Monthly Archives: May 2018

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 232

Trump dictator from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Having yet another meltdown on Twitter over his ongoing – growing – investigations into his corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as the pressure from his failing presidency takes its toll, more on why our national embarrassment concocts conspiracy theories to distract from his impending implosion and to try and avoid accountability for his criminal actions, our liar and thief’s desperation to deflect from his failing presidency intensifies as his bogus spygate conspiracy theory completely implodes, our nefarious narcissist take stupid to a whole new low on a daily basis as he constantly shows that the only thing that matters to him is stroking his ego and much more.

Trump Celebrates Memorial Day Weekend Raging on Twitter article from Splinter. –

The meltdowns our Twitter tyrant is having over his ongoing, and ever growing, corruption scandals is taking its toll on him.

Trump Celebrates Memorial Day by Saying Dead Soldiers Would Have Loved His Presidency article from Alternet. –

Ah the dubious deviance of life in our dimwitted dip shit’s land of delusion…

If Trump goes down, everyone wins article from The Week. –

On the many ways that all who oppose America’s most corrupt-ever president* will benefit once he is removed from office and held accountable.

Trump’s conspiracy hokum is ‘a vital part of his strategy to avoid accountability’: New York Times report article from The Raw Story. –

How our national embarrassment concocts conspiracy theories to distract from his imminent implosion and to try and avoid accountability for his criminal actions:

“Why does Donald Trump lie at a historic rate, including so many whoppers from inflating the crowd size at his inauguration to pretending he was spied on by the Obama administration?

The New York Times went deep into Trump’s long history of spinning conspiracy hokum in a deeply reported piece on Monday, concluding that it’s part of his essential nature.

“It is a vital ingredient in the president’s communications arsenal, a social media-fueled, brashly expressed narrative of dubious accusations and dark insinuations that allows him to promote his own version of reality,” write reporters Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Maggie Haberman. “Students of Mr. Trump’s life and communication style argue that the idea of conspiracies is a vital part of his strategy to avoid accountability and punch back at detractors, real or perceived, including the news media.”

The piece quotes his biographer, Gwenda Blair, says it’s about reinforcing the idea that you can’t believe anything…”

Our Presidential Politics Have Always Been Nasty. President Trump Is Something New. article from The Daily Beast. –

Having a ‘leader’ as profoundly corrupt, evil and ignorant as the big Orange turd ball we have now needs to be recognized for what it is, dealt with and ended once and for all.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 231

Great Job Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his admitting that his claim about a ‘spy’ being planted was nothing but a PR stunt designed to try and unite the minority of minions that still support him into believing he’s innocent – which as we’ve already seen is completely untrue, Trump is freaking out about the Russia investigation because much of his fraudulent fortune came from there and he’s been dealing with them for years, committing more crimes as he illegally continues trying to interfere in his corruption investigations – further eroding his failed presidency, how Trump’s lies and deceptions become problematic after being spread by Fox News – his fraudulent Ministry of Propaganda, Trump’s ‘spygate’ conspiracy theory was a dud – since it never existed to begin with, a growing number of people believe impeachment of Trump is too good for him, preferring instead to hold him accountable and put him behind bars where he belongs, how having a corrupt and illegitimate president* that does nothing but lie all the time has made it difficult for many to discern reality and truth from the alternate reality in his land of delusion, our fake president’s* war on fake news continues and the meltdowns are becoming more routine as the pressure from his ongoing corruption / Russia scandals inches closer to taking his fraudulent ass down, the Trump state is much worse than the non-existent deep state our demented delusionist keeps harping about – which doesn’t exist – as his cabal continues looting the U.S. for personal profit at our expense plus much more.

Trump Admits His New Spygate Narrative Is A PR Stunt To Play The American People article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our national embarrassment admitted that his claim about a ‘spy’ being planted was nothing but a PR stunt designed to try and unite the minority of minions that still support him into believing he’s innocent, which of course is completely untrue.

Legal Analyst Says Giuliani Basically Admitted Trump’s Campaign Broke the Law by Taking ‘Gift’ from Russians article from Alternet. –

Every time our imbecilic dotard’s lawyer speaks for him it implicates Trump in more crimes…

This video connects every single dot between Trump and Russia – and the picture it paints is damning article from The Raw Story. –

Our dimwitted dip shit is freaking out about the Russia investigation because his relationship – and much of his fraudulent ‘fortune’ – with Russia goes back a long way.

