Monthly Archives: September 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 174

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with revelations that once again he is lying about his tax ‘reform’ scheme as American’s will bear the brunt of his deception while he gives himself and his fraudulent friends more breaks, more revelations of how much of a loser our impotent man-boy in the White House really is, our minority-elect bully turned Twitter tyrant is fighting yet another losing battle in his war against sports players, our illegitimate president and his corrupt administration are getting desperate for a win, Trump’s inept response to Puerto Rico’s catastrophe is on full display despite his lies about how well he’s handling it, chances of our war criminal president committing more war crimes to distract from his ongoing Russia scandal are growing, the swamp that Trump lied about draining while corrupting it even further is proving quite costly to U.S. taxpayers and much more.

AP FACT CHECK: Smoke and mirrors in Trump tax plan article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump and his GOP brown shirts are still trying to sell us a lie labeled as tax reform that helps no one but themselves.

Believe It Or Not, Trump Is An Even Bigger Loser Than You Thought article from PolitucusUSA. –

Mocking Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator John McCain in private reveals how demented our dimwitted dip shit truly is…

Watch: America’s Mobster President – New Evidence in Dutch Public TV Documentary of Trump’s International Money Laundering Circles article from Alternet. –

Trump, through his fraudulent business dealings, has had shady connections for years that will probably come back to haunt him.

President Trump Should Attack Toxic Inequality, Not The NFL article from Forbes. –

But he won’t because his attacks on the NFL – like the rest of his delusional rants – are nothing but a distraction from his failed, imploding presidency:

“Last year, San Francisco quarterback, Colin Kaepernick began his peaceful and dignified protest of racial inequality in America, at the same time candidate Donald Trump was telling Black Americans to vote for him because he’d fix their crumbling cities.

According to Trump, “African Americans have sacrificed so much for this nation. . . . Yet, too many African Americans have been left behind.” He said rebuilding of America’s cities would be a priority for his administration.

Now that NFL players across the League have joined the protest to address a problem the President has endorsed, by taking a knee instead of standing while the national anthem is played, Trump is incensed, tweeting that owners should fire these players.

The President’s condemnation of football players who are peacefully protesting for a moment at the start of a game stands in sharp contract to his near-indifference toward the white supremacist who, in Charlottesville, took the life of Heather Heyer, an innocent woman who was also peacefully exercising her right of free speech…”


Unable to accomplish any legislative victories, wildly unpopular and neck deep in collusion and obstruction of Justice charges hasn’t stopped Trump from finding other ways to profit off his failed presidency…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 173

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin with his flair for being able to whip up his minority base with racism and bigotry, Twitter appears to have a built-in Trump clause that allows him to tweet whatever he desires with total impunity, the latest version of Trump’s fraudulent healthcare repeal and replace bill failed again, 3 contributions from people with business ties to Russia to Trump are currently being investigated as his Russia scandal heats up, how Trump’s distractions have become the new norm since he was ‘elected,’ psychiatrists finally start delving into the many monstrous delusions of our lackluster lame duck president plus a lot more.

Remember this about Donald Trump. He knows the depths of American bigotry article from The Guardian. –

As their leader, our Liar-in-Chief knows how to whip up his minority base with racism and bigotry.

With One Dodged Question, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Admits Trump’s Attacks Are Racial article from PoliticusUSA. –

Praising NASCAR – which is predominantly White – while bloviating about the NBA and the NFL reveals that Trump is indeed racist.

‘Son of a Bitch’: Trump’s Outburst Fits a Larger Pattern article from Alternet. –

Despite the fact that the majority finds our national embarrassment’s Twitter tirades revolting, Trump keeps appealing to the moronic minority that still supports him.

Trump Has Been Losing to the NFL for Decades article from The Daily Beast. –

There is a lot of darkness in Trump’s delusional, mentally unbalanced mind towards the NFL since his failed bid to buy a team years ago so he tries to pawn his non-existent superiority off on everyone else in everything he does:

“So President Donald Trump has taken back NBA champion Stephen Curry’s invitation to the White House, had his press secretary declare that it was a “fireable offense” for ESPN anchor Jemele Hill to call him a white supremacist in a conversation on Twitter, and called on National Football League team owners to fire players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. He also called those players he wants fired “sons of bitches,” because I guess he needed a heat check.

In each instance, the target of Trump’s petty ire was a black sports figure publicly rejecting his Make America Great Again siren song at a time when members of marginalized groups are speaking up about the existential threat posed by a president appealing to the surging tide of white supremacy. It is quite the trick for a president to publicly belittle African Americans while ignoring freshly ravaged Latino Americans in blacked-out Puerto Rico, but Trump somehow makes it seem as natural as jumping on Twitter to respond to whatever mess Fox News just reported.

But Trump is an equal opportunity grudge-holder and score-settler, whose call to fans to boycott the NFL is a direct shot at the wealthy white businessmen—many of whom supported his campaign—who rejected him from their club.

It was less than three years ago that Trump tried and failed to buy a NFL franchise. “The @nfl games are so boring now that actually, I’m glad I didn’t get the [Buffalo] Bills. Boring games, too many flags, too soft,” is how the Donald summed up his failure, which was really just a matter of Buffalo Sabres owner Paul Pegula outbidding him by a reported $400,000. “Football has become soft like our country has become soft,” said Trump on the 2016 campaign trail, clearly showing none of the classic behavioral traits of a rejected paramour…”

Twitter finally breaks silence on why it’s never suspended President Trump article from Mashable. –

Twisting opague rules to allow our impotent delinquent in the White House to get away with spewing terroristic threats on Twitter will only work for so long.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 172

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our minority elect president begins his misadventures today with another off-the-wall rant during a political rally in Alabama where he once again showed the endless depths of his ignorance, trying to run his failing presidency like his fraudulent businesses isn’t boding well for Trump or anyone else, the many mental deficiencies of our lackluster lame duck Liar-in-Chief, every time Trump claims he’s not racist he sounds even more racist and much more.

Watch As An Out Of It Trump Rants About NFL Player Protests And Reenact The Apprentice article from PoliticusUSA. –

Once again Trump’s ignorance was on full display during his rally in Alabama where he revealed the endless depths of his idiocy.

The Homewreckers: How Trump Cronies Are Sabotaging the American Dream article from Truthout. –

By putting corrupt cronies in key cabinet posts America’s worst-ever president is purposely trying to destroy everything America stands for.

Is Trump a White Supremacist? Yes, But So is America article from CounterPunch. –

Our impotent imbecile in the White House is – among many other things – a racist who is making America’s racial divide worse.

LeBron James Dismantles ‘Bum’ Trump: Visiting White House Was Honor ‘Until You Showed Up’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

The bloviating butt wipe we call president picked yet another Twitter battle he can’t win:

“Donald Trump’s feud with professional athletes escalated rapidly on Saturday, with the most high-profile player in the NBA taking to Twitter to lambast the president.

Responding to Trump’s childish temper tantrum about Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry, LeBron James called the president a “bum” and said that is used to be a “great honor” to go to the White House before he showed up.

The Cleveland star’s tweet:

While Curry and James are often facing off against each other on the basketball court – they’ve clashed in the last three NBA Finals – the reckless man in the White House has given them a reason to join forces…”

Donald Trump and the Depressing Politicization of Everything article from The Atlantic. –

Because our minority-elect president has no mandate and no actual agenda, he has to disrupt everything via Twitter, highlighting the endless depths of his profound stupidity.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 171

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin with his latest delusional diatribe during his United Nations speech while yet again revealing the depths of his ignorance in its full glory on a public stage, the chump in the White House is immorally using RNC funds to pay his legal expenses for his growing Russia scandal, yet more revelations that Trump is not now nor will he ever be presidential as his dystopian dipshittery pushes us closer to another illegal war, Trump’s conflicts of interest keep growing plus a lot more.

Trump’s ‘Mein Kampf’ tirade at the United Nations article from The World Socialist Web Site. –

Insight into our national embarrassment’s speech at the United Nations and his usual delusional rhetoric threatening to commit more war crimes.

Is Trump about to repeat George W Bush’s worst mistake? article from The Guardian. –

As with America’s other worst-ever president that he actually makes look good, Trump is fabricating lies to justify another illegal U.S. war, this time with Iran and Syra.

