Monthly Archives: August 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 165

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect president begin with his evolving Russia scandal which – in addition to epitomizing how profoundly corrupt, greedy and ignorant his fraudulent empire is – is going to eventually cost him his illegitimate presidency, plugging his own merchandise during his Texas trip, being called out on an old tweet from our dimwitted dip shit about Obama acting presidential while standing in a puddle is soooo apropos, Trump starts pushing his tax cut scam while perpetrating his Hurricane Harvey hero scam, Trump can’t even handle a crisis without showing how much of a failure he is and a lot more.

Trump’s Shadowy Moscow Deal: Could This Be the Key That Unlocks the Whole Russia Scandal? article from Truthout. –

The more we find out about Trump’s Russia scandal, the more illegitimate his presidency looks.

Son Says Media Coverage of President Would Drive Anyone to Suicide article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

Sadly, Trump brings on all the negative coverage himself… if he quit acting like the perfect argument for birth control and started acting presidential – and representing everyone, not just the minority that elected him – coverage would be better.

Donald Trump Keeps Plugging His Own Merchandise During Hurricane Harvey article from The Huffington Post. –

Always trying to make a buck while exploiting millions shamelessly… quite the humanitarian.

Trump’s Business Dealings Come Back to Haunt Him article from The Atlantic. –

Lying about his failed attempt to start a development in Moscow while running for President epitomizes the profound corruption, greed and ignorance or our lackluster lame duck leader:

“Donald Trump the man has always been indistinguishable from Donald Trump the business, and since winning the election last November, both have been indistinguishable from Donald Trump the president.

That creates a range of problems, from the legal to the ethical to the logistical. In the latest instance, the porous boundary between Trump’s business and political lives is a new front in the investigation into his ties to Russia. Even as Trump was running for president in 2015, the Trump Organization was continuing a years-long effort to build a tower in Moscow.

Central to the effort were Felix Sater, a colorful Russian figure who had worked with Trump on Trump Soho, a debacle of a development in New York City, in addition to having done shadowy work for the U.S. government and having mob ties and a history of securities fraud; and his childhood friend Michael Cohen, a Trump attorney and hanger-on.

“I know how to play this and we will get it done,” Sater wrote to Cohen in November 2015, in an email reported by The New York Times. “Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this.”…”

Against Trump, Republicans Are All Talk and No Action article from The Nation. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s GOP brown shirts talk tough but remain complicit in aiding and abetting his duplicitous ass.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 164

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with yet more evidence that he truly is profoundly ignorant, Trump’s growing Russia scandal will soon consume him entirely, our gift that keeps on giving is digging himself a bigger hole he won’t be able to slither out of as it becomes obvious that he is not now nor will he ever be presidential, an overwhelming majority of people are beginning to realize that Trump has some serious mental issues going on, calls for Trump’s impeachment are growing louder and more popular and much more.

Trump finding new ways to bungle the tax-reform fight article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Speaking and acting without thinking is proving costly to our dimwitted dip shit.

Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio article from The Hill. –

Trump’s pardon of Arpaio could prove controversial for him, primarily because it’s politically motivated as Arpaio exemplifies what happens when law enforcement breaks the law.

Trump Companies Earn Millions While Bankrupting Secret Service article from Truthout. –

The growing list of Trump’s conflicts of interest – like raking in millions as a sitting president while bankrupting U.S. taxpayers that pay to protect his sorry ass – deserves closer scrutinization.

The Latest Explosive Developments in the Russia Probe Might Have Sealed Trump’s Fate article from Alternet. –

Trump’s Russia scandal will end up consuming him:

“It’s been another wild ride this week with President Trump holding one of his serious teleprompter speeches announcing that he has a secret plan to win in Afghanistan that he can’t tell us anything about, and then turning around to hold a raucous campaign rally in Phoenix reminding the world that he’s really an undisciplined narcissist. More than one pundit observed that Trump is more clever than he seems with his crazed behavior, because as long as he’s giving succor to Nazis and neo-Confederate racists nobody’s talking about the Russia investigation.

That’s giving Trump way too much credit. He is an impulsive person who has shown no sign that he’s that strategic about anything. And even if his frantic efforts this week were attempts at misdirection, it was to no avail. There have been quite a few developments in the Russia story, none of which are good news for the president.