Trump claims Clapper ‘admitted’ the FBI spied on his campaign. But Clapper said the opposite. article from Yahoo! News. –

Unsurprisingly, Trump lied about what Clapper said – and he has always lied about everything since he’s incapable of ever telling the truth:

“President Trump on Wednesday falsely claimed that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper conceded the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.

“If you look at Clapper, he sort of admitted they had spies in the campaign, yesterday, inadvertently,” Trump told reporters on the South Lawn.

Except Clapper said precisely the opposite.

Appearing on ABC’s “The View” Tuesday, Clapper was asked by co-host Joy Behar whether the bureau was, indeed, spying on the Trump campaign — as the president and his allies have claimed…”

Art of the Dealbreaker: Trump’s Cancellation of the Summit with Kim article from Counter Punch. –

As history has shown, our nefarious narcissist isn’t very good at making deals, and he never had any intention of meeting with North Korea to begin with.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 230

Similarities to Hitler Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

A potentially treasonous act enabled by the profound corruption of Trump and his cabal – which includes much of the U.S. Congress – after selling American foreign policy to the highest bidders begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, connecting our impotent imbecile’s deceptions and lies is not that difficult, involving himself in investigations about him aren’t going to work out well for our nefarious narcissist, Trump’s nascent despotic delusions of grandeur are becoming evident to the point that it’s time for the U.S. population – at least the majority that aren’t foolish enough to support his profoundly corrupt, ignorant ass – to do something about it since the GOP-controlled U.S. Congress won’t, why our aspiring despot attacks the press, despite the fact that only the morons who still support him actually believe him, the louder our imbecilic blustering bullshitter bloviates, the worse his legal woes become, which explains why he’s having serious meltdowns more frequently, the delusions of Trump’s ‘spygate’ conspiracy theory have already unraveled yet he keeps repeating it hoping everyone will believe him, there is no doubt that Trump is guilty of multiple counts of collusion but Mueller keeps digging deeper and our lackluster lame duck president* is going down and he knows it and much more.

The American Republic Is Fighting for Its Life article from Esquire. –

The profound corruption of our national embarrassment takes center stage as he set in motion yet another potential constitutional crisis after selling American foreign policy to the highest bidder – opening the door for more potential treasonous crimes.

‘State of Constitutional Crisis’ as DOJ Bows to Trump Demand for Probe into Alleged Surveillance of His Campaign article from Common Dreams. –

Yet another potential constitutional crisis which could potentially add to the growing list of treasonous acts against the U.S. by our Liar and Thief as he politicizes the DOJ to use against his enemies – to create yet another distraction from his other investigations and imploding presidency.

The Coming Collapse article from Truthdig. –

How the destruction of America being perpetrated by our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator and his equally corrupt cabal, aided by his GOP brown shirts in Congress, is in full swing.

Rachel Maddow Busts Trump On A Second Obstruction Of Justice article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our impotent imbecile’s deceptions and lies – gifts that keep on giving – make it so simple to connect the dots in his endless cesspool of corruption:

“Rachel Maddow put Trump’s call for an investigation into the Russia investigation into clear terms by noting that it is the second time that Trump has taken action to interfere with the Russia investigation.


Maddow said:…”

Inside the Trump Tweet Machine: Staff-written posts, bad grammar (on purpose), and delight in the chaos article from The Boston Globe. –

Our Twitter tyrant isn’t the only one that tweets moronic misinformation – you can tell it was Trump when there are 3 or more rapid fire tweets that ramble on but make no sense, like his meltdown over the weekend from the pressure of his endless criminal activities that are taking down his failed presidency…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 229

Trump Hitler meme from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with the damage being done to his businesses as his corruption scandals continue tanking his already failing presidency, the many reasons why Trump is going down and will not recover from the endless cesspool of corruption that is his illegitimate presidency, echoing Nixon by abusing the power of his office to take down personal enemies is going to prove disastrous for our dimwitted dip shit, record-setting $178 billion stock buyback boom offers yet more evidence that Trump’s tax reform plan was nothing but a fraudulent scam, how our big Orange turd ball’s ignorant tweets are going to come back and bite him in the ass, using a conspiracy theory of someone spying on his campaign as a distraction won’t bode well for our demented delusionist, our national embarrassment’s lifetime of profound corruption coupled with the fact that his profoundly ignorant ass is in the White House is this country’s biggest scandal and a lot more.

Donald Trump’s Business Empire Is No Longer Growing article from Mother Jones. –

The damage being done to our impotent imbecile’s businesses is becoming noticeable as his profound corruption continues imploding his already failed presidency.

