Tag Archives: Trump’s GOP Brown Shirts

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 268

Crazytown Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Yet another lie begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as his claims about the FBI telling the White House they didn’t want to investigate Kavanaugh’s sexual misconduct allegations are blatantly false – he doesn’t want the FBI to investigate his get out of jail free ‘Justice’ for obvious reasons, our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler explains how wet water is as only his mentally deficient 4th grade level mind can, Benedict Donald’s obstructions of justice keep growing exponentially, learning how to recognize and deal with our Orwellian Orange Charlatan’s lies and deceptions will go a long way towards ending them, Trump backtracks on releasing information and further obstructing justice for fear of cementing impeachment once his GOP brown shirts lose control of Congress and so much more.

Trump Lied Again: The FBI Never Told Him or Anyone at the White House They Didn’t Want to Investigate Kavanaugh article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit lied yet again to try and avoid the embarrassment of his get out of jail free ‘Justice’ being investigated for sexual misconduct for obvious reasons…

As the Trump Scandals Grow, Believe What You’re Seeing article from Slate. –

Benedict Donald keeps telling his moronic minions to disregard all the reports of his criminal actions because they’re ‘fake news,’ despite the obvious fact that they are indeed true as the bubbles in his land of delusion continue bursting.

Trump’s Lies About Russia Dossier Debunked Once Again article from Alternet. –

Our national embarrassment keeps trying to deflect and lie about his imminent implosion from his Russia scandal, but, as with everything else he does, is failing miserably.

Water, the American President Explained, Is Wet article from Esquire. –

Our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler who speaks at a 4th grade level, is trying to make himself look less foolish after his Hurricane Maria response, but to no avail:

“Obviously, there are more pressing issues. For instance, the White House can ask the FBI to investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh before next week’s Senate hearing—as George H.W. Bush’s did into those made by Anita Hill in 1991—but the president has repeatedly lied, suggesting the FBI “doesn’t want to be involved.” He could just ask them to get involved. Republicans are also refusing to include Mark Judge, the other man allegedly in the room for the incident, in the hearing. The president is again attacking the attorney general for failing to serve as his personal lawyer, and said supposed corruption in the FBI is “truly a cancer on our country” as the agency investigates him and his associates.

But even with all that this Wednesday morning, we have to ask: can’t the president just occasionally stick to the script?

“This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.” He added: “It certainly is not good.”…”

Trump’s most trusted national security adviser? Himself. article from CNN News. –

The fact that our nefarious narcissist doesn’t listen to anyone else or pay attention to facts and truth speaks volumes as to how ignorant and corrupt he truly is – and why it’ll be amazing if he actually finishes his first term.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 267

Trump is from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his tweeting his most recent conspiracy theory about the Puerto Rico hurricane death toll – sinking to yet another new low as he desperately tries to save his fraudulent failed presidency, our national embarrassment’s Russia scandal is about to get worse, a look at what comes next once our treasonous president* is out of office, taking his profound corruption and ignorance to new lows on a routine basis isn’t doing our Dystopian Orange dumb ass any favors, proving yet again that he is mentally unfit and incapable of occupying the White House as his scandals continue pulling him further down the drain and lots more.

In unhinged tweets, Trump claims Democrats rigged hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico article from ThinkProgress. –

Now our Twitter tyrant is fabricating a conspiracy theory claiming that Democrats and Puerto Rico lied about the number of deaths, taking his profound ignorance to yet another new low.

Trump concocts onspiracy theory to explain Puerto Rico death toll article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

More on our gift that keeps on giving’s latest conspiracy theory – which is obviously false – to distract from his failure in the Puerto Rico Hurricane and incompetence that cost almost 3,000 people their lives.

Donald trump’s absolutely mind-boggling assault on facts is actually picking up steam article from CNN. –

Our Lord of the Lies has serious issues about being unable to tell the truth and it just keeps getting worse.