The first big revelation was in the blockbuster New York Times story on Tuesday about Trump’s deteriorating relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump has been tweeting his disappointment with McConnell for some time, so it was no big secret that he is unhappy with him over the health care vote. But apparently the two men had an angry confrontation over the phone on Aug. 9, in which Trump cursed at the majority leader over his inability or unwillingness to “protect” Trump from being investigated over Russia.

Trump doesn’t seem to understand that the Congress is an equal branch of government, endowed with oversight responsibilities. But if there was ever any chance that congressional Republicans could provide cover it went out the window when Trump fired the FBI director and then reassured the Russian ambassador the next day in an unpublicized meeting in the Oval Office that he’d relieved the “pressure” by doing it. Everything in his behavior since then, including his incessant whining about Jeff Sessions’ recusal from the probe as a personal betrayal, has made it more impossible…”

What pardoning Arpaio would mean to the worst people in government article from The Week. –

Our gift that keeps on giving just keeps digging himself a deeper hole he won’t be able to slither out of…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 163

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin with our Liar-in-Chief’s broken promise to end the illegal, unwinnable occupation of Afghanistan – opting instead to bow down to the War Hawks in Washington who wish to continue profiting from it by extending it, the importance of discussing our demented delinquent’s diminishing mental capacities, still trying to deflect attention from his unwavering support of neo-Nazis and White Supremacists during a rally full of more protesters than supporters, our dimwitted dip shit has broken virtually every promise he made while campaigning, the list of reasons to impeach our delusional Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator are growing, the lies keep coming from our lackluster, lying lame duck president in his alternate reality, aside from the morons that blindly support him, Trump is only fooling himself as his mental instability worsens, Trump’s war on the media – like his presidency – is failing miserably and much more.

The Conflict in Afghanistan Is Trump’s War Now article from Common Dreams. –

The minority that ‘elected’ Trump are going to be very disappointed by his latest broken promise of ending America’s illegal war in Afghanistan.

Trump Has a Nullification Crisis article from Slate. –

As America’s worst-ever president’s neo-Nazi / White Supremacy issues continue growing, Trump’s finances are starting to be affected.

It’s Time to Talk About Trump’s Mental Health article from Common Dreams. –

It’s becoming embarrassingly obvious that we need to evaluate the increasing mental instability of our demented delinquent…

‘Sh*tshow of the highest order’: Internet loses it after Trump’s ‘insane, absurd, off-the-rails’ speech article from The Raw Story. –

Our lackluster lame duck president tried to rally his base, without much luck:

“Donald Trump on Tuesday night spoke at a campaign-style rally in Phoenix, Arizona. After spending 45 minutes maligning the “fake news” and re-litigating his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia (while intentionally leaving out his “both sides” remark), Trump hinted he will pardon Sheriff Joe Arpaio, argued anti-Confederate protestors are trying to take away “our history” and complained—live on TV—that the mainstream media is too scared to show him live on TV.

The entire event was vintage Trump and ought to dispel and notion of a “pivot,” which, believe it or not, was an idea floated Monday night after the president stayed on-script during a speech on Afghanistan.

It was a free-wheeling, decidedly “off-the-rails” speech that no-doubt satisfied Trump’s cracking base.

Here are some stellar reactions to the president’s doozy of a campaign rally (who’s he running against, exactly?), if you lack the time or will to react yourself:…”

Trump supporters post fake photos of huge crowds at Phoenix rally – as real images show room half-empty article from The Independent on Yahoo! News. –

Still trying to claim that his base isn’t dwindling, our national embarrassment’s supporters resort to posting fake photos – possibly in hopes of creating more fake news about their minority-elect leader…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 162

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect president begin with mounting evidence that he is indeed a lame duck president, pondering whether or not Trump will resign before Mueller finishes his investigations, a brief look at the fodder that fuels Trump’s psychopathic Twitter tantrums in his land of delusion, our popular vote losing president is having a major crisis of legitimacy – primarily because he is now and always has been illegitimate, more on the many reasons it’s time for our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator to go, the list of crimes committed by the Trump family continues growing, our Liar-in-Chief has told over 1,000 lies in his first 7 months in office – making George W. Bush look good and a lot more.

Donald Trump Is a Lame-Duck President article from The Atlantic. –

Ya think!?! That has been obvious for quite a while…

The State of Trump’s Brain article from CounterPunch. –

Dissecting our demented delinquent’s narcissistic disorder and his deteriorating mental capacities, which is compounded by his growing ignorance…

How can Trump be so stupid? article from The Week. –

It’s easy when you’re born that way – more on how Trump is dragging himself down supporting neo-Nazis and White Supremacists.

