought article from PolitucusUSA. –

Mocking Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator John McCain in private reveals how demented our dimwitted dip shit truly is…

Watch: America’s Mobster President – New Evidence in Dutch Public TV Documentary of Trump’s International Money Laundering Circles article from Alternet. –

Trump, through his fraudulent business dealings, has had shady connections for years that will probably come back to haunt him.

President Trump Should Attack Toxic Inequality, Not The NFL article from Forbes. –

But he won’t because his attacks on the NFL – like the rest of his delusional rants – are nothing but a distraction from his failed, imploding presidency:

“Last year, San Francisco quarterback, Colin Kaepernick began his peaceful and dignified protest of racial inequality in America, at the same time candidate Donald Trump was telling Black Americans to vote for him because he’d fix their crumbling cities.

According to Trump, “African Americans have sacrificed so much for this nation. . . . Yet, too many African Americans have been left behind.” He said rebuilding of America’s cities would be a priority for his administration.

Now that NFL players across the League have joined the protest to address a problem the President has endorsed, by taking a knee instead of standing while the national anthem is played, Trump is incensed, tweeting that owners should fire these players.

The President’s condemnation of football players who are peacefully protesting for a moment at the start of a game stands in sharp contract to his near-indifference toward the white supremacist who, in Charlottesville, took the life of Heather Heyer, an innocent woman who was also peacefully exercising her right of free speech…”


Unable to accomplish any legislative victories, wildly unpopular and neck deep in collusion and obstruction of Justice charges hasn’t stopped Trump from finding other ways to profit off his failed presidency…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 145

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Shuttering the State Department War Crimes Office to make it easier for our illegitimate, popular vote losing president to continue committing War Crimes in Syria begins today’s misadventures, our national embarrassment still consistently lying since being ‘elected,’ America’s worst-ever president getting ugly after his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway fails – as he threatens to let Obamacare fail to destroy millions of Americans, the increasing hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America’ week, our Loser-in-Chief wonders why legislators don’t listen to him, it’s still everyone else’s fault but his own when his draconian policies fail, how our Con Artist-in-Chief went from populist to corporate shill less than 6 months into his failing presidency and more.

Tillerson to Shutter State Department War Crimes Office article from Foreign Policy. –

Making it easier for our War Criminal-in-Chief to get away with his Syrian War Crimes that he’s been committing regularly with total impunity.

Trump’s False claim that his presidential approval rating is ‘not bad’ article from PolitiFact. –

Our fake president still trying to spread fake news about his plummeting approval rating…

‘Modern Day Presidential’ really isn’t working for Trump article from CNN. –

Primarily because our illegitimate, popular vote losing president isn’t remotely presidential…

Trump Complains About Getting Fact-Checked, Lies Minutes Later article from Talking Points Memo. –

After complaining about being caught in all his lies, our national embarrassment lies again:

“President Donald Trump said Monday that he doesn’t like “Pinocchios,” referring to the Washington Post’s metric for pointing out politicians’ lies in fact-checking columns. Minutes later, he delivered a whopper of an untruth.

“We’ve signed more bills — and I’m talking about through the legislature — than any President ever,” Trump said at an event the White House called the “Made in America product showcase.” “For a while Harry Truman had us, and now I think we have everybody, Mike. I better say ‘think,’ otherwise they’ll give me a Pinocchio, and I don’t like Pinocchios.”

Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker columnist, implied there was an easy fix for Trump’s aversion to fact-checkers (tell the truth).

Yet, several minutes later, Trump cited a number close to one that was repeatedly knocked down by multiple fact checks, including from the Washington Post…”

Analysis: Senate Health Care Failure Another Blow to Trump article from Roll Call. –

Now that Trump’s fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway has failed, he will do everything he can to make sure Obamacare fails and millions suffer.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 84

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trumpcare causing political fallout for the GOP and pissing people off which will also affect our minority-elect President, using the White House for private gain at our expense, America’s issues with a reality TV president, more evidence Trump is lying about massive voter fraud, Trump’s first foreign trip will probably prove quite entertaining, the importance of studying history – so it doesn’t repeat itself, more revelations of Trump’s prefabricated Syrian gas attack fairy tale, Trump’s boldest move of all is pretending he actually has a mandate and much more.