White House Blames The Liberal Media For Trump’s Disgusting Puerto Rico Lie article from PoliticusUSA. –

One – of many – serious fatal flaws our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler has is that regardless of how totally corrupt and stupid he is, it’s always someone else’s fault:

“Instead of walking back Donald Trump‘s disgusting comments on Thursday that called the Puerto Rico casualty count fake news, the White House doubled down.

In a baffling statement to CNN, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Trump‘s lie from earlier in the day was a response to the “liberal media and the San Juan Mayor who sadly have tried to exploit the devastation by pushing out a constant stream of misinformation and false accusations.”

The full statement via CNN‘s Kaitlan Collins:

Manafort agrees to deal cooperating with Mueller article from ThinkProgress. –

Our treasonous national embarrassment’s Russia scandal is about to get much worse – as are his Twitter tirades, lies, delusions and meltdowns.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 266

Benedict Donald from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Revelations of his total corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as someone inside the White House is leaking details of his complete incompetence, Trump’s war on the truth is causing him yet more problems and meltdowns, Benedict Donald’s Ministry of Propaganda called him out on his lies about the GDP and unemployment, for our Liar-in-Chief nothing celebrates 9/11 like repeating lies about ‘no collusion’ and feigning innocence for your treasonous crimes, why our dystopian Orange dip shit will always be a failure because he’s too closed minded and incapable of learning due to his diminished mental capacities, parts of Trump’s moronic minority of minions are beginning to abandon him and much more.

The ‘Deep State’ Calls Are Coming From Inside Trump’s White House article from Alternet. –

Revelations that someone inside our dimwitted dip shit’s own White House is leaking details of the complete incompetence emanating from him and thoughts that he won’t last through his first term.

Here’s why Trump’s attacks on Bob Woodward are a total ‘PR 101’ failure article from The Raw Story. –

Our fake president* is losing his war on fake news – primarily because he’s too corrupt and incompetent to fight it since all he ever does is lie about everything:

Trump Today: President makes false claim about GDP and unemployment article from Market Watch. –

All our demented delinquent ever does is lie about everything and it’s about to burst the bubble in his land of delusion and bring him down.

Trump Blows A Gasket After Getting Destroyed By Bog Woodward On Live Television article from PoliticusUSA. –

Yet another in a growing line of books describing the complete incompetence of the Trump White House is – as predicted – causing our feckless fuhrer to have his typical meltdown:

“Bob Woodward took apart Trump and called the president at war with the truth and detached from what is going on. Trump responded with an epic gasket blowing tantrum.

Video of Bob Woodward on Today:

Woodward said, “There’s a war on truth by him. And he says these are unnamed sources. But these are not unnamed incidents. Specific people on specific dates. The book opening with Gary Cohn, the chief economic adviser in the white house, lifting a document from the president’s desk because he — Cohn worries, as he tells an associate, I have to protect the country because this will unravel a trade deal, which will jeopardize one of the most important intelligence operations we have going on. And the document is reprinted in the book there, and the president is saying, well, if he had known about this, he would have fired Gary Cohn in two seconds. We didn’t know about it because the document was taken.”…”

Trump’s Monday tweets show search for a response to Woodward and President Obama article from The Daily Kos. –

Our Twitter tyrant just can’t seem to grasp the facts that he is illegitimate and much less popular than his predecessor and that the sordid details of his incorrigibly incompetent and corrupt tenure as president* are causing his failed presidency to go down in flames.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 265

Worst President ever Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with why it’s time to remove him from office due to the cesspool of corruption and stupidity that is taking his illegitimate presidency down, the imminent implosion begins as reports of his inadequacy and mental deficiencies take center stage – despite his delusional denials, our Terrorist-in-Chief can’t seem to stop terrorizing immigrant children and families, a closer look at why America’s most corrupt-ever president* wants a piece of shit like Kavanaugh appointed – to keep him out of prison once his Russia scandal concludes, making history for all the wrong reasons, our gift that keeps on giving keeps shooting himself in the foot and a lot more.

