Tag Archives: Trump’s GOP Brown Shirt Gestapo

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 253

Blotus Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* with the price he’s going to pay for not taking care of his former attorney who knows all about his fraudulent business dealings, his affairs, his numerous ties to Russia and more, yet more proof that our national embarrassment’s ‘America First’ rhetoric is nothing but another con job, Trump and his GOP brown shirt enablers are preparing yet another fraudulent tax scam in order to try and eviscerate Medicare and Social Security, why it’s time to hold our delusional Orange dumb ass and his GOP enablers accountable for their multiple Treasonous crimes against the U.S., our dystopian dotard once again threatened to shut down the government if he doesn’t receive more money for his border wall and so much more.

Why Michael Cohen Is a Triple Threat for Donald Trump article from Mother Jones. –

Micheal Cohen – our dimwitted dip shit’s former attorney and fixer – has tons of information on Trump’s fraudulent business dealings, his affairs, his ties to Russia and so much more.

Trump Has Changed His Mind A Lot On What He Knew About The Trump Tower Meeting article from The Huffington Post. –

The problem with lying all the time is you can’t keep them all straight and now that our feckless fuhrer is desperately trying to avoid accountability and probable jail time, his demented distractions are losing their luster.


Watching the utter incompetence of having to constantly clean up and try to dissuade the outcomes of our national embarrassment’s multiple weekly fuck-ups reveals just how degraded this country has become and that you can’t rely on or believe Washington in any fashion.

America first? Photos emerge of Trump-Pence 2020 campaign flags being made in China article from The Daily Kos. –

Trump’s entire illegitimate presidency is all about him first and screw everyone else, in this case over his ‘America First’ Con job:

“In classic con man fashion, the candidate and president who has sworn to bring manufacturing back to the United States isn’t making any attempt to start with his own campaign. In fact, as evidenced by these photos, the Trump campaign is actively getting their gear made in China. From the Associated Press description of the photo above:

A Chinese worker sews flags and banners for the U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential re-election campaign to be exported to the United States of America at a factory in Fuyang city, east China’s Anhui province, 13 July 2018. The red, white and blue banners for U.S. President Donald Trump’s second-term campaign are ready to ship, emblazoned with the words “Keep America Great!” But they are made in eastern China and soon could be hit by punitive tariffs of Trump’s own making as he ratchets up a rancorous trade dispute with Beijing. At the Jiahao Flag Co Ltd in Anhui province, women operate sewing machines to hem the edges of “Trump 2020” flags the size of beach towels, while others fold and bundle them for delivery.

In another image, it appears they are also making U.S. flags, which can be seen stacked on the floor.

Lots of Truly Stupid Tweets Coming Out of the White House Today article from Splinter News. –

The stupidity of our Twitter tyrant is once again on full display as he desperately tries to save his illegitimate failed presidency because a lot more bad news is heading his way and his alternate reality is about to be shot down in flames.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 240

Suckers Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The fact that Donald J. Trump is the worst president in U.S. history begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as highlighted by many of the articles below, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator backs down and puts an end to terrorizing children alone and decides to do it with their parents instead while trying to turn his cluster you-know-what into a victory, then our feckless fuhrer holds a rally in Minnesota during which he goes full dickless-tator, why it’s long past time to compare Trump and his Gestapo to Nazis, Trump’s ‘space force’ farce is as remarkably stupid as it sounds and so much more.

Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in American history article from The Week. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s dubious accomplishments, topped off with his terrorizing immigrant children and families cements his legacy as the worst president this country has ever had.

In the Trump administration, conflicts of interest barely cause a stir article from The Los Angeles Times. –

Being enabled by his GOP brown shirt Gestapo in Congress and the stupidity of the minority that supports him, it’s not surprising that his conflicts of interest barely cause a stir, but they will in the near future…

Trump’s War on Children is an act of State Terrorism article from CounterPunch. –

More on our nefarious narcissist’s acts of terrorism against migrant children and families and why it and the lies he’s using to justify it matter.

