Monthly Archives: October 2019

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 312

Like Watergate with morons Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The vain, vulgar, thin-skinned lying narcissist ignorantly providing all the evidence for his impeachment begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as Trump’s criminal enterprise from the White House consumes his already failed presidency and prepares to swallow him whole, the central themes of Trump’s illegitimate tenure – stupidity and corruption – are going to play a major role in ending his failed fraudulent presidency, each day brings new insight into the completely corrupt criminal actions Trump keeps perpetrating, Donnie blames the media and Democrats for calling out his corruption after public pressure makes him back his Doral ‘Resort’ out of hosting the G7 next year for personal profit and so much more.

Trump is getting worse article from The Week.

The profound ignorance and corruption emanating from the White House is dragging what little is left of Trump’s failed presidency down the drain as he continues providing more than ample evidence for his impeachment.

White House admits Trump held up U.S. aid for Ukraine as part of quid pro quo push for investigation into Democrats article from The New York Daily News.

Give the man a shovel and he just buries himself… with an administration as corrupt and stupid as he is, Trump’s impeachment is going to be slow and painful.

The week Donald Trump’s presidency crashed and burned – and Republicans have noticed article from Salon.

Trump’s treachery and Treason have been on full display as he keeps digging his grave a little deeper and people are finally starting to notice just how illegitimate, incompetent and corrupt he is:

An avalanche of confessions: Trump’s chief of staff just admitted a stunning amount of wrongdoing on live TV article from Alternet.

How one of the Don’s moronic minions may have put the final nail in his corrupt coffin:

“Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney adopted a new approach to President Donald Trump’s war on impeachment in a Thursday press briefing: admitting a gigantic amount of wrongdoing in one sitting and daring Republicans to care.

The avalanche of confessions began in the White House briefing room, where Mulvaney revealed that the United States will host the upcoming G7 summit of world leaders at Trump National Doral in Miami, the president’s own Florida resort.

This is a grotesquely corrupt move, and the White House knows it. Even if, as Mulvaney claimed, the Doral was the best possible location for the G7 in the country — a ridiculous assertion — it would still be incumbent on the administration to choose another location to avoid the appearance of corruption and the reality of a conflict of interest. Mulvaney claimed that, all things considered, Trump decided he would “take the hit” of accusations of corruption. But it’s not just Trump who “takes the hit,” it’s the entire federal government, and the United States itself, that gets stained with corruption, and that’s a condemnable choice to make.

Mulvaney even admitted: “There’s plenty of other good places in this country to hold a large event. There’s no question.” And yet, they still chose absolutely the most corrupt place to do it…”

We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Impeachment article from The Nation.

With the profound corruption of Trump and his administrations, it’s time to take a serious look at who they are and what they’ve done and to hold them accountable.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 311

Wannabe King Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with a look back at the latest disastrous week of his corrupt, illegitimate presidency, Trump’s lies are growing exponentially and will only worsen as impeachment swallows what is left of his already failed presidency, the irony of Donnie looking for corruption – especially when all he has to do is look in the mirror and all around him, Trump committed fraud when he lied about the ‘National Emergency’ to take money from the Pentagon to build his delusional border wall, the Donald is and always has been nothing but a major fraud and it’s about to catch up to him, Donnie keeps taking his stupidity and depravity to new lows – which many thought was impossible yet he keeps surprising us and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 142nd Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

A look back at the latest disastrous week of the most corrupt, illegitimate president* in U.S. history.

Fake President Shoots Media Members In Graphic Video Show At Pro-Trump Event: Report article from The Huffington Post.

Inciting violence on behalf of our fake president* with total impunity means it’s okay for someone to make a fake video of Trump and his equally corrupt enablers getting shot with total impunity:

Trump’s End Days article from Counter Punch.

History will not judge Trump’s failed Kakistocracy as the most corrupt, illegitimate administration in U.S. history kindly and it’s not going to end well for him or his enablers.

