Monthly Archives: October 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 183

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our pathetic, illegitimate, popular vote losing president begin with his outrageous, never-ending boasts which reveal just how desperate he has become to try and prove he is legitimate despite the obvious, Trump and his ilk have lied repeatedly (84 times so far) about his fraudulent tax reform scam, there is more than ample evidence that proves our Imbecilic leader did indeed obstruct Justice, still waiting for the evidence to back up all of Trump’s bogus claims and lies, how we are reminded on a daily basis that Trump has serious cognitive deficits and is unable to control his delusional mind, preparing for a major meltdown as our fake president’s fake news comes roaring back to bite his big Orange ass despite trying to blame Hillary Clinton, Mueller indictments make you wonder why our lackluster lame duck leader hired the people he did while campaigning, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator almost has enough rope to hang himself as his Russia scandal engulfs him, it turns out our illegitimate president is a bigger war criminal than his predecessor and much more.

Trump’s Boasts Are Growing Progressively More Outrageous, Desperate and Pathetic article from Alternet. –

There is growing desperation from our national embarrassment to try and prove that he is legitimate, despite the fact that he has proven repeatedly that he is not.

The big lie about their tax plan that Trump and his top advisors have already told 84 times article from Think Progress. –

Trump’s lying repeatedly about his fraudulent tax reform scam does not make what he says true.

The White House’s Official Position Is That Anyone Who Accused Trump of Harassment Is Lying article from Splinter. –

Because, you know, everyone who calls out America’s worst-ever president as the fraudulent, lying, pussy-grabbing predatory piece of shit that he is for his crimes and other malfeasance is always lying.

Lawmakers Want to Forbid Trump From Launching Unauthorized Preemptive Strike Against North Korea article from Common Dreams. –

Allowing a psychopath with diminished mental capacities to be in charge of America’s nuclear weapons is a really bad idea:

“With diplomacy between Washington and Pyongynag on its “last legs” and President Donald Trump continuing to ratchet up tensions, scores of U.S. lawmakers just introduced legislation to prevent him from launching a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.

Denouncing Trump’s “reckless” conduct, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, explained why many feel the president needs to held in check. “During the campaign,” he said, “people feared a President Trump with the power to initiate a nuclear conflict—less than a year later, those fears are far too close to being realized.”

Conyers was joined by fellow Democrat Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts in sponsoring the bicameral legislation (pdf), called the “No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act of 2017,” which was introduced Thursday. Among the 61 co-sponsors are two Republicans—Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Walter Jones of North Carolina.

The legislation states: “The American people, America’s allies in Asia, and the entire world have been deeply troubled by escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula.” It calls for no Pentagon or other federal agency funds to be used to launch a first strike against North Korea unless Congress has given approval…”

Trump Has A Breakdown After First Charges Approved In Mueller Russia Investigation article from PoliticusUSA. –

As his Russia scandal continues imploding his illegitimate administration, our dimwitted dip shit desperately tries to shift our focus to Hillary Clinton.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 182

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate minority-elect bigot president with his continuing fight over his inept handling of notifying military families of their loss – particularly when the family isn’t White, the GOP and their brown shirt leadership are aiding and abetting Trump’s crimes, more revelations on the scam that is Trump’s fraudulent tax reform plan, GOP still trying to cover up our dimwitted dip shit’s crimes by focusing on Hillary Clinton, our Liar-in-Chief caught in another lie as emails reveal he lied about contacting gold star families, despite the infinite revelations of his profound stupidity our demented delusionist falsely claims he’s smart and has a great memory, how Trump’s intentional sabotage of Obamacare will affect us all, when you can’t prove your innocence simply provide yet another distraction plus much more.

The motivation behind Trump’s behavior is obvious. The media just doesn’t want to confront it. article from Think Progress. –

Despite being proven repeatedly wrong, our Bigot-in-Chief is still fighting with the colored widow of a gold-star family.

Top House Democrat Drops A Truth Bomb: Republicans Are Aiding And Abetting Trump Crimes article from PoliticusUSA. –

Ya think!?! The GOP and their brown shirts collusion with our lackluster lame duck president has been obvious from day one…

Her Husband Made It the Perfect Day for Melania Trump to Speak Out Against Bullying article from The Daily Beast. –

Oh the irony: Melania Trump speaks out about bullying as her husband continues his bigotted battle against the widow of a fallen soldier…

Why the Dealmaker in Chief can’t negotiate any agreements article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Aside from the fact that he’s a pathological liar who can’t be trusted:

“Donald Trump has long boasted that he has a unique skill that others lack. “Deals are my art form,” the Republican bragged. “Other people paint beautifully or write poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That’s how I get my kicks.”