The 25th Amendment: It’s Time For Trump To Leave The Presidency article from Rantt Media. –

Why it’s time to remove our dimwitted dip shit from office due to the cesspool of corruption and stupidity that is taking his already failed presidency down.

Trump Responds To NY Times Op-Ed With Rant Proving That He’s Crazy article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our fake president’s* war on fake news is making him look even more foolish as revelations of his mental instability lead to a demonstration of just how unfit for office he is:

Trump Will Be Remembered Into the Distant Future in a Way No other American President Is Likely to Be article from Alternet. –

Herr Frump will be remembered for making history for all the wrong reasons, including being illegitimate, treasonous and the most corrupt president* in U.S. history…

‘The End Is Near’: Rachel Maddow Declares Trump Presidency Near-Dead As Op-Ed Shocks D.C. article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our lackluster lame duck president* vehemently denies the reports of his inadequacy and mental instability to no avail as everyone knows he’s going to go down hard:

“Rachel Maddow said on Wednesday that “the end is near” for the Trump presidency as White House officials appear to be warning the country that “the president is nuts and unfit and the senior people who work around him know it.”

The MSNBC host said the stunning revelations should get the attention of Republican lawmakers who are currently in the process of ramming through a Supreme Court nominee picked by the same unfit president.

“The end is near,” Maddow said. “Maybe in the form of the invocation of the 25th amendment by the vice president of the United States and the majority of the president’s cabinet.”

Bob Woodward, Bane of Presidents, Turns His Fire on Cheeto Jesus article from The Daily Beast. –

Regardless of how our Lord of the Lies and his criminal cohorts try to spin it, the truth is clear: this illegitimate presidency is a major disaster.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 264

Traitors Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The primary reason nobody wants him to speak at their memorial service begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* who was shunned from speaking at John McCain’s funeral because all he does is talk about himself while lying about non-existent accomplishments, our Liar and Thief’s latest trade deal with Mexico is showing to be yet another of his fraudulent scams, evidence of our dimwitted dip shit’s mental deficiencies spreading like wild fire, Hair Hitler’s list of impeachable offenses – as well as his multitude of other crimes – keeps growing, our cheeto fuhrer really wants to be a dictator – despite the obvious fact that he’s too stupid and corrupt to pull something like that off, the irony of having a treasonous president* bitching about libel laws, in 24 hours our impotent imbecile suggested curbing two constitutional freedoms and so much more.

Here’s one of the biggest reasons why nobody wants Trump to speak at their memorial service article from The Raw Story. –

Primarily because our nefarious narcissist can’t stop talking about himself and lying about his delusional accomplishments.

NY Attorney General: Trump Charity Illegally Bankrolled His Campaign article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our dimwitted dip shit won’t be able to pardon his way out of this or avoid being held accountable since it’s not a federal crime – and it could easily take him down.

Revised NAFTA Shows Every Sign of Being Another Trump Scam article from Counter Punch. –

Like the rest of his fraudulent agenda, our Liar and Thief’s latest farcical trade deal with Mexico is nothing but a scam.

Trump Sets A New Record For Declaring Things Fake article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our fake president’s war on fake news to distract from his imminent implosion is really starting to make him look more ignorant:

“Trump broke his own previous record sending out 46 tweets in August declaring various things “fake or phony.”

( link for ‘NPR’ below – https://www.npr.org/2018/09/02/643761979/president-trumps-description-of-whats-fake-is-expanding )
NPR analyzed Trump’s tweets and found, “An NPR analysis found that in the month of August, Trump sent out 46 tweets containing the words “fake” or “phony,” far surpassing his previous record. (Two of the tweets were later deleted to fix typos)….In June 2018, a month with 31 “fake” or “phony” tweets, Trump took issue with coverage of the Singapore summit with North Korea, family separation along the U.S.-Mexico border and, as usual, the Russia investigation.”

