Tag Archives: Trump’s Twitter Tantrums

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 262

More we learn Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How his corrupt, failed presidency will end begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as eventually all tyrants – or in this case, aspiring tyrants – are abandoned by their followers, once again Trump’s ignorance with words and tweets comes back to haunt him, the cancer that is Trump’s illegitimate presidency, our nefarious narcissist is having major meltdowns over his impending implosion from all his corruption scandals and he’s not handling it well, yet another example of his tweeting delusions, lies and conspiracy theories to distract from his failed presidency, how rewarding criminality makes his administration more illegitimate and much more.

How This Will End article from The Atlantic. –

Our feckless fuhrer’s despotic delusions of grandeur aren’t going to end well and it will hit him harder than most.

Cohen, Pecker, Weisselberg: The Men With Trump’s Secrets Work for the Feds Now article from The Daily Beast. –

Grab some popcorn: Our dimwitted dip shit’s meltdowns and Twitter tantrums are going to be working overtime as the men with all his secrets start spilling the goods about his exponential corruption.

The week Trump’s own words caught up with him article from Yahoo! News. –

Our Twitter tyrant has a real bad habit of ignorantly speaking and tweeting without thinking and eventually it comes roaring back to bite him – yet he never learns…

Trump’s Long War with Justice article from Politico. –

Our demented Demagogue has a long history of committing criminal acts and attacking his enemies when the truth comes out, but this time it’s a war he’s going to lose bigly:

“In the year and seven months Donald Trump has been the president he has pummeled the Department of Justice on a nearly daily basis.

He has put “Justice” in scare quotes on Twitter. He has called the department “an embarrassment” and its agents and those of the Federal Bureau of Investigation “hating frauds.” He repeatedly has described “discredited” special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe as a “Rigged Witch Hunt” run by “Thugs” and as a “sham” that “should be shut down.” On Thursday, he ratcheted up his sustained humiliation and denunciation of his own attorney general, questioning his manhood, his loyalty and his control over his agency, prompting Jeff Sessions, uncharacteristically, to lash back. This behavior, according to Justice officials, law professors and presidential historians I have spoken with, adds up to an “astonishing” “sledgehammer” attack on the “basic tenets of constitutional government”—unprecedented in the annals of the office he holds.

It is by no means, however, unprecedented in the long life of Trump. He’s fought Justice before. In fact, the legal pressure exerted on him over the past year-plus by the special counsel constitutes a bookend of sorts to Trump’s career, which began much the same way—with a protracted, bitter battle with the DOJ and the FBI.

In 1973, the federal government sued Trump and his father, alleging systematic racial discrimination in the rentals at their dozens of New York City apartment buildings. Often interpreted mostly as confirmation of Trump’s deep-seated racial animus, it is at this point perhaps better understood as the origin of his distrust of federal law enforcement. It is where he first learned to view the government not as a potential righter of wrongs but as an impediment to his business interests, not as a protector of less powerful citizens but as a meddlesome obstacle in his pursuit of profit. And it is where he first demonstrated how he would combat it—with the same unapologetic, counterpunching, deny-and-delay, distractions-laced playbook on display today. When Rudy Giuliani earlier this year tagged FBI officials as “storm troopers,” it was not the first time an attorney advocating for Trump had used that term in that way. That was Roy Cohn. In 1974. Long before Michael Cohen worked for Trump, the chief counsel of disgraced Joseph McCarthy’s red-baiting Senate subcommittee of 1950s infamy would become Trump’s most important adviser and most indispensable fixer—and the indelible Cohn-Trump mind meld of a partnership kick-started with this case…”

Trump Is Under At Least 4 Different Lines Of Criminal And Civil Investigation article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our lackluster lame duck president* is in a lot of trouble, and whether he’s impeached or not, his failed presidency is essentially over:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 261

Cesspool Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen claiming he has information ‘of interest’ to Mueller and that he won’t accept a pardon from Trump – who keeps desperately lying about his involvement, our Liar and Thief’s sordid past is finally catching up to him as the country finally realizes they have a crook in the White House, our feckless fuhrer is delusional enough to believe he’s above the law – and he’s not, our Ignoramus-in-Chief is so delusional that he thinks he can’t be impeached because he’s doing a great job – proving yet again that he has lost all touch with reality and is unfit to be in the White House, it has become impossible for our dysfunctional Orange dip shit and his legal team to defend the indefensible and much more.