It’s ‘Trumpcare,’ and GOP faces politival fallout article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

There’s a Lot of Worry That Trump Is a Dangerous Authoritarian – Could It Be That We Barely Hava President at All? article from AlterNet. –

The Trump Empire Expands article from Information Clearing House. –

Trump and the rest of his fraudulent family are using the White House to enrich themselves at our expense.

The health care vote shows Trump thinks the US presidency is just another reality television show article from Quartz. –

Life is good in Trump’s land of delusion:

“Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted in a health-care bill on Thursday (May 4) that has already made them wildly unpopular with some American voters, and is almost certain not to pass the Senate or become a law in any semblance of its current form.

If you’re watching this bit of American governance unfold, a reasonable question right now is…”Why?”

Why would lawmakers back a bill that may strip health care from millions of the poorest citizens (many of whom are Republican voters), could make it cripplingly expensive for tens of millions more, likely leaves them vulnerable in the next election—and that ultimately could be toothless, as fellow Republicans in the Senate are already condemning it?

There is one resounding answer coming from Washington: Because president Donald Trump desperately wanted something he could call a “win.” And while it may not make sense as a political strategy, it does make sense in a context he knows well: reality TV…”

Here’s Even More Evidence Trump Is Lying About Massive Voter Fraud article from The Huffington Post. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 80

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump catches hell for inviting a murderer to the White House – he does love his fellow dictators, using the presidency to enrich the fraudulent Trump family name, more fallout – and White House lies – over Trump’s fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims, Trump the smalltime crook, Trump gets mad at CNN for not airing his fake news ad, the incompetence of our minority-elect President and his administration, joking about war crimes based on a false flag fairy tale speaks volumes, to understand the fraud of the new Trumpcare repeal bill just follow the money, Trump’s lies about Flynn are about to get interesting, reasons Trump is so pissed off at Democrats over the budget revealed and much more.

Trump hit with backlash after inviting Philippine Leader Rodrigo Duterte to the White House article from AOL News. –

That Trump read ‘The Snake’ at his 100-day rally tells you all you need to know about his next 100 days article from CNN. –

Now if only we could get him to slither back under the rock he crawled out of…

Tomgram: Nomi Prins, All in the Family Trump article from Tom Dispatch. –

Fraudulently using the presidency to enrich themselves will not bode well for our minority-elect first family.

Think Trump is an authoritarian? Look at his actions, not his words article from The Guardian. –

Actions always speak louder than words, but few, if any – aside from himself – ever said he was smart:

“A wise psychoanalyst once told me, “Stop looking at what you’re saying, look at what you’re doing.” If only journalists applied the same rule to Donald Trump.

On Friday night, Trump complained that he was being stymied by “archaic rules” in the House of Representatives and the Senate and warned “maybe at some point we’re going to have to take those rules on.”

Aaron Blake, a journalist at The Washington Post, was quick to diagnose the statement:

Now Trump is talking about consolidating his power…Whether this is just him [Trump] blowing off steam or signaling what lies ahead, it’s significant. Because it suggests a president, yet again, who doesn’t agree with his own powers being limited or even questioned. Remember when senior policy adviser Stephen Miller declared “the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned?” This is more of that kind of attitude. He wants more power — and he wants it quickly. It’s not difficult to connect this to his past admiration for authoritarian leaders, and these comments are likely to give Democrats (and even some in the GOP establishment) plenty of heartburn. This is a demonstrated pattern for him, for all the reasons listed at the top of this post…”

THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT AT 100 DAYS article from Who What Why. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 70

