How to spot a Dictator Trump from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
False claims of exoneration and vindication begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as Robert Mueller has filed his Russia investigation report with our biased and compromised Attorney General who proceeded to white wash it and cover it up while refusing to release the actual report, regardless of the fact that it spawned a multitude of other investigations into our unindicted co-conspirator and his equally corrupt family, yet more on why it’s impossible to give Barr’s butt kissing exoneration of Trump’s obvious guilt any credibility and why it’s time for Congress to get Mueller to testify, if the Mueller report actually exonerated the Donald it would have already been released, Donnie’s despotic delusions of grandeur are going to fail and so much more.
After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump article from The Atlantic. –
Robert Mueller’s report on his investigation into the Donald’s Russia scandal has just been released to the Attorney General so whether or not the actual report gets released to the public remains to be seen, but that report is the least of the Donald’s legal issues.
Thanks To Mueller, Trump’s Family Could Soon Be Indicted article from PoliticusUSA. –
More on the drawn out legal jeopardy Donnie and his equally corrupt and ignorant family are facing that won’t end just because the Mueller investigation did:
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said that there is a strong possibility that Trump’s family could be indicted by other entities based on the work of Mueller. https://t.co/Y7wj2xK0Dt pic.twitter.com/5eg59DJxRY
— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) March 22, 2019
Fox viewers think Trump’s the best president, and that’s far from their worst misconception article from ThinkProgress. –
The ignorance and misconceptions being spewed forth from Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda is doing a lot of damage to a minority of his minions that are apparently extremely stupid.
A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 112th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –
Each passing week brings more Trumpian entertainment, distractions, criminal investigations and more despite his growing desperation to save his house of cards while it continues crashing down around him:
“Weeks like this test the resilience of humanity. 50 lives taken at the hands of a white supremacist terrorist in New Zealand. Radicalized by right-wing extremism and driven by a deep-seated Islamophobia, this radical right-wing terrorist unleashed depravity on two mosques and live streamed it on Facebook.
In this dark moment, the world was looking for a leader, and we got one in New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, whose words and displays of empathy brought communities in New Zealand together. New Zealand’s Attorney General has already announced they would ban semi-automatic weapons. In America on the other hand, no matter how many white supremacist terrorist attacks or mass shooting incidents occur, our Republican leaders refuse to act.
After the terrorist attack, President Trump was asked if he sees white nationalism as a growing global threat. In spite of all of the evidence indicating otherwise, President Trump says he does not see it as a threat. After one tweet offering condolences, President Trump embarked on a weekend tweeting spree attacking everything from the Special Counsel to deceased Republican Senator John McCain. President Trump proposed that the FEC or FCC look into Saturday Night Live and Late Night Shows and, without evidence, accused them of colluding with Democrats and Russia (which he is accused of doing). President Trump went on to demand that Fox News bring Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show back on the air after her Islamophobic comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar.
President Trump, the GOP, and Fox News’ dangerous, xenophobic fear-mongering is having deadly consequences. Right-wing terrorists are being radicalized by the rhetoric coming out of the Oval Office and the president couldn’t care less. President Trump is incapable of rising to the occasion. Even when it would suit him to be silent, he can’t help but continue his divide and conquer strategy. Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the presidency and continues to tell us why week after week. Trump has shown us who he is and ultimately, what the Republican Party has become. Some still don’t believe him, or even worse, they do and support him nonetheless…”
‘Individual One is in deep number two’: Bill Maher roasts Trump after submission of the Mueller report article from The Raw Story. –
A hilarious look at the deep shit that the Don is in and the resulting distractions such as his denying attacking the late Senator John McCain despite the fact that he did: