Monthly Archives: May 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 109

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our illegitimate, minority-elect president’s deviancy is making America meaner as the hate inspired by Trump and his miscreants is becoming noticeable, more on the fallout from our national embarrassment’s first foreign follies, why it’s too early to call for Trump’s impeachment – despite the growing disillusionment with his dysfunctional presidency, Trump has made the U.S. irrelevant in the Middle East, the mounting signs of public disgust for Trump are everywhere and much more.

Making America Meaner article from Common Dreams. –

On how Trump epitomizes the deviancy of American politics and is making America meaner.

Pay No Attention To That American President Over There article from The Huffington Post. –

More on the fallout from our national embarrassment’s first dumbed-down foreign follies.

To Ram Through Unpopular Agenda, Trump Urges GOP to Kill Senate Filibuster article from Common Dreams. –

Though the vast majority of Americans oppose his plans to eviscerate the Middle Class and healthcare, Trump wants to be able to ram his corrupt proposals through ‘free and easy.’

‘Legitimized in their hatred’: a weekend of violence in Trump’s America article from The Guardian. –

On how the train wreck that is our illegitimate, minority-elect President’s administration inspires hate:

“Anthony Hammond was screaming racial slurs in the parking lot of a California apartment complex before he pulled out a machete and stabbed an African American man, according to police.

The horrific Saturday night attack – which led to hate crime, assault and mayhem charges against the 34-year-old white suspect – received very little attention in US media during the Memorial Day holiday. Also lost in weekend news was the case of a white man in a pickup truck who police say intentionally ran over and killed a 20-year-old Native American man.

The lack of press for both racially charged attacks could be due to the fact that the nation was still reeling from news of a double murder in Portland, Oregon, in which a man stabbed three people who were reportedly trying to stop a racist attack on two young Muslim girls.

The series of attacks in one weekend, along with a threat from a Republican lawmaker to shoot his colleague amid an immigration battle, offer a stark portrait of the racial violence and hate speech in America that activists say have grown since Donald Trump’s election. From Washington state to Texas, the holiday meant to honor fallen soldiers was marred by gruesome assaults during a presidency that critics say has normalized white supremacy and emboldened bigots…”

‘Covfefe’ tells you all you need to know about Donald Trump article from CNN. –

More on the dimwitted dumb ass that is our President and his incorrigible ignorance.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 108

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s Russia troubles are just beginning, the willful ignorance of our our deviant Liar-in-Chief in the White House is making America look foolish, defending his corrupt son-in-law with anonymously made claims from FOX faux news – after blasting anonymous sources as ‘fake news,’ Trump approval falling, our illegitimate, minority-elect president lies about draining the swamp, why it’s impossible to take anything our national embarrassment does or says seriously, antics coming out of our impotent leader’s dysfunctional White House are turning people away from political TV dramas and a lot more.

Trump’s Russia troubles are just beginning, Watergate historian predicts article from The Week. –

Trump’s Russia scandal – now involving his son-in-law/senior adviser – is just beginning and it’s going to get a lot worse.

5 Reasons Anonymous White House Official Say They Can’t Stand Jared Kushner article from AlterNet. –

Like his fraudulent father-in-law, Kushner whines too much and never takes accountability for his duplictious actions.

Opinion: Trump – A President Without a True Party on Capitol Hill article from Roll Call. –

Our dimwitted, dumb ass president is bringing the GOP and himself down – and his twitter tantrums aren’t doing either one any favors.

Robert Reich: Making America Meaner – We Have a Deviant in the White House article from AlterNet. –

Emboldened by our moronic Liar-in-Chief’s delusions, the GOP is showing its true colors – and it will pay a price for its deviancy:

“GOP is becoming increasingly brazen in showing its dark side.

Last Wednesday, on the eve of his election to the House of Representatives, Montana Republican Greg Gianforte beat up Ben Jacobs, a reporter for the “Guardian” newspaper.