President* Trump Is Doing North Korea’s Propaganda Work for Them article from Esquire. –

More on the long, ignorant and insulting tirade delivered by Trump during his U.N. speech.

Small donors are not paying Trump’s legal bills. It’s worse. article from Think Progress. –

Despite it being immoral, it is not illegal – though it probably should be – for Trump to use RNC funds to pay for the legal fees to keep him and his ilk out of prison:

“Donald Trump is using funds from both the Republican National Committee (RNC) and his re-election campaign to cover his legal fees connected to the Russia investigation. The RNC is also footing the legal bill for Trump’s son, Don Jr., who is also caught up in the investigation being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller.

According to a Tuesday report by Reuters, President Donald Trump would be the first president in modern campaign finance history to use these funds to cover the costs of a criminal probe. Reuters notes this is legal because the Federal Election Commission allows for use of private campaign funds to pay for legal costs incurred “as a candidate or elected official.”

Trump, who has claimed to have a net worth of $10 billion dollars, used RNC funds to pay his personal lawyer John Dowd $100,000 and an additional $131,250 to pay Jay Sekulow, another attorney representing Trump who frequently appears on TV. On top of those payments, the RNC also paid nearly $200,000 for Trump Jr.’s lawyers.

While the president’s reelection campaign fund solicits money from small donors, the RNC is not using these funds for Trump’s legal bills. Rather, the money is being paid through a separate RNC legal defense fund. This fund attracts almost exclusively large donors and can accept up to $101,700 per year from each individual or corporate PAC…”

The new TrumpCare bill is the worst one yet article from The Week. –

The political and policy issues contained in the current fraudulent version of the GOP’s Trumpcare bill are disastrous.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 170

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin our minority-elect president’s misadventures today with a pro-Trump rally wishing to bring a million supporters to Washington failing miserably after mustering a little over a thousand instead, our Twitter tyrant once again reveals that he’s not competent to hold the office of President, still trying to replace Obamacare with his third fraudulent healthcare bill, why and how the greatest threat we face in America is the illegitimate impotent idiot in the White House, Trump reveals yet again why he is our national embarrassment and never will be presidential during his UN address as the reality of his imploding presidency continues and much more.

Pro-Trump rally that sought to bring one million supporters to Washington musters little over a thousand article from The Independent on Yahoo! News. –

Supporters of America’s worst-ever president hoping to bring a million people to Washington to show solidarity with our Loser-in-Chief could barely find a thousand people to attend.

‘Incapable of serving safely as president’: More mental health experts question Trump’s stability article from The Raw Story. –

Each passing day brings yet another revelation that our lame duck lackluster leader is extremely mentally unstable.

Trump retweets doctored GIF of him hitting Hillary Clinton with golf ball article from Market Watch. –

Our Twitter tyrant again got out of hand when he tweeted a doctored GIF of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.

A Ranking of Trump’s Sunday Morning Tweets From Least to Most Insane article from Slate. –

A small example of our national embarrassment’s Twitter tirades that do nothing but make him look like the impotent moron that he really is:

“The president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, woke up on Sunday morning raring to tweet. Starting at 7:40 a.m., after his breakfast Big Mac, Trump began firing off a string of missives, ranging from loopy to outright unhinged. The president, since he has nothing else to do, clearly scoured the responses to his tweets finding a few meme-type graphics and gifs to retweet because, sure, that’s what normal presidents of normal countries do before its citizens wake up.

The president tweeted or retweeted 15 times on Sunday morning. Here’s an official ranking of the top eight of Trump’s Sunday morning tweets from least to most insane:

8. The president’s newfound love of maps continues unabated. So he retweeted this gem from his mentions.

7. Trump with arrows. Pointing up. Sure. RT...”

Stephen King Has A Chilling Diagnosis For Donald Trump’s Mind article from The Huffington Post. –

King notes that Trump has a seriously ‘fucked-up mind’ – and it’s worth noting that Trump’s tweets are meant to serve as nothing more than a distraction from his failing presidency.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 169

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with more of his delusions as he tries to salvage what little is left of his failing presidency, the many lessons we’ve learned about Trump after the start of his failed presidency, using another crisis to try and make it all about himself, being a lackluster lame duck president hasn’t stopped Trump from inflicting serious damage while everyone was distracted by his idiocy and other malfeasance, more on Trump’s Syrian war crimes after his failed Syrian gas attack false flag, still pretending his tax reform scam is legit and not another scam to screw the country over, growing dissatisfaction from Trump’s dwindling base, our fake president is losing his war on fake news and a lot more.