How Trump Assaults the Very Language of American Democracy with Every Word He Utters article from Alternet. –

Having an illegitimate, Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator in the White House who is highly illiterate is sad but extremely entertaining.

Trump’s latest ‘Watergate’ appears to be as misguided as his others article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

America’s worst-ever president* is starting to lose what little is left of his demented mind as the pressure from his corruption scandals continue so he’s desperately creating distractions – and failing miserably.

The mind-boggling corruption of Trump Inc. article from The Week. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* is drowning in his own self-inflicted cesspool of corruption that just keeps growing exponentially:

“Another week in the Donald Trump presidency, another handful of days so stuffed full of sordid and highly complicated stories that even journalists have trouble keeping track of what’s going on.

But the thread tying all the latest news together — from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s sundry exploits, to Trump’s ongoing presidential profiteering, to the Russia investigation — is corruption. The Trump administration will surely go down as one of the most — if not the most — rotten in American history.

Let’s roll this most recent bit of tape. Ronan Farrow, who has become one of the signature investigative reporters of the Trump presidency, revealed at The New Yorker why somebody leaked the notorious financial reports of Michael Cohen showing that he had been given fantastically large sums of money from AT&T, Novartis, and a Russian oligarch-connected LLC. This information came from a “suspicious activity report” (SAR), which is something a bank files with the Treasury Department when they suspect something fishy is going on with a customer.

It turns out the source is a law enforcement official, and he released the SAR after he discovered that two more SARs detailing $3 million of additional similar transactions had somehow vanished from the Treasury Department’s database. The source told Farrow that he feared that someone within Treasury was withholding the documents for political reasons, and thus released the one he had…”

Trump is ‘going down’ – and here are all the reasons why article from The Raw Story. –

Because his entire illegitimate, fake presidency is nothing but felonies, fraud and lies that are profoundly compounded by stupidity and endless corruption.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 228

Tired of winning yet from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The endless probes into Trump’s growing cesspool of corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, digging in to face the growing list of criminal charges from his lackluster lame duck presidency, the many ways our Liar in Thief is purposely trying to destroy the Federal government, why Trump has the leakiest White House ever, our demented delusionist actually believes he’ll be able to put an end to the Mueller investigations, Trump’s felonious rap sheet continues growing exponentially, the new adventures of dumb and dumber are proving quite entertaining, the mystery of the missing millions in donations to Trump’s inauguration campaign that just disappeared plus a lot more.

The Trump labyrinth article from The Week. –

On the growing probes into America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* endless cesspool of criminal activities that keep spurring more investigations into his profoundly corrupt, failed presidency.

Team Trump Plans to Go on ‘War Footing’ to Fend Off Impeachment: It Could Backfire Big Time article from Truthout. –

If Trump’s past legal defense is any indication, his ignorance will end up backfiring big time.

Trump Is Destroying Himself By Demanding That The White House Never Apologize article from PoliticusUSA. –

Actually our dimwitted dip shit’s actions – compounded by profound stupidity – have been destroying him for decades, now it’s just catching up to him.

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 68th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look at the latest week of our nefarious narcissist’s incompetent corruption filled week in office:

“Willing to turn on its allies at a moment’s notice.

Making consequential foreign policy decisions based on a foundation of lies.

Eager to decimate a decade’s worth of diplomacy to fulfill a campaign promise.

Its leader consumed in counterintelligence, corruption, and ethics investigations and is hell-bent on obstructing those investigations…”

Conservative Columnist Truth Bombs Trump, ‘Soulless People Working for Soulless President’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why our Lord of the Lies is more upset about the truth of his aide insulting John McCain being leaked rather than what was said:

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When False Flags And The Media Fail

Trump Syria from Pinterest

Once again, this time courtesy of a faked video, President Donald J. Trump illegally bombed Syria under false pretenses and the mainstream media (MSM) unabashedly cheered him on without question.

In early April of this year corporate media began parroting what turned out to be a completely fabricated story about a gas attack in Douma, allegedly carried out by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that actually never happened. The alleged chemical weapons attack turns out to have been completely faked, staged and filmed by members of the ‘White Helmets,’ a supposed rescue organization that actually operates as part of the terrorist groups the U.S. is supposedly fighting in Syria which were dubiously used by Washington, The UK and France to justify another illegal U.S. attack under the guise of humanitarian intervention.

