Tag Archives: Our Fraudulent Feckless Fuhrer

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 267

Trump is from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his tweeting his most recent conspiracy theory about the Puerto Rico hurricane death toll – sinking to yet another new low as he desperately tries to save his fraudulent failed presidency, our national embarrassment’s Russia scandal is about to get worse, a look at what comes next once our treasonous president* is out of office, taking his profound corruption and ignorance to new lows on a routine basis isn’t doing our Dystopian Orange dumb ass any favors, proving yet again that he is mentally unfit and incapable of occupying the White House as his scandals continue pulling him further down the drain and lots more.

In unhinged tweets, Trump claims Democrats rigged hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico article from ThinkProgress. –

Now our Twitter tyrant is fabricating a conspiracy theory claiming that Democrats and Puerto Rico lied about the number of deaths, taking his profound ignorance to yet another new low.

Trump concocts onspiracy theory to explain Puerto Rico death toll article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

More on our gift that keeps on giving’s latest conspiracy theory – which is obviously false – to distract from his failure in the Puerto Rico Hurricane and incompetence that cost almost 3,000 people their lives.

Donald trump’s absolutely mind-boggling assault on facts is actually picking up steam article from CNN. –

Our Lord of the Lies has serious issues about being unable to tell the truth and it just keeps getting worse.

White House Blames The Liberal Media For Trump’s Disgusting Puerto Rico Lie article from PoliticusUSA. –

One – of many – serious fatal flaws our Sociopathic 70-year-old toddler has is that regardless of how totally corrupt and stupid he is, it’s always someone else’s fault:

“Instead of walking back Donald Trump‘s disgusting comments on Thursday that called the Puerto Rico casualty count fake news, the White House doubled down.

In a baffling statement to CNN, White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Trump‘s lie from earlier in the day was a response to the “liberal media and the San Juan Mayor who sadly have tried to exploit the devastation by pushing out a constant stream of misinformation and false accusations.”

The full statement via CNN‘s Kaitlan Collins:

Manafort agrees to deal cooperating with Mueller article from ThinkProgress. –

Our treasonous national embarrassment’s Russia scandal is about to get much worse – as are his Twitter tirades, lies, delusions and meltdowns.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 260

Trump records from Tumblr

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Blowing a gasket after John Brennan’s interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as the growing pressure from his Russia scandal is taking its toll, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are unraveling since he is unable to defend the indefensible and it’s causing more meltdowns for him and his legal team, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news – and not handling it well as his imminent implosion continues unabated, the hypocrisy of a moron with authoritarian aspirations bitching about so-called McCarthyism is comical and quite entertaining, Trump is actually delusional enough to believe that he can take control of the investigation into his Russia scandal if he wants to – showing yet again that he has serious mental issues and is totally unfit to occupy the White House, Trump’s Twitter tantrums are going to increase as two of his closest cohorts were found guilty – and they definitely have evidence that implicates him and much more.

John Brennan’s Interview With Rachel Maddow Causes Trump To Lose His Mind article from PoliticusUSA. –

The more he goes after all the witnesses and tries to obstruct justice, the more guilty our dimwitted dip shit makes himself look.

Trump reportedly plans to strip more security clearances to distract from the news cycle article from Vox. –

Because there apparently isn’t already enough evidence indicting our lawless Liar and Thief, he’s going to commit more crimes to deflect from the fact that his illegitimate presidency is going down in flames due to his endless corruption and stupidity.

Trump’s Mental Health is Worsening: ‘Pray For Our Country’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

It has been obvious from day one that our feckless fuhrer has some serious mental deficits, but you can tell they’re getting worse.

‘Truth Isn’t Truth’: Rudy Giuliani Has Epic Meltdown on Meet The Press article from Alternet. –

Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are rapidly unraveling and his legal team is having a hard time accepting his imminent implosion and defending the indefensible:

“Attorney Rudy Giuliani insisted on Sunday that evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians can not be taken at face value because “truth isn’t truth.”

During an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Giuliani complained that special counsel Robert Mueller was taking too long to finish his investigation.

“Can’t you speed up Mueller’s report and can’t you have more credibility about getting Mueller’s report if you get the president to sit down with him?” NBC host Chuck Todd posited.

“Get the word credibility out of it. We have plenty of credibility,” Giuliani snapped. “It is a week and a half later and they have not responded to our letter. Now, don’t tell me that we’re delaying this if they are spending a week and a half getting back to us.”…”

Demagogue Trump from Pinterest

‘Truth Isn’t Truth!’: Rudy Giuliani Puts Trump’s Problem With Facts Into Words article from Slate.