As we’ve discussed before, the evidence to back up these boasts has always been elusive – no one has ever been able to prove that Trump actually excels in negotiations or deal-making – but he kept talking about his expertise as a guy who knew, perhaps better than anyone in the world, how to seal a deal. Trump’s books were ghost-written, but he’s ostensibly the author of The Art of the Deal.

And yet, nine months into his presidency, Trump hasn’t negotiated any meaningful deals with anyone. The Washington Post had a good piece yesterday highlighting one of the hindrances to the president’s goals as a negotiator.

President Trump campaigned as one of the world’s greatest dealmakers, but after nine months of struggling to broker agreements, lawmakers in both parties increasingly consider him an untrustworthy, chronically inconsistent and easily distracted negotiator…”

Trump’s War Against His Own Voters article from CounterPunch. –

All of us will pay a price for the malfeasance of America’s worst-ever president courtesy of the minority of minions that ‘elected’ him.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 181

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing Twitter tyrant begins with yet another tantrum towards the Florida Representative that told the truth about Trump’s handling of Military deaths and lack of empathy that make him look even more stupid, why Trump’s presidency is and always will be such a massive failure, our dimwitted dip shit won’t be able to avoid taking responsibility when millions die to his sabotage of health insurance, Trump’s habit of speaking before thinking and his retardation of fact and truth sets the tone as his character trumps his attempt at celebrating character week, Trump’s dubious distractions covering up his even more dubious actions, how life in Trump’s land of delusion is much different than reality, how a flawed electoral system enabled the ‘election’ of our illegitimate president, the growing evidence of Trump’s obstruction of justice and a lot more.

Off His Meds And Out Of Control, Trump Launches A Late Night Attack On Rep. Frederica Wilson article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our Twitter tyrant keeps opening his ignorant mouth and fighting battles he can’t win to distract from his failed presidency.

The Big Lie Pays Off: Trump Voter Believe Fake News (About the News Being Fake) article from Alternet. –

Which really speaks volumes about the profound stupidity of the minority of minions that actually support him.

Obama Drops A Devastating Truth Bomb About Why Trump’s Presidency Is Such A Failure article from PoliticusUSA. –

Trump’s presidency is a failure because Trump is a profoundly corrupt and moronic failure, but it’s impossible to unite people when you keep catering to the moronic minority that ‘elected’ you…

Will Trump go down as the worst president in history? article from Newsweek on The Raw Story. –

Yes, as there is little doubt about that:

“Almost half of Americans polled believe Donald Trump will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.

According to a Marist poll released on Thursday, 42 percent believe Trump’s legacy will be as one of the country’s worst leaders, while 16 percent think he will be remembered as a below average president.

In contrast, 7 percent believe the Republican businessman will go down as one of the best leaders in U.S. history, while another 11 percent believe Trump will be remembered as an above average president and 19 percent believe he will be thought of as an average president.

Along party lines, the poll found 48 percent of Republicans believe Trump will be remembered as either one of the best presidents in history (22 percent) or an above-average leader (26 percent), while 70 percent of Democrats feel he will go down as among the worst of the country’s leaders…”

The White House Keeps Attacking Congresswoman Who Has Been Right All Along article from The Huffington Post. –

Whenever our national embarrassment says he has proof of something to contradict his stupidity, he is inevitably lying.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 180

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect president with his latest quest to destroy working Americans and the safety nets they pay for their entire adult working lives based on debunked fallacies and lies, America’s worst-ever president thinks Executive Orders are laws – revealing that he truly is dumber than a 4th grader, our impotent imbecile still stocking the swamp with crooks and liars, Trump – a spineless pussy that deferred serving multiple times – has a history of bashing the Military, once again our Loser-in-Chief shoots himself in the foot while creating yet another monumental crisis over his treatment of Military Veterans killed in action, proving once again that he is nothing but a fraud that should be behind bars and not in the White House, how Trump’s distractions are covering up the damage being done to this country by him and the miscreants in his administration, Gen. Kelly confirms that Trump lied while trying to blame everyone else and much more.