Here is the chart of Trump’s increasing declarations of fake:

Donald Trump Isn’t the Victim of a Witch-Hunt. He’s Leading It. article from The Daily Beast. –

How his lies and propaganda over his exponentially growing corruption scandals are making our national embarrassment look like the piece of shit that he is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 261

Cesspool Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen claiming he has information ‘of interest’ to Mueller and that he won’t accept a pardon from Trump – who keeps desperately lying about his involvement, our Liar and Thief’s sordid past is finally catching up to him as the country finally realizes they have a crook in the White House, our feckless fuhrer is delusional enough to believe he’s above the law – and he’s not, our Ignoramus-in-Chief is so delusional that he thinks he can’t be impeached because he’s doing a great job – proving yet again that he has lost all touch with reality and is unfit to be in the White House, it has become impossible for our dysfunctional Orange dip shit and his legal team to defend the indefensible and much more.

Michael Cohen has information ‘of interest’ to Robert Mueller, would not accept Trump pardon, lawyer says article from ABC on Yahoo! News. –

Our dimwitted dip shit keeps accusing Cohen of lying, but evidence Cohen claims he has will bury Trump’s sorry ass and he knows it.

Rachel Maddow Adds To Trump’s Nightmares With Potential Indictment Of The Trump Organization article from PoliticusUSA. –

Life is about to get very interesting in our feckless fuhrer’s land of delusion now that everyone in his corrupt family can be held accountable for their fraudulent actions so prepare for more epic Twitter tantrums as his meltdowns come fast and furious:

Trump Lashes Out at Michael Cohen as Fallout From Guilty Plea Escalates article from Splinter News. –

The guilt from being implicated in criminal actions stemming from his Russia scandal are taking a toll on our impotent imbecile and he’s not handling it well.

Just Like Nixon: Here’s How Trump’s Sordid Past Is Finally Catching Up to Him article from Alternet. –

Anyone familiar with our Liar and Thief’s criminal past knew this was coming:

“Lock her up!”

Roared at the Republican National Convention and every Donald Trump rally up to the present day, that ferocious chant now has a distinctly ironic ring. Several presidential henchmen who encouraged that ugly smear of Hillary Clinton — still innocent and still free — are on their way to prison. And there is reason to believe that they will not be the last of the president’s associates, possibly including his kin, to end up behind bars.

According to a jury of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s peers, Manafort is guilty on eight felony counts. Former Trump deputy campaign manager Rick Gates copped a plea and testified against Manafort, but he’s going to jail, too. Michael Flynn, who advised the Trump campaign and then served very briefly as national security adviser in the White House, likewise pled guilty and will do time. (He led that nasty chant at the convention, a moment that will be replayed forever as his most memorable act.) And now Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and consigliere, has entered a plea agreement on eight violations of banking, tax and campaign finance laws.

Nobody who has followed Donald Trump’s career, dating back many years before he entered politics, should be surprised by these events. Nor should anyone be surprised that Trump would express “regret” over the fall of Manafort for his many crimes against the United States. As Craig Unger explains in his new book, House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, the developer/casino magnate/reality TV star has cultivated connections with the underworld for decades. He built Trump Tower with illegal immigrant labor and concrete supplied by the Mafia — and gave an apartment there to the girlfriend of a mobbed-up Teamster boss. Millions of dollars have been poured into Trump properties from gangsters around the world in massive money-laundering operations…”

The President Is a Crook article from The Atlantic. –

No shit. Hard to believe it took this long for the American people to start finding that out, but now they have to choose between the illegitimate criminal in the White House who has belonged behind bars for years and the Rule of Law.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 257