The world takes note of Trump’s ‘failure of character’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

America’s worst-ever president is the laughing stock of the world:

“Former CIA Director John Brennan, watching Donald Trump’s reaction to Charlottesville unfold in recent days, wrote a letter to CNN yesterday, arguing that the president, though “his words and his actions,” is “putting our national security and our collective futures at grave risk.”

Brennan added that Trump is poised to do “lasting harm to American society and to our standing in the world.”

It’s that last point that may need a brighter spotlight. Much of the American mainstream has recoiled in response to seeing a president defend racist activists, but no one should forget that we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed.

The Economist, based in London, published a brutal piece in its new issue on Trump’s “failure of character,” featuring a cover in which Trump is depicted shouting into a white megaphone – which also happens to be a Klansman’s hood….”

After Attack in Spain, Trump Invokes ‘Vile’ Myth Celebrating Mass Execution of Muslims article from Common Dreams. –

Once again our dimwitted dip shit invokes rebuked lies as truth – despite claiming he needed to know the facts first about Charlottesville…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 161

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with his trying to delete a series of controversial and chaotic morning tweets, not knowing that despite being deleted they are still accessible for all the world to see, Trump still having issues denouncing White Supremacy and racism for obvious reasons, our lackluster leader’s popularity hits a new low, a closer look at the fascist history of our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator, our Loser-in-Chief’s Ministry of Propaganda is turning against him as his love of White Supremacy and neo-Nazi minions continues growing, trying to keep his promise to revive Nazi Germany in the U.S. during his lame duck presidency and much more.

Trump deletes series of controversial and chaotic morning tweets article from The Week. –

Someone needs to inform our dimwitted dip shit that hitting the delete button after publicly displaying your idiocies before you think doesn’t make them disappear.

After finally denouncing racists, Trump steps on his message article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

As I have previously stated, Trump can’t condemn White Supremacy and racism because he condones it and it has played a major role in his fraudulent empire…

Trump’s familiar cycle of hate article from The Week. –

Trump’s preference for being racist, discriminatory and cherishing white supremacy goes back decades.

Fascists Fall for Trump, Their Nazi Dream Date article from CounterPunch. –

More on Trump’s responsibility for the growing racism in America since being ‘elected’:

“The Metroplex was a beautiful abandoned building turned into a thriving punk rock club and the de facto Island of Misfit Toys in the 1980s. I saw shows there by the Dead Kennedys, the Circle Jerks and a million others (including, oddly, Mick Taylor of the Rolling Stones). I did my first interview with a racist skinhead there 31 years ago this summer. There had been a skinhead brawl at the competing 688 Club that had sent the doorman to the hospital. You can hear the skinhead version of events in the Anti-Heroes’ song, “Disco Riot.”

I had first encountered skinheads when I was student in London in 1982. I hopped on a train in Victoria Station to my internship in a clinic out in suburban Thamesmead. There were three skinheads in the car and me. They were drawing swastikas and National Front logos on the wall. One looked at me and then scrawled, “Kill a mod.” I got off at the next stop. By 1986, racist skinheads were popping up all over America, including the Old Glory Skins in Atlanta. I was 22 and this kid, in boots and braces, was probably 18. I wanted to know what was going on.

“What do you guys really want?” I asked him as we sat on the curb of Marietta Street, the heat too unbearable inside the Metroplex.

“We just want a strong leader who will kick all the fucking mud races out of the county.”…”

Every Depraved Moment From the Trump Tower Press Conference article from Splinter. –

Our national embarrassment offers yet more evidence that he is not now nor will he ever be presidential…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 160

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with a look (which has since been deleted) at the financial flim-flammery of his finances – an investigation into his financial dealings would lead to more charges than his Russia scandal, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator won’t condemn white supremacy because it plays such a large role in his support base, the growing White Supremacy pandemic in the Trump Era, Trump, whose popularity just hit another new low, is a moral failure who will never be presidential and much more.

‘Extraordinary flim-flammery’: Rachel Maddow connects the dots on ‘ugly audit’ of Trump finances article from The Raw Story. –

Investigating our Loser-in-Chief’s business dealings and the money he’s making off the presidency would lead to more charges than his Russia scandal.