Trump Might Be About to Launch His Dumbest Gambit Yet to Save His Presidency article from Alternet. –

Despite a temporary surge in popularity, our national embarrassment is not presidential nor will he ever be regardless of who he works with in the U.S. Congress.

6 Months of Trump, 6 Lessons Learned article from –

In addition to his diminishing mental capacity, a few of the things we’ve learned include the fact that Trump lies all time, he only cares about himself and he’s incapable of leading a country…

How Trump Is Destroying America article from The Atlantic. –

America’s worst-ever president’s delusional belief that he is above the law and accountable to no one is going to sink his failing presidency.


Where they will try and support our Liar-in-Chief’s claims that he won the popular vote and make it easier for the GOP to win elections by suppressing everyone else:

“Last week, much of official Washington rejoiced after President Trump made a deal with senior congressional Democrats to forestall a government shutdown, provide aid to hurricane victims, and raise the debt ceiling until December. The deal, some observers claimed, marked Trump’s long-awaited pivot to conventional Presidential leadership and a bipartisan style of governing. Some praised this maneuver as statesmanlike, while others denounced it as a betrayal of the President’s fellow-Republicans, but there was something close to consensus that Trump had jettisoned the hard-right politics expressed at the beginning of his term in office and begun a new and different chapter.

This is, to put it charitably, nonsense. Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer, the top Democrats in Congress, understandably accepted a modest political gift from the President; Trump, by agreeing to just a three-month extension of the deadlines, gave the opposition party somewhat more leverage when the next negotiation takes place, before the end of the year. But, notwithstanding the developments of last week, which mostly amount to inside baseball, the course of the Trump Presidency is set, and conservatives are still very much in charge.

A vivid example of the right-wing hegemony in the Trump Administration will be on display today, when the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity convenes for the second time. It is difficult to imagine a more cynical enterprise than this commission, which Trump appointed after he claimed (falsely) that the casting of illegal votes last November accounted for his loss of the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton won by a margin of nearly three million. Trump named Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, who has been the nation’s leading advocate for restrictions on voting rights, as the vice-chair of the commission. (Vice-President Mike Pence is the chair.) Kobach will preside at today’s meeting, which will convene in Manchester, New Hampshire. (To further confuse matters, the meeting will be hosted by New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state, Bill Gardner, a Democrat who also sits on the commission but who has, in the past, been skeptical of voter-fraud charges.) The choice of this location is characteristic of the incompetence and malevolence that is at the heart of the vote-suppression agenda.

Hillary Clinton and Senator Maggie Hassan—who defeated the Republican incumbent, Kelly Ayotte—both won narrow victories in New Hampshire, in 2016. Kobach has claimed that those results are suspect because out-of-state voters may have cast ballots for the Democrats. Last Wednesday, the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Shawn Jasper, a Republican, released data showing that six thousand five hundred and forty people had registered to vote using out-of-state driver’s licenses. Using such licenses for voter registration is legal in the state, but it was pointed out that only a thousand and fourteen of these people later obtained a New Hampshire license. This, Kobach suggested in a column that he wrote last week for Breitbart, means that most of those voters never lived in New Hampshire at all…”

Trump exploits 9/11 anniversary to promote himself, just like he did 16 years ago article from The Daily Kos. –

America’s worst-ever president loves manipulating crises to make it all about himself and 9/11 was no exception.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 168

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin the tie between our national embarrassment and evangelicals – offering yet more evidence that politics and so-called religion don’t mix, Trump’s decision to end DACA is going to haunt him for quite a while, our fake president and his moronic minions are still waging a war on fake news despite promulgating nothing but fake news themselves, Trump’s GOP brown shirts – surprised and angry at him as they may be – are still covering his corrupt ass by not allowing the release of his tax returns, Trump pivots to work with Democrats to toss Republicans under the bus as he realized how much people really hate him, new evidence destroys Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, more on our Loser-in-Chief’s fraudulent voter integrity commission, trying to use the hurricanes as a reason to push his tax reform scheme and taking lessons from our previous popular-vote losing president in fabricating weapons that don’t exist to try and justify his illegal actions and war crimes in Syria and much more.