Trump Revives Notorious GOP Dog Whistle in Call for ‘Welfare Reform’ article from Truthout. –

Our lackluster lame duck president is now focusing his attention on destroying Social Security and other safety nets with lies about ‘welfare reform.’

In Must See Video, Nicolle Wallace Shows That There Is No Bottom To Trump’s Sociopathic Behavior article from PoliticusUSA. –

The endless depths of diminished mental capacities and corruption in our national embarrassment are always on full display.

Trump Sinks to New Low in Call to Grieving Widow of Fallen Soldier article from Alternet. –

Our duplicitous gift that keeps on giving just doesn’t know when to keep his ignorant mouth shut…

Trump Shows He’s Dumber Than A 4th Graders As He Doesn’t Know That Executive Orders Aren’t Laws article from PoliticusUSA. –

Saying he’s dumber than 4th graders may be giving him a little too much credit:

“President Trump thinks that he abolished Obamacare with an executive order, thus proving he is dumber than any elementary school child who has ever taken social studies.

The President said, “Obamacare is finished. It’s dead. It’s gone. It’s no longer — you shouldn’t even mention. It’s gone. There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore.”

This was some wishful thinking on Trump’s part because, in a democracy, presidents can’t make laws go away with executive orders. Trump has consistently struggled with the concept that he can’t rule unilaterally with executive orders. During his first cabinet meeting, he mixed executive orders and legislation to make his list of accomplishments seem bigger.

Trump may hope that people will stop talking about Obamacare, but the only way that the law can be repealed is through congressional action…”

As Nafta Talks Crash, Trump’s Art Of A Presidential Deal Becomes Clear article from Investor’s Business Daily. –

As Nafta Talks Crash, Trump’s Art Of A Presidential Deal Becomes Clear

Trump’s art of the deal – like everything else he does – involves fabricating numerous lies and blaming everyone else for his failures.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 179

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing fake president begins with his war on knowledge and truth so he can distract from all his embarrassments and malfeasance, Trump’s latest blatant attempt to sabotage Obamacare is both reckless and illegal, more on our national embarrassment’s failed presidency, an essay on why it’s time to flush the piece of shit in the White House down the toilet, our Liar-in-Chief is lying about his fraudulent tax reform scam, still trying to blame everyone else for his impotence and failures and a lot more.

Trump’s War on Knowledge article from The New York Review of Books. –

Our fake president’s war on fake news is history repeating itself, albeit ignorantly under his watch.

Golfer-In-Chief: Trump Has Now Spent 27% Of His Presidency On A Golf Course article from PoliticusUSA. –

That’s an awful lot of time wasted golfing for someone who constantly lambasted his predecessor for doing the same thing…

Why the 25th Amendment Won’t Save Us article from Truthout. –

Because the GOP brown shirts that keep saving Trump’s duplicituos Orange ass are just as racist and illegitimate as their lackluster lame duck leader.

Sick Trump Celebrates Raising Insurance Premiums And Throwing People Off Their Healthcare article from PoliticusUSA. –

Destroying the lives of millions of Americans – which is tantamount to genocide – due to your profound ignorance isn’t going to help our national embarrassment at all:

“Trump is celebrating his health care executive order which is going to increase insurance premiums by 20% while throwing 1 million people off of their health insurance.

This is the messed up world that exists between Trump’s ears:

(2 Trump tweets)

Trump’s executive order doesn’t expand access or make healthcare more affordable.

Here are the three outcomes of Trump’s action:…”

Trump’s Media Furore… US Democracy On Thin Ice article from Strategic Culture. –

Our fake president’s war on fake news – anything that contradicts his corruption and reveals the true depths of his ignorance in a bad light – is putting an already wavering U.S. Democracy in a bad position.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 178

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, popular vote losing president begin with a few of the things that our national embarrassment falsely claims he invented, while claiming to be highly intelligent our moronic lame duck president continues revealing the endless depths of his profound ignorance, our fake, Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator still trying to spread his war on fake news by threatening NBC for publishing the truth about his ignorance, more leaks from the White House about our impotent leader’s escalating meltdowns while blaming everyone else for his actions and words, failing to pass his fraudulent health care bill hasn’t stopped Trump from trying to destroy Obamacare – this time by another most likely illegal executive order, our Warmonger-in-Chief has killed more civilians with illegal air strikes in almost 10 months than his predecessor did in 8 years, our demented deviant in the White House committed yet another impeachable offense by trying to abridge freedoms of speech, the implosion of our illegitimate president and his dubious cabal is gaining speed and a lot more.

