Monthly Archives: February 2018

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 202

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures begin with our malevolent minority-elect president* hiding his rationale for committing war crimes in Syria which he illegally bombed when U.S. paid terrorists illegally used chemicals on the Syrian population, Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam is beginning to make itself known to all, why it’s important to pay more attention to what Trump does than what he says, apparently the big Orange dumb ass in the White House doesn’t know that taking bribes – especially for public officials – is a crime, Trump’s economic team is living in his land of delusion, the irony of a draft-dodging president* calling someone else a coward, again Trump tries to blame his predecessor for issues that he’s responsible for, a few fraudulent businesses are trying desperately to make Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam look good – though failing miserably, Trump has no intention of doing anything about gun violence because the NRA owns him, the egregious effects of Trump’s deregulation are making themselves known and much more.

Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria article from Truthout. –

Trump became a war criminal when he illegally bombed Syria after his administration’s false claims that Syrian President Assad used chemical weapons – which were actually used by terrorists the U.S. is paying to commit war crimes in Syria.

Mueller’s Indictment of 13 Russians Strikes Fear Into the Trump White House article from Mother Jones. –

Our national embarrassment’s Russia first policy was made evident by his Twitter meltdown over more of his inner circle being indicted in his ongoing Russia scandal.

Trump Used A Cheat Sheet So That He Could Pretend To Show Empathy To Parkland Victims article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit is such a fraud that he can’t even interact with shooting survivors or show empathy without being coached ahead of time.

People Are Starting to Realize the GOP Tax Bill Was a Massive Scam article from Alternet. –

It was obvious to anyone paying attention that the Trump / GOP Fraudulent Tax Reform was nothing but a scam from its inception:

“President Donald Trump and the Republicans sold their slapdash effort at tax reform as a boon to the middle class. As the law goes into effect, however, new polling suggests that most Americans are struggling to see any benefit at all in their paychecks.

A survey from Politico and Morning Consult found that only 37 percent of employed people have seen an increase in their paychecks since the law went into effect, while 53 percent of people have not noticed a change.

One big difference between the people who are seeing a pay increase and those who aren’t? Income.

“Our polling shows high-income earners are more likely to have noticed an increase in their paychecks as a result of the tax bill,” said Kyle Dropp, Morning Consult’s co-founder and chief research officer…”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow explains what Trump is actually doing ‘while he wants to convince you otherwise’ article from The Raw Story. –

Why it’s important to pay more attention to what Trump does than what he says – his corrupt actions always speak louder than his never-ending lies.

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At What Point Does Fabricating Fake News Become Criminal?

When CA Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and his staff created a fraudulent memo – apparently in collusion with President* Donald J. Trump who has repeatedly obstructed Justice since being ‘elected’ – in efforts to ‘vindicate’ Trump in his ongoing Russia scandal and put an end to it while trying to provide cover for Trump to fire the Director of the FBI, it raises a lot of questions.

Nunes – who has since started his own fake news site – started leaking information on his ‘memo’ to Fox faux news who in turn ‘reported’ about it while trying to create a scandal that didn’t exist and pushed for the release of it, aided by millions of bots that are alleged to be of Russian origin that promulgated their fake news on Twitter, Facebook and a host of other right-wing ‘News’ sites and social media platforms to try and deflect from Trump’s failed attempts to shut down the multitude of scandals currently burning down the walls of his imploding White House. Nunes’ attempts to help Trump backfired spectacularly.

But the depths of unbridled idiocies from Trump and Nunes didn’t stop there.