Michael Cohen has information ‘of interest’ to Robert Mueller, would not accept Trump pardon, lawyer says article from ABC on Yahoo! News. –

Our dimwitted dip shit keeps accusing Cohen of lying, but evidence Cohen claims he has will bury Trump’s sorry ass and he knows it.

Rachel Maddow Adds To Trump’s Nightmares With Potential Indictment Of The Trump Organization article from PoliticusUSA. –

Life is about to get very interesting in our feckless fuhrer’s land of delusion now that everyone in his corrupt family can be held accountable for their fraudulent actions so prepare for more epic Twitter tantrums as his meltdowns come fast and furious:

Trump Lashes Out at Michael Cohen as Fallout From Guilty Plea Escalates article from Splinter News. –

The guilt from being implicated in criminal actions stemming from his Russia scandal are taking a toll on our impotent imbecile and he’s not handling it well.

Just Like Nixon: Here’s How Trump’s Sordid Past Is Finally Catching Up to Him article from Alternet. –

Anyone familiar with our Liar and Thief’s criminal past knew this was coming:

“Lock her up!”

Roared at the Republican National Convention and every Donald Trump rally up to the present day, that ferocious chant now has a distinctly ironic ring. Several presidential henchmen who encouraged that ugly smear of Hillary Clinton — still innocent and still free — are on their way to prison. And there is reason to believe that they will not be the last of the president’s associates, possibly including his kin, to end up behind bars.

According to a jury of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s peers, Manafort is guilty on eight felony counts. Former Trump deputy campaign manager Rick Gates copped a plea and testified against Manafort, but he’s going to jail, too. Michael Flynn, who advised the Trump campaign and then served very briefly as national security adviser in the White House, likewise pled guilty and will do time. (He led that nasty chant at the convention, a moment that will be replayed forever as his most memorable act.) And now Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney and consigliere, has entered a plea agreement on eight violations of banking, tax and campaign finance laws.

Nobody who has followed Donald Trump’s career, dating back many years before he entered politics, should be surprised by these events. Nor should anyone be surprised that Trump would express “regret” over the fall of Manafort for his many crimes against the United States. As Craig Unger explains in his new book, House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, the developer/casino magnate/reality TV star has cultivated connections with the underworld for decades. He built Trump Tower with illegal immigrant labor and concrete supplied by the Mafia — and gave an apartment there to the girlfriend of a mobbed-up Teamster boss. Millions of dollars have been poured into Trump properties from gangsters around the world in massive money-laundering operations…”

The President Is a Crook article from The Atlantic. –

No shit. Hard to believe it took this long for the American people to start finding that out, but now they have to choose between the illegitimate criminal in the White House who has belonged behind bars for years and the Rule of Law.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 260

Trump records from Tumblr

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Blowing a gasket after John Brennan’s interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as the growing pressure from his Russia scandal is taking its toll, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are unraveling since he is unable to defend the indefensible and it’s causing more meltdowns for him and his legal team, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news – and not handling it well as his imminent implosion continues unabated, the hypocrisy of a moron with authoritarian aspirations bitching about so-called McCarthyism is comical and quite entertaining, Trump is actually delusional enough to believe that he can take control of the investigation into his Russia scandal if he wants to – showing yet again that he has serious mental issues and is totally unfit to occupy the White House, Trump’s Twitter tantrums are going to increase as two of his closest cohorts were found guilty – and they definitely have evidence that implicates him and much more.

John Brennan’s Interview With Rachel Maddow Causes Trump To Lose His Mind article from PoliticusUSA. –

The more he goes after all the witnesses and tries to obstruct justice, the more guilty our dimwitted dip shit makes himself look.

Trump reportedly plans to strip more security clearances to distract from the news cycle article from Vox. –

Because there apparently isn’t already enough evidence indicting our lawless Liar and Thief, he’s going to commit more crimes to deflect from the fact that his illegitimate presidency is going down in flames due to his endless corruption and stupidity.

Trump’s Mental Health is Worsening: ‘Pray For Our Country’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

It has been obvious from day one that our feckless fuhrer has some serious mental deficits, but you can tell they’re getting worse.

‘Truth Isn’t Truth’: Rudy Giuliani Has Epic Meltdown on Meet The Press article from Alternet. –

Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are rapidly unraveling and his legal team is having a hard time accepting his imminent implosion and defending the indefensible:

“Attorney Rudy Giuliani insisted on Sunday that evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians can not be taken at face value because “truth isn’t truth.”