The U.S., along with The UK, Netherlands, Denmark and Germany, has been aiding, abetting and funding, the ‘White Helmets’ – terrorists that Washington claims are rebels who allegedly aid civilians, though there have been countless reports that more often-than-not they actually aid the terrorists they’re affiliated with – but Washington has allegedly decided to cut the funding for now since the claims about the Syrian gas attack completely fell apart. Despite the fact that Washington’s terrorists are well known for spreading falsehoods to justify multitudes of criminal activity, America’s corporate media opted to spread the lies instead of actually investigating or seeking facts and the truth.

In what has become typical fashion since the ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11, a complicit establishment media again beat Washington’s war drums with total impunity instead of doing what they’re supposed, which in the past has led to endless war without question. Saddam’s Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction yet we invaded it any way, and we’re still there. Syria, which has actually been targeted by Washington for a couple of decades, is the latest unwilling recipient of regime change courtesy of the U.S. government and its allies, so the lies about chemical weapons attacks are dutifully repeated by the press despite there being numerous reasons to question them. To see why just follow the money. One look at who owns most of the MSM and how they benefit in this country and you’ll see they help Washington because they benefit financially.

Once upon a time the media was actually the eyes and ears of the U.S. population that kept them informed with facts and truth. The fact that we live in the world we live in today makes it obvious that those days are gone and in fact passed decades ago. When the media fails We the People pay dearly with the loss of Democracy, freedom, privacy, rights and virtually everything that America once was and stood for. The failure became blatantly obvious after the ‘terrorist attacks’ of 9/11 which, enabled by our complicit MSM, resulted in the passage of morally reprehensible ‘legislation’ such as the PATRIOT Act and the Authorization of the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that is blatantly exploited and misinterpreted by Washington to justify and enable their crimes and has since led to the tyrannical Police State we constantly witness today.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 227

How to stop Fake News from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How the parallels between Trump and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya – while quite creepy – are eerily similar begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s desires continue showing in everything he does, our imbecilic gift that keeps on giving has no intention of letting up, the damage from having America’s most corrupt-ever president* and his parasitic administration in charge of this country is growing, Trump lied about draining the swamp that he now owns, repercussions from our Lord of the Lies over his ignorant decision to derail the Iran Nuclear agreement are beginning to appear – as are the lies he used to justify it, our nefarious narcissist has been a masterful con man and fake news manipulator for decades, the foreign policies of our illegitimate president* and his administration are built on corruption and ignorance, why having a bull shitting con artist who lies all the time in charge is really bad for this country, listening to the head cheerleader (Sean Hannity) of his Ministry of Propaganda is making our lackluster lame duck president* look even more foolish and corrupt and much more.

Trump is the New Gaddafi article from CounterPunch. –

The parallels between Trump and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya – while quite creepy – are quite similar.

Trump drinks from the swamp article from The Week. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s relationship with Michael Cohen is, like our illegitimate president*, the gift that keeps on giving.

Trump’s ‘credentials’ threat is an empty one – and it won’t solve his problems article from ThinkProgress. –

Our fake president’s war on fake news took a new turn when he revealed that all the negative reports about him are ‘fake’ when in reality, the only thing fake is his failed presidency.

Rudy Giuliani Unveils New Legal Defense That Trump Is A Clueless Idiot article from PoliticusUSA. –

That has been obvious since America’s impotent imbecile took office, but now it’s more obvious with his equally imbecilic lawyer in charge of his defense:

“Rudy Giuliani is trying to defend Trump by saying that the president had no idea that his lawyer who he talks to regularly was selling access to the White House and the Oval Office. In other words, Giuliani has adopted the Trump is a clueless idiot defense.


CNN’s Dana Bash reported, “I just got off the phone with Rudy Giuliani about this very issue. And asked him the key question, I think, did the president know that Michael Cohen was doing this. And here’s what Giuliani told me. He said that he talked to — he, Giuliani, talked to the president one time about it before the latest in the last 36 hours, our reporting about other attempts to get business. At that time, the president told Giuliani that he was not aware of the situation. And Giuliani said, obviously now things are getting a little bit more — the word he used was but then Giuliani went on to say he’s only going to be concerned about it if somebody says this involves the president. And so far they are not saying it. Now, again, this is Giuliani saying he spoke to the president only once about the notion of Michael Cohen. Basically trying to sell access. President didn’t know about it. But has not spoken to him since our reporting about the volume with which the — Michael Cohen tried to do this.”…”

How Iran Could Beat Trump at His Own Game article from The Daily Beast. –

More on the stupidity of Trump’s pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal simply because it was part of his predecessor’s legacy.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 226

