Blotus Trump from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the price he’s going to pay for not taking care of his former attorney who knows all about his fraudulent business dealings, his affairs, his numerous ties to Russia and more, yet more proof that our national embarrassment’s ‘America First’ rhetoric is nothing but another con job, Trump and his GOP brown shirt enablers are preparing yet another fraudulent tax scam in order to try and eviscerate Medicare and Social Security, why it’s time to hold our delusional Orange dumb ass and his GOP enablers accountable for their multiple Treasonous crimes against the U.S., our dystopian dotard once again threatened to shut down the government if he doesn’t receive more money for his border wall and so much more.
Why Michael Cohen Is a Triple Threat for Donald Trump article from Mother Jones. –
Micheal Cohen – our dimwitted dip shit’s former attorney and fixer – has tons of information on Trump’s fraudulent business dealings, his affairs, his ties to Russia and so much more.
Trump Has Changed His Mind A Lot On What He Knew About The Trump Tower Meeting article from The Huffington Post. –
The problem with lying all the time is you can’t keep them all straight and now that our feckless fuhrer is desperately trying to avoid accountability and probable jail time, his demented distractions are losing their luster.
Watching the utter incompetence of having to constantly clean up and try to dissuade the outcomes of our national embarrassment’s multiple weekly fuck-ups reveals just how degraded this country has become and that you can’t rely on or believe Washington in any fashion.
America first? Photos emerge of Trump-Pence 2020 campaign flags being made in China article from The Daily Kos. –
Trump’s entire illegitimate presidency is all about him first and screw everyone else, in this case over his ‘America First’ Con job:
“In classic con man fashion, the candidate and president who has sworn to bring manufacturing back to the United States isn’t making any attempt to start with his own campaign. In fact, as evidenced by these photos, the Trump campaign is actively getting their gear made in China. From the Associated Press description of the photo above:
A Chinese worker sews flags and banners for the U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential re-election campaign to be exported to the United States of America at a factory in Fuyang city, east China’s Anhui province, 13 July 2018. The red, white and blue banners for U.S. President Donald Trump’s second-term campaign are ready to ship, emblazoned with the words “Keep America Great!” But they are made in eastern China and soon could be hit by punitive tariffs of Trump’s own making as he ratchets up a rancorous trade dispute with Beijing. At the Jiahao Flag Co Ltd in Anhui province, women operate sewing machines to hem the edges of “Trump 2020” flags the size of beach towels, while others fold and bundle them for delivery.
In another image, it appears they are also making U.S. flags, which can be seen stacked on the floor.
“Workers make flags for U.S. President Donald Trump’s Keep America Great! 2020 re-election campaign at Jiahao flag factory in Fuyang, Anhui province, China.” (Aly Son/Reuters) pic.twitter.com/0IyOsNdODK
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) July 26, 2018
Lots of Truly Stupid Tweets Coming Out of the White House Today article from Splinter News. –
The stupidity of our Twitter tyrant is once again on full display as he desperately tries to save his illegitimate failed presidency because a lot more bad news is heading his way and his alternate reality is about to be shot down in flames.