What prompted the violence? Jacobs had asked Gianforte for his reaction to the Congressional Budget Office’s report showing that the House Republican substitute for the Affordable Care Act would result in 23 million Americans losing their health insurance.

Then, in the words of a Fox News team who witnessed the brutal attack: “Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. … Gianforte then began punching the reporter. As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, ‘I’m sick and tired of this!’ Jacobs scrambled to his knees and said something about his glasses being broken…. To be clear, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte, who left the area after giving statements to local sheriff’s deputies.”…”

Sources: Russians discussed potentially ‘derogatory’ information about Trump and associates during campaign article from CNN. –

More on Russia having information on our dimwitted dumb ass’s deviance and malfeasance during the 2016 presidential primaries.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 107

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our illegitimate, minority-elect President’s son-in-law – and senior adviser – is becoming a massive headache as calls of treason start resonating through Washington, how Trump is torturing Capitol Hill, the joke that is our national embarrassment’s presidency and its death spiral, a lot of the miscreants associated with Trump have ties to Russia, the irony of Trump paying lip service to U.S. Veterans after his previous history of slandering them, Trump’s crash course on how not to win at diplomacy, when all else fails to deflect blame for your malfeasance create a conspiracy theory and hope they buy it, Trump has a thing for dictators and despots and more.

Jared Kushner’s Growing Stench of Treason article from Foreign Policy Magazine on Yahoo! News. –

Setting up back channels to a frenemy to avoid public consumption is one thing, but intent to avoid monitoring by U.S. intelligence agencies is another, especially when you’re not even in government yet.

How Trump Is Torturing Capitol Hill article from The Atlantic. –

The GOP – and their brown shirts that are protecting and enabling our dimwitted dumb ass – are getting frustrated at the inability to accomplish their dubious agendas.

‘A malaise is setting in’: Some DC Republicans resigned to ‘long slow death’ of Trump’s presidency article from The Raw Story. –

On the joke that is our national embarrassment’s presidency and it’s spiraling decline.

Trump: Totalitarian or Authoritarian? article from TruthOut. –

On what our wannabe dictator’s illegitimate regime is:

“Much has been written about whether Donald Trump is a despot authoritarian, fascist or merely a bumbling clown. As we approach this question of what Trump “is,” it’s important for us to realize that — regardless of our assessments of his level of intelligence, or his adolescent mentality, or his bizarre mannerisms — he is in the most powerful seat in the world. Trump is dangerous and he needs to be taken seriously.

Kathleen Jones is a political theorist whose publications and teaching about modern political theory and Hannah Arendt span nearly four decades. Her most recent book is a philosophical memoir, Diving for Pearls: A Thinking Journey with Hannah Arendt, about her 30-year relationship with the work of the well-loved political thinker.

In understanding Trump, Jones says, we need to look at the gaps — and potential gaps — between his claims and the truth. She points to Trump’s boasts of business acumen and accomplishments, alongside his refusal to release his tax returns, as well as his documented history of bankruptcies, which resulted in some of his business interests’ restructuring.

Given that his claims to be a wildly wealthy and successful businessman are what generated much of his support among his base, it is important to address the fact that these claims are dubious…”

President Trump acted like a ‘drunk tourist’ during first foreign trip: report article from AOL News. –

The problem is he wasn’t acting… he was just being himself.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 106

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s farcical foreign follies proved entertaining but they also served as a distraction from the GOP’s chicanery while he was gone, our national embarrassment is the gift that keeps on giving, Trump begins his propaganda parade over the Russia scandal by throwing his usual twitter tantrum to spread his fake news, Trump’s draconian budget proposal seems to have fallen off the face of the earth, working with our wannabe dictator can be hazardous as he tends to toss everyone under the bus while lying about his actions, Trump will ensure he gets enough rope to hang himself, the looming disaster that is Trump’s foreign policy, truth trump’s falsehoods and much more.