The Bubble President article from Slate. –

Trump’s lives in a fantasy of triumph in his land of delusion but will never do or say anything to win the majority of voters.

Documents showing huge profits for Trump’s Washington hotel deleted article from Yahoo! News. –

Trying to cover up your crimes by deleting evidence of them isn’t going to work for America’a worst-ever president.

The Real Meaning of ‘On Many Sides’ article from Slate. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator won’t condemn White Supremacists because they play a large role in his support base:

“On Saturday afternoon, neo-Nazis; white nationalists; and open-carrying, camo-wearing militia members combined forces at a Charlottesville, Virginia, rally to “Unite the Right.” This congregation of white people who love the president of the United States and hate racial, ethnic, and religious minorities chanted “blood and soil” and extended their arms in stiff salutes. The rally culminated in the death of at least one person when the driver of a gray Dodge Challenger plowed through a crowd of counter-protesters, seemingly with the intent to maim and injure.

On Nov. 19, 1863, as the Union and Confederate armies waged a war to determine whether black people were property, President Abraham Lincoln stood up at the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and articulated his vision of what the United States should be. He called for a promise that “these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”

On Aug. 12, 2017, Donald Trump stood up at his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and All Lives Matter’d a Nazi rally. “We’re closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia,” Trump said. “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. On many sides.”

He then said those three words again—“On many sides”—as if to emphasize that this throwaway phrase was in fact the only bit of his short speech that he truly believed in. He did not talk about white supremacy, and he did not note the prevalence of racist chants. The troubles in Charlottesville, the president said, were everyone’s fault. Or, to put it another way, nobody in particular was more responsible than anyone else for what happened in Virginia this weekend. Not the president. Not the party that enabled him. Not even those who idolize Adolf Hitler…”

When winning isn’t possible article from The Week. –

Our national embarrassment is quite the sore loser…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 159

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begins with an explanation of how easy it would be for our demented delinquent to start a nuclear war – as it would be difficult to stop him with no checks in place, America’s most corrupt president is still setting all the wrong precedents, America’s worst-ever president continues talking trash to North Korea while the miscreants in his White House urge the world not to pay attention to it, our national embarrassment loves to bluff but he’s too stupid to think before he speaks, our demented delusionist in the White House is proving to be a major embarrassment to the U.S., Trump’s partisan presidency – catering only to the minority that ‘elected’ him and not the majority and a lot more.

This is how easy it would be for Trump to start a nuclear war article from Think Progress. –

There are no checks in place to prevent our demented delinquent from starting a nuclear war…

Trump has no clue what to do about North Korea – and he doesn’t really care article from The Week. ––doesnt-really-care

Despite the constant threats and warmongering, our Bloviator-in-Chief has no idea about what to do about an overhyped threat.

Trump Is Already Profiting From His 2020 Campaign article from Truthout. –

America’s most corrupt president is still profiting from his presidency as his 2020 campaign begins.

5 Disturbing Revelations Upon Closer Inspection of Trump’s Twitter Feed article from AlterNet. –

In addition to all his other moronic rants, out Twitter tyrant also quotes white supremacists and bots:

“President Donald Trump tweets … a lot. But along with his usual flurry of tweets attacking the media, lamenting fake news, or criticizing practically anyone who disagrees with him, Trump has another Twitter habit — quoting his supposed supporters’ tweets. A look at over a year of Trump’s retweets, quote tweets, and tweets in which he quoted another Twitter handle has left a lot of questions.

Using the Trump Twitter Archive, Media Matters audited the president’s Twitter handle, @RealDonaldTrump, between April 1, 2016, and July 31, 2017, focusing on retweets, quote tweets, and tweets where @RealDonaldTrump quoted another Twitter handle. We used that list to identify unverified accounts that he quoted or retweeted, which we then checked for the original tweet and suspicious or bot-like activity. If an account seemed suspicious (for example, it posted an unrealistic number of tweets or exclusively pro-Trump messages), we examined its tweeting habits during the weekend of the second presidential debate (October 6 to 10, 2016). Finally, if an account seemed like a bot, we reviewed its tweeting habits between August 2015 and January 2016.