The death rattle of the Trump evangelicals article from The Week. –

Evangelicals are losing faith in our national embarrassment – for good reason – offering yet more evidence of why politics and religion don’t mix.

Why Trump’s Dreamer nightmare won’t go away anytime soon article from The Guardian. –

Partially because, like most of his other idiotic decisions, America’s worst-ever president made his decision based on lies and misinformation provided by the miscreants he appointed to his duplicitous administration.

Whatever happened to the money from Trump’s inaugural committee? article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

As with his other conflicting endeavors since being ‘elected,’ it’s probably being used fraudulently to line his pockets and bribery.

Trump’s Minions in Government Carrying on His Attacks on Legitimate Media article from Alternet. –

Our fake president is still spewing fake new while crying about fake news:

“Scott Pruitt appears to be the most Trump-like member of Donald Trump’s cabinet, and now the federal agency he is tasked with leading, the Environmental Protection Agency, has officially adopted the president’s most pernicious habit.

When Trump recently visited hurricane-ravaged Houston he praised the Coast Guard while knocking the journalists tasked with covering the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

“Think of it, almost 11,000 people by going into winds that the media would not go into . . . unless it’s a really good story,” Trump said, before gesturing toward the media.

That same day, the Associated Press published a story about the flooding of toxic waste sites in Houston, noting that Scott Pruitt’s EPA was still not on the ground. The agency responded in Trump-like fashion, attacking the press to distract from legitimate questions…”

Appeals court: Grandparents not part of Trump’s travel ban article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0 gets shot down in court again…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 167

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with reflections on his insanity from those closest to him as his lackluster lame duck presidency continues imploding, more on the many reasons our Liar-in-Chief never tells the truth, our national embarrassment just killed another successful Obama-era immigration program in his haste to make America white again, among his multitude of corrupt and illegal acts since deciding to run for office and being ‘elected’ our Loser-in-Chief has found all kinds of ways to rip off Americans while enriching his own fraudulent ass, more on the lies used by Trump and his racist Attorney General to discriminate against DREAMers, poll finds majority of Obama turned Trump voters are having buyers remorse, still repeating the same lies about his tax reform scam and much more.

Aide says Trump ‘is insane’ article from Capitol Hill Blue. –

The failure of his illegitimate presidency is causing our minority-elect president to lose what little is left of his unsound mind.

The Real ‘Fake News’ Crisis article from Consortium News. –

Revelations on how a fake president has done such a good job fabricating false claims of fake news.

The methodical madness of Donald Trump: Don’t underestimate him. article from USA Today. –

Pondering whether our dimwitted dip shit is really that ignorant or if it’s all a ploy…

It doesn’t matter if Donald Trump is ‘crazy’ – what matters is whether he can be stopped article from Salon News. –

It’s truly sad how ignorant Trump’s minions are:

“A portion of our country also managed to fall deeply in love with Donald Trump — a “reality” TV star who maintains an even more tenuous relationship with reality than did his hero, the much more lovable Ronald Reagan. Trump and Reagan have opposite temperaments — Reagan eternally sunny, Trump ever dark, but both sell similar societal delusions. Trump manages to be truculently wrong on every existential question facing humanity — denying global warming, encouraging pollution, promoting resource depletion, enjoying saber rattling, opposing population and gun control, escalating obscene inequality, and trampling on civil rights protections. He has the demeanor of a circus barker, the integrity of a con man, the temperament of a neighborhood bully, the breathtaking ignorance of an arrogant know-nothing, the political instincts of a führer, and the policies of a tribal nationalist.