Deal with it Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with a look at the right way to discuss impeaching his treasonous ass to end the corrupt chaos and focus on the issues that matter, support for our demented delinquent seems to be weakening – which explains his need for his volatile rallies so he can try and prop himself up and quench his Authoritarian aspirations, when your Ministry of Propaganda turns on you it’s a problem, our fake president’s war on fake news is taking Orwellian characteristics as he delves into illegally subverting the media that reports on all his crimes and corruption, how targeting legal immigrants is proof that our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s policies are all about race, not the law, our Mango Mussolini keeps lying and distracting hoping that everyone will get tired of pointing out his corruption – despite the fact that it won’t work, how our Twitter tyrant’s existential stupidity – compounded by his inability to think before he speaks or tweets – could expedite his imminent implosion, it is impossible for Trump and his moronic legal team to defend his indefensible criminal acts, Trump’s farcical space force is about to take off and so much more.

The Right Way to Talk About Impeaching Donald Trump article from The Nation. –

A look at the right way to discuss impeaching Trump’s treasonous ass and putting an end to the corrupt chaos while focusing on the issues that matter – which includes reversing much of the damage his ignorant ass has already caused.

Trump’s Support Is Much Weaker Than It Seems, New Study Shows article from PoliticusUSA. –

Support for our demented delinquent was probably never as strong as it seemed which is why he has to have his rallies since that’s the only place where it’s obvious.

American Democracy Flawed If One Shitty President Can Reverse 242-Year Run, Experts Say article from Extra Newsfeed. –

When a profoundly corrupt, moronic Orwellian Orange Charlatan can do the damage he’s done because his GOP Gestapo refuses to hold him accountable, Americans have a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Donald Trump digs himself into deeper trouble – and his voters are finally noticing article from Salon. –

Our feckless fuhrer just can’t seem to stop digging his own grave because of his profound corruption and stupidity – and his moronic mini me’s are beginning to notice:

“This past weekend, President Donald Trump tweeted a confession to the world that his top campaign operatives, Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner. had knowingly met with emissaries of the Russian government to receive information on his opponent, which he characterized as perfectly legal and routine, while also insisting that he knew nothing about it. In a previous era, this would have been a shocking development that would likely lead to impeachment. Regardless of the legality (and plenty of experts say it was indeed illegal) it was certainly unethical and unpatriotic.

There have been other cases in which campaigns were given stolen information. They went to the authorities with the information. They didn’t respond “I love it,” and then gather the campaign’s top guns to hear the pitch. (The one exception that we know of is that paragon of virtue Richard Nixon, of course, and the “Chenault Affair.”)

Trump is obviously very agitated. That tweet and dozens more, along with his increasingly unhinged rally appearances over the past few weeks, show a man under pressure who is not handling it well. That chaos is starting to catch up with him in a way he doesn’t seem to expect or understand.

Annie Karni of Politico reported this week that the president and his advisers now believe that his famous campaign statement that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue is pretty much true:…”

Trump’s new plan targeting legal immigrants is proof that the immigration debate is about race, not law article from NBC News. –

If you look at our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s despotic delusions of grandeur and terrorism against immigrants, it has been obvious from day one that it was all about race and not the law…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 256

Democrats’ fault Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Being blissfully unaware that some of his instructions are ignored begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as his ignorant boasts of ‘strong leadership’ make him appear all the more pitiful, our Manchurian Orange maggot’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display with all the lies and propaganda he spews at his rallies in an attempt to build a cult-like following while thinking he’s a Supreme leader, our demented delinquent admitted that he’s trying to destroy Obamacare – which, like everything else he does, is illegal, the perils of Trump’s ineptitude, the reason Trump’s GOP Gestapo refuses to hold him accountable for his actions and crimes, White House election probe reveals that Trump lied about widespread voter fraud after he lost the popular vote bigly, Trump’s Twitter tirades are coming more frequently as he realizes that Mueller is coming for his profoundly corrupt ass and there isn’t a thing he can do to stop it and lots more.