Granted, defending the indefensible is impossible given our lackluster lame duck president’s* current and past criminal activities, but having a moronic lawyer making you look more foolish isn’t doing him any favors.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 259

Trump Hitler comparison from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how the cesspool of corruption he created despite his lies of draining the swamp have hastened his imminent downfall and failed presidency, our fraudulent feckless fuhrer added one more impeachable offense to his growing list of crimes he’s already committed, the pressure from his ongoing Russia scandal is adversely affecting Comrade Cheetolini and it’s making him appear even more guilty as he keeps digging himself a deeper hole he can’t slither out of, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news and he can’t handle it, all the personal attacks on his enemies reveals our angry Orange creamsicle’s despotic delusions of grandeur on full display and Mueller is taking notice and so much more.

Swamp Thing: Donald Trump Is ‘Boss Tweet’ of the DC Ooze article from BuzzFlash. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* lied when he promised to drain the swamp and has in fact turned it into quite the cesspool of corruption.

Thanks to their NDAs, Trump officials have no credibility. These clips prove it. article from ThinkProgress. –

Not that they ever had any credibility to begin with, and since the NDAs are illegal and non-binding, it makes our dimwitted dip shit and the miscreants he calls his administration even more illegitimate.

Rachel Maddow Just Nailed Trump For Committing Another Impeachable Offense article from PoliticusUSA. –

With all the crimes our fraudulent feckless fuhrer has already committed, there’s not much harm or shame in adding one more:

Tom Arnold insists the ‘N-word’ tape exists – and Trump and his former ‘Apprentice’ producer are terrified article from The Raw Story. –

You can rest assured that there is plenty of proof on tape the our Liar and Thief is blatantly racist, the only question is how bad it will affect him:

“Actor and comedian Tom Arnold said Wednesday that he knows with certainty that a tape exists of Donald Trump saying the N-word, as well as other horrible things.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Arnold said that he has known Trump for 30 years and that the president was always begging him to do “The Apprentice.”

“It is such a crappy show that I wouldn’t do it,” Arnold said. “Like, that is for real. That says a lot. Because I do everything.”

When it came to the infamous N-word tape, Arnold said that he has seen it and knows the people who have it…”

This if Fake News Trump from Pinterest

Trump Draws a Direct Connection to the Russia Investigation and His Punishment of Brennan article from PoliticusUSA. –

The beauty of having such an ignorant Twitter tyrant who doesn’t think before he tweets is that his true intentions inevitably end up being revealed when he slips up and admits to committing some of his crimes…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 254

Trump Enemy of State from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Desperately trying to discredit Robert Mueller to derail his exponentially expanding Russia scandal begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* who feels the proverbial noose tightening around his neck, a primer on why you should never send your equally moronic miscreant lawyer to defend your indefensible treacherous actions, our gift that keeps on giving just keeps making his corruption investigations too easy, how our fake president’s war on fake news is creating truth crises – and why it’s important to recognize them for what they are and put an end to it and him and more.

Trump claims ‘business relationship’ with Mueller article from Yahoo! News. –

Grab some popcorn since this is going to get entertaining now that our fraudulent feckless fuhrer’s desperation to derail Mueller’s exponentially growing investigations into his endless corruption is kicking into overdrive.


Despite his repeated lies about ‘witch hunt’ and ‘no collusion,’ it is impossible to believe that our dimwitted dip shit wasn’t aware of what was going on within his campaign.

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 79th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt Media. –

A look back at the most recent disastrous week of America’s worst-ever president’s* failed presidency.

Giuliani May Have Just Admitted Trump Colluded With Russia article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why you should never send your moronic miscreant lawyer to defend your indefensible treachery:

“Did Rudy Giuliani just announce to the world that Donald Trump colluded with Russia in order win the U.S. presidency in 2016?

After Trump has spent the last several years tweeting and saying in public “no collusion” every chance he gets, his television lawyer may have just admitted on Fox & Friends that there was indeed “collusion” but that it is not a crime.

“Giuliani: “Collusion is not a crime”

A senior research psychologist explains why Trump is the exact opposite of a ‘stable genius’ article from The Raw Story. –

When you hear our demented delinquent refer to those that oppose him as having Trump derangement syndrome, it’s obvious that he and his ilk are the only ones that are deranged in any way as his delusions constantly reign supreme in everything he says and does.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 250

Lyin’ Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the many ways he has demonstrated his loyalty to Russia over the U.S. – making him look like a traitor instead of a sitting president, Trump’s claims of being the roughest president ever on Russia are nothing but pure fodder and lies, Trump’s Gestapo is having difficulty reuniting the children they are terrorizing with the parents, our gift that keeps on giving keeps providing yet more ammo to fuel his ongoing collusion and corruption investigations, prepare for another meltdown from our Twitter tyrant as his equally corrupt GOP brown shirts continue defending the indefensible, things we’ve learned from our Authoritarian Orange Overlord’s worst foreign policy week ever, the 3 main theories – all of which are plausible – that explain our dystopian Orange dumb ass’s approach to Putin and Russia and much more.