All the problems that are inherent in American exceptionalism are now very badly compounded by Trump exceptionalism. Trump doesn’t qualify for a mental disorder, but he does present with one of the world’s best-documented cases of lifelong failure to mature. He is a boy/man who expects everything to go his way and experiences the world as an extension of himself. Other people exist only to do his imperious bidding, admire his great deeds, and gratify his enormous wants. This is perfectly age-appropriate behavior in a young child, but is perfectly inappropriate in a president. Trump fancies himself the nation’s Big Brother, but he is really our neediest Big Baby. Trump is bad, not mad, but we the people are mad for having elected such a terribly flawed person to the most powerful position in the world. His heady rise was surprisingly undeterred by his consistent pattern of boldfaced lying; constant flip-flopping; irresponsible incitement to violence; and self-congratulatory bigotry, racism, and sexism. Blustering, bullying, and bravado play well on reality TV but can be disastrous in real life when you are running a country. No one less qualified to be president has ever won the office. No one so dangerous to our democracy has ever been given its most powerful position.

Trump is an unlikely messenger bearing an unwelcome message about the sanity of our body politic. He has revealed and unleashed a deeper streak of delusional denial in a larger segment of U.S. society than even I would have thought possible. Thomas More’s hope for a utopian America has decayed into a Trumpian dystopia. Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again” (stolen, appropriately enough, from Ronald Reagan) disguises policies that in fact make America small, fearful, angry, petty, and vicious. Karl Marx once quipped, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.” The Trump phenomenon marks what I dearly hope will be a bottom in both American tragedy and farce…”

Trump’s Lies Are Literally Tearing us Apart article from Medium. –

Trump doesn’t lie to mislead, he lies to try and drag us down into his twisted alternate reality.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 166

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president with his meltdown over how he’s being treated by the media and the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him over his un-Presidential – still incapable of acting Presidential after 7 months – responses to a natural disaster and his support of neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, our dimwitted dip shit’s Twitter tirades designed to distract from his gross incompetence and crimes begin again as he shamelessly smears Comey while his Russia scandal hits closer to home, Trump’s dubious claims of being wiretapped by President Obama remains unfounded – just more malicious lies fabricated by our illegitimate idiot in the White House, still struggling to show empathy to Hurricane Harvey victims as the real reason he fired Comey comes to light, details on Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam aimed at screwing the Middle Class while further enriching corrupt billionaires and corporations revealed and much more.

Trump Lashes Out at Top Aides in Private As He Struggles Over Harvey, Charlottesville and Media Coverage article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

It’s not difficult to see why media and the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ Trump are being so hard on him, but he himself can’t figure it out…

The Curious Link Between Trump’s Moscow Tower Deal and a Ukraine ‘Peace Plan’ article from Mother Jones. –

More bad news for our national embarrassment as more details of his lies and malfeasance emerge.

Trump’s Tax Plan Is a Confidence Scam article from Common Dreams. –

America’s worst-ever president has no tax plan, only delusions of cutting taxes for the fraudulent corporations that own him so their CEO’s can get richer while screwing over everyone else.

‘Disappointed’ and ‘Let Down,’ Disaffected Trump Voters Voice Their Dismay article from Alternet. –

Many of our demented delinquent’s minions are beginning to realize that Trump has conned and lied to them:

“WASHINGTON — With each crisis of the young Trump administration, reporters and pollsters have documented the steady support he continues to get from his most ardent backers, the roughly one in four Americans who consistently tell pollsters that they approve of his performance in office, agree with him on most issues and like his personality.

Tuesday night at a focus group in Pittsburgh, a group of reporters heard from a different slice of Trump voters — ones he’s lost for now.

“Outrageous,” “disappointed,” “not ready” were among the adjectives that focus group members tossed out when asked for a single word to describe the president — and those were from the participants who had voted for him.

“He has got to be his own worst enemy,” said Tony Sciullo, a lifelong Pittsburgh resident and a registered independent who works for an insurance agency and described Trump as an “abject disappointment.”…”

Kris Kobach Now A Paid Columnist At Breitbart article from Talking Points Memo. –

One of the head’s of Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ is pushing fake news as a Breitbart ‘columnist’ offering yet more evidence that Trump’s claims of voter fraud are nothing but a sham…

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