Trump may bark orders, but US officials sometimes ignore them article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Our feckless fuhrer loves boasting about ‘strong leadership’ but many of his orders are ignored, which makes him and his boasts look even more pitiful.

Trump and the Possibility of Authoritarian Rule in the US article from BuzzFlash. –

The constant lies and distractions from our Manchurian Orange maggot are designed to instill a cult-like culture for the minority that ‘elected’ him in hopes of initiating his despotic delusions of grandeur and elevating himself to authoritarian status – though it won’t work because the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him won’t tolerate it.

‘He’s Scamming His Supporters’: Paul Krugman Calls the Media ‘Complicit’ in Trump’s Biggest Lie article from Alternet. –

Total Fraud Trump from Pinterest

Despite the fact that his economic policies only enrich him and his fraudulent family and friends, America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* moronic mini me’s actually believe he’s helping them.

Trump’s Tweets and the Creation of ‘Illusory Truth’ article from The Atlantic. –

Our Liar and Thief keeps repeating lies about a ‘witch hunt’ and ‘no collusion’ hoping that if he repeats if often enough and keeps the lies coming people will believe it – but the majority won’t:

“As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has heated up, so too have Donald Trump’s Twitter fingers. The president is fond of repeating certain disparaging phrases about Mueller’s investigation on the social media platform, repeatedly referring to it as a “hoax” and a “scam.” But his favorite moniker by far is “Witch Hunt”—embellished, in recent weeks, to “Rigged Witch Hunt”—which Trump has used a whopping 84 times this year alone in reference to Mueller’s investigation.

This repeated public condemnation is almost certainly having a psychological effect on how Americans view the investigation. Multiple studies have shown that when something is repeated often enough, people start to think of it as true, whether it actually is—a concept known as illusory truth. “When a statement is repeated, it starts to feel more familiar,” said Keith Payne, a psychology and neuroscience professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “That feeling of familiarity is easily interpreted as the feeling of truth.” Payne is the co-author of a study that found that even when people know a claim is false, just a few repetitions can make them more likely to think it’s true.

Trump’s consistent tweeting—and the constant media coverage of those tweets—makes his favorite phrases familiar to the American public. And that familiarity could be key to making his claims seem plausible, even believable. By consistently referring to the investigation as a “hoax” and a “witch hunt,” Trump is framing the debate on his terms.

“If you start arguing about whether something is or isn’t a witch hunt, you’ve basically conceded that it’s plausible that it’s a witch hunt, or that that’s the right term to use,” says Tom Stafford, a cognitive scientist at the University of Sheffield in Britain. So when Trump says, over and over, that the Mueller investigation is a “rigged witch hunt,” people subconsciously begin to think the idea that it is a witch hunt could be plausible—even when there’s no evidence to substantiate that claim…”


All the constant lies about witch hunts, no collusion, it’s all a hoax, the fake war with the media calling him out on his lies and treachery and ever present distractions committed by our dystopian dotard are useless when his stupid ass admits that there was indeed collusion…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 252

Traitor in the White House from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Wagging the dog begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he creates all kinds of distractions to desperately deflect from his illegitimate, failed criminal presidency, our demented delinquent appears to have lost all touch with reality, concocting another conspiracy theory – this time about his Russian puppet master wanting Democrats to win – to distract from his corruption driven implosion is making our impotent imbecile look spectacularly foolish, the hits just keep coming as more tapes keep being leaked which seem to prove his guilt and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it, Trump’s Russia scandal is about to get a lot more interesting as his former lawyer flips on him and much more.

The Art Of The Distraction article from Rantt Media. –

How our feckless fuhrer is wagging the dog – creating all kinds of distractions to deflect from his failed, extremely criminal presidency.

Donald Trump’s latest conspiracy theory is impossible to follow – and that’s the point article from The Raw Story. –

Our national embarrassment thrives on concocting conspiracy theories, often as a distraction, to try and find ways to weasel out of being held accountable for his criminal actions because he can’t face facts or the truth.

