Monthly Archives: July 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 154

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president begins with his ongoing war crimes in Syria where he has killed thousands of civilians in a dubious attempt at overthrowing the Bashar al-Assad regime while funding and training terrorists, growing evidence that in addition to being illegitimate, Trump is a lame duck president no longer feared by many in Washington, the delusional dipshittery of the miscreants Trump surrounds himself with aren’t doing him any favors, why threats and Trump’s reality TV show – as opposed to having a version of Trump resembling anything remotely presidential – aren’t cutting it and much more.

The Trump Administration Is Waging a War On Civilians In Syria article from In These Times. –

The U.S. is illegally committing War Crimes in Syria and civilians are again paying a heavy price for it.

With Trump it’s time to go beyond mere disgust article from The Guardian. –

It’s time to take the rage against our illegitimate national embarrassment and turn it into something more coherent to remove his corrupt, ignorant ass from office.

The Past 5 GOP Presidents Have Used Fraud and Treason to Steer Themselves to Electoral Victory article from AlterNet. –

Trump is just the latest illegitimate GOP President to perfect their system of defrauding and disenfranchising voters to ‘win’ elections while committing treason and other high crimes.

Fox-Conned: After Trump’s healthcare debacle, next up is fake jobs and fiscal malpractice article from The Raw Story. –

With the defeat – for now – of his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway Trump and his GOP brown shirts can move on to the next items on their dubious agenda to enrich their masters:

“In Donald Trump’s mafioso-style presidency, appearances are reality. Trump courts chaos solely to appear strong and decisive. That was his standard for Trumpcare: getting a win at any cost.

If an early version of the Republican healthcare bill had passed, the Center for American Progress estimated up to 2.9 million jobs would have been lost by 2022. It didn’t matter that the forgotten men and women of Trump’s America would be hammered by cuts to rural healthcare systems overburdened with opioid addicts. It only mattered that Trump could brag that he was the top dog.

That disaster has been delayed — Trump will sabotage Obamacare out of sheer vindictiveness — so it’s on to the next debacle.

That is likely to be tax reform. The scheme is to shower the wealthy like Trump with tax cuts, inching closer to Grover Norquist’s dream of making government so small he can “drown it in the bathtub.”…”

Donald Trump Is A Terrible President, According To His Own Tweets About Obama article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s tweets about Obama – like the vast majority of his Twitter meltdowns over the past six months – are coming back to bite him.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 153

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President with his staff making headlines for all the wrong reasons, Trump – so far – is the biggest loser and it’s not getting any better for him, our illegitimate man-boy broke the law when he used ACA money to fund phony ads about why it needed to be replaced, the gift that keeps on giving has had a very bad week as his White House continues falling apart, despite what we’ve seen from our popular vote losing psychopath so far the worst is yet to come and more.

The White House Communications Director Just Gave This Unhinged, Profanity-Laden Interview article from Mother Jones. –

There are several issues affecting Trump’s White House which is on the cusp of a total implosion.

Anthony Scaramucci is vindictive, petty and unprincipled – perfect for Trump article from The Guardian. –

Having a mini-me in charge of his communications isn’t going to bode well for our dimwitted dip shit.

What Happened in Ohio Proves That Trump Is Only Going to Get Worse article from Mother Jones. –

No major legislative accomplishments, dwindling approval ratings and federal investigations are making Trump look foolish…

Scaramucci’s ‘dumbass popped-collar chest bumping’ against ‘leakers’ could be a felony’ article from The Raw Story. –

America’s worst-ever President sure knows how to pick miscreants to surround himself with:

“Anthony Scaramucci may have revealed criminal wrongdoing by federal law enforcement officials during his profane New Yorker interview.

The incoming White House communications director told the magazine that FBI agents and federal prosecutors may have been revealing to him the identities of White House leakers — which is a violation of protocols and possibly illegal, reported The Daily Beast.

“This is going to get cleaned up very shortly, O.K.?” Scaramucci told The New Yorker. “Because I nailed these guys. I’ve got digital fingerprints on everything they’ve done through the F.B.I. and the fucking Department of Justice.”