During an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Giuliani complained that special counsel Robert Mueller was taking too long to finish his investigation.

“Can’t you speed up Mueller’s report and can’t you have more credibility about getting Mueller’s report if you get the president to sit down with him?” NBC host Chuck Todd posited.

“Get the word credibility out of it. We have plenty of credibility,” Giuliani snapped. “It is a week and a half later and they have not responded to our letter. Now, don’t tell me that we’re delaying this if they are spending a week and a half getting back to us.”…”

Demagogue Trump from Pinterest

‘Truth Isn’t Truth!’: Rudy Giuliani Puts Trump’s Problem With Facts Into Words article from Slate.

Granted, defending the indefensible is impossible given our lackluster lame duck president’s* current and past criminal activities, but having a moronic lawyer making you look more foolish isn’t doing him any favors.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 135

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate minority-elect president with his attempts to take us back to the gilded Golden age with his draconian policies and non-existent mandate, how our fake president put his war on fake news front and center while allegedly honoring veterans – plus more on his war with the media and the truth, our Loser-in-Chief’s fraudulent voter integrity commission being recognized for what it is, why our national embarrassment’s White House leaks so many things to the press, the distractions of our Twitter tyrant aren’t doing him any favors and a lot more.

The Nineteenth-Century Trump article from The New York Book Review. –

Trump’s draconian policies and non-existent mandates are pushing this country backwards to the Gilded Golden Age.

‘I’m president, they’re not’: Donald Trump savages media at veterans rally article from The Guardian. –

How our fake president put his war on fake news front and center while allegedly honoring veterans.

Trump Tweets Fake Video of Him Body-Slamming, Dunking CNN article from Slate. –

Our popular vote losing demented delinquent in the White House posts fake video of himself attacking CNN after crying about fake news…


Inside the twisted mind of our incorrigibly incompetent Liar-in-Chief:

“EARLIER THIS WEEK, the New York Times posted a comprehensive accounting of President Donald Trump’s lies. It is, among other things, a triumph of web design. Orange, san-serif dates turn each falsehood into bricks in a vast wall. Scrolling turns the wall into a wave, a tsunami of mendacity.

And once the wave has crashed over you and you have wiped out on the rocky shoals of existential despair, the Times gives you a methods section:

We have set a conservative standard here, leaving out many dubious statements (like the claim that his travel ban is “similar” to Obama administration policy). Some people may still take issue with this standard, arguing that the president wasn’t speaking literally. But we believe his long pattern of using untruths to serve his purposes, as a businessman and politician, means that his statements are not simply careless errors.

We are using the word “lie” deliberately. Not every falsehood is deliberate on Trump’s part. But it would be the height of naïveté to imagine he is merely making honest mistakes. He is lying.

That’s admirable rigor. Writers David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson tell you what they counted—and defend their use of word “lie” overall, which a year ago was one of the most inflammatory charges you could lob at a political opponent, much less a president. So, crumple that idea up and chuck it. But pay attention to Leonhardt and Thompson’s definition of “lie.” Even if you accept the premise that lies and lying are bad (I do! I do!), lies have an architecture more intricate than “something not accurate.”…”

Trump defends tweets as ‘modern day presidential’ in renewed attack on media article from The Los Angeles Times. –

Only in our demented delusionist’s alternate reality would you see an impotent president talking about his ignorant Twitter tantrums being ‘modern day presidential.’

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 129

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect demented delinquent begins with millions of Veterans losing health care if the fraudulent tax giveaway known as Trumpcare gets forced through the U.S. Senate, our delusional wannabe dictator believes he can violate the Constitution with total impunity, Trump – terrified of the Russia investigation – is once again trying to deflect attention away with Twitter tantrums and baseless claims, on our impotent Ignoramus-in-Chief’s demand for loyalty, our dimwitted dip shit’s dangerous foreign policy follies – committing more Syrian War Crimes with total impunity – need to be addressed, one of America’s largest smut rags joins Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda and more.

As Trump tires to fix VA, GOP health care bill threatens coverage for millions of vets article from Yahoo! News. –

Many Veterans relying on Medicaid will end up losing their coverage – and in many cases, dying.

Poll: Trump’s approval rating plummets after Senate releases health care bill article from AOL News. –

The contentious Trumpcare bill is causing issues for our Liar-in-Chief from the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him as his popularity plummets even more.