5 Things Trump Lied About Inventing article from Alternet. –

Our pathological lying national embarrassment keeps trying to take responsibility for creating things he didn’t and repeatedly lying about it.

Trump Is So Mentally Unstable That He Has To Be Distracted From Destroying The Country article from PoliticusUSA. –

The fact that Trump’s staff has to employ delays and distractions to keep him from going off doesn’t bode well for America.

Trump claims a high IQ, behaves like a ‘f***ing moron’

America’s worst-ever president – who is a complete and utter moron – duplicitously believes he’s the smartest man in the world.

Eminem Delivers a Critique as Vulgar as the President article from The Atlantic. –

The rapper did a freestyle take down of our dimwitted dip shit during the BET awards that is gaining national attention:

“The rapper Eminem performed a freestyle takedown of President Trump on television Tuesday, calling out the hypocrisy of his extravagant travel, his bumbling incompetence, and his disrespect for a POW before dubbing him “Donald the bitch.”

The performance was perhaps the most prominent instance of a white celebrity defending the NFL players protesting the killing of African Americans by police officers.

And the flagrant disrespect the entertainer showed for the president felt like karma, and not just because Trump has called the protesting NFL players sons of bitches. Recall that during last year’s Republican primary, Trump was able to excel in part by taking advantage of the fact that he had no respectability to maintain, no sense of shame or decency to limit him, and no reputation for good character to lose.

None of the other candidates could pull off bragging about their penis size on stage, insulting a rival’s wife, or appending juvenile nicknames to competing pols. The Access Hollywood tape would’ve sunk any other candidate. But why would it lower anyone’s opinion of a man who gave a radio host permission to call his daughter “a piece of ass”?…”

Trump Proves He Is A Moron With Empty Threat To Cancel NBC’s Broadcasting License article from PoliticusUSA. –

When a moronic, lackluster lame duck fake president continues trying to expand his delusional war against fake news the depths of his profound ignorance become abundantly clear…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 177

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our lame duck popular vote losing president with yet more proof that he has major issues with telling the truth as his lies about immigrants continue imploding, still catering to the minority of morons that support him instead of the overwhelming majority who oppose him and everything the GOP is busily trying to do, a closer look at the Trump’s idiocracy and his lacking mental capacities, America’s most corrupt president can’t understand why bribing foreign officials is illegal as he tries to blackmail Congress into paying for his duplicitous border wall, when your impotent leader is a sexual predator, case for impeaching the ignorant numb nut we call president for obstructing justice meticulously laid out, it appears that staffers in the White House really are running an adult day care center for their minority-elect leader – who continues providing us with facts confirming that he is indeed the perfect argument for birth control and so much more.


America’s worst-ever president lied – surprise, surprise – about all immigrants being hardcore criminals as in fact, very few are but that hasn’t stopped Trump’s racist crackdown on people whose skin is a different color.

Donald Trump’s Sabotage of Obamacare Is Reaching Baroque New Levels article from Slate. –

If you can’t pass your own fraudulent version of ‘health care’ destroy one that’s already in place while screwing over the majority of your constituents.

Why President Trump Values Being Unpredictable article from TIME. –

Being unpredictable serves as the perfect distraction from all his crimes and his failed presidency.

Trump is the most powerless president in American history article from Salon. –

Abusing the power of his office allows our national embarrassment to believe he’s important while his list of broken promises continue piling up:

“Let’s begin with the war in Afghanistan — because it’s a war, and American soldiers are dying over there; because according to the Congressional Research Service, it costs the American taxpayer $3.9 million to keep one American soldier over there for one year; because according to the Cost of War Project at Brown University, our presence in Afghanistan has cost us $2 trillion over 16 years. Think of it. Two trillion dollars. That would have provided 38 years of funding for the Department of Education, 36 years of funding for the State Department, and 148 years of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which covers 9 million underprivileged children, the funding for which Congress just let lapse. By any measure you can think of, we have spent a staggering amount of money over the 16 years we have been there. Which is at least part of the reason Donald J. Trump, as a private citizen and as a candidate for president, repeatedly said he wanted to get us out of Afghanistan.