Unsatisfied with one round of fake news over the dud he called a memo, despite the continuing fallout from it, Nunes created two more fake news stories that have also been repeatedly proved as nothing but fraudulent attempts to exonerate his leader. So far Trump and his propagandists are 0-for-3 in trying to kill investigations into his ongoing Russia scandal, but Nunes has hinted that he may have 5 more memos to release. It’s unknown if Trump ever colluded with Russia to be elected, but his many Obstructions of Justice are glaringly evident.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 201

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with his commonplace Twitter tirades against his current perceived enemies while trying to deflect blame for his profoundly corrupt failed presidency, Trump likes comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln despite being the complete opposite and a demagogue that Lincoln warned against, Trump is losing control as his corruption and profound stupidity continue imploding his failing lackluster lame duck presidency, the endless parade of lies spewing from Trump’s lips over his Russia scandal are getting ridiculous, barely a year into his already failed presidency and our demented delinquent has already cemented his place as the worst president in America’s history, Trump resorts to new lies to deflect from facing the truth, how to take Trump’s lies and use them against him, Trump’s ‘no foreign deals’ pledge involves his chicanery in foreign deals, Trump wages war on the very workers he promised to protect and fight for, Trump encourages gerrymandering, still trying to destroy healthcare for millions of his supporters so his fraudulent friends can make more money at our expense and a lot more.

Trump Attacks Congressional Dems, FBI, McMaster, Clinton, Obama, Schiff, Others article from Talking Points Memo. –

As usual our Twitter tyrant lashed out at his current list of enemies responsible for his latest failed week as president* in order to distract from his profoundly corrupt failed presidency.

Trump puts public school safety and trauma counseling fuding on the chopping block article from Think Progress. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s fraudulent budget proposal cuts public school safety and trauma counseling funding – which really looks bad after one of his supporters killed 17 people at a high school last week…

Trump Is Tantruming After Getting Owned By Emma Gonzalez For Taking NRA Money article from PoliticusUSA. –

When Trump – who received $30 million from the NRA – gets called out for taking said NRA money, he has to resort again to trying to blame his predecessor and not doing anything about stopping violence at schools perpetrated by his supporters.

Trump thinks he’s Honest Abe, but Lincoln warned us about demagogues like him article from Think Progress. –

In Trump’s land of delusion, he’s greater than Abe Lincoln, but in reality, he’s what Lincoln warned against:

“President Donald Trump loves to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe would disagree.

Just last month, at a gathering of GOP lawmakers, Trump placed himself on Mount Rushmore again, asserting that Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) “actually once said I’m the greatest president in the history of our country. I said, does that include Lincoln and Washington? He said yes.”

Seriously. Last January, Trump even chose to be sworn in on ?the same bible Honest Abe used because he was “inspired by Lincoln’s words.”

On Presidents’ Day, though, it’s worth remembering Lincoln’s words, which make clear that Trump is the anti-Lincoln (and anti-Washington). He is the demagogue that not only the Founding Fathers like Alexander Hamilton warned us about, but that Lincoln himself warned us about as well…”

Trump’s Furious Tweetstorm Backfires article from The Atlantic. –

Every time Trump tweets to distract from his ceaseless corruption he ends up digging himself a bigger hole and making himself look more guilty – which is a direct result of his profound stupidity…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 200

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with an explanation of how he duped the minority of morons that ‘elected’ him and the irony of how he has become exactly the opposite of what he allegedly campaigned on, how Trump’s White House is rotting from the head down, the never-ending lies and corruption that spew from Trump and his illicit White House, Trump sells out consumers to his fraudulent Wall Street cabal, our demented delinquent’s already dilapidated mental deficit is worsening as the investigations into his endless corruption inch closer to taking down his already failed presidency, our dimwitted dip shit’s claims of surrounding himself only with the best people are coming back to haunt him, why our nefarious narcissist may want to rethink his profoundly ignorant war on the FBI, Trump has a tantrum because everyone knows that the immigration issues are his fault and no one in Congress voted for his fraudulent immigration bill, Trump’s expensive extramarital excursions are coming back to haunt him, Trump’s issues with keeping his little pecker in his pants will probably play a role in bringing down what is left of his failed presidency, the dangers posed by our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s authoritarian actions, why millions still support our flatulent Ignoramus-in-Chief and so much more.