The first arrests of Donald Trump’s impeachment crisis article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

The Donald is going down and it’s not going to be pretty, but the process is already in motion and it’s not looking good for him:

“At first blush, the charges against Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, two highly controversial associates of Rudy Giuliani, might make yesterday’s developments look like a campaign-finance scandal. And to a certain extent, that’s a key piece of the puzzle: the Florida businessmen stand accused of funneling very large amounts of illegal campaign contributions to various Republican politicians and political entities, including a leading super PAC allied with Donald Trump.

What’s more, according to prosecutors – who took Parnas and Fruman into custody shortly before they were prepared to take a one-way flight out of the country – the two cooked up a variety of schemes to make illegal donations to Republicans.

But this isn’t just a campaign-finance controversy, and it’s important to appreciate what else these guys were up to.

[Parnas and Fruman] were helping President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani set up meetings with high level Ukrainian officials, according to documents obtained by the State Department inspector general. Giuliani has acknowledged that he lobbied those people to investigate the Bidens and the 2016 campaign, in what Democrats say was an effort to uncover dirt on the president’s political enemies…”

President Trump has made 13,435 false or misleading claims over 993 days article from The Washington Post.

The lies from Trump keep coming fast and furious and are only going to grow exponentially as impeachment swallows what is left of his already failed presidency.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 310

Drama queen Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s Treason begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as connections are made between Russia helping him get ‘elected’ and the Treason he committed – more than once – with Ukraine and China in asking them to interfere is going to come back and haunt him, Donnie is not above the law – regardless of his delusions – and now his tax returns are in danger of becoming public which will further implode his already failed presidency, desperately labeling his enemies as treasonous would be comical were it not for the fact that Trump is the most treasonous of them all and he has no idea of what the definition of Treason is, the GOP controlled Senate just confirmed Donnie’s worst fear – Russia did help him ‘win’ the election, meaning that he is indeed an illegitimate president*, the threat of impeachment is taking its toll on the Donald as his meltdowns keep coming faster and more furious, why it’s time to remove all the pieces of shit Donnie has appointed to the courts and much more.


The amount of foreign help Trump had getting ‘elected’ coupled with the Treason he has committed asking Ukraine and China to interfere is going to come back and bite him bigly.

Trump Won’t Stop His Abuses of Power article from Bloomberg News.

Trump keeps committing crimes in plain sight and Congress cannot accept that and it’s going to cost him big time.

‘Trump is scared to death’: Legal experts weigh in on federal judge dismissing president’s lawauit against Manhattan DA article from Alternet.

It’s easy to forget all the rest of Trump’s corruption with the Ukraine scandal swallowing his failed presidency whole, but his highness just found out that he can’t hide his tax returns – which is going to open a whole new can of worms into the investigation into his corruption:

Trump Is Calling Literally Everything Treason Now article from Splinter News.

The irony of the most Treasonous president* in U.S. history trying to claim his enemies are treasonous would be hysterical were it not for the fact that he has no idea what the definition of Treason is:

“No one, except for the scientists who hopefully get to study his cottage cheese brain, can really say with any certainty what’s going on in Donald Trump’s head. So all we can really go off is what actually comes out of his mouth or his fingers, and based on that, I can only guess that he likes the way “treason” rolls off the tongue and so he’s hellbent on using it against essentially everyone who’s ever wronged him.

That isn’t the definition of treason, of course, but so far Trump has used it to describe the Ukraine whistleblower, then House Intelligence committee chairman, and now, in a late Sunday tweet, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:

The worst punishment for being convicted of treason, of course, isn’t just being “impeached,” but rather being killed by the state. Trump knows this. So the fact that he’s now using it to describe Nancy Pelosi, who had to be dragged to an impeachment inquiry kicking and screaming, is an indicator that it’s just a thing he thinks all of his political opponents are doing whenever they try to hold him accountable for his actions. (In 2018, Trump also floated it as a descriptor for Democrats who didn’t stand or clap for him during the State of the Union, which is, you know, fascist.)…”

Trump’s erratic foreign policy reduced to ‘a shambles’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

We’re witnessing what happens to foreign policy when an illegitimate, reckless amateur president* who lives in the land of delusion acts on his own impulse.

