Monthly Archives: December 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 192

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president begin with the GOP trying to spin the first year of America’s worst-ever president’s failed presidency as a success, our dimwitted dip shit’s delusional reality is going to cost his failed presidency big time, it’s impossible to deny our lackluster lame duck president is racist, how our demented delinquent has normalized dystopian dysfunctional dipshittery, why our Twitter tyrant really should hang up his thumbs and quit showing the world how profoundly corrupt and ignorant he really is, rising ethics issues as Trump also profits from his vacations which are paid for at taxpayer expense while staying at his own properties, how to take our demented delusionist down if Mueller’s investigation into his corruption doesn’t, still trying to toot his own horn to make himself look good with lies about made up accomplishments while outside of his alternative reality he’s only making himself look more foolish, our illegitimate president’s first year has been a massive failure, despite his delusions, Trump is not and never will be as popular or respected as his predecessor – nor will he ever have a mandate – and it’s driving him more insane, Trump lied about stepping away from his businesses while allegedly leading the country, Trump’s declining mental capacities are a major problem for America plus much more.

Republican’s absurd revisionist history of President Trump’s first year article from The Week. –

Neither Republicans nor the FOX Fake News Network that pushes his propaganda can spin the first year of our America’s worst-ever president’s failed presidency and make it look good.

Donald Trump and the ‘just tell them’ approach to the truth article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The delusional reality of our dimwitted dip shit is on a massive downward spiral that will finally end his failed presidency once and for all in the near future…

Trump’s Credibility Is So Low That Americans Don’t Believe They’re Getting A Tax Cut article from The Huffington Post. –

Our duplicitous Liar-in-Chief’s issues with the truth are part of the reason Americans don’t like or trust his fraudulent tax reform scam claims.

Trump tells Mar-a-Lago friends ‘You all just got a lot richer’ after he signs GOP tax bill article from Think Progress. –

After lying to the public about how great it is for them, our national embarrassment bragged to his rich buddies how much richer they were once he signed his fraudulent tax reform scam:

“President Donald Trump began the holiday break by telling friends he invited to Mar-a-Lago for dinner that “You all just got a lot richer,” referring to the Republican tax bill — which largely benefits the wealthy. Trump told his guests this Friday evening just hours after signing the bill into law, according to CBS News.

Trump likes to argue the tax bill will not benefit him personally or high-income earners more broadly, and instead protects low- and middle-income earners. He’s repeatedly made this claim to the American public in speeches.

“This is going to cost me a fortune, this thing, believe me,” he said last month in Missouri while pitching the GOP tax bill. “This is not good for me. Me, it’s not so — I have some very wealthy friends. Not so happy with me, but that’s OK. You know, I keep hearing Schumer: ‘This is for the wealthy.’ Well, if it is, my friends don’t know about it.”

Trump’s repeated claim that he nor any of his wealthy friends would benefit is false. As PolitiFact noted, Trump “should come out far ahead” under this tax bill. Independent analysis by the New York Times and NBC found he could save $1 billion dollars. Washington Post’s Greg Sargent recently echoed these reports:…”

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 48th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look at our nefarious narcissist’s most recent failed week as president and the damage being done by his illegitimacy.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 191

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president with an explanation of why his corrupt tenure will do serious damage to America – though it will eventually be undone once he’s out of office, how our lackluster lame duck loser president is emboldening racists and bigots, our national embarrassment is the least popular first-year president ever despite his lies to the contrary, hardcore evidence that our demented delinquent is guilty as hell of colluding with Russia before the 2016 election, a breakdown of our demented delusionist’s 47th failed week of his presidency, Trump’s approval rating keeps tanking and the White House blames it on bad press – without mentioning that he’s the reason he keeps getting bad press, despite the never-ending lies from the White House, majority of Americans believe our Sexual Predator-in-Chief needs to be investigated, watching his GOP brown shirts piling praise on our aspiring dickless-tater raises questions about his authoritarian tendencies – once you get past the gag reflex, by ignoring all the crimes, lies and fallacies of our malignant minority-elect president, Americans are only helping him and his corrupt cabal make things worse and much more.

Why the Trump Era Won’t Pass Without Serious Damage to America article from Common Dreams. –

It will take time to undo the damage done by America’s most corrupt-ever president, but it can be done.

The Uncanny, Frightening Ways That Trump’s America Mirrors Hitler’s Germany article from Alternet. –

On the many ways our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator is desperately trying to turn Democracy into an Authoritarian state.

White House Melts Down After The New York Times Exposes Trump For Emboldening Racists article from PoliticusUSA. –

How our lackluster lame duck loser of a president has emboldened racists and bigots despite vehemently denying it.

‘A reckless con man s president’: LA Times burns Trump to the ground in brutal editorial article from The Raw Story. –

How a corrupt Electoral College enabled the election of a fraudulent con man and the price we’re paying for it:

“Writing in the LA Times, author and human rights activist Ariel Dorfman took the American electorate to task for electing “a reckless con man as president,” adding the country is now facing a reckoning.

Dorfman admitted that he is tired of hearing about investigations into Russian collusion in the 2016 election of President Donald Trump when the focus should be on how in the hell did American voters let his election happen.

“What is it, in our American soul that allowed the Russians to be successful?” he asked.