Donald Trump’s embarrassing gaffes deliver a potent political good: distraction article from The Guardian. –

Trump’s farcical foreign follies were entertaining but they also served as a distraction from the GOP’s chicanery in Washington while he was gone.

After summit with Trump, Merkel says Europe must take fate into own hands article from AOL News. –

Germany – as well as the rest of our allies that had to suffer through Trump’s first dumbed-down foreign trip – is not impressed with out Ignoramus-in-Chief…

President Trump left TripAdvisor reviews for the Middle East and just, wow article from Mashable on Yahoo! News. –

As I’ve mentioned previously, our national embarrassment is the gift that keeps on giving…

Trump rips apart ‘fake news’ during morning Twitter storm article from AOL News. –

And so our dimwitted dumb shit’s propaganda parade begins as he throws another twitter tantrum over his escalating Russia scandal. When Trump bitches about fake news to create fake news, the only ones delusional enough to believe it are the minority that voted for him:

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that many of the leaks from the White House were “fake news,” following reports his son-in-law tried to set up a secret channel of communications with Moscow before Trump took office.

Trump returned to the White House after a nine-day trip to the Middle East and Europe that ended on Saturday to face more questions about alleged communications between his son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington.

“It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media,” Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts on Sunday.

Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, had contacts with Moscow in December about opening a secret back channel of communications, according to news reports published while Trump was away on his trip…”

Trump returns from foreign trip, goes on Twitter rant article from The San Francisco Chronicle. –

More on our delusional man-boy’s Twitter tirades followed by his typical implosion…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 105

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Reports of Kushner attempting to establish private communication channels between Trump’s transition team and Moscow bring our dimwitted, dumb ass president’s Russia scandal closer to home, poverty is just a state of mind for Trump and the miscreants in his illegitimate administration, more on the joke that has become our impotent leader’s first farcical foreign follies – plus some of the most cringe-worthy highlights from it, a look at Pence’s related role in the Russia scandal – which actually deflects attention from other White House scandals, how our national embarrassment is destroying America’s reputation around the world, Trump’s growing credibility issue and much more.

DNC calls for Kushner to be fired from WH position article from The Hill. –

Reports that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner attempted to establish private communication channels between his transition team and Moscow bring numb nut’s Russia scandal closer to home.

Poverty? Oh, that’s just a ‘state of mind’ for the Trump administration article from The Guardian. –

Ben Carson – another moron appointed by our Liar-in-Chief to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – believes magical thinking is the secret to getting out of poverty…

White House may appoint legal team to monitor Trump tweets article from The New York Post. –

Why start now?

Trump Is a Bull in the China Shop of Global Diplomacy article from TruthDig. –

More on the joke that is Trump’s first farcical foreign follies:

“Back in 2016 the talking heads on TV kept expecting candidate Trump, who made headlines almost daily saying racist and offensive things, to “transition.” Their theory was that he was acting out for his base in the GOP primaries but then would dial it back in the general election.

Months into his presidency, and he’s the same Donald Trump: a bull in the china shop of global diplomacy.

The disaster for U.S. relations (which is already hurting the U.S. economy through a fall in tourism and investment from abroad) went from the personal to the substantive.

Then there was that awkward moment when he refused to affirm the U.S. commitment under article 5 of NATO to come to the defense of members of the alliance. NATO invoked article 5 and sent tens of thousands of troops to Afghanistan for a decade after 9/11, but Trump isn’t about gratitude or appreciation of others.