Donald Trump: A Lifelong Ponzi Scheme article from Medium. –

Trump’s life has been nothing but one fraudulent con after another which is exactly why he belongs behind bars:

“Basically with a Ponzi scheme there is no there there.

This has always been the essence of Donald J. Trump’s entire master BS life. The Trump con of course was to convince banks and the sophisticated, along average Joes, that he is a super wealthy, highly successful businessman.

It didn’t matter that he was clueless about most things and therefore every venture was a failed venture, because on the other hand he was such a fantastic self-promoter (compulsive liar) that there was always some bank, international mobster organization or Russian sponsored agency willing to bail him out, but eventually all Ponzi Type Schemes come crashing down. Donald’s fatal mistake was in becoming president. Yes, ironically it is the panicle of his seeming success that will undo the Donald.

Of course Mr. Trump never really wanted the normally taxing job of being president of the United States, but he just couldn’t resist the limelight that would pour over him in running for that most prestigious office. And so fate stepped in to the amazement of some and the horror of many when through the vagaries of the Electoral College, an opponent saddled with much political baggage, an effect dose of voter suppression gimmicks, and Putin excited to shill for a man of a kind made to cause all sorts of problems for his arch rival the good old US of A formed the perfect storm to put Trump into the White House…”

Trump Foundation may be unique in the ‘scope of its transgressions’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* foundation – like the rest of his illicit businesses – could easily put an end to his failed presidency if his multitude of other ongoing investigations don’t bring him down first.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 239

Record setting Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his getting angry because terrorizing immigrants, separating families and trying to blackmail Democrats to build his moronic border wall isn’t working, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are now on full display in the White House where he took photos of the French president down and replaced them with framed photos of North Korea’s dictator, more on the devastation of Trump’s zero-tolerance terrorism against immigrants at the U.S. border, apparently having a militarized Space Force for God knows what is okay in our delusional despot’s pea brain but taking care of his subjects is unacceptable, our feckless fuhrer’s delusions of being above the law are about to spoil his alternate reality, Trump’s largest fraudulent donors are profiting off his criminal immigrant policies and much more.

Trump whines that Democrats aren’t paying ransom after he took immigrant kids hostage article from The Raw Story. –

Terrorizing immigrant children while separating families and trying to blackmail Democrats into funding his border wall isn’t working out so well for our dimwitted dip shit and he’s not happy about it.

Is Trump Heading Back to ‘Fire and Fury’ With Kim? article from The Daily Beast. –

Now that the joke that was Trump’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with Kim is starting to implode since North Korea won’t get rid of his nuclear arsenal, it’s only a matter of time before our nefarious narcissist reverts back to his Twitter tirades against North Korea…

Trump tells ridiculous lie about German crime to argue against taking in asylum-seekers article from Think Progress. –

The lies and deceptions from our Lord of the lies about everything are coming fast and furious and it’s going to end up burying his ignorant ass when it backfires.

MSNBC Destroys Trump While He Is Talking With Fact Check Of His Blame Democrats Immigration Lie article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our Liar and Thief is imploding because he can’t get anyone to believe his lies about separating children at the border:

“MSNBC destroyed Trump’s lie that his policy of child separation at the border was the fault of Democrats with an immediate fact check while Trump was still talking.


While Trump was still talking Andrea Mitchell cut in and said, “Let’s do a quick fact check. It is not the Democrats, it’s not congress. This is an enforcement action which the Obama and Bush White Houses rejected as being too harsh and unnecessary, what they were calling a nuclear option, and it is something that Lindsay Graham and others who support the president who say he could change with a phone call. But again, using it against the Democrats and as Bill Kristol was just saying, doubling down on it as a midterm election strategy.”…”

Trump replaces White House photos of French president with framed pictures of Kim Jong-un article from The Raw Story. –

Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display as he frames pictures of North Korea’s dictator – probably for inspiration to fuel the fires in his land of delusion:

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