A Bare Majority of White Voters Are the Only Ones Happy With Trump article from AlterNet. –

If the ‘bare majority of white voters’ are on Medicaid, that number is going to plummet rapidly…

Trump’s ’emoluments’ defense argues he can violate the Constitution with impunity. That can’t be right article from The Los Angeles Times. –

Ah the hazards of trying to be a dictator in a democracy:

“When the president of the United States violates the Constitution there must be a way for a federal court to hear the case and provide a remedy. Three different lawsuits have been filed against President Trump claiming that he is violating the emoluments clauses of the Constitution by receiving unlawful payments or other benefits from foreign governments and from the United States.

Trump’s position is that the federal courts can hear none of these suits because no one has “standing” to sue him for these constitutional violations. But that can’t be right: It cannot be that the president can violate the Constitution with impunity and no court has the authority to hold him accountable.

Article I, Section IX of the Constitution prevents any person holding a federal office from receiving a “present” or “emolument … of any kind whatever” from a foreign state. This was meant to limit foreign influence in the U.S. by broadly forbidding elected or appointed officials from being obligated to another government.

Trump, because he hasn’t removed himself from his business empire, is constantly on the receiving end of benefits from foreign states. Among the most notable examples: Trump has more than 100 registered or provisionally approved trademarks in China, including six that were requested a year ago and gained preliminary approval last week, and his hotels and restaurants are being booked by foreign representatives whose governments foot the bill…”

Trump a Mostly Invisible President at Koch Political Summit article from Bloomberg. –

When the most corrupt billionaire brothers in the world don’t want to have anything to do with you, you’ve got major problems.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 120

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump foolishly banking on his dwindling support base to weather his Russian scandal storm, our Loser-in-Chief postpones his trip to Britain due to his growing unpopularity, Donnie Jr. appears to confirm that his father obstructed justice when asking Comey to shut down his Russia investigation, on the damage that can be done by our ignorant buffoon of a president, how the right-wing media spins lies for our impotent leader – whose delusional beliefs include him being above the law, a reminder of why Trump testifying under oath is pointless and will not stop his lies, Trump’s twitter tantrums and propaganda-filled rant charades are destroying his presidency and more.

Trump rebuffs bipartisanship, banks on base to tame turmoil article from Yahoo! News. –

Betting on a dwindling base to help get you through your scandals isn’t going to work too well for our illegitimate, popular votes losing president.

Trump’s Defense of Taking Foreign Money is Historically Illiterate article from Politico. –

The claims from Trump’s ‘Justice’ Department lawyers of our fraudulent national embarrassment being able to take money from foreign governments are all wrong.

Dem rep on Trump: ‘I know a con artist when I see one’ article from The Hill. –

More on the lies being told by our impotent president in defending his decision to talk to Comey about Flynn and the Russia scandal.

Donald Trump’s state visit to Britain put on hold article from The Guardian. –

Seems our Loser-in-Chief is starting to realize how unpopular he really is:

“Donald Trump has told Theresa May in a phone call he does not want to go ahead with a state visit to Britain until the British public supports him coming.

The US president said he did not want to come if there were large-scale protests and his remarks in effect put the visit on hold for some time.

The call was made in recent weeks, according to a Downing Street adviser who was in the room. The statement surprised May, according to those present.

The conversation in part explains why there has been little public discussion about a visit.

May invited Trump to Britain seven days after his inauguration when she became the first foreign leader to visit him in the White House. She told a joint press conference she had extended an invitation from the Queen to Trump and his wife Melania to make a state visit later in the year and was “delighted that the president has accepted that invitation”….”

Donald Trump Jr. appears to corroborate Comey’s version of the Oval Office meeting with Trump article from AOL News. –

Profound ignorance runs deep in the Trump family: Donnie Jr. confirms that his father suggested Comey shut down his Russia investigation – which is tantamount to obstruction of justice…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 111

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect President begin with scrutiny of his ignorant actions, a who’s who guide to the key players in his growing Russia scandal, our national embarrassment has the whole world laughing at us, Trump’s tweets are going to play a role in investigating his Russia scandal, breaking down our dimwitted dip shit’s latest bad week, George Takei’s epic response to Trump’s stupidity on climate change, how Trump’s war on free speech threatens us all, Trump’s drain the swamp scam, our Liar-in-Chief colluded with Fox faux news before deciding to destroy millions of lives, more on our impotent leader’s attempts to obstruct justice and acting guilty, cementing his legacy as the worst president America has ever had and a lot more.