Could It Be More Obvious? 7 New Ways Trump Has Demonstrated His Loyalty To Russia article from Care2. –

The many ways our feckless fuhrer has demonstrated his loyalty to Russia over the U.S. he’s taken an oath to defend.

Dangerous, delusional Trump: ‘There has never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been’ article from The Daily Kos. –

Facts play no role in our Mango Mussolini’s land of delusion, as made evident by his delusional claims of being tough on Russia – look no further than his recent farcical Russia summit for proof…

The problem with Trump’s proof of being ‘tough’ toward Russia article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Yet more reason why Trump’s claims of being the roughest president ever on Russia are complete fodder and lies.

There must be a reckoning article from The Week. –

Illegally profiting by raping U.S. taxpayers while staying at his own properties is not legal and it’s time for America’s most corrupt-ever president* to be held accountable for that too:

“President Trump committed yet another grotesque violation of the Constitution on his recent trip to Scotland, when he used nearly $70,000 in public money to pay for rooms at a hotel in Scotland he owns directly, The Scotsman reports.

This kind of bald corruption is chewing at the roots of the United States as a functioning nation. If constitutional democracy is to survive here, there must be a reckoning with this scandal — and that means prosecutions and prison sentences.

It is simply unquestionable that Trump’s behavior is a violation of constitutional stipulations about how the president is to be compensated. Here’s what it says:

The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. [The Constitution of the United States]…”

Donald Trump Doesn’t Give a Damn About the Legitimacy of His Presidency* article from Esquire. –

Which is good since since his presidency* was never legitimate to begin with…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 240

Suckers Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The fact that Donald J. Trump is the worst president in U.S. history begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as highlighted by many of the articles below, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator backs down and puts an end to terrorizing children alone and decides to do it with their parents instead while trying to turn his cluster you-know-what into a victory, then our feckless fuhrer holds a rally in Minnesota during which he goes full dickless-tator, why it’s long past time to compare Trump and his Gestapo to Nazis, Trump’s ‘space force’ farce is as remarkably stupid as it sounds and so much more.

Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in American history article from The Week. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s dubious accomplishments, topped off with his terrorizing immigrant children and families cements his legacy as the worst president this country has ever had.

In the Trump administration, conflicts of interest barely cause a stir article from The Los Angeles Times. –

Being enabled by his GOP brown shirt Gestapo in Congress and the stupidity of the minority that supports him, it’s not surprising that his conflicts of interest barely cause a stir, but they will in the near future…

Trump’s War on Children is an act of State Terrorism article from CounterPunch. –

More on our nefarious narcissist’s acts of terrorism against migrant children and families and why it and the lies he’s using to justify it matter.

Donald Trump: A Lifelong Ponzi Scheme article from Medium. –

Trump’s life has been nothing but one fraudulent con after another which is exactly why he belongs behind bars:

“Basically with a Ponzi scheme there is no there there.

This has always been the essence of Donald J. Trump’s entire master BS life. The Trump con of course was to convince banks and the sophisticated, along average Joes, that he is a super wealthy, highly successful businessman.

It didn’t matter that he was clueless about most things and therefore every venture was a failed venture, because on the other hand he was such a fantastic self-promoter (compulsive liar) that there was always some bank, international mobster organization or Russian sponsored agency willing to bail him out, but eventually all Ponzi Type Schemes come crashing down. Donald’s fatal mistake was in becoming president. Yes, ironically it is the panicle of his seeming success that will undo the Donald.

Of course Mr. Trump never really wanted the normally taxing job of being president of the United States, but he just couldn’t resist the limelight that would pour over him in running for that most prestigious office. And so fate stepped in to the amazement of some and the horror of many when through the vagaries of the Electoral College, an opponent saddled with much political baggage, an effect dose of voter suppression gimmicks, and Putin excited to shill for a man of a kind made to cause all sorts of problems for his arch rival the good old US of A formed the perfect storm to put Trump into the White House…”

Trump Foundation may be unique in the ‘scope of its transgressions’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* foundation – like the rest of his illicit businesses – could easily put an end to his failed presidency if his multitude of other ongoing investigations don’t bring him down first.

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