The Justice Department declined to comment on the remarks, but FBI agents and federal prosecutors told The Daily Beast that Scaramucci may have disclosed evidence of criminal wrongdoing…”


It’s turning out that Trump is a bigger loser than previously thought…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 152

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with lessons in loyalty – or in his case the lack thereof, in Trump’s land of delusion, he has convinced himself that he’s almost as good as Abraham Lincoln, our demented delinquent’s obsession with his illegitimate presidency is making us all less safe, backlash from Trump’s Boy Scout pep rally speech begins, our Twitter tyrant steps us his ignorant tirades against his political enemies, Trump’s efforts to distract from his growing scandals are failing miserably, how Trump keeps using Twitter – which refuses to stop him despite the obvious violations of their policies – to bully enemies and try to distract from his growing list of crimes and scandals and much more.

Lessons in Loyalty From John McCain and That Other Guy article from Roll Call. –

Loyalty only works one way for Trump as he has none for anyone else.

Trump: U.S. military won’t allow transgender people ‘to serve in any capacity’ article from Yahoo! News. –

6 months in and our Loser-in-Chief is already discriminating big time against transgender people and the LGBT Community.

Trump is a coward. At least it limits the damage he does article from The Guardian. –

Trump doesn’t have the balls to fire the Attorney General he appointed so he has to play games to try and humiliate him instead.

As Trump Prepares to Fire Mueller, the Rule of Law Has Never Been Weaker in Washington article from AlterNet. –

As our popular vote losing president threatens to fire Mueller and plays games with Sessions it has become blatantly obvious that the Rule of Law in non-existent in Washington’s Culture of Corruption:

“As President Trump drops increasingly broad hints that he believes he is above the law, Congress and the public face an impending crisis that will test whether the Republican Party is more loyal to Trump or to the rule of law. The crisis is all but certain, and the outcome is very much in doubt.

In talking up his “complete power” of pardon, humiliating Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and denigrating special prosecutor Robert Mueller, Trump has made clear that he doesn’t believe any investigation of his campaign’s contacts with the Russian government is legitimate. “A special counsel should never have been appointed in this case,” Trump told the New York Times.

With investigators closing in on his friends and family, time is not on Trump’s side. But the weakness of the rule of law is.

The pace of the various investigations is picking up. Mueller has assembled a high-powered staff. The House and Senate intelligence committees both grilled Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner this week. The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley, has now joined the hunt, issuing a subpoena for Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager. If Trump doesn’t act soon, more revelations—or indictments—could further limit his options to act…”

Trump Insists He’s ‘Presidential,’ Ranks Himself Right Behind Lincoln (VIDEO) article from Talking Points Memo. –

Our illegitimate president is trying to convince himself he’s great despite the obvious failures of his first 6 months in office…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 151

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The misadventures of our minority-elect president begins with our mentally challenged leader lying to Boy Scouts – a captive audience – during their jamboree, more bull shit rants from our Twitter tyrant trying to deflect attention from his criminal activities and scandals, our Loser-in-Chief orders the military to follow the GOP’s dubious agenda, the importance of inflating our Loser-in-Chief’s ego and praising him if you want to continue working in the White House, psychiatrists take the gloves off – will start allowing comment on Trump’s mental health and more.

Trump’s speech to Boy Scouts: fake news, crowd size and New York’s hottest people article from The Guardian. –

Given the mentality of our minority-elect President it’s not surprising that Trump lied to Boy Scouts too while giving yet another propaganda filled speech…

The Memo: Trump frustrations grow as pressure rises article from The Hill. –

As his Russia scandal swallows staff members and family, our popular vote losing President is losing it.

How the GOP Can Do the Right Thing article from Slate. –

The GOP – who brought us the constitutional crisis we face with America’s worst-ever president in office – probably can’t be counted on to stop it before it begins.

Trump unloads on Washington Post in late-night tweetstorm article from The New York Post. –

Yet another bull shit rant about fake news by our Twitter tyrant after being called out on shutting down one of his continuous Syrian War Crimes:

“President Trump blasted and appeared to threaten the Washington Post in a series of tweets Monday night, after the newspaper ran a story on his Syria policy.

“The Amazon Washington Post fabricated the facts on my ending massive, dangerous, and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad,” Trump wrote in the first of a three-tweet storm about the paper around 10:30 p.m.

The paper had just published a story online saying, “Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria.”

The story said Trump’s policy “essentially carves up Syria into no-go zones for each of the players — President Bashar al-Assad’s fight, with Russian and Iranian help, against rebels seeking to overthrow him, and the US-led coalition’s war to destroy the Islamic State.”…”

Unpresidential Command article from Slate. –

Ordering the military to follow the GOP’s criminal agenda speaks volumes as to how corrupt our dimwitted dip shit truly is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 150

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President with Trump making history as the only president not to reach 50 percent approval rating during his first 6 months, Trump’s other Russia scandal is being overlooked, the Trump celebration from the stock market is coming to an end, working for our psychopathic demented delinquent is exhausting, our Twitter Tyrant’s rants against Clinton and his other enemies don’t work and actually make him look even more stupid, forcing through a vote on his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway will cost Trump, our popular vote losing president’s creation of a fraudulent ‘voter integrity’ commission will never justify his lie about winning the popular vote and much more.