Factors used to identify suspicious behavior included the date the handle was created; the number of tweets sent; the general frequency of tweets and use of hashtags and images; the content and frequency of tweets the weekend of the second debate; and what the account tweeted before the October 2015 primary season. Here’s what we found:

1. Trump retweeted and thanked a woman named Nicole Mincey over the weekend of August 5, 2017, as was widely reported by numerous outlets. Mincey was suspected to be a bot, but was later identified by BuzzFeed and others as a real Trump supporter who was using her page to sell merchandise. It was odd for Trump to simply retweet an unknown account because, based on Media Matters’ findings, Trump typically retweets only verified accounts, such as Fox & Friends’ Twitter account or those of his staffers and family members…”

In a crisis, Trump looks like the wrong leader at the wrong time article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Primarily because he’s not a leader and he is and always will be the wrong popular vote losing president…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 158

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with our Twitter tyrant having yet another one of his famous meltdowns – this time over his lousy poll and more fake news (which is only fake when it reflects on him poorly), our fake president falsely cries about fake news while starting his own fake news network, the depths of Trump’s corruption include censoring information to suit his duplicitous political agendas and having corrupt cronies dictating U.S. foreign policy – both of which are potentially unlawful, supporters and the majority of the U.S. public aren’t the only ones turning against our demented delinquent, twice a day Trump’s staff reportedly prepares a ‘propaganda document’ full of his great accomplishments – headlines, tweets and hosts of other complimentary propaganda – to keep their delusional wannabe dictator happy, having a warmongering psychopath that wants to be a dictator in charge could prove costly to America, how America got to the place where a profoundly corrupt moron ended up in the White House and much more.

Trump fumes as presidency hits 200 days from The Hill. –

Trump’s popularity is plummeting and it’s driving him crazy as he engages in yet another Twitter meltdown.

The part of the job numbers Team Trump doesn’t want to talk about article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Not looking at the whole picture seems to be a big issue for our Loser-in-Chief and his incompetent administration…

Trump, who has repeatedly claimed he doesn’t watch CNN, angrily live-tweets CNN segment article from Think Progress. –

All from his private golf club where he says he’s ‘working hard’…

Fake News? Trump Launches ‘Real News’ Series article from NBC News. –

The irony of a fake president claiming fake news while starting his own fake news network:

“WASHINGTON — If you don’t like what they’re saying, change the conversation. Or, in the case of President Donald Trump’s campaign, produce your own news series.

In the fight against what Trump has decried as “fake news” about him and his administration, his team has launched their own version of events: Taking the president’s frequent laments about a lack of media focus on jobs, the stock market and the economy and turning it into a weekly video posted to Facebook focusing on just that.

“More great economic news on Friday,” former pro-Trump cable news commentator Kayleigh McEnany says, seated in front of a blue Trump-Pence themed wall to give “the real news.”

McEnany rose to political prominence during the 2016 election for her fiery exchanges in defense of Trump on CNN. She left the network this weekend, a source with knowledge of the situation told NBC News, asking to leave in order to pursue another opportunity…”

Trump hands US policy writing to shadow groups of business execs article from McClatchy News. –

Bypassing government employees by having corrupt, hand-picked business executives writing U.S. policies may be breaking the law.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 157

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s minority-elect misadventures begin today with waiting to see if he will try and destroy Obamacare since many of his own supporters would be hurt the most if he does, our lame duck Loser-in-Chief’s weeks are about to get worse as his Russia scandal investigation unearths other potential financial crimes unrelated to the 2016 election, the majority of people see the incompetence and corruption of our reality TV president, resistance to Trump is growing – and working, Trump plans 17-day golf vacation after whining about his predecessor’s 10-day golf vacation, Trump is bragging about the stock market now but won’t be soon, the White House is quickly becoming a crime scene as Trump proves costly to the GOP, support for our moronic Liar-in-Chief is dwindling despite his lies about it being stronger than ever and much more.

If Trump knifes Obamacare, he’ll hurt his own supporters the most article from Yahoo! News. –

Many of Trump’s supporters hate Obamacare – despite being covered by it – because of ignorantly not knowing they’ll suffer the most if anything happens to it…

Mueller Plunges Across Trump’s Red Line article from The Atlantic. –

Our lame duck Loser-in-Chief’s weeks are about to get a lot worse as the investigation into his Russia collusion is leading to financial crimes unrelated to the 2016 election,

Officials start to ignore the Incredible Shrinking President article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

As a sitting mentally unbalanced lame duck president, our national embarrassment is losing friends in high places.

