Tag Archives: Our Manchurian Misfit

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 255

Trump’s absolute delusion from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* by learning how to deal with his war on truth since it plays no role in his alternate reality, our Twitter tyrant’s melt downs are coming fast and furious as his ongoing criminal investigations continue swallowing him whole – adding more fuel to the fire making himself look guilty as hell, our impotent imbecile is finding it more difficult defending his indefensible treachery as his moronic lawyer continues putting more nails in his proverbial coffin, every day our cancerous Orange parasite offers more evidence of his guilt via tweet while offering more proof that he is mentally unfit to occupy the White House, our Marmalade Miscreant’s imminent demise is taking its toll on him as more evidence of his guilt continues coming forth and there isn’t a damn thing he can do about it, our lackluster lame duck president’s* first fraudulent tax reform scam wasn’t enough so he has to screw Americans over even more for personal profit, listening to the moronic shadow cabinet that runs his freak show isn’t working out well for our demented delusionist and so much more.

Dealing With President Trump’s War On Truth article from Forbes. –

How to deal with the never-ending lies that spew forth from our feckless fuhrer’s mouth – fact and truth play no role whatsoever in his alternate reality and that’s starting to cause some serious problems for him.

Donald Trump Says You Need A Picture ID To Buy Groceries In America article from The Huffington Post. –

While spewing more lies and bull shit at his Tampa rally, on his quest to force voters to get ID’s to vote so millions of minorities are disenfranchised, our Ignoramus-in-Chief concocted new lies, this time about needing ID to buy groceries.

Collusion Is Worse Than a Crime article from The Atlantic. –

Our dimwitted dip shit has proved himself to be a threat to America’s National Security with all the crimes against the U.S. he has committed, including collusion – which in many forms is criminal.

Flynn, Comey, and Mueller: What Trump Knew and When He Knew It article from The New York Review of Books. –

Mueller apparently already has a lot of evidence that implicates America’s most corrupt-ever president* in Obstruction of Justice and much more:

“Previously undisclosed evidence in the possession of Special Counsel Robert Mueller—including highly confidential White House records and testimony by some of President Trump’s own top aides—provides some of the strongest evidence to date implicating the president of the United States in an obstruction of justice. Several people who have reviewed a portion of this evidence say that, based on what they know, they believe it is now all but inevitable that the special counsel will complete a confidential report presenting evidence that President Trump violated the law. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees the special counsel’s work, would then decide on turning over that report to Congress for the House of Representatives to consider whether to instigate impeachment proceedings.

The central incident in the case that the president obstructed justice was provided by former FBI Director James B. Comey, who testified that Trump pressed Comey, in a private Oval Office meeting on February 14, 2017, to shut down an FBI criminal investigation of Trump’s former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Comey has testified the president told him.

In an effort to convince Mueller that President Trump did not obstruct justice, the president’s attorneys have argued that the president could not have broken the law because the president did not know that Flynn was under criminal investigation when he pressured Comey to go easy on Flynn. In a confidential January 29 letter to the special counsel first reported by The New York Times, two of the president’s attorneys, John Dowd (who no longer represents Trump) and Jay Sekulow, maintained that the president did not obstruct justice because, even though Flynn had been questioned by the FBI, Trump believed that the FBI investigation was over, and that Flynn had been told that he’d been cleared.

On its face, this is a counter-intuitive argument—for if Trump believed that Flynn had been cleared and was no longer under investigation, there would have been no reason for the president to lean on Comey to end the FBI’s investigation—telling Comey that Trump hoped that Comey would be able to “see your way clear to letting this go.” Yet Trump’s attorneys have pursued this line of argument with the special counsel because perjury and obstruction cases depend largely on whether a prosecutor can demonstrate the intent and motivation of the person they want to charge. It’s not enough to prove that the person under investigation attempted to impede an ongoing criminal investigation; the statute requires a prosecutor to prove that the person did so with the corrupt intent to protect either himself or someone else from prosecution…”

Make America Dumb Again: Here Are the 8 Most Ridiculous Things Republicans Believe Now That Trump is President article from Alternet. –

The fact that Trump’s GOP Gestapo is covering up, aiding and abetting and protecting him doesn’t bode well for them and they are going to have a lot of explaining to do since they’re just as stupid and guilty as he is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 254

Trump Enemy of State from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Desperately trying to discredit Robert Mueller to derail his exponentially expanding Russia scandal begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* who feels the proverbial noose tightening around his neck, a primer on why you should never send your equally moronic miscreant lawyer to defend your indefensible treacherous actions, our gift that keeps on giving just keeps making his corruption investigations too easy, how our fake president’s war on fake news is creating truth crises – and why it’s important to recognize them for what they are and put an end to it and him and more.