Poll: Trump is the only president not to reach 50 percent approval during first 6 months article from AOL News. –

Trump’s approval rating has been consistently low since he was ‘elected,’ holding at 36 to 40 percent depending on which poll you go by.

Trump Is Obsessed With His Twitter Following – Too Bad Most of His Followers Are Fake article from AlterNet. –

It’s easy to claim you have millions of followers when most of them are bots – not people – designed to spread your lies and propaganda.

Trump pressures troops for political help in lobbying Congress article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

America’s worst-ever President is still unable to act like a Commander-in-Chief…

What President Trump Actually Accomplished in His First 6 Months article from New York Magazine. –

Despite Trump’s lies he hasn’t accomplished a lot – aside from being the most unpopular president in history:

“The first six months of the Trump administration have been marked by a massive revitalization of the U.S. manufacturing sector, an end to the lawlessness of the Obama years, and a new respect for America on the world stage, thanks to the president’s soaring, Reaganesque rhetoric — at least, that’s what this video released by the White House would have you believe:

In reality, President Trump is historically unpopular, and despite having a Republican-controlled Congress, he hasn’t passed any major legislation. Many measures Trump promised to enact on day one — including overhauling the tax code, building a wall on the southern border, and repealing and replacing Obamacare — have been delayed, curtailed, or possibly killed by disagreements within the GOP.

But amid all the chaos of President Trump’s first six months in office, he has managed to enact some measures that have a concrete effect on Americans’ lives. Here’s how Trump has changed America in the first eighth (or sixteenth) of his presidency:

Put Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court
Though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell deserves the credit for stealing President Obama’s final Supreme Court appointment, technically it was Trump who replaced the late Justice Antonin Scalia with an equally conservative 49-year-old justice. As FiveThirtyEight notes, in his first few months on the job, Justice Gorsuch has proven to be just what conservatives were hoping for:…”

Donald Trump boasts he ‘has the complete power to pardon’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Trump boasts about a lot of things so the point is actually moot…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 149

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our Twitter tyrant begins today’s popular vote losing misadventures by declaring that he has full pardon power over himself and his criminal cabal – indicating that he’s guilty as hell, Trump’s growing war crimes in Iraq and Syria are creating a growing number of civilian deaths, our national embarrassment’s new trade and infrastructure deals are giveaways and capitulations to corrupt corporations and Wall Street, obstructing justice while trying to prevent investigations into his illegal activity is causing America’s worst-ever president’s popularity to plummet, more of the many ways our demented delinquent is the gift that keeps on giving, Trump’s irrepressible criminality, some insight into Sinclair Broadcasting – Trump’s soon-to-be addition to his Ministry of Propaganda, Trump’s pity party continues as his inevitable implosion continues playing out on the usual Sunday morning political theater shows and a lot more.

Trump, in angry TWitter spree, declares ‘the complete power to pardon’ article from Yahoo! News. –

Our Twitter tyrant indicates he has full pardon power over himself and his miscreantic administration in his ongoing Russia scandal – which indicates that he’s guilty as hell…

Trump is the most conflicted president in modern US history – and a new report highlights the dangers article from Business Insider. –

The fact that our Loser-in-Chief keeps shooting himself in the foot speaks volumes as to how profoundly corrupt and ignorant he really is.

Trump Wants to Take on Bob Mueller? Good Luck With That. article from Politico. –

Firing the head investigator – despite the fact that he can’t – and pardoning himself and his ilk will start a shit storm that will cost him dearly.


America’s worst-ever president’s actions – acting less presidential and breaking more rules – indicate that he is guilty and will soon be going down:

“For those who believed that the White House’s main problem was too many adults in the room, the appointment of Anthony Scaramucci is welcome news. Sean Spicer has resigned in protest, with little to show for his time other than sartorial upgrades. In brief, a role that normally goes to people with decades of experience in communications and government will go to a neophyte from Wall Street whose main qualification seems to be that he’s loyal to Donald Trump on cable TV and high-energy. As Scaramucci once told New York Magazine, “My middle name could be Shit-stirrer, except then my initials on my shirt would be A.S.S., and I can’t have that.” The phrase “death spiral” is starting to come to mind.