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our minority-elect President’s administration decides to honor Australian refugee deal once labeled as ‘dumb’ by Trump as his popularity plummets, the plan to celebrate his first 100 days in a rally – since he desperately needs to feel the support of like-minded minions, destroying Lady Liberty to make America great again, still trying to push Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, revelations that Trump Derangement Syndrome is becoming pertinent, once again our fraudulent Liar-in-Chief breaks a promise – though this time it violates the U.S. Constitution, the fact that Trump tweets about terrorist attacks only when it pertains to the relevance of his delusional rhetoric, the former Florida AG that Trump bought off to derail his Trump University fraud suddenly has a new job in his administration, how Trump’s organized crime ties could come back to haunt him, the Trump cabal’s war on black and brown Americans, our warmongering leader take great pride in ‘his’ military, Trump’s despicable claim of being committed to protecting the environment while obnoxiously doing everything he can to destroy it, highlights of Trump’s 93rd day of misadventures, Trump’s inaugural donor list contains massive evidence of fraud, Trump’s big Pavarotti lie, Trump’s illegitimate DHS Secretary wants you to know the problem is you – not them and more.

US to honor Australia refugee deal Trump called ‘dumb’ article from The Hill. –

Why Trump likes his freewheeling Oval Office schedule article from Politico. –

So Trump can allow his friends and CEO’s that own him to tell him what to do next.

How Trump Fell Into His Own 100-Day Trap article from The Atlantic. –

Replacing Lady Liberty: Trump and the American Way article from Counter Punch. –


“It’s no secret President Donald Trump’s approval rating on the national level has been relatively low his entire tenure in the White House. But polls show he’s also struggling to garner support in the swing states that won him the 2016 presidential election over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Roughly 41.9 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 52.3 percent who disapprove, according to the FiveThirtyEight aggregate of polls. Polls from swing states similarly show Trump’s approval rating under water, making him the least popular newly elected president in decades.

A March survey of Wisconsin found 41 percent of registered voters approved of his job performance while 47 percent disapproved. A February poll conducted by Franklin & Marshall College found just 32 percent of voters in Pennsylvania approved of Trump’s job performance. An EPIC MRA survey the same month pegged his support in Michigan at 40 percent, with 54 percent disapproving. In Ohio, a March Baldwin Wallace University poll found 49 percent of the state viewed the president unfavorably, while 46 percent viewed him favorably.

And it goes on. In North Carolina, which Trump won narrowly, his approval rating stood at just 36 percent earlier this month, according to a High Point University poll. Fifty-four percent disapproved. In Florida, a large, key state that helped hand Trump the win, his approval stood at just 34 percent with two-thirds of the state disapproving, according to a February survey by Florida Atlantic University. A poll later in February by Associated Industries of Florida did find that 81 percent of Republicans approved of Trump’s job performance…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 65

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

More on what appears to have been a staged chemical weapons attack in Syria despite Trump’s duplicitous claims that it was done by the Syrian government, Trump’s popularity hits another new historic low as his ethics issues continue growing exponentially, blaming Trump’s profound failures on Steve Bannon, increasing his unethical, morally challenged cesspool of corruption known as his swamp, majority believe our Liar-in-Chief never keeps his promises, more on Trump’s War Crimes and campaign fraud, one of Trump’s chief propagandists admits that he’s a fake, 120,000 protesters turn out to demand Trump’s taxes, looking past the moronic bluster and profoundly corrupt idiocies of Trump and his illegitimate administration reveals his necessity for dubious secrecy, the convenience of Trump’s disappearing Russia scandal and much more.

MIT expert claims latest chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged article from The International Business Times on Yahoo! News. –

It’s not just the golf: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ethics mess gets worse article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove of President Trump, a near historic low article from AOL News. –

Trump Just Appointed a Chemical Industry Honcho to Protect Us From Chemicals article from Mother Jones. –

E.J. Dionne: Trump: Now it’s Bannon’s fault article from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. –

“President Trump rose to power on a combination of meanness, incoherence and falsehoods. His strategy depended almost entirely on playing off the unpopularity and weaknesses of others.

Every aspect of his approach has blown up on him since he took office, but as is always the case with Trump, he will not take any personal responsibility for what’s going wrong. He must find a scapegoat. The latest object of his opprobrium would seem to be Steve Bannon, the chief White House strategist.

But dumping Bannon would only underscore the extent to which Trump is a political weathervane, gyrating wildly with the political winds. He’s “populist” one day, conventionally conservative the next, and centrist the day after that. His implicit response is: Who cares? Let’s just get through another week…”

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