“Those were not Russians voting in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, handing the election to the Republican candidate by a bit more than 80,000 votes. They were American men and women,” Dorfman wrote. “As were the 62,984,825 others who decided that such a troublesome, inflammatory figure expressed their desires and dreams. Trump could be impeached or resign, or his policies could simply implode under the weight of their malice, divisiveness and mendacity, and the country would still be defined and pressed by the same conditions and dread that enabled his rise.”…”

The Trump Administration’s Streak of False Claims Is Still Going Strong article from Truthout. –

The lies coming out of America’s worst-ever president and his corrupt administration continue unabated…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 190

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president begin with Trump’s latest rally supporting another sexual predator running for Senate in Alabama being a bust as most of the arena was empty, once again our fake president is crying about fake news while trying to discredit the imminent implosion from his Russia scandal, the utter hypocrisy of our fake president’s war on fake news, yet more evidence that the fraudulent tax reform scam pushed by Trump and the GOP is nothing but a con, the majority of Americans believe Trump and his administration are the most corrupt in American history, more on the endless lies told by Trump and the miscreants in his administration with total unapologetic impunity, a guide on how to recognize and combat our wannabe dictator’s authoritarianism tendencies, how Trump’s dubious deeds and corrupt actions are doing the opposite of making America great again, our contraceptive inducing president’s popularity among Fox faux news fans is dropping drastically, Trump inadvertently admits his tax reform scheme is a scam and much more.

Trump boasts of ‘packed to the rafters’ Florida rally after online photos show mostly empty arena article from The Raw Story. –

Photos show that America’s worst-ever president’s rallies certainly aren’t what they used to be as fewer people are showing up to support his sorry ass…

A battle for public opinion: Trump goes to war over Mueller and Russia article from The Guardian. –

As our fake president feels the heat over his impending implosion from obstructing justice in his Russia scandal, he and alt-right media are using fake news to try and discredit it.

9 New and Crazy Revelations About Unhinged Trump article from Alternet. –

Yet more evidence that our national embarrassment is not and never will be presidential and has no business occupying the White House.

As his support drops to a new low, Trump makes history article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Less than one year into his tenure, Trump is officially making records as the worst president in American history:

“As the first year of the Donald Trump presidency nears its end, most national polling puts his approval rating in the mid- to high-30s, which is roughly where it’s been since the summer. The latest national report from the Pew Research Center found that the Republican president has actually reached a new low, with his support dropping to just 32%.

To put that in context, among other presidents from this generation, Bill Clinton had the lowest approval rating at the end of his first year, and his support stood at 48% at this point in 1993. Trump is 16 points below that level, which is just embarrassing. The president wanted to make history, and he has, though probably not in the way he had in mind.

But going through the results, I was especially interested in the shifts in attitudes among traditional Trump supporters.

Currently, 76% of Republicans and Republican leaners approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 84% who did so in February. […]…”

An Out Of Control Trump Rages At The Press As Justice For The Russia Scandal Closes In On Him article from PoliticusUSA. –

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Trump’s imploding presidency from his Russia scandal is hitting home.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 189

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president with pondering who is calling the shots in the Middle East – and Washington in general – since it’s obvious from his denigrated mental deficiencies that it’s not Trump, a look at the long list of sexual misconduct allegations against America’s worst-ever president, on the many reasons and lies being pushed by Trump and his miscreantic GOP ilk to pass their fraudulent tax reform scam, the evidence of Trump’s Obstruction of Justice is piling up, people are pissed about the Senate’s illegal and immoral passage of Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam, how to handle the tirades of our trolling Twitter tyrant, it appears Trump’s lawyers may be just as stupid as he is, channeling Nixon to claim he is above the law isn’t going to end well for our lackluster lame duck leader, our Pinocchio in the White House is telling more lies each day as the pressure of his Russia scandal continues imploding his failed presidency and much more.

Who is Calling the Shots in the Middle East These Days? It’s Not Trump article from Counterpunch. –

Given his denigrated mental deficiencies it’s obvious that our national embarrassment is unable to call the shots on much of anything, let alone the Middle East.

The Trump allegations article from The Guardian. –

The list of sexual misconduct accusations against America’s worst-ever president which he keeps trying to deny.

Trump’s Bizarre Rantings and Tweets Give Cover to His Fello Authoritarian McConnell to Ram Through A Huge Tax Cut for the Rich article from Alternet. –

As noted in the past, Trump’s delusional rants and tweets are nothing more than distractions so his GOP brown shirts in the Congress can find more ways to screw you over, which unfortunately, is working.

New Analysis Exposes GOP Tax Scam: Just 16% Would See Tax Cuts By 2027 article from PoliticusUSA. –

Trump and his miscreantic GOP ilk are lying to ram their fraudulent tax reform scam through Congress:

“Despite the repeated promises from Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress that their tax proposal would shower the middle-class with “beautiful” tax cuts, a new analysis finds that by 2027, just 16 percent of households would actually see a decrease in their tax bill.

According to The Hill, citing an analysis from the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), just 60 percent of households would see a cut of at least $100 in the plan’s first year of implementation – but those cuts would quickly evaporate by 2027.

Ultimately, the analysis found, most Americans would either see no changes at all or be sacked with a tax hike.

More from the report:…”

Here Are the Four Biggest Lies Trump Told in His Final Tax Scam Sales Pitch article from Common Dreams. –

More on the lies and mounting evidence revealing that Trump’s tax reform plan is nothing but a fraudulent scam.

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