Donald Trump, the Boy President Who Cried Wolf article from The Daily Beast. –

Having our deranged Twitter tyrant threatening war with Iran – and creating all kinds of other falsehoods – highlights exactly why he isn’t fit for the office of the president and why he is and always will be illegitimate as his delusional tweets become his standard operating procedure.

Trump Just Attacked the Very Idea of Objective Reality: ‘What You’re Seeing and What You’re Reading Is Not What’s Happening’ article from Alternet. –

Our demented delinquent has lost all touch with reality and that issue needs to be addressed asap:

“Since President Donald Trump’s legacy in office is filled with broken promises and dismal failures, he and his defenders are working to create an alternative reality for his supporters to believe in where administration policy is a resounding success.

Trump made this strategy explicit Tuesday (as Kellyanne Conway once did when she coined the phrase “alternative facts”) in his speech at the VFW in Kansas City.

“This country is doing better than it ever has before, economically,” Trump said, touting his plan to slap tariffs on foreign goods.

He added: “It’s all working out. Just remember: what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”…”

Trump is losing control of his trade war article from The Week. –

Trump’s tumultuous trade war is extremely moronic and it’s eviscerating many of his moronic mini me’s – it’s also a war that he doesn’t know how to conduct and will never win.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 249

Fake President Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How our dimwitted dip shit’s Ministry of Propaganda is finding it difficult to defend the indefensible begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* after his arguably treasonous words and deeds during his farcical Russia summit which proved to be more idol worship than anything else, how our feckless fuhrer continues getting away with his heinous crimes against the U.S. aided and abetted by his GOP brown shirt enablers, a look at how our Distractor-in-Chief twists reality and truth to make it appear as though his fuck ups are everyone else’s fault, once again Trump is making history for all the wrong reasons, the number of Trump’s moronic mini me’s regretting his potentially treasonous actions in Helsinki is growing as reality starts setting in plus much more.

Even on Fox, Trump’s Helsinki Performance Was ‘Ridiculous’ and ‘Surreal’ article from The Atlantic. –

It’s going to be interesting to see how our dimwitted dip shit reacts when his Ministry of Propaganda finds it difficult to defend the indefensible words and deeds he constantly perpetrates.

Rachel Maddow Lays Out The Devastating Case For Trump Being A Treasonous Traitor article from PoliticusUSA. –

How Trump’s many ties to Russia may explain his treasonous actions and what America must do to fight back against the Traitor in the White House:

Surrender Summit In Helsinki: A Rundowns Of Trump’s Capitulation To Putin On The World Stage article from Rantt Media. –

A recap of our treasonous Orange ass wipe’s capitulation and adoration of Russian President Putin during their secretive meeting that made America look extremely stupid.

Trump’s Own Team: He ‘Looked Incredibly Weak’ Next to Putin article from The Daily Beast. –

Revelations from our illegitimate president’s own administration on why Putin’s Kompromat looked weak and was acting like a traitor during the farcical Russia summit:

“Donald Trump’s much-anticipated meeting with Vladimir Putin on Monday offered him yet another opportunity to defy those who’ve criticized his coziness with the Russian leader.

But on a global stage, Trump didn’t just cower; he actively cemented an image of submissiveness to his Russian counterpart.

“I honestly had little to no good expectations for this,” said a senior Trump political appointee who works on issues surrounding Russian disinformation efforts, adding that the event “went about as well as I expected.”

“Trump looked incredibly weak up there. Putin looks like a champion,” the official continued. “I’d like to say I’m shocked, but this is the world in which we live now.”…”

Donald Trump wants you to know he’s getting away with it: Helsinki gloating fits a long pattern article from Salon. –

Were it not for our feckless fuhrer’s GOP brown shirt Gestapo aiding and abetting him while enabling his numerous crimes against the U.S., Trump would have been out of office and held accountable for his heinous crimes long ago.

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