To be sure, you could argue that we’ve been here before. When Steve Bannon took over Trump’s campaign, conservative radio host Charlie Sykes compared it to entering a hospice phase with Trump wishing his campaign to die surrounded by loved ones. And we know how that turned out. So you could say that Trump is nothing but surprises. But Trump is also highly predictable. He promised repeatedly during the campaign that he could be presidential. But by early 2016 it was clear that he couldn’t, that no change would ever come. Chaos was going to be the norm. The question was always whether that chaos was controlled or not. More and more, “not” looks like the answer. Increasingly, Trump looks like Slim Pickens riding down with the missile, on the cusp of the final, sudden acceleration.

Trump appears to trust none of his staffers at this point, apart from close family, and that family gives dubious advice. Recall that son-in-law Jared Kushner was among those pressing for Trump to fire James Comey, while Bannon was among those counseling restraint. Following Kushner’s advice led Trump right into a prolonged date with Robert Mueller. This time, opposing the decision to hire Scaramucci were Spicer, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and Bannon. Supporting it was, yes, Kushner, Ivanka Trump, and—according to reports—Hope Hicks.

If Trump insists on disregarding sound advice from his staffers in favor of dumb advice from family, his decisions will get worse, not that they were great to begin with, and more and more people will leave the White House only to be replaced by less competent hires. While the lure of the White House is huge and someone will always say yes to a job there, the quality of newcomers is going to plummet. People see how poorly Trump treats his hires. (This wasn’t so clear back when Trump was in the private sector, and employees had to sign onerous non-disclosure agreements.) When they displease him, he lets it be known in public. This week, he even told The New York Times that he regretted making Jeff Sessions attorney general…”

A NEW DEAL FOR WALL STREET article from In These Times. –

Our national embarrassment’s plan for a new trade deal and his infrastructure plan are nothing but giveaways and capitulations to corrupt corporations and Wall Street.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 148

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President begins with Trump trying to deflect the investigation into his Russia scandal as it starts taking its toll on him, six months into America’s nightmare and our popular vote losing president is still in office, the fact that our national embarrassment questions pardoning himself and his other miscreants – including his family – speaks volumes as to how guilty they really are, our demented delinquent is now officially America’s least popular president in history, Trump’s Russia scandal keeps taking all kinds of twists and turns as he brings in more propagandists to try and keep up with all his lies and deceptions, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s land of delusion is imploding at a rapid rate, the price we all pay for the stupidity of a few and much more.

The Russia Probe Is Headed Toward Places Trump Doesn’t Want It To Go article from Talking Points Memo. –

Trying to derail his Russia scandal investigation isn’t going to bode well for our Loser-in-Chief.

Six months into America’s nightmare, how likely is Trump’s impeachment? article from The Guardian. –

Six months of lies and deception and America’s worst-ever president is still in office.

Were Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner Hoping to Get Clinton’s Emails From Putin? article from Mother Jones. –

More on the treasonous acts of Trump’s duplicitous offspring and their attempts to collude with Russia over Clinton and her emails.

Trump Reportedly Asked Legal Team About His Power to Pardon Aides, Family, Even Himself article from Slate. –

If our national embarrassment, his family and his illegitimate administration weren’t guilty of treason – and many other things – Trump wouldn’t be trying to see how far his power to pardon goes:

“Donald Trump’s legal team is, predictably, looking for ways to push back against the Mueller investigation into Trump World and undermine its credibility. It’s a strategy straight from the playbook of former President Clinton, who launched withering attacks on independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr during the 1990s, branding him partisan and biased in an attempt to turn public opinion against Starr’s aggressive broadening of what started as an investigation into land development deals that came to be known as Whitewater and ended with Monica Lewinsky and impeachment. But, along with pursuing perceived conflicts of interest on Mueller’s team as a means to knock the probe off course, according to the Washington Post, Trump himself has asked his legal team about his own power to pardon not just aides and family members, but also himself.

From the Post:

Currently, the discussions of pardoning authority by Trump’s legal team is purely theoretical, according to two people familiar with the ongoing conversations. But if Trump pardoned himself in the face of the ongoing Mueller investigation, it would set off a legal and political firestorm, first around the question of whether a president can use the constitutional pardon power in that way.