Candidate Trump would have been disgusted by the Trump presidency article from The Week. –

Partially due to the fact that our national embarrassment has broken every campaign promise made to the minority of morons that were foolish enough to believe him…

Paul Krugman: Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Was Always a Scam article from Alternet. –

Not surprising that virtually everything Trump gets involved in is a scam because he’s such a fraudulent idiot.

Mental health professionals argue Trump’s mind is grounds for impeachment article from The Week. –

Our pathological Liar-in-Chief has some serious mental issues that keep making themselves egregiously known and some argue that he should be impeached for it.

The White House is rotting from the head down article from The Hill. –

Shit rolls down hill, and with America’s most corrupt-ever president* currently occupying the White House, there is a LOT of shit:

“As the saying goes, the fish rots from the head down; and there is a stench coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The antidote to this rot? The powerful #MeToo movement, sensible, patriotic Republicans with spines and the 2018 elections.

This past week has seen a White House in freefall (and to say that about a White House in constant chaos speaks volumes), with a president, a chief of staff and senior aides embroiled in a crisis of competency and character that inevitably turned into a crisis of communications of the highest order.

The resignation of staff secretary Rob Porter has unmasked a White House uninterested in protecting women in abusive relationships and, instead, protects the alleged abuser, especially if he is doing a good job. They did not care. Plain and simple.

Reportedly, the highest ranking senior aides, including White House general counsel Don McGahn and chief of staff John Kelly, have known for months, if not a whole year, about the horrific allegations of domestic abuse by two ex-wives and a girlfriend of Porter’s. They weren’t just rumors, either. The concerns were brought to them by the FBI. They did nothing; plain and simple…”

Exposing Our ‘Populist’ President as a Naked Plutocrat article from BuzzFlash. –

On the never-ending lies and corruption that spew forth from the biggest conman to ever occupy the White House.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 199

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his failed conspiracy theories and fairy tales of distraction to avoid responsibility for his criminal conduct into his Russia scandal coming completely unwound, a look at some of the miscreants that comprise our lackluster lame duck president’s cabal, the many ways Trump has cemented his place in history as America’s most corrupt-ever president, all of Trump’s Fox faux news conspiracy theories are falling apart yet he keeps trying desperately to push them, our demented delinquent is hiding something as he refuses to release the Democratic memo that blows apart the farcical Nunes memo, when the economy crashes and burns Trump will lay the blame on everyone else but himself, reality is about to rear its ugly head and destroy Trump’s land of delusion, tips on dealing with delusional narcissists like the illegitimate one currently occupying the White House, Trump’s infrastructure plan is yet another fraudulent endeavor, Trump’s budget proposal reveals that he could care less about the deplorables that support him – let alone the majority that doesn’t – as he’s owned by corrupt corporations, a closer look at Trump’s Russia scandal and the damage it has already done, our Loser-in-Chief won’t talk about all the alt-right terrorists because they make up the majority of the minority that support his sorry ass, Trump’s obstruction of justice is far more extensive than Nixon’s plus much more.

Trump’s Russia Cover Story Just Fell Apart As White House Can’t Provide Evidence Of FBI Bias article from PoliticusUSA. –

The fairy tales and conspiracy theories being pushed as fake news to try and save our dimwitted dip shit’s corrupt ass are failing miserably.

The Other Memo Lawmakers Want the Public to See – But Trump Doesn’t article from Roll Call. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator – aided by some of the miscreants in his White House – actually crafted a secret memo claiming abusive powers that no president has to commit war crimes.

Trump doesn’t get the ‘best people.’ He gets the worst. Here’s why. article from The Week. –

On the cesspool of corruption that is the miscreants and misfits that make up our lackluster lame duck president’s cabal.

With Mark Warner conspiracy theory, Trump goes 0-for-3 article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

One would think that after the first two efforts to save his sorry ass failed Trump would quit, but he’s apparently too stupid to figure it out:

“Donald Trump was very excited about the Republicans’ “Nunes memo,” though the stunt clearly didn’t work out well. The president was nearly as excited about a GOP report this week that suggested Barack Obama may have intervened in the FBI’s Hillary Clinton probe, before the story was completely discredited.