Did Trump Really End the CIA’s Secret War in Syria? article from CounterPunch. –

No. Trump’s Syrian War Crimes are still continuing despite the lie that he ordered them to stop funding and training terrorists:

“Trump Ends Covert Aid to Syrian Rebels Trying to Topple Assad,” read a July 19 New York Times headline. Citing The Washington Post as its source, the article noted that the official termination of the “secret” U.S. program “was never publicly announced, just as the beginnings of the program four years ago were officially a secret, authorized by President Barack Obama through a ‘finding’ that permitted the C.I.A. to conduct a deniable program.”

“Mr. Trump’s decisions,” said The Times, “amounted to an acknowledgment that no escalation of the program, which began in 2013 in concert with the C.I.A.’s counterparts in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan, was likely to yield a different result.”

The CIA and its “counterparts” were intervening in Syria even before 2013, if not congruent with the brief Arab Spring mobilizations of 2011, when poor peasants, democratically minded youth, and others protested against the Bashar Assad government’s neo-liberal and repressive policies. The New York Times revealed on June 21, 2012, that the CIA had been ferrying arms, recruiting, and training anti-Assad groups based in Turkey.

The U.S. was simultaneously the major power behind the Syrian National Council (SNC), which it established to be the new Syrian “government in waiting.” The SNC consisted of an exile-based 270-member leadership core that was overseen by the U.S. State Department and funded by most of the Gulf State monarchies. Within a year the SNC exploded as it became clear that it was dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose on-the-ground forces in Syria regularly collaborated with the al-Qaeda offshoot, the Nusra Front, and related jihadist groups…”

Three Trump Speeches and the Death of a Nation article from Common Dreams. –

Turning the presidency into a reality TV show while your actions and words are destroying the country that ‘elected’ you isn’t working out well for Trump.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 156

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our minority-elect president’s misadventures today begin with members of his own party admitting they’re leader is a major problem as his mental capacities continue diminishing, why Trump’s propaganda is growing more useless with each passing day, our Liar-in-Chief caught making up phone calls with world leaders and the Boy Scouts while losing what little credibility he has left – which is little if any at all, Trump’s ignorance and distractions are proving costly to Americans, being of unsound mind it’s easy for Trump to make himself great in his land of delusion, pondering whether or not Trump is a pathological liar or taking cues from a Russian propaganda playbook with his constant spewing of lies as his popularity hits another all-time low, much of the minority that ‘elected’ our fraudulent lame duck president are beginning to realize they were conned and much more.

‘We Pretended That the Emperor Wasn’t Naked’ article from The Atlantic. –

Some in the GOP are beginning to admit our popular vote losing president has some serious deficits.

Robert Reich: House Republicans Are Convinced Trump Is out of His Gourd article from AlterNet. –

America’s worst-ever president’s diminishing mental capacity is beginning to have serious repercussions…

Trump’s approval rating is historically low. It’s also terrifyingly high. article from The Week. –

The fact that a third of this country still approves of America’s worst-ever president speaks volumes.

Making Sense of the Big WaPo Story and the False Statement article from Talking Points Memo. –

More on the latest grounds for bringing our lame duck Loser-in-Chief up on obstruction charges:

“Straight news reporters have to work within many important conventions. These both limit the scope of their work but are equally critical to doing that work properly and effectively. I was reminded of this when reading last night’s blockbuster report in The Washington Post.

The kernel of the Post report is a much more total and dramatic report of something we knew more tenuously in near contemporaneous reports a month ago: that President Trump had himself been involved in crafting the original statement that his son Don Jr. released in response to the original New York Times report about his June 2016 meeting with that Russia lawyer. That alone represented a stunning failure on the part of his aides. Since they implicated the President in both the knowledge of those events and whatever misstatements were included in the response to them – something with possibly severe legal implications. What the Post now reports is that not only was Trump the apparently sole author of the false statement – he apparently dictated the copy – but that he overruled his top aides and advisors to construct that false statement.

This is a fact of immense consequence.

Based around that central nugget of news are several other points which become clear on reading. One is the Kushner team’s interest in transparency. This is not credible, to put it mildly. That doesn’t mean the factual account is untrue in its narrow particulars. It may have been Kushner lawyer Abbe Lowell’s strategy with the particular evidence of this meeting or in conversations with the Post for this story. But the global message is hardly credible…”

Trump points to dubious proof of his supposed historic greatness article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Being of unsound mind the president is able to create all kinds of greatness with no effort whatsoever.

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