The omission was significant because after Vladimir Putin’s unilateral annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and then interference in East Ukraine, European countries are depending on the U.S. to see that the Russian Federation does not go any further…”

Fake Ads in the Time of Trump article from AlterNet. –

Desperate times call for desperate measures to make our impotent, dimwitted dumb ass feel important.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 104

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Expect more entertaining dipshittery from our illegitimate, minority-elect President during the G7 Summit after his NATO escapades, Trump is the antithesis of Christian values, dubiously trying to tuck language into his egregiously delusional ‘budget’ allowing his administration to defund sanctuary cities, Trump’s NSA Chief admits – to his workers – that Trump colluded with Russia as the scandal hits closer to home for our Obstructionist-in-Chief, prepare for yet another propaganda parade from our illegitimate numb nut and his White House when he returns from his farcical foreign escapades, trying to cover up his lies by destroying information, making himself look guilty by pressuring top U.S. officials to back down, the political theater that is Trump’s fake war on fake news, Breitbart sinking with the titanic disaster that is the Trump Cabal, Trumps war on the minions that voted for him is just beginning and a lot more.

‘Challenging’ talks expected as Trump and other G7 leaders meet article from AOL News. –

Unless the summit can tone things down to a 4th grader’s level so Trump can comprehend comprehend everything, it could get interesting.

Trump’s ally-angering trip abroad, explained in 7 images article from Vox. –

On the disaster that is our national embarrassment’s first dumbed-down foreign trip.

Trump ‘complained to Belgian PM of difficulty setting up golf resorts in EU’ article from The Guardian. –

High class all the way during our dimwitted dumb ass leader’s farcical foreign escapades.

The Pope and the Pagan article from New York Magazine. –

On Trump being the antithesis of Christian values:

“The contrast between a grim-faced pope and the grinning president at the Vatican this past week was not lost on the press or late-night TV. But they missed the mark, it seems to me. They noted merely that the two leaders profoundly disagree on, say, the dignity of immigrants, the sanctity of heterosexual marriage, or the urgency of tackling climate change. While these disagreements exist, they are, it seems to me, merely symptoms of a deeper chasm — the vast, empty, and dark space that lies between Donald Trump and anything resembling Christianity.

I don’t believe that there is a Christian politics as such — there is plenty of scope for disagreement about how to translate a Christian worldview into secular politics, or whether to translate it at all. But I do believe there is a Christian set of core human virtues and values, rooted in what we Catholics still think of as the truth, and that those virtues are rooted in the Gospels. We all fail the virtue test, of course, including yours truly, perhaps more than most. But Trump is a special case — because when you think about those virtues, it is very hard to see Donald Trump as anything but a living, breathing, shameless refutation of every single one.

Trump is not an atheist, confident yet humble in the search for a God-free morality. He is not an agnostic, genuinely doubtful as to the meaning of existence but always open to revelation should it arrive. He is not even a wayward Christian, as he sometimes claims to be, beset by doubt and failing to live up to ideals he nonetheless holds. The ideals he holds are, in fact, the antithesis of Christianity — and his life proves it. He is neither religious nor irreligious. He is pre-religious. He is a pagan. He makes much more sense as a character in Game of Thrones, a medieval world bereft of the legacy of Jesus of Nazareth, than as a president of a modern, Western country…”

Trump Budget Proposal Would Circumvent Courts to Target Undocumented Immigrants article from Mother Jones. –

Trump tried tucking language into his fraudulent ‘budget’ that allowed his administration to defund sanctuary cities.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 103

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

White House tries to make Trump look good on his first dumbed-down foreign trip – despite the obvious, more evidence that there are still a lot of stupid people in this country, making friends – or a fool out of himself, depending on how you look at it – at NATO, Federal Appeals Court upholds the block on Trump’s Muslim ban, Trump can’t be trusted to keep any secrets – for obvious reasons, Trump’s Syrian war crimes piling up as his administrations illegally kills record number of civilians, Trump’s idiotic delinquent actions as he implodes over what is now a criminal investigation are going to be his downfall and more.

White House Middle East Victory Lap Draws Skepticism article from Roll Call. –

Because bragging about Trump’s first majorly dumbed-down Middle Eastern trip makes our impotent leader feel important.

Is this real life? Or is this a cabaret of the Von Trump family on tour? article from The Guardian. –

More on the joke that is our national embarrassment’s first foreign trip.