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Bill’s Links and More Site Update 10.13.19


Mesothelioma Veterans Center – information for veterans with malignant mesothelioma and the benefits they’re eligible for

Mesothelioma and Veterans – more information and resources for veterans and their families

Residential Leases and the Military – Your Rights from Just Great Lawyers

Resources for Vets & Families Living with Cancer from the Center for Integrated Healthcare (PDF)

Military Veterans Resource Center – personalized services for Veterans who served honorably

Assistive Tech for Veterans and Military – Home modifications and Assistive Technology for disabled Military Veterans from Home City Real Estate

Behavioral Health for Veterans from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Justice for Vets – legal help and references / resources for Veterans

Mesothelioma Help Now – information and helpful resources for Military Veterans that may have been affected


Senior Discounts: A guide to saving money for Seniors from Deal Hack

USAGov’s Guide for Seniors article from – lots of useful information and resources for Seniors

A Senior Sleep Guide on Sleep and Aging – with all kinds of resources from Tuck

How to Downsize For a Full-Time RV Lifestyle – how to live the RV life for those that want to from Your RV Lifestyle

Elderly Care: A Guide for Families New to Caring – offers plenty of valuable information such as: Getting started on finding care, understanding different and varied care options available, as well as costs and legal considerations when planning for elderly care, Home modifications and assistive technologies that can improve the daily living of elderly family members, Support networks and charities that offer help and support for both people in need of elderly care and their families, and other helpful resources and tools to help family members begin to find the best possible care option for their elderly – from

Suddenly Senior – a senior advocacy organization that caters to senior citizens – senior topics include Health, Travel, Entertainment, Finance / Retirement, and Art (Stories / Poetry)

Home Safety For People With Disabilities – a lot of useful information and help for people with disabilities from Basement Guides

Senior Living: Housing Information, Resources, and Programs information from Maryville University – an overview of how aging is impacting the United States, along with information and resources for seniors and their caregivers plus a look at housing options available to seniors –

Assisted Living Facilities – a guide to assessing assisted living costs and other useful information

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 309

No limit to stupid Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his committing yet another act of Treason – this time by calling for Civil War if he is impeached, which unfortunately probably won’t happen in time for the next presidential election, Trump resorts to bluster and bull shit to try and weasel his way out of impeachment – which, like everything else he does, will fail miserably, you can tell the pressure the impeachment inquiry is taking on Trump by the way he’s acting – and we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet, the Donald is and always has been a national embarrassment – but now the world is starting to notice it more, Trump’s Twitter feed will most likely be used as evidence during his impeachment inquiry, all of Trump’s desperate attempts to claim innocence of any Treasonous wrongdoings are quickly being turned against him which is making him look even more foolish and guilty, Trump’s corruption permeates his entire administration and so much more.

Trump Hints at Civil War But He Launched a War on Facts article from Bloomberg News.

Trump committed Treason – yet again – desperately suggesting his supporters would start a Civil War, but he failed to note all the lies he has told since being ‘elected.’

Rachel Maddow Busts Trump For Extorting Ukraine For Political Gain Since Last Year article from PoliticusUSA.

It remains to be seen how many more countries are involved, but one thing is perfectly clear: Trump has been extorting foreign countries for personal political gain and it’s going to end his corrupt, failed presidency:

Trump Never Learns article from The Atlantic.

Being a so-called stable genius isn’t working too well for Trump since his profoundly ignorant and corrupt ass keeps digging himself a deeper hole that he can’t seem to slither out of.

There’s lots of Trump scandal news – but one clear scandal article from Vox.

Don’t be confused by all the bluster and bull shit being bloviated by our wannabe dictator – he’s in deep and he’s growing more desperate as he slowly begins to realize it:

“It’s been roughly a week since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, and the underlying Ukraine scandal keeps spiraling in new directions. Recent reports about Trump and Attorney General William Barr’s contact with leaders in Australia, Italy, and the UK have created a sense of sprawling mess, making it seem like a tough-to-follow meta-scandal akin to the Trump-Russia morass.

