A War Against the West – published on 9-11-2001 by Israeli Institute IASPS article from The Vatic Project Blogspot.
Vatic Note: Its amazing how fast the head of IASPS (The Israeli Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies) got this out on the day of the attack on 9-11. We did not even know at this point who had done the attack. So how did they know? Remember, Israeli’s inside the twin towers were warned to leave. So, this added to those other facts, shows they not only knew but were intimately involved in the full scope of the treasonous murder of American civilians. Hmmmm, and now with all the evidence that Mossad was in part a player in the 9-11 false flag along with our treasonous insiders, this document truly highlights the intent of that event and what they expected to gain from it. No wonder those mossad agents were celebrating on top of that van as they filmed the entire event. Look at how IASPS interpreted what they had done and blamed on the muslims. Is it clever? yes, but arrogance carries its own price. Its obvious this was all prepared before anyone ever knew who had done 9-11 until that evening and not before.
This pitting of one religion against another is clearly in the protocols and division and hate and fear being used to create their perfect storm for the new WW III in which the bankers own most of the military industrial complex companies that will profit from it and increase their access to ownership of oil fields at the same time. Sometimes its good to look back and see what we didn’t see that day and this is one of them. It simply puts the icing on the cake as to who were the major players in this deadly game for 3,000 of our unarmed civilians who had to choose horrible deaths, either fire or jumping. I never forgot watching that live and the horror those people had to go through to “choose” how to die, not whether they would die, but how. I won’t ever forgive israel for doing that to our people.
War Against the West
by Robert J. Loewenberg, President, IASPS
September 11, 2001
Today’s sensational attacks on the U. S., certainly by Muslims who were likely Arabs, are being described as “terrorist” acts by “madmen” for example by Chris Patton, EU. Others seeking an academic perspective along the lines of Sam Huntington, see the attacks as a new bi-polar division between Muslims and Western states and culture.