Global elites expected to discuss President Trump during secret Bilderberg meeting in VA article from AOL News. –

Oh to be a fly on the wall as that discussion takes place…

Hacker, Banker, Soldier, Spy: A Guide to the Key Players in the Trump-Russia Scandal article from Mother Jones. –

A who’s who guide to the players in Trump’s growing Russia scandal,

Trump asked when the world will start laughing at the US. It already is article from The Guardian. –

More on the bad joke that is the national embarrassment we call president.

Opinion: American Isolationism From the League of Nations to Trump article from Roll Call. –

On how our impotent leader’s decision on climate change makes us a rogue nation:

“On November 19, 1919, the Senate failed to muster a two-thirds majority to ratify the Versailles Treaty ending World War I and establishing the League of Nations. As a banner headline in The (New York) Sun shouted, “PEACE TREATY DEFEATED … SECOND BALLOT KILLS ALL HOPE OF LEAGUE.”

The Senate’s refusal to join the League of Nations ushered in two decades of isolationism culminating in an America First movement that argued that Hitler’s takeover of Europe was of no concern to us. At the heart of the America First mindset was a belief that Pittsburgh mattered infinitely more than Nazi-occupied Paris.

Ninety-eight years later, history repeated itself in the White House Rose Garden on a sunny June afternoon with temperatures about six degrees warmer than normal for the entire month. In withdrawing from the Paris accord, Donald Trump even repeatedly invoked the slogan “America First.”

Take a deep breath

With Trump’s decision to go it alone on climate change, America, in effect, became a rogue nation. Since the U.S. has historically pumped more excess CO2 into the atmosphere than any other nation, Trump might as well have passed out red baseball caps emblazoned with the slogan “Make America an Ingrate Again.”

Trump’s tweets ‘a gold mine’ for Mueller probe article from Politico. –

Trump’s stupidity and his delusional twitter tantrums are going to be a yuge issue for him.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 108

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s Russia troubles are just beginning, the willful ignorance of our our deviant Liar-in-Chief in the White House is making America look foolish, defending his corrupt son-in-law with anonymously made claims from FOX faux news – after blasting anonymous sources as ‘fake news,’ Trump approval falling, our illegitimate, minority-elect president lies about draining the swamp, why it’s impossible to take anything our national embarrassment does or says seriously, antics coming out of our impotent leader’s dysfunctional White House are turning people away from political TV dramas and a lot more.

Trump’s Russia troubles are just beginning, Watergate historian predicts article from The Week. –

Trump’s Russia scandal – now involving his son-in-law/senior adviser – is just beginning and it’s going to get a lot worse.

5 Reasons Anonymous White House Official Say They Can’t Stand Jared Kushner article from AlterNet. –

Like his fraudulent father-in-law, Kushner whines too much and never takes accountability for his duplictious actions.

Opinion: Trump – A President Without a True Party on Capitol Hill article from Roll Call. –

Our dimwitted, dumb ass president is bringing the GOP and himself down – and his twitter tantrums aren’t doing either one any favors.

Robert Reich: Making America Meaner – We Have a Deviant in the White House article from AlterNet. –

Emboldened by our moronic Liar-in-Chief’s delusions, the GOP is showing its true colors – and it will pay a price for its deviancy:

“GOP is becoming increasingly brazen in showing its dark side.

Last Wednesday, on the eve of his election to the House of Representatives, Montana Republican Greg Gianforte beat up Ben Jacobs, a reporter for the “Guardian” newspaper.

What prompted the violence? Jacobs had asked Gianforte for his reaction to the Congressional Budget Office’s report showing that the House Republican substitute for the Affordable Care Act would result in 23 million Americans losing their health insurance.

Then, in the words of a Fox News team who witnessed the brutal attack: “Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. … Gianforte then began punching the reporter. As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, ‘I’m sick and tired of this!’ Jacobs scrambled to his knees and said something about his glasses being broken…. To be clear, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte, who left the area after giving statements to local sheriff’s deputies.”…”

Sources: Russians discussed potentially ‘derogatory’ information about Trump and associates during campaign article from CNN. –

More on Russia having information on our dimwitted dumb ass’s deviance and malfeasance during the 2016 presidential primaries.

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