Monthly Archives: July 2019

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 306

Destroying America Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

His failing economic system begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as proof that his fraudulent tax reform is nothing but a scam continues screwing over ordinary Americans while enriching him and his fraudulent friends, Donald keeps embracing Treason and it’s going to come back and bite his ignorant Orange ass bigly, Trump and his equally corrupt cabal are dubiously trying – and failing miserably – to start a war with Iran, how labeling Donnie as the treasonous liar he is will go a long way in helping the Democrats win the 2020 election and so much more.

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics article from Common Dreams. –

Like the rest of his miserable life, Trump’s fraudulent economic policies have screwed his supporters and the majority that doesn’t support him while enriching himself and his fraudulent friends.

President Trump Welcomes Future Election Interference article from Rantt Media. –

Since the only way he can win is with help from his puppet master Putin, the Donald has no problem making sure they can help him avoid jail if he gets voted out in 2020.

Trump’s Astonishing Confession article from The Atlantic. –

Admitting that he would accept help from a foreign country if it helped him win the election is a crime.

Trump is not a nationalist article from The Week. –

Trump’s ‘America First’ mantra is nothing but a lie – all he cares about his himself regardless of the bull shit he feeds the moronic miscreants that support him:

“At a Houston rally last year, President Trump made a proclamation: “You know what I am?” he asked. “I’m a nationalist. Okay? I’m a nationalist.”

But Trump, we know by now, is a prolific liar, and even this statement has been proven to be a falsehood. Sure, he’s for strong borders, strong exports, and bringing American manufacturing home from overseas. But on Wednesday, Trump told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos he is fine with other countries — Russia or China in particular — jumping into the 2020 race on his behalf. Oh, he might call the FBI this time. But he would still take advantage of the situation.

“I think you might want to listen, there isn’t anything wrong with listening,” Trump told ABC News. “If somebody called from a country, Norway, [and said] ‘we have information on your opponent’ — oh, I think I’d want to hear it.”

Chris Hayes Crushes The Laughable Myth That Trump Is An ‘America First’ President article from PoliticusUSA. –

More on Trump’s felonious calls for foreign governments to interfere and keep him out of prison and his bull shit lies about America first:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 305

Biggest embarrassment Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the investigation into his crimes taking center stage as Mueller made it clear that it’s up to Congress to investigate and that there is ample evidence of his many crimes, gaslighting America with false claims of innocence is backfiring bigly for the Don, whose second UK trip turned into a bigger failure than his first one, Trump’s legal woes are growing and he’s totally screwed once he leaves the White House – hopefully after the 2020 elections if he’s not impeached first, Donnie keeps using his Mein Kempf playbook to attack the press in dictatorial fashion but he’s too stupid to pull it off successfully, Donald is a legend in his own delusional mind and much more.

Look carefully at Mueller’s choice of words today and you can tell what’s going to happen to Trump next article from The Independent. –

Mueller made it blatantly clear that removing Trump from office is up to Congress and the evidence of his crimes is there if they decide to pursue it.

Robert Mueller Just Told Congress to Do Its Damn Job article from The Nation. –

Mueller also made it blatantly clear that the only reason he didn’t indict the Donald is because Justice Department policy wouldn’t allow him to do so and Congress needs to start holding impeachment proceedings and investigate like it’s supposed to.

Trump Proves His Illegitimacy By Admitting Russia Helped Get Him Elected article from PoliticusUSA. –

The majority has known since Donnie was ‘elected’ by a minority of moronic minions that he is indeed illegitimate, and now he’s admitting it too – despite his lies about no obstruction – by tweeting about (and then deleting) how they helped him win:

Trump Admits Russia Helped Him ‘Get Elected’ article from Mother Jones. –

Despite his bodacious lies about a ‘Witch Hunt,’ ‘No Collusion,’ and ‘No Obstruction,’ Trump finally admitted the Russia helped him ‘win’ the election:

“In a Thursday morning tweet, President Donald Trump publicly acknowledged for the first time that Russia helped him “get elected” in the 2016 presidential election, a stunning admission that came while he continued to insist special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was a “Witch Hunt Hoax.”

The tweets, which were quickly deleted and then republished to fix a typo, follow a surprise press conference given on Wednesday by Robert Mueller in which the special counsel said that his office could neither clear the president of obstruction justice, nor, due to a longstanding Justice Department policy protecting the president from indictment, formally charge him.

“If we had had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mueller told reporters in his first public remarks in more than two years.

Moments after Mueller’s news conference, Trump took to Twitter to continue to claim innocence and declare that the “case is closed” in the Russia probe. His subsequent tweets, however, appear to contradict that very sentiment…”

Make no mistake: Trump is freaked about impeachment article from The Daily Kos. –

Mein Drumpf likes to talk tough but when confronted with reality as opposed to his alternate reality, he realizes that the endless depths of his corruption have landed him in deep shit and he’s going to pay the price for it eventually:

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Trump’s Racism Highlights His Illegitimacy

Having what a majority refer to as an illegitimate president in the White House who lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes has proved painful and costly to this country over the past two and a half years, but having said president spewing his racist rants across the air waves – unchecked by much of the so-called mainstream media – because he foolishly believes that using racism to encourage hatred is a winning strategy that will get him re-elected and then lying about it takes that illegitimacy to a whole new level.

Donald Trump has perfected the art of causing distractions to deflect from his endless corruption fueled by his profound ignorance to keep his criminal actions concealed while the public focuses on what he says instead of what he does. Making matters worse is the fact that the press continues repeating his racist lies verbatim without question. Indeed, if the press did its job and called Trump’s repeated lies and racist bluster out things might be a little different.

Trump’s bigotry and racism have been on full display for more than four decades, but the growing desperation from his failed presidency is bringing it to the forefront. Since being ‘elected’ Trump has had nothing to do with making America great again and everything to do with fraudulently enriching himself and his GOP enablers while gaslighting the minority of minions that voted for him.


Trump’s latest racial tirade began over this past weekend when he tweeted that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts – four of his biggest critics in the U.S. Congress – should ‘go back’ to the ‘broken and crime infested places from which they came,’ despite the fact that three of them were actually born here in the U.S. and one is a naturalized citizen. It’s rather ironic that he never mentions the fact that his wife is also an immigrant.

Fueling his racism and White Nationalism gives Trump more than ample ammunition to gin up his non-existent national emergency on America’s borders and push his immoral, unethical agendas. Before being ‘elected’ Trump promised that Mexico would build a wall to keep immigrants out, but as with the rest of his promises, it was nothing more than a heaping pile of bull shit that his supporters rolled around in. By constantly spewing vitriolic racism, it allows Trump to continue his scams and garner support from the minority of supporters that still can’t think for themselves and cater to his ever-shrinking base. Since being ‘elected,’ said supporters have been more up front and open with their racism and hatred.

One of the major drawbacks over the past two and a half plus years of having an illegitimate idiocracy occupying the White House and a Congressional body that continues enabling him is how the endless bigotry, corruption, racism and overall vileness of a traitorous, vindictive career con man as a president has destroyed any semblance of law and order as well as Democracy. Having a wannabe Twitter tyrant spewing his vitriolic idiocies all over the place to cover up his criminal actions has become normalcy and politics as usual.

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