Fake president can’t debate facts from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his so-called Defense shyster Rudy Giuliani implicating him even more in his ongoing corruption scandals while trying to defend him, the damage being done to this country by America’s worst-ever president* is making us look extremely foolish, how virtually every facet of Trump’s life is nothing but a con that’s close to imploding his failed presidency once and for all, making history for all the wrong reasons as his endless lies keep piling up, the stars of the new adventures of dumb and dumber actually believe the president is above the law, to see how corrupt Trump and his ilk are one simply needs to follow the money, our fake president’s war on fake news takes a new turn as it pisses him off that the media is calling him out on his lies and corruption – making a major dent in his alternate reality, evidence suggests Trump is a money launderer – and if you follow the money from his businesses you’ll see he has been for decades and a lot more.

Rudy Giuliani Makes Trump Look Guilty As Sin In New Disaster Interview article from PoliticusUSA. –

The new adventures of dumb and dumber keep digging our corrupt gift that keeps on giving president* a deeper hole that he’ll never get out of:

Trump’s Aides Hired Israeli Spy Team to Help Discredit American Negotiators of the Iran Deal: Report article from Alternet. –

Our dysfunctional Orange dumb ass is trying desperately to find dirt on his predecessor and those in his cabinet responsible for negotiating the Iran nuclear deal so they can blame it on Obama when he derails it.

The Damage of Trump’s Low-Bar Presidenty Is Worse Than You Think article from The Daily Beast. –

The damage being done by America’s worst-ever president* is making us look extremely foolish.

Is there a tyrant among us? What would Shakespeare say? article from Yahoo! News. –

On the similarities of our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator to his hero:

TWITLER from Pinterest

“A cynical demagogue achieves the height of power through deceit and treachery, and proceeds to rule ruthlessly. Brooding, suspicious, and captive of his own angry whims, he dismisses or alienates the very allies who helped his rise, until he must face, virtually alone, the righteous retribution of those he has exploited and wronged.

Sound familiar? It should: It is the plot of one of Shakespeare’s best-known plays, Richard III, which also forms the heart of a new book by the scholar and Pulitzer-prize-winning author Stephen Greenblatt, Tyrant: Shakespeare on Politics. Any resemblance to current events or personalities is strictly intentional.

But why consult Shakespeare? What can he tell us about our own situation that we haven’t heard from, say, Rachel Maddow? Nothing explicit, certainly, given the vast difference between the leader of a 21st century republic and the rulers that Shakespeare, and Greenblatt, examine: 15th century English monarchs, Julius Caesar, and the quasi-legendary kings Macbeth and Lear. As Greenblatt stipulates in an interview: “Shakespeare is not great because he’s relevant; he’s relevant because he’s great. The immediate occasion [for writing the book] has to do with our current political climate. But not in a direct way. It’s absurd to think that someone writing 400 years ago is addressing contemporary American politics.”

Even so, contemporary American politics is the subtext of almost every chapter. If anything, the comparison between Richard and a certain American political figure — whose name does not appear in the book — is overdetermined. Here is how Greenblatt introduces Richard (the character, not the historical king): “He is pathologically narcissistic and supremely arrogant. He has a grotesque sense of entitlement, never doubting that he can do whatever he chooses. . . . He expects absolute loyalty, but he is incapable of gratitude. The feelings of others mean nothing to him. He has no natural grace, no sense of shared humanity, no decency.”…”

The closer one looks at Trump’s finances, the louder the questions become article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The Russia scandal may not bring him down, but the obstructions of justice and the fraudulent financial crimes will.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 225

Like a rock only dumber from PInterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his phony trade war and why it will inevitably come back to bite his big orange ignorant ass, the lies just keep coming from America’s most corrupt-ever president* as his multitude of scandals continue sinking his failed presidency, the new adventures of dumb and dumber to defend Trump continue – and will become more entertaining with each passing day, the endless corruption of the Trump cabal, our pussy grabbing president* suddenly believes abstinence is a good thing despite previously bragging about his alleged sexual prowess, many of those that voted for our Lord of the Lies are realizing they made a serious mistake and a lot more.

Trump’s Phony Trade War article from CounterPunch. –

As with everything else, our dysfunctional dumb ass doesn’t know what he’s doing in starting a ‘trade war’ and it will end up coming back to bite his ignorant big Orange ass.

It’s been another tough week for Trump and the truth article from Yahoo! News. –

The more his scandals continue engulfing his failed presidency, the more lies our dimwitted dip shit tells and it has been a really rough week for him.

Crooked Trump? article from The New York Review of books.