The power to pardon is granted to the president in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, which gives the commander in chief the power to “grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” That means pardon authority extends to federal criminal prosecution but not to state level or impeachment inquiries. No president has sought to pardon himself, so no courts have reviewed it…”

Breitbart Editor: The Goal Is The ‘Full Destruction And Elimination Of The Entire Mainstream Media’ article from Right Wing Watch. –

Part of Trump’s dubious war on the media and truth involves rebuilding his Ministry of Propaganda to help fabricate Trump’s alternative reality.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 147

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President with him whining about the possibility of his finances being looked at in his growing Russia scandal, mounting evidence that Trump and his duplicitous cabal have been colluding with Russia for quite some time, abdicating his presidential duties, America’s worst-ever president reveals yet again in another interview why he has no business being in the White House and is incapable of being presidential, our delusional delinquent is quickly creating more quagmires to drown himself in, results of millions of people standing up to the corruption that is today’s politics and our illegitimate president who continues making America worse again, the irony of Trump’s ‘Made in America’ Week as his second White House requests more foreign workers and lots more.

Trump: It Would Be ‘Violation’ If Mueller Looked At My Finances For Russia Probe article from Talking Points Memo. –

One has to seriously wonder if Trump is actually that stupid or if he gets his misinformation from close advisers…

Were Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner Hoping to Get Clinton’s Emails From Putin? article from Mother Jones. –

Trump’s campaign promoted a conspiracy theory suggesting Russia had info on Clinton before meeting with them.

Trump supporters still fixate on Clinton as mood darkens article from The Guardian. –

The endless amounts of stupidity shared by Trump and the hardcore minions that support him are astounding…

Childish Rants or Putin-Style Propaganda? article from Mother Jones. –

Our Loser-in-Chief is taking a page out of a Russian Propaganda handbook on deflecting and trying to flip the discussion to an opponent – making it appear even more that he and the miscreants he calls an administration have been working together with Russia for quite some time:

“President Donald Trump does not directly answer questions about his campaign’s or administration’s interactions with Russian officials. He deflects, pointing at his opponents. (That is, when he’s not outright denying the connections even exist.)

“Look what Hillary Clinton may have gotten away with. Disgraceful!” the president tweeted as his son came under fire for meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the 2016 presidential campaign with the explicit hope of obtaining negative information about the Democratic candidate. The president also complained on Twitter, “Why is that Hillary Clintons [sic] family and Dems dealings with Russia are not looked at, but my non-dealings are?”

It may sound like a defensive child’s playground cry—“Look at what she did!”—but it also echoes a traditional Russian propaganda strategy called “whataboutism,” a diversionary tactic that sidesteps criticism by arguing “What about them?” or “See what my opponent did!”

The technique was widely used by the Soviet Union during the Cold War in battles with the United States for moral superiority in areas of human rights, says Dmitry Dubrovsky, a Russian scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. For example, when the Soviet Union was criticized for actions like the imprisonment of dissidents, officials’ response would be along the lines of, “What about apartheid?” The whataboutism strategy has made a comeback and evolved in President Vladimir Putin’s Russia. The Kremlin is no longer arguing about who’s morally superior, Dubrovsky says; now it’s arguing that the morals underlying democratic ideals don’t exist at all…”


In threatening to take healthcare from 32 million, our national embarrassment is ignoring his duty as president to protect the citizenry.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 146

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The many ways our illegitimate, minority-elect president is dismantling the U.S. after six months in office begins today’s misadventures, his fraudulent ‘voter integrity’ commission dubiously tries to justify our popular vote losing liar’s claims that he won the popular vote, Trump and his team’s actions meet the definition of betrayal of country – which is treason, Trump’s ‘accomplishments’ during his first illicit 6 months after being ‘elected,’ Trump’s endless corruption and ignorance is coming back to bite him, our Liar-in-Chief’s Ministry of Propaganda is shifting the lies into overdrive and much more.

Six ways Trump is ‘dismantling’ the US after six months in office article from The Guardian. –

Putting a fraudulent Con Artist in charge of the U.S. was a big mistake.

Kris Kobach pushes debunked theory on illegal votes: ‘We may never know’ who won article from Yahoo! News. –

Our popular vote losing president’s fraudulent voter integrity commission dubiously tries downplaying the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 11 million votes by trying to claim we may never know the truth – fact is we already do.

A Typology of Undisclosed Trump-Russia Meetings article from The Atlantic. –

Tracking Trump and his cabal’s Russia meetings – many of which were revealed after his Russia scandal investigations began.