Back in 2013, Trump went on what we would now call a tweet storm over the war in Afghanistan, perhaps road-testing what would become his policy of putting “America first.” “We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives. If we have to go back in, we go in hard & quick. Rebuild the US first,” he tweeted. Later, he tweeted: “Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! Rebuild the USA.”

Two years later, as a candidate for president in October of 2015, Trump told CNN’s New Day program: “We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. We had real brilliant thinkers that didn’t know what the hell they were doing. And it’s a mess. It’s a mess. And at this point, you probably have to (stay) because that thing will collapse about two seconds after they leave. Just as I said that Iraq was going to collapse after we leave.”

Two more years have passed, and Trump is now the president of the United States, and what did he do back in mid-August? Did he announce a new trillion-dollar infrastructure plan that would “rebuild the USA” with projects to repair roads and bridges and put “world class” airports where we now have “third world” airports? No, what he did was announce that he would be sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan in a kind of mini-surge, adding to the approximately 8,400 we already have over there. He announced the troop increase in order to accomplish “obliterating ISIS, crushing al-Qaida, preventing the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan and stopping mass terror attacks against America before they emerge,” goals pretty much indistinguishable from those of his predecessors, Presidents Obama and Bush, whose Afghanistan policies he was criticizing in his tweets and statements on the campaign trail last year…”

The Enormous Emotional Toll of Trumpism article from The Daily Beast. –

The fact that Trump is not now nor will he ever be presidential, let alone legitimate, extolls a heavy emotional price on America and the rest of the world.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 176

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect president begin with an overwhelming majority blasting his tardy, irresponsible response to Puerto Rico’s hurricane crisis – despite his self-absorbed lies that he and his administration get an A+ over how they handled it, Trump’s Russia scandal is growing more interesting with each passing day, insight into the multiple deferments used by Trump to avoid having to serve and his cowardice of bullying those that do, a look at the incredible corruption of an illegitimate, minority-elect president and the deviants that work for him, how our fake president’s war on fake news is actually a war on reality – which is starkly different from his delusional version of reality in his alternate universe, once again our impotent idiot tries to turn a crisis into being all about him, Trump is a textbook racist, the moron in the White House can’t handle the fact that one of his own actually called him a moron, it could take years to undo the damage done to this country by our popular vote losing psychopath in the White House and much more.

AP-NORC Poll: Low marks for Trump’s Puerto Rico response article from The AP on Yahoo! News. ––politics.html

Despite our national embarrassment’s egregious claims that his administration handled the Puerto Rico disaster splendidly, the truth about his racist, disastrous response reveals that the delusions in his alternate reality are beyond belief…

With No Muslims to Blame, Trump the Twitter Troll Has Gone Eerily Silent About the Las Vegas Murderer article from Alternet. –

Our Twitter tyrants unusual sympathies and ‘warm condolences’ contradict our racist popular vote losing pig’s usual bluster – had it not been a white man who killed all those people in Vegas he would have been singing a much different tune.

Trump On Pins and Needles As More Bad Russia News Is Coming article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our lackluster lame duck president’s Russia scandal – primarily over the ample evidence of obstruction of Justice coupled with all the lies he told about not doing business with Russia – is about to ensure Trump’s compete implosion.

Nixon Lawyer: Donald Trump Abused Pardon Power When He Freed Joe Arpaio article from Time on Yahoo! News. –

Our gift that keeps on giving has no regard for Law or seperation of powers and will eventually dig himself a hole he won’t be able to climb out of:

“During the last two days of his embattled presidency, Richard Nixon made a rare principled decision. With the Watergate special prosecutor and congressional impeachment proceedings closing in, he rejected last-minute requests for pardons from his two former top aides, the men who could most damagingly testify against him. Unfortunately, while dust is settling on Donald Trump’s pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, its message suggests a much cruder view of the pardon power, and sets a dangerous precedent for the months to come.

Most pardons attract little attention. Over the course of a presidency, typical presidents, with the advice of the Department of Justice, pardon or commute the sentences of hundreds of people who have moved beyond their crimes, and long after all investigations have ended. Sometimes, presidents issue pardons to try to help the nation move past bitter divisions, such Gerald Ford’s pardon of Nixon and Jimmy Carter’s general pardon of Vietnam draft dodgers. And occasionally, presidents issue pardons to friends, relatives, or supporters, and even at the request of a foreign government, such as Bill Clinton’s controversial pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.