Montana Candidate Gianforte Cited for Misdemeanor Assault article from Roll Call. –

Another moronic GOP candidate with perfect qualifications to aid and abet the Trump cabal.

Why – and How – Is Trump’s Base Still Loyal to a Guy Who Is a Proven Disaster? article from AlterNet. –

Trump’s minions reveal yet more evidence that there are a lot of stupid people in this country:

“Trump supporters haven’t been swayed by empathy or appeals to logic.

After all the lies, contradictions, hypocrisy, flip-flops, gaffes, unforced errors, self-pity, insults, provocations, threats, bullying, betrayals, disappointments, scapegoating, exploitation, nepotism, and corruption, why is Donald Trump still beloved by 35 percent of the country?

The most popular theory in the mainstream media is that Trumpists think Trump will bring jobs back. The hypothesis here is that their support for Trump derives entirely from economic anxiety over globalization, loss of manufacturing, the supposed failures of Obamacare, wage stagnation, income inequality, trade deficits, and soaring national debt. But economic angst does not really explain Trumpists’ unwavering devotion to Trump, whose cabinet appointments, executive orders and legislative proposals generally do not help or even pretend to help them.

Nor is the economic angst theory borne out by the evidence. As policy analyst Sean McElwee and Prof. Jason McDaniel recently wrote in The Nation, an analysis of “the comprehensive American National Election Studies pre- and post-election survey of over 4,000 respondents … [yielded] little evidence to suggest individual economic distress benefited Trump” in the 2016 election. And even though all the economic data indicate both that the unemployment rate is consistently below 5 percent and that immigrants help to improve the economy, Trumpists are determined to believe just the opposite…”

Russia looms over Trump’s meetings with European leaders article from Politico. –

It seems Trump allegiance – and potential collusion – with Russia is pissing much of the world off.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 102

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Democrats flip 2 – so far – Congressional seats courtesy of our illegitimate, minority-elect President’s dubious tenure, the need for a closer look at Trump’s foreign entanglements, why Trump will never recover from his Russia scandal, committing more fraud with his hotels while in the White House, wondering how long Trump’s GOP brown shirts will continue protecting him, Trump’s base is shrinking, the sham that is the Trump Cabal and more.

Democrats Just Flipped Seats In 2 Districts That Voted For Donald Trump article from The Huffington Post. –

And so the Trump toll begins…

Donald Trump’s panoply of abuses demand more than a special counsel article from The Guardian. –

Time for a much closer look at our dimwitted dumb ass president’s foreign entanglements and his growing conflicts of interest.

Why Trump Will Never Recover from His Russia Scandal article from AlterNet. –

The combination of profound corruption and ignorance won’t bode well for our national embarrassment of a President.

Donald Trump is trying to stick to the script – but he’s about to really mess up in the Middle East article from The Independent. –

There seems to be little if anything our impotent leader can do well:

“There he was talking of the ‘ultimate deal’ between Israel and the Palestinians – as if peace was just a commodity to be bought or sold

In Riyadh, Trump couldn’t mention where most of the the 9/11 hijackers came from or whose Sunni cult-faith was the inspiration for Isis – nor which country chopped off heads with Isis-like relish. (Answer: Saudi Arabia). And when he arrived in Israel on Monday, Trump was faced with a new censorship protocol: don’t mention who was occupying whose property in the West Bank or which country was outrageously and continuously stealing land – legally owned by Arabs – for Jews and Jews only. (Answer: Israel).

So bingo, in the biggest Middle East alliance ever created in history, the Saudis and the other Sunni Arab dictators and America’s crackpot President and Israel’s cynical Prime Minister have all agreed on the identity of the devil country they can all curse with one voice, inspirer of “world terror”, instigator of Middle East instability, the greatest threat to world peace: Shia Iran.

