Monthly Archives: September 2009

JUSTICE Act Introduced to Fix PATRIOT Act

Since the unconstitutional PATRIOT Act and other egregious surveillance ‘laws’ were immorally passed by our illustrious Congress, the U.S. Constitution has been ripped to shreds. 7 Senators have introduced the JUSTICE Act to right some horrendous Human Right wrongs.

Senator Russ Feingold issued the following Press Release regarding the JUSTICE Act:


JUSTICE Act, Introduced on Constitution Day 2009, Would Fix Long Standing Problems with the PATRIOT Act and Other Surveillance Laws

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Congress Feels the Heat from Their Treachery

The American public is fed up with the Congressional corruption and treachery — recent polls suggest that only about one-third of Americans approve of how Congress is doing — and many in Congress are reportedly worried about holding on to their seats in the November 2010 elections.

Congress should be worried. After suffering through the past eight and a half years of criminal rule, it has become painfully evident that it’s time to fix America’s broken two-party political system. Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same in most ways. It’s time to look at alternative parties to do the bidding of the American population or to clean up our current system.

The Reuters report attributes the declining popularity of Congress to the depressed U.S. economy and passing a significant healthcare reform bill, but America’s dissent of Congress stems from a lot more than that.

Many of the current Democrats in Congress were elected because America wanted a change from the tyrannical dictatorship that America became under President George W. Bush. Americans wanted out from under the illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and Americans wanted their civil rights and liberties restored.

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Why we Need to Know the Truth About 9/11

Eight years after the attacks of 9/11, the ongoing Governmental secrecy surrounding the events of that fateful day is becoming impossible to maintain — the official 9/11 fairy tale has continuously unraveled — and the more the truth is revealed, the more it becomes evident that we need an honest investigation into the events of that day to reveal the truth of what happened and who was actually responsible for it.

As the truth has unraveled, once reputable entities have ignorantly tried to disguise the truth by claiming to debunk ‘conspiracy theories.’ More questions have been raised as a result of the ignorance and intentional deception of these ‘debunkers.’ People seeking the truth are not ‘conspiracy theorists.’ People seeking the truth want answers as to why the Government was complicit in allowing thousands of innocent people to die that day. They want to know why the unconstitutional ‘legislation’ is still destroying millions of lives and they want the actual perpetrators of those crimes held responsible for their crimes.

On 9/11, America was betrayed by a Treasonous government intent on trying to find a way to advance their deceptive criminal agenda. Try as they may, it’s becoming impossible to keep the truth of that day hidden.

The attacks of September 11, 2001 dramatically altered the course of freedom and Democracy. The attacks were used by an egregiously appointed criminal Presidential administration as an excuse to consistently terrorize an unsuspecting American public while keeping them in a constant state of fear.

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