What to do when handling a president as corrupt as Trump and how the legal battles could play out.

The Feds Tapped Michael Cohen’s Phone and Intercepted at Least One White House Call article from Alternet. –

The hits just keep coming for our demented delinquent as there may be more evidence for Mueller to use against him:

“Federal officials have been wiretapping Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen for weeks, according to a new report from NBC News.

Citing two sources, NBC News reports that the wiretap “was in place in the weeks leading up to the raids on Cohen’s offices, hotel room, and home in early April.”

Additionally, NBC News’ sources say that at least one call made between Cohen and the White House was intercepted, although it’s not clear that Cohen spoke directly with President Donald Trump in the intercepted call.

Although investigators have revealed in the past that they have conducted secret searches of Cohen’s email archives, this is the first time that it’s been revealed that officials had been tapping Cohen’s phones as well…”

Wake Up to Trump, Distraction and War with Iran article from Common Dreams. –

Illegally attacking Syria didn’t work so now Trump and his cabal are planning on illegally attacking Iran for Israel.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 224

Trump can lie faster than you can fact-check from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How his endless lies have increased by almost 33 percent after his first 100 days begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* who keeps lying even more as his corruption implodes his failed presidency, shooting himself in the foot – once again – by eviscerating his legal argument for the Muslim Ban, our dysfunctional dumb ass president* and his ilk have gone from saying there was never any collusion to saying there was never any collusion involving him, why Trump is incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice, fighting a battle with Mueller that he can’t win – especially since it’s blatantly obvious that he’s guilty as hell, how having a corrupt moron on his legal team will prove devastating to the corrupt moron in the White House plus lots more.

Trump’s Rate of Lying Has Increased Almost 33 Percent Since Ranking After First 100 Days article from Alternet. –

The lies keep growing exponentially as his growing scandals and corruption engulfs our dimwitted dip shit’s failed presidency.

Trump’s big mouth just undercut his own administration’s defense of the Muslim Ban article from ThinkProgress. –

Once again our Liar and Thief just shot himself in the foot and put his legal defense of his illegal Muslim Ban in jeopardy due to his chronic stupidity.

Rachel Maddow Just Asked The One Question That Blew The Lid Off Of Trump/Russia Collusion article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why have America’s worst-ever president* and the miscreants he calls his administration gone from saying there was never any collusion to saying there was never any collusion involving Trump?:

Trump’s Game of Sneaky Leaks: Is He Playing the New York Times The Same Way Russia Did? article from Alternet. –

Trump is famous for leaking things to draw attention away from his endless criminal acts and deceptions:

“In her new book, “Chasing Hillary,” New York Times reporter Amy Chozick admits that she and other mainstream media reporters were duped by foreign propaganda. In a chapter titled “How I Became an Unwitting Agent of Russian Intelligence,” Chozick confesses that she and her Times colleagues allowed the need for attention — and clicks — to guide their decision to forefront largely unimportant information obtained from email hacks of Hillary Clinton’s staff. Those leaks were likely the work of Russian agents, who fed the information to the newspaper (by way of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks) in order to feed a false narrative that Clinton was duplicitous and untrustworthy.

“[N]othing hurt worse than my own colleagues calling me a de facto instrument of Russian intelligence,” she wrote. “The worst part was they were right.”

Perhaps after failing democracy in the worst way, you might think staff at the New York Times had learned their lesson. This week there’s reason to be worried that they didn’t — and not because of reporter Maggie Haberman’s feigned umbrage over the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, in an apparent effort to ingratiate herself with White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. (As bad as that was.) The real concern is that the Times is getting played by the Trump administration in almost the same way it got played by the Russians, which suggests the Gray Lady’s staffers are still allowing the desire for breaking news to trump their civic duty.

At issue is a recent story from Michael Schmidt about a list of questions that Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly wants to ask Trump, many of them focused on questions of possible collusion with Russian agents or attempts to obstruct justice. The story isn’t all that surprising in itself, but it nonetheless has that frisson of intrigue guaranteed to drive traffic: Secret documents obtained from anonymous sources, the suggestion that the Russia investigation is on the verge of a breakthrough, a hint that the president himself may soon be in the hot seat. As I write this on Tuesday evening, the story has been at the top of the Times homepage for nearly a full day, and became the basis for a dramatic episode of the popular podcast “The Daily.”…”

Trump is simply incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice article from The Raw Story. –

Just as he is incapable of ever telling the truth and much of it has to do with his endless corruption which will destroy what little is left of his failed presidency.

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