Trump claims ‘business relationship’ with Mueller article from Yahoo! News. –

Grab some popcorn since this is going to get entertaining now that our fraudulent feckless fuhrer’s desperation to derail Mueller’s exponentially growing investigations into his endless corruption is kicking into overdrive.


Despite his repeated lies about ‘witch hunt’ and ‘no collusion,’ it is impossible to believe that our dimwitted dip shit wasn’t aware of what was going on within his campaign.

A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 79th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt Media. –

A look back at the most recent disastrous week of America’s worst-ever president’s* failed presidency.

Giuliani May Have Just Admitted Trump Colluded With Russia article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why you should never send your moronic miscreant lawyer to defend your indefensible treachery:

“Did Rudy Giuliani just announce to the world that Donald Trump colluded with Russia in order win the U.S. presidency in 2016?

After Trump has spent the last several years tweeting and saying in public “no collusion” every chance he gets, his television lawyer may have just admitted on Fox & Friends that there was indeed “collusion” but that it is not a crime.

“Giuliani: “Collusion is not a crime”

A senior research psychologist explains why Trump is the exact opposite of a ‘stable genius’ article from The Raw Story. –

When you hear our demented delinquent refer to those that oppose him as having Trump derangement syndrome, it’s obvious that he and his ilk are the only ones that are deranged in any way as his delusions constantly reign supreme in everything he says and does.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 253

Blotus Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the price he’s going to pay for not taking care of his former attorney who knows all about his fraudulent business dealings, his affairs, his numerous ties to Russia and more, yet more proof that our national embarrassment’s ‘America First’ rhetoric is nothing but another con job, Trump and his GOP brown shirt enablers are preparing yet another fraudulent tax scam in order to try and eviscerate Medicare and Social Security, why it’s time to hold our delusional Orange dumb ass and his GOP enablers accountable for their multiple Treasonous crimes against the U.S., our dystopian dotard once again threatened to shut down the government if he doesn’t receive more money for his border wall and so much more.

Why Michael Cohen Is a Triple Threat for Donald Trump article from Mother Jones. –

Micheal Cohen – our dimwitted dip shit’s former attorney and fixer – has tons of information on Trump’s fraudulent business dealings, his affairs, his ties to Russia and so much more.

Trump Has Changed His Mind A Lot On What He Knew About The Trump Tower Meeting article from The Huffington Post. –

The problem with lying all the time is you can’t keep them all straight and now that our feckless fuhrer is desperately trying to avoid accountability and probable jail time, his demented distractions are losing their luster.


Watching the utter incompetence of having to constantly clean up and try to dissuade the outcomes of our national embarrassment’s multiple weekly fuck-ups reveals just how degraded this country has become and that you can’t rely on or believe Washington in any fashion.

America first? Photos emerge of Trump-Pence 2020 campaign flags being made in China article from The Daily Kos. –

Trump’s entire illegitimate presidency is all about him first and screw everyone else, in this case over his ‘America First’ Con job:

“In classic con man fashion, the candidate and president who has sworn to bring manufacturing back to the United States isn’t making any attempt to start with his own campaign. In fact, as evidenced by these photos, the Trump campaign is actively getting their gear made in China. From the Associated Press description of the photo above:

A Chinese worker sews flags and banners for the U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential re-election campaign to be exported to the United States of America at a factory in Fuyang city, east China’s Anhui province, 13 July 2018. The red, white and blue banners for U.S. President Donald Trump’s second-term campaign are ready to ship, emblazoned with the words “Keep America Great!” But they are made in eastern China and soon could be hit by punitive tariffs of Trump’s own making as he ratchets up a rancorous trade dispute with Beijing. At the Jiahao Flag Co Ltd in Anhui province, women operate sewing machines to hem the edges of “Trump 2020” flags the size of beach towels, while others fold and bundle them for delivery.

In another image, it appears they are also making U.S. flags, which can be seen stacked on the floor.

Lots of Truly Stupid Tweets Coming Out of the White House Today article from Splinter News. –

The stupidity of our Twitter tyrant is once again on full display as he desperately tries to save his illegitimate failed presidency because a lot more bad news is heading his way and his alternate reality is about to be shot down in flames.

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