But despite the new developments — which involve Trump and Barr attempting to enlist foreign leaders’ help in investigating the origins of the Trump-Russia probe — the scandal remains straightforward.

President Trump has turned American foreign policy into an extortion racket, abusing his powers to goad foreign leaders into persecuting his domestic rivals and improve his political standing. The proof for this in the case of Ukraine is irrefutable. The other news stories are supporting evidence that Trump has systematically twisted US foreign policy into a tool for furthering his 2020 reelection bid.

The elegant simplicity of this narrative, the way in which it neatly encapsulates so many things wrong with the Trump presidency, is what gives these allegations the potential to bring this administration down. It is important not to let the seeming complexity and international breadth of what’s happening get in your way, in part because confusion and apathy are the White House’s best hope for containing the fallout from recent revelations…”

Cornered Trump turns to implied threats of violence: How worried should we be? article from Salon.

Donnie is cornered and he knows he’s going down, so being the demented bully that he is, he resorts to bluster and vitriolic bull shit to try and intimidate everyone – and unfortunately some of his less civil minions might end up blowing a gasket.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 308

Nothing more patriotic Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

A look back at one of his most corrupt weeks begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as highlights of his never-ending corruption continue taking center stage and imploding his already illegitimate, failed presidency, Trump is desperately committing Treason to avoid jail time to keep his corrupt ass in office and asking other foreign countries to help him, Trump is being impeached because it’s time to impeach him to halt his endless corruption and he has cemented his place in history as the most corrupt, idiotic president* to ever occupy the White House, calls for Donnie’s impeachment are growing as more evidence of his high crimes and misdemeanors comes to light, the Donald deserves impeachment many times over, Trump should be impeached for his war crimes too, the more Trump desperately threatens the more crimes he commits and so much more.

A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 139th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.

The complete corruption of our illegitimate president* continues swallowing his already failed presidency and opening doors for his imminent implosion.

‘The dam could break’ on impeachment this week article from NBC News.

Donnie is delusional enough to believe he’s above the law, when in reality he isn’t, and his latest potential act of Treason with Ukraine could be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back and take his corrupt ass down once and for all.

Trump’s Got Big Dictator Energy Today article from Splinter News.

Allowing his Treasonous actions to go on with total impunity is giving our corrupt, idiotic wannabe dictator a false sense of security and it’s going to end up bursting his alternative bubble in his land of delusion bigly eventually:

Donald Trump Is Asking A Foreign Country To Help Him Win. Again. article from The Huffington Post.

Not that we needed more proof that Trump is an illegitimate president*, but once again he’s showing that he knows he can’t win fairly and he’s willing to commit Treason to avoid prison time once he’s voted out of office by the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him:

“President Donald Trump had gotten off scot-free. ”A great day for me,” he declared on July 24. Former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony about Trump’s alleged obstruction of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election had failed to convince House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ― let alone congressional Republicans ― to impeach him.

With not one member of his circle in prison for attempting to collude with a foreign power, and with the prospect of impeachment rapidly fading thanks to Pelosi’s hand-wringing and stonewalling, Trump did what any rational leader would do: He apparently did it again.

The day after Mueller’s testimony, Trump called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and pressured Zelensky to help him win the 2020 election by investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. In the weeks that followed, Trump refused to grant Zelensky a meeting at the White House and halted $250 million of congressionally authorized military aid to the country, raising the possibility that the president was, as The Washington Post put it in an unsigned editorial, “not just soliciting Ukraine’s help with his presidential campaign” but using U.S. military aid to “extort it.”

“That allegation, if true, would unambiguously constitute an impeachable offense,” national security expert Benjamin Wittes wrote Friday. “That would be a very big deal indeed.”…”

Facing scandal, Trump admits more than he should have (again) article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

Donald will go down in history and the most corrupt and idiotic president* to ever illegitimately occupy the White House…

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