The Making of the Tabloid Presidency article from The New York Book Review. –

Understanding Trumpism and how it came about:

“Six months into Donald Trump’s presidency, the bond between him and his base remains strong, largely unaffected for now by the mounting scandals, talk of impeachment, and Trump’s stalled agenda. There have been five special elections to fill vacant House seats—in Georgia, Montana, Kansas, California, and South Carolina—and the Republicans have won four of them. In Georgia, the most closely watched race, the Democrats poured in $30 million for their candidate. But the Republicans nearly matched that figure, and their narrow victory in June was perceived as a win for Trump—and Trumpism, however ill-defined it may be.

Joshua Green’s new book, Devil’s Bargain, argues that Trumpism is best understood through his partnership with Stephen K. Bannon, now the president’s chief political strategist. Green, formerly a correspondent at The Atlantic and now at Bloomberg Businessweek, has been writing about conservatives since the George W. Bush years. It is a testament to his adroit intertwining of Bannon’s story with Trump’s that we’re not certain which of the two figures has sold the bigger part of himself to the other. In the broader sense, they are coauthors of our moment’s tabloid conservatism.

Trump has had many biographers, but it was Green who did the first in-depth reporting on Bannon, in a long Bloomberg profile in October 2015, ten months before Bannon formally joined the Trump campaign and rescued it from what looked like certain defeat. Previously, Bannon had been an informal adviser while making Breitbart News, the website he had run since 2012, Trump’s main propaganda auxiliary, surpassing Fox News, which had been divided over Trump and roiled by a sexual harassment scandal involving the network’s late founder and CEO, Roger Ailes. Green describes a conversation in which Ailes, still clinging to his job, tells Bannon he can survive. He just has to plead his case directly to Rupert Murdoch, who is away on his boat and can’t be reached. Bannon sees the obvious, telling Ailes, “If somebody called him about a merger, he’d take the fucking call…. You’re done.” A patois of coarseness is heard everywhere in this book, but especially from its two principals. Bannon was able to manage Trump the candidate when other, more seasoned operatives could not because Bannon is Trump’s unlikely spiritual twin, his bookish doppelgänger, unkempt in cargo shorts…”

Why Not Call It Treason? article from AlterNet. –

The actions of our national embarrassment and the miscreants that comprise his administration meet the legal definition of betrayal of country.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 145

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Shuttering the State Department War Crimes Office to make it easier for our illegitimate, popular vote losing president to continue committing War Crimes in Syria begins today’s misadventures, our national embarrassment still consistently lying since being ‘elected,’ America’s worst-ever president getting ugly after his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway fails – as he threatens to let Obamacare fail to destroy millions of Americans, the increasing hypocrisy of Trump’s ‘Made in America’ week, our Loser-in-Chief wonders why legislators don’t listen to him, it’s still everyone else’s fault but his own when his draconian policies fail, how our Con Artist-in-Chief went from populist to corporate shill less than 6 months into his failing presidency and more.

Tillerson to Shutter State Department War Crimes Office article from Foreign Policy. –

Making it easier for our War Criminal-in-Chief to get away with his Syrian War Crimes that he’s been committing regularly with total impunity.

Trump’s False claim that his presidential approval rating is ‘not bad’ article from PolitiFact. –

Our fake president still trying to spread fake news about his plummeting approval rating…

‘Modern Day Presidential’ really isn’t working for Trump article from CNN. –

Primarily because our illegitimate, popular vote losing president isn’t remotely presidential…

Trump Complains About Getting Fact-Checked, Lies Minutes Later article from Talking Points Memo. –

After complaining about being caught in all his lies, our national embarrassment lies again:

“President Donald Trump said Monday that he doesn’t like “Pinocchios,” referring to the Washington Post’s metric for pointing out politicians’ lies in fact-checking columns. Minutes later, he delivered a whopper of an untruth.

“We’ve signed more bills — and I’m talking about through the legislature — than any President ever,” Trump said at an event the White House called the “Made in America product showcase.” “For a while Harry Truman had us, and now I think we have everybody, Mike. I better say ‘think,’ otherwise they’ll give me a Pinocchio, and I don’t like Pinocchios.”

Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker columnist, implied there was an easy fix for Trump’s aversion to fact-checkers (tell the truth).

Yet, several minutes later, Trump cited a number close to one that was repeatedly knocked down by multiple fact checks, including from the Washington Post…”

Analysis: Senate Health Care Failure Another Blow to Trump article from Roll Call. –

Now that Trump’s fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway has failed, he will do everything he can to make sure Obamacare fails and millions suffer.

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