But never has a president embroiled in scandal used the pardon power to protect himself. Nixon’s refusal provides useful history. On March 1, 1974, a federal grand jury indicted former chief of staff H.R. Haldeman, former chief domestic advisor John Ehrlichman, and five other aides for criminal conspiracy stemming from the Watergate cover-up. The president was exposed as well. To be sure, the Department of Justice took the position that a president cannot be indicted while in office. But the grand jury named Nixon as an unindicted co-conspirator. And before Ford pardoned him, he risked future prosecution.

On August 7, Haldeman and Ehrlichman, employing different channels, approached the White House and asked for pardons. They did not need to point out that the risk of prison time makes people more likely to testify. Yet Nixon rejected their request. The next day, he announced his resignation and submitted himself to fate. Gerald Ford later pardoned Nixon on September 8, 1974. Haldeman and Ehrlichman each served 18 months in prison. Neither ever fully testified under oath; their accounts of the Watergate cover-up are found only in their White House recordings, and Nixon’s secret tapes…”

Trump forgets to bring human empathy with him to Puerto Rico article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Empathy is something America’s worst-ever president is incapable of feeling, and as with his other visits to hurricane stricken locales, he did nothing to see the actual damage inflicted, opting instead to present another staged photo op to try and make himself look good while failing miserably…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 175

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures with our popular vote losing president trying to shift blame for his lackluster response to Puerto Rico on everyone but himself while lying about the great job he’s doing – which is non-existent, the lies being spewed by Trump and his GOP brown shirts over his fraudulent tax reform scam are quickly unraveling, Trump is going to cost the GOP a lot in the next election, how to tell when our lackluster lame duck president is in over his head, having a brief presidential moment does not make our impotent man-boy presidential, how Trump’s profound ignorance begets his issues with speaking before thinking, desperately searching for flattery in his failed handling of Puerto Rico’s hurricane crisis and a lot more.

Tom Price Takes The Fall For Trump’s Culture Of Corrupt And Abusive Travel Behavior article from PoliticusUSA. –

After racking up more than $1 million in travel expenses at U.S. taxpayer expense, Price paid the ultimate price for our corrupt, illegitimate president.

Trump to Puerto Rico: Your lives don’t matter article from The World Socialist Web Site. –

Trying to blame everyone else for his failed response to a catastrophic hurricane affecting U.S. citizens isn’t boding well for our dimwitted dip shit…

Trump Has A 7 AM Meltdown And Proclaims Himself More Popular Than Barack Obama article from PoliticusUSA. –

Apparently the fact that his predecessor was and is more popular this he is keeps our national embarrassment awake at night.

Opinion: After The Malignancy of Donald Trump It’s Up To Us To #MAGA article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s presidency has been a massive failure:

“A little over eight months after the inauguration of Donald Trump, the fears of 66,000,000 people have been realized. The President of the United States is not befitting of his position, as he has been proven to be an instrument of historical incompetence and divisiveness. America has been thrust into civil unrest and political upheaval, that hasn’t been witnessed in decades. The only saving grace for the future advancement of the world’s most celebrated democracy is us…We The People.

Our current administration has been the embodiment of malfeasance and corruption. The Republican Party represents a tired and outdated model of governing. The malicious disregard for the rule of law and offensive approach to critical social issues has left our country battered and bruised. It cannot be sensibly argued that we, in fact, have no leadership and our way of life, is a rudderless ship in the middle of the ocean taking on water. We The People have to power to plug the holes and lead America safely to shore.

We must focus our collective energy and resources to ensure that the Grand Old Party is a thing of the past, struck down by a blow of concentrated cohesiveness, swung by a coalition of common sense, compassion, and intelligence. Our citizens can no longer be hoodwinked by the pomp and circumstance of an empty-headed failed television star, thirsty for power for the sake of power itself.

Putting aside the recent controversy surrounding kneeling during the national anthem, it should be mentioned that sacrifices were made for the right to vote. The right to vote in this country cost countless lives, and somehow it has been overlooked on the spectrum of our most vital human rights…”

Fresh evidence discredits key White House tax claim article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Trump and his GOP brown shirt’s lies about his fraudulent tax reform scam are falling apart.

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