So within a few minutes of landing at Tel Aviv airport – part of whose runways actually lies on land legally owned by Palestinian Arabs 60 years ago – the Trump speechwriters (for Trump surely cannot write this stuff) were churning out once more their hatred of Iran, of Iran’s “terror”, of Iran’s plots, of Iran’s continuing desire to make a nuclear bomb. And all this when Iran has just re-elected a sane president who actually signed the nuclear agreement two years ago that substantially reduced Iran’s strategic threat to Israel, the Arabs and America…”

How Trump killed political mudslinging article from Politico. –

2 Democratic wins in special elections reveal that American’s aren’t paying attention to the fraudulent political ads enabled by the U.S. Supreme Court’s egregious ‘Citizens United’ decision which allows idiots like Trump to ‘win’ elections…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 101

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President begins with telling Israel – a Middle Eastern country – that he just got back from the Middle East after visiting Saudi Arabia, Trump’s budget – which amounts to his biggest fraud since Trump University – takes $1.7 billion from health and safety nets while adding $1.6 billion for a useless wall on the Mexican border, resistance to Trump and his fraudulent ilk is growing, how Trump’s idiocy revived his dying Russia scandal, why Trump’s brand of stupidity is so dangerous, our lackluster leader’s approval ratings at lowest level since taking office, congratulating a murderous dictator for killing thousands of drug dealers speaks volumes to the delusion of our Ignoramus-in-Chief, fraud from Trump’s past coming back to haunt him and much more.

The Israeli Ambassador’s Cringe Face Says It All After Trump’s Middle East Gaffe article from PopSugar. –

The national embarrassment we call a president really needs to try putting a little feeling into what he’s reading off a teleprompter too…

Trump’s budget: major slashes to social programs – but $1.6bn for the wall article from The Guardian. –

Our dimwitted dumb ass leader wants to slash $1.7 billion from ‘Social safety nets’ and spend it on building a useless wall.

Huge Increase in Anti-Trump Protest: 5 Signs Rsistance Is Growing Stronger article from AlterNet. –

Resistance is building and as it grows so too will the victories over our fraudulent wannabe dictator’s draconian agenda.

Donald Trump’s Budget Will Never Pass. It’s Still Frightening. article from Slate. –

Trying to eviscerate all courtesy of the minority that ‘elected’ him:

“It’s often said that presidential budgets are mere “wish lists”—documents that let administrations showcase their principles and spell out policy ideas that have very little hope of making it into law. The White House can only make suggestions about spending, after all. The actual hard work of setting the government’s funding levels is done by Congress, where members have their own ideas and concerns.

But “wish list” feels like the wrong way to frame the repugnant grab bag of spending cuts Donald Trump’s staffers are preparing to drop on Tuesday. For starters, there’s a good chance our president doesn’t really understand the contents of the proposal going out under his name—recall that this is the man who couldn’t even be bothered to learn what was in the House health care bill he lobbied for. Trump won’t even be in the country when the budget is released. While that may just be a timing coincidence, it also feels aptly symbolic of the president’s personal investment in the proposal. It seems highly unlikely he truly cares much about whether most of the budget’s contents pass.

You might instead think of Trump’s first full budget—as is traditional for new administrations, the White House released a partial “skinny budget” in March—as a permission slip. It is essentially a stack of papers telling Republicans that they are free to go wild butchering essential pieces of the safety net in order to fund extraordinary tax cuts for the wealthy and increased defense spending. Food stamps? In Trump’s proposal, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program gets $193 billion in cuts over 10 years, and would allow states to stiffen work requirements for the program. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, aka welfare as we now know it? Its already anemic funding gets slashed by $21 billion. The administration is already trying to spin this kind of hatchet work as “welfare reform”—but it’s mostly just a signal to conservatives that they can get their cleavers out, should they feel compelled. The same goes for the $800 billion in Medicaid cuts, which mirror the reductions in the House health care bill, and the reported reductions to Social Security Disability Insurance. (Update, May 23, 8:46 a.m. Actually, it appears the proposed Medicaid cuts go billions go beyond what’s in the ACHA, enough to cut the program by 47 percent over a decade.)

