A recent Russia Today report reveals that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) employs upwards of 15,000 undercover agents today, which is ten time more than they employed back in 1975. The FBI has built a massive network of spies – allegedly to prevent another domestic attack — but that network of spies actually orchestrates most US terror plots.
Aside from having a few spies too many, some of which are earning as much as much as $100,000 per assignment, you don’t have to dig too deep to see their accomplishments. Some of the FBI agents have pulled off terrorist stings that have stopped major attacks from happening since 9/11 on US soil. But here in the real world, the FBI has taken pages out of the CIA’s playbook. Many of these agents are responsible for plotting the very “terrorist” schemes that have been stopped.
In recent years the FBI has trained informants to snitch on suspected terrorists that they have set up from the get go. Mother Jones and the Investigative Reporting Program at the University of CA Berkeley found striking statistics regarding the role of FBI informants in terrorism cases that the FBI has targeted since 9/11. One former top-level FBI official told Mother Jones that for every informant officially employed by the FBI, there are up to three unofficial agents working undercover.
The FBI Infiltrates Communities Where “Suspected” Terrorists Regularly Meet
According to the report, the FBI infiltrates communities where “suspected” terrorists regularly meet with others. When the FBI infiltrates these “suspected” terrorist communities, they encourage them and provide weapons, funds, and a plan, then bust them before the attacks happen. This method utilizes what amounts to nothing less than entrapment, not to mention participating in creating homegrown terrorism.