Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with his going on Fox faux news – his Ministry of Propaganda outlet – and admitting that he did indeed commit an impeachable offense, White House emails reveal that there was an attempted cover up after Donnie committed Treason – meaning his claims of everything being ‘perfect’ and ‘doing nothing wrong’ are just more examples of his always lying to cover his corrupt ass, why it may be necessary to continue impeaching Donnie – since the equally treasonous GOP Senate will most likely continue trying to acquit him regardless of the fact that he’s guilty as hell of multiple crimes, why Congress needs to hold impeachment inquiries on all the crimes the Don has committed – not just Ukraine, Donald’s desperation at tossing Giuliani under the bus by claiming that he never worked in Ukraine for him – a flat out lie – is quite revealing and so much more.
Trump Self Destructs On Fox And Admits Impeachable Offenses article from PoliticusUSA.
Donnie just doesn’t know when to shut up and the more he speaks and tweets, the deeper the hole he digs himself – and it’s going to come back to haunt him:
"They gave the server to CrowdStrike … that's what the word is" — here's Trump pushing the absolutely insane, debunked conspiracy theory that the DNC's server is in Ukraine and that Russia was framed for interfering in the 2016 election
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 22, 2019
Trump just gave away the game on his bribery scheme in a live interview to baffled Fox News hosts article from The Raw Story.
More on the Donald admitting his guilt to his Ministry of Propaganda with his delusional phone in to Fox faux news while digging himself a hole that he’ll never be able to slither out of:
Remember, "Crowdstrike" is the conspiracy theory that Ukraine and the DNC framed Russia. Here's President Trump again pushing this claim, supported by Republicans: that Russia is innocent, didn't interfere in the 2016 election. Who did it? Ukraine and the DNC.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) November 22, 2019
Congress Has No Other Option Than to Impeach and Remove the President From Office article from Common Dreams.
There is no doubt that the Don has committed a myriad of impeachable crimes, now it just remains to be seen whether or not the Senate will prove they’re just as guilty as he is or not.
Fiona Hill’s Testimony Was Devastating for Trump article from The Nation.
Dr. Fiona Hill provided a lot of damage to the Don and totally eviscerated any shred of doubt as to his guilt:
“Former White House adviser Fiona Hill was far and away the most impressive of the witnesses in the impeachment hearings against Donald Trump. This is a reflection more of how she presented her case than of the particular story she told. There are only minor inconsistencies among the witnesses: All the accounts confirm that Donald Trump and his inner circle used the threat of withholding foreign aid to compel the Ukrainian government to open up investigations that would implicate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
But the witnesses varied greatly in how they carried themselves. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was jittery and flustered, understandably so since he was a career military man giving evidence against the commander in chief. EU ambassador Gordon Sondland had the air of a wealthy dilettante trying to fast-talk his way out of a mess. A few of the other witnesses came across as colorless functionaries.
Hill stood out from the pack. She was poised, confident, brisk in her remarks, unflustered by browbeating from Republican representatives, and in utter command of her facts and arguments. Her testimony clarified the reality that the Trump administration had a two-track Ukraine policy: an official policy executed by foreign policy professionals and a nakedly political policy sneakily pushed along by Gordon Sondland and others.
About Sondland, Hill noted, “He was being involved in a domestic political errand, and we were being involved in national security foreign policy. And those two things had just diverged.” That divergence between the “domestic political errand” and official policy cuts to the heart of the scandal…”
Trump essentially admitted on live TV to doing the thing he’s accused of in the impeachment inquiry article from Business Insider.
The endless depths of stupidity emitted by our illegitimate president* are astounding and the fact that he can’t keep his mouth shut while ranting to his Ministry of Propaganda is going to hurt him.
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