None of this is especially surprising. Trump’s budget director is Mick Mulvaney, a former Tea Party congressman from South Carolina who seems to largely have been given free rein to design this blueprint. With Mulvaney in charge, it was always going to be a bloodbath, full of the kinds of cuts to social spending Republicans have been advocating for years…”


Filing bankruptcy to avoid paying your debts and those that worked for you does not a ‘ultimate deal’ maker create.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 100

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The case for obstruction of justice just became easier to prove – much to our minority-elect president’s chagrin – as another report reveals he asked his Intel Chiefs to public deny his Russia ties – though to their credit they refused, Trump’s approval at lowest its been since Inauguration day, the WAPO and NYT urge resisting impeachment until Trump helps lose the GOP majority in Congress, what Trump’s supporters are wrong about in supporting his firing of Comey, Trump enabling more fraud for his Wall Street friends by killing Dodd-Frank, like her husband, Melania has issues with tweeting fake news and false information, the Trump cabal’s pandemic of lies, more on our National embarrassment’s speech in Saudi Arabia, Trump’s proposed budget gives the finger to those foolish enough to be conned by him, opening the door to more terrorism as U.S. takes Syria’s Al-Qaeda off terror watchlists and lots more.

Callan: Obstruction of justice case just took quantum leap article from Yahoo! News. –

Telling two Russian visitors that he had taken off the pressure of an FBI investigation – after sharing classified information with them – proves that Trump was obstructing justice.

Poll: Trump’s approval rating sinks to lowest point since Inauguration Day article from AOL News. –

Holding steady with a 38 percent approval rating isn’t boding well for our illegitimate, minority-elect President.

Washington Post and New York Times urge pullback on calls for Trump impeachment article from The World Socialist Web Site. –

The two biggest cheerleaders for ridding ourselves of our dimwitted dumb ass in the White House urge restraint until Trump completes blowing the GOP’s majority in both houses of Congress.

Who better to lecture Muslims than Islam expert Donald Trump? article from The Guardian. –

Allowing Trump to lecture anyone on anything is ridiculous, but allowing him to lecture on Islam is a joke:

“If there’s anything consistent about the Trump White House so far, it’s that people get appointed to positions for which they are totally unsuited. More than that: they’re frequently the worst possible candidates for the role. That starts with the president himself, of course – less presidential than your average radio phone-in ranter. It was evident in the appointment of Michael Flynn, a man allegedly in hock to the Russian state, as national security adviser; of multiple Goldman Sachs alumni to oversee financial regulation; and of Jeff Sessions, who regards the film Reefer Madness as accurate social commentary, as the top law-enforcement official in the land.

In the latest example, the Sessions acolyte Stephen Miller, one of the architects of Trump’s attempted Muslim ban, has been put in charge of winning over the Arab Muslim world. Miller was the principal author of a speech, delivered in Riyadh yesterday, in which the president said he wanted to “deliver a message of friendship and hope and love”. He went on to argue that the fight against terrorism was “a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life and … people who want to protect life and their religion”. Trump even shied away from the phrase he blasted Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for avoiding: “radical Islamic terrorism”.

The new approach is at odds with everything we know about Miller’s worldview, and that of his longtime supporter Steve Bannon. (Miller’s college-newspaper screeds about the war on Christmas are an entertaining study in one variety of radicalisation, if you can bear the grandiloquence.)

Almost all of Trump’s pronouncements on the subject stand in stark contrast to his words in Riyadh too (in October last year he condemned the Saudis as women-haters who “push gays … off buildings”. This weekend, he accepted a medal from their king)…”

John Podesta Unloads on Trump article from Politico. –

On the sinking ship that is the Trump cabal and taking the GOP down with him.

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