But the guy who championed Birtherism for several years isn’t the type to give up on the search for exciting new conspiracy theories. And so, Trump published this missive last night about Sen. Mark Warner (R-Va.), the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating the Russia scandal:

“Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch. Warner did not want a ‘paper trail’ on a ‘private’ meeting (in London) he requested with Steele of fraudulent Dossier fame. All tied into Crooked Hillary.”

The president – who ostensibly has access to a vast, multi-billion-dollar intelligence apparatus, providing him with almost limitless amounts of vetted information – was apparently relying on something he saw on Fox News…”

Tracing the Trump White House’s year of permanent scandal article from NBC News. –

The many ways Trump has cemented his place in history as America’s most corrupt-ever president.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 198

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president begin with his epitomizing Nixon with multiple issues of grand delusions as he tries to claim the ruse of a memo created by one of his biggest brown shirts in Congress vindicates him of any wrongdoing which has turned out to be nothing but more fake news from our fake president*, our moronic miscreant in the White House and his potentially treasonous enablers in Congress are facing growing backlash after releasing a memo that only reveals what was already known – Trump is obstructing justice and failing miserably at saving himself, Trump’s politicization of the ‘Justice’ Department has made it just as illegitimate as he is, Trump still desires to be a dictator but he’s too stupid for the majority that didn’t elect him to allow it to happen, study shows that Trump supporters are the biggest purveyors of false news – unsurprising since they’re also stupid enough to believe his lying ass, the dubious actions and claims of the GOP and Trump are making it more obvious that Trump is guilty as hell, Trump’s latest anti-Obama ‘bombshell’ is nothing but another fraudulent dud, our nefarious narcissist actually believes the stock market is rigged against him plus a lot more.

Trump Claims GOP Memo ‘Totally Vindicates’ Him. Um, No, It Does Not article from Common Dreams. –

In epitomizing Nixon, our dimwitted dip shit is delusional enough to actually believe a fabricated memo by one of his Treasonous GOP brown shirts – who potentially committed treason more than once now – clears him of any wrongdoing.

Memo Nightmare Grows For Republicans As Democrats Bust Trump For Running The Plot article from PoliticusUSA. –

As suspected two weeks ago when the #ReleaseTheMemo Conspiracy was fabricated – by the White House it appears – to try and end Mueller’s investigations into Trump’s endless corruption and Russia scandal was nothing but more fake news from our fake president*.

6 major criticisms of the Nunes memo article from The Week. –

The malevolent moron in the White House never thought epitomizing Nixon and releasing a fabricated memo he appears to have collaborated on would dig his hole a little deeper.

Why A President Should Never Be Above The Law article from Rantt. –

When a president believes his is above the law – as does our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator – the Rule of Law is the only thing that stops them:

“During the scandalous and confusing years of Watergate, a perplexing and unusual question rippled through the American justice system. Could a sitting president be indicted for a crime just like anyone else? A brief signed by then-Solicitor General Robert H. Bork said that sitting presidents are immune from prosecution. Decades later, a review from law professor Ronald Rotunda for Kenneth Star disagreed with this take. Since Nixon resigned before articles of impeachment could be drawn up, and Clinton was acquitted in the Senate, we never actually got a firm answer. With Trump, we just might, setting a firm precedent for the future, and we better hope the answer is yes.

Now, I’m no slick, big city lawyer, or any kind of lawyer for that matter. (I’m a computer scientist by education.) But I have lived in Ukraine, where courts packed with lackeys and toadies answered a similar question in the negative and know what happens afterward. At stake is the obvious question of what constitutes rule of law. If we have it, then no citizen of the country is allowed to get away with a crime, even temporarily, and everyone, from a petty thief caught pickpocketing old ladies, to the commander-in-chief, must answer for their misdeeds. If we don’t, your wealth and political connections determine whether you are even threatened with punishment.

