Like the majority of Americans that didn’t vote for our illegitimate minority-elect President Donald J. Trump who has absolutely no mandate whatsoever, I awoke on November 9, 2016 with a putrid sense of despair knowing that for at least the next 2 years America will be drastically eviscerated courtesy of the minority mass of morons that were foolish enough to be conned into voting for him. But the biggest pisser of the 2016 election is that now a majority of us will also pay a heavy price for the perfidious ignorance of a minority that was foolish enough to put a profoundly corrupt psychopathic wannabe dictator in the White House.
Despite the unsubstantiated Kafkaesque cries of Russian hacking of America’s election based on bogus assessments and speculation with no proof whatsoever that, according to one leader of our Intelligence complex, did not result in any votes being flipped for our Orange incoming wannabe dictator and were only designed to sway public opinion against the establishment’s more preferred Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton coupled with flatulent cries of FBI interference – despite protecting Clinton from prosecution from criminal malfeasance with a private email server which would have landed virtually anyone else prison time — Clinton has no one to blame for losing the election to a fraudulent, profoundly delusional liar whose disdain for rules and laws have been well documented but herself.
Leaked – not hacked – emails revealed numerous questionable acts of chicanery and malfeasance that only confirmed what many of us knew about Clinton all along. Disenfranchising the more popular candidate didn’t do the Democratic Party any favors either. Also note that the same morons in Washington’s Culture of Corruption that willfully lied us to war with Iraq (DNI James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham as well as their whores in our Corporate media) are claiming Russian interference in an effort to goad the public to war with Russia. Think about it and consider the sources.
After losing the presidency despite having more than 2.8 million popular votes from the majority of Americans that weren’t disenfranchised and discriminated against, Democrats lost badly as more Republicans won elections in a multitude of U.S. states and gained total control of the U.S. Congress thanks in large part to the flood of corporate money in public elections geared towards misinforming a large part of America’s gullible population that is incapable of making informed decisions and too stupid to realize that once again they have been duped, voter disenfranchisement in 27 states, uncounted ballots, and because multitudes of people couldn’t bring themselves to vote for either candidate.