Chronicling the misadventures of our forever Impeached minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Today’s misadventures of our forever Impeached malignant minority-elect president* begins with how the coronavirus pandemic and his treasonous response to Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan have exacerbated the imminent implosion of his massive failure of a presidency, he is going to pay a big price for his criminally negligent failed response to the coronavirus pandemic, his niece confirms that all he ever does is lie about everything because it gives him pleasure, Donnie’s in trouble now because his delusional distractions and lies aren’t working any more and he’s not handling it well and so much more.
A Complete Analysis Of Trump’s 180th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt.
More on the ongoing axiomatic corruption and stupidity being perpetrated by Trump who has failed miserably in more ways than one, but the coronavirus pandemic and his treasonous actions with Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan are currently hurting him the most.
Millions of Americans are about to find out just how badly they’ve been screwed by Trump and the GOP article from The Daily Kos.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues raging and reversing the ‘gains’ made in jobs last month while the economy continues crashing and burning due to Trump’s criminal negligence in his failed pandemic response, people are going to be devastated as benefits budgeted to help everyone, especially unemployed, are about to expire at the end of July, and they are going to be pissed off royally as they should be…
Trump Blames Joe Biden For Violent Crime That Took Place Over 4th Of July Weekend article from PoliticusUSA.
The Don appears to have forgotten that he is currently the president* in his land of delusion in which he blames the Democratic presidential nominee for everything his failed criminal regime is responsible for:
Joe Biden Does Nothing As Violent Crime in Democrat-Run Cities Soars https://t.co/57aBjnvTlV
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) July 6, 2020
The floor is collapsing under Trump as COVID-19 hits his base article from Alternet.
Now that the rapidly expanding coronavirus pandemic is destroying states that voted for his corrupt and ignorant ass, Donald is losing more of his base and he can’t handle it:
“I have long argued that conservatives’ innate empathy deficit requires them to suffer directly from societal problems and controversies before they will support basic concepts, like the value of the social safety net or the importance of medical research or the morality of same-sex marriage. We’ve seen this play out with the COVID-19 crisis, as the virus first hit urban centers and coastal regions rather than Republican strongholds.
Republican governors, with only a few exceptions, did not take the pandemic seriously enough and put too much emphasis on reopening their economies. They are now suffering the consequences, and their constituents are turning on them, and on the president. Gallup shows Trump’s approval rating sinking to 38 percent, and the explanation is based almost entirely on new people being impacted by COVID-19.
Pew Research Center polls show Trump’s approval is slipping fastest in the 500 counties where the number of cases have been more than 28 coronavirus deaths per 100,000 people.
Pew surveyed voters in late March and the same people again in late June, and found 17% of those who approved of the president in March now disapprove…”
Rachel Maddow Zeroes In On Central Theme Of New Tell-All Book: Trump’s Favorite Hobby Is Lying article from PoliticusUSA.
A new tell-all book by Trump’s niece reveals some new things and confirms a lot of other things, including the fact that all he ever does is lie about everything:
Continue reading"The plot point that you keep coming back to in every anecdote about him, both with the family and in dealing with the public and in business, is just about how easily he lies," Maddow says, referring to the new tell-all book written by the president's niece. #ctl #p2 #maddow pic.twitter.com/pEfHfai0Ke
— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) July 8, 2020