You could argue that in America, that already happens. Minorities and the poor face more arrests, convictions, and longer jail terms than the wealthy majority. And while this is indeed true and disturbing, and as much as this topic needs to be discussed, it’s tangential to the main issue, the question of whether political office, not just skin color or bank account value, can be used as an honest to goodness, literal get-out-of-jail card even for high crimes and misdemeanors. Because if it does, then democracy will die overnight since a court system to which those in power are no longer accountable is the final step in every autocracy or dictatorship cementing their power over the long term, dismantling the very concept of separation of powers.

It gives criminals every incentive to barge their way into high office, then, to preserve their place, intimidate and silence the opposition. Imagine if Trump couldn’t be indicted for money laundering until he stepped down. He would unleash his followers on every opposing politician and pressure the DOJ to investigate and disqualify them. This is the same thing that happened to the popular Russian lawyer and investigative journalist Alexei Navalny when he tried to challenge Putin. He keeps getting attacked and jailed and has been slapped with a criminal conviction that bars him from running for any public office, despite the case against him being questionable, to put it mildly…”

Trump takes attacks on FBI, Justice Dept to alarming new level article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Our national embarrassment’s actions – coupled with his profound stupidity – are making him look exceedingly guilty of the crimes he could easily be indicted for.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 197

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president with his constant addition of obstruction of justice charges, the White House is still trying to make their lying leader look good, the GOP’s repeated attempts to protect their corrupt leader could easily be construed as Treason, Trump’s criminal actions – aided and abetted by a corrupt GOP-led U.S. Congress – have put this country in a perilous position, Trump administration reveals the true state of the union with their desire to arrest Sanctuary City Mayors, despite a somewhat presidential moment during his scripted teleprompter speech – which of course he lied about the size of – Trump is not and never will be presidential, our demented delinquent has cemented his place in history as the worst, most corrupt president* in U.S. history after one year in office, our Liar-in-Chief wouldn’t be trying so desperately to derail the investigations into his many crimes if he didn’t have something to hide and much more.

Sometimes, white House Staff Have a Legal Duty to Disobey the President article from Truthout. –

When the president* tries to order you to do something illegal – like firing Mueller before he unloads on Trump’s obstruction of justice and money laundering charges – his staff are obligated to disobey.

It’d be great if Trump were right about the economy, but he’s not article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Trump likes to brag about our ‘booming’ economy, but the only ones whose economy is booming are the frauduelnt billionaires and corporations our dimwitted dip shit and his GOP brown shirts just gave morally corrupt tax breaks to.

TONIGHT: #PeoplesSOTU to Counter Trump Agenda and Amplify the Resistance article from Common Dreams. –

Trump by no means speaks for the majority of Americans, only the Plutocrats and corrupt billionsaires pulling his strings.

White House Repeats Lie Claiming Americans Don’t Care About Russia Investigation article from PoliticusUSA. –

As usual the White House is trying to make their lying Ignoramus-in-Chief look good, and as usual it’s not working:

“White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, yet again, claimed that most Americans don’t care about the Russia investigation during the daily press briefing on Monday.

When asked if Donald Trump had plans to mention the Russia probe during his first State of the Union address scheduled for Tuesday night, Sanders said:

I think we’ve addressed it every single day that we’ve been here. It’s one of the questions you guys ask over and over and over again. In fact, we spend more time on that than we do any other topic, despite the fact that time and time again, poll after poll says that frankly no one cares about this issue, and it’s certainly not the thing that keeps people up at night. We’d love to talk about all of the things that do, and my guess is that will be the focus of the president’s State of the Union tomorrow.

The White House has been trying to push the narrative that no one outside the media cared about the Russia probe since Trump took office, insisting that the public cares more about “everyday” issues like jobs and taxes…”

The Many Failed Vindications of Donald J. Trump article from The Atlantic. –

It would be comical were it not for the fact that having a corrupt GOP establishment routinely trying to exonerate the corrupt, delusional leader of the GOP could easily be construed as Treason.

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