Tag Archives: Trump’s Zero-Tolerance Terrorism

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 244

100 percent Crooked Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The truth about his dwindling popularity begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he has never been and never will be as popular as his polls suggest, the depths of endless profound corruption and complete ineptitude from our demented delinquent and his fraudulent family are truly remarkable, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda is working overtime to desperately keep his treasonous Orange ass out of trouble, history will not judge Trump or his followers kindly, Trump’s life has been one massive fraudulent failure after another and his presidency will be no different, why it is imperative to start recognizing and calling our Marmalade Miscreant’s lies and corrupt criminal actions what they are regardless of how pissed off his ignorant ass gets, for once in his life our Liar and Thief accidentally admitted the truth plus much more.

Is Trump really winning? The truth about the president’s popularity article from The Guardian. –

The polls showing our dimwitted dip shit’s popularity hanging around 41 percent are misleading which is one of the many reasons he is and always will be an illegitimate minority-elect president*.

Trump’s Ineptitude Is No Joke article from Bloomberg News. –

A partial list of reasons – there are MANY MORE – that America’s most corrupt-ever president* is unfit to be in office and should have been removed long ago.

After Getting Hosed by Kim Jong-Un in Singapore, Trump Does Putin’s Bidding Ahead of Their Helsinki Summit article from Alternet. –

Trump’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with North Korea was a bust so now he’s desperately trying to make everyone believe his Russian Master doesn’t own him and that there was no collusion – despite mountains of evidence showing that there actually was – and his upcoming ass kissing summit with Putin will also be a bust…

Zero Tolerance for Internment Camps article from The Nation. –

Terrorizing migrant children and their families by Herr Frump and his Gestapo will probably be okayed by our corrupt ‘Supreme’ Court so it’s up to us to put an end to it:

“Donald Trump has been in power for less than two years, and already, discrimination is a legal norm in America. As a nation, we’ve lost our standing in the international community. We’re continuing our country’s long history of ripping families of color apart. We’re rejecting refugees fleeing violence in their home countries, even as we provide the weapons to fuel endless wars. We’ve endured several different versions of travel bans aimed at Muslims, and gutted voting=rights protections that ensure our ability to hold leaders accountable for their actions, or inaction.

The Supreme Court of the United States’ decision to uphold Trump’s Muslim ban this week endangers many members of the communities I come from and work with as much as it affects the people arriving at our shores or our borders. It throws people into the same broken immigration system, and forces them into detention centers, full of fear that they will never see their sons, daughters, grandmothers, or cousins again.

There is nothing more heartbreaking than being kept away from your family. Donald Trump’s “zero-tolerance” policy exploits this pain in dark ways, but the Supreme Court is as complicit as Congress and the white supremacists lurking behind the scenes. The Court was established to balance unchecked power in our government, but under this administration it has become a tool for dismantling rights enshrined in our Constitution. Sadly, the majority’s decision to turn a blind eye to Trump’s rhetoric and clearly expressed intent to discriminate isn’t surprising.

And if the White House is doing its part to attack our communities with these policies, the Supreme Court upholds them, and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) brings those policies to life…”

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 75th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Medium. –

A look at our demented delinquent’s most recent failed week in office after being given dubious victories by our thoroughly corrupt ‘Supreme’ Court.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 239

Record setting Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his getting angry because terrorizing immigrants, separating families and trying to blackmail Democrats to build his moronic border wall isn’t working, Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are now on full display in the White House where he took photos of the French president down and replaced them with framed photos of North Korea’s dictator, more on the devastation of Trump’s zero-tolerance terrorism against immigrants at the U.S. border, apparently having a militarized Space Force for God knows what is okay in our delusional despot’s pea brain but taking care of his subjects is unacceptable, our feckless fuhrer’s delusions of being above the law are about to spoil his alternate reality, Trump’s largest fraudulent donors are profiting off his criminal immigrant policies and much more.

Trump whines that Democrats aren’t paying ransom after he took immigrant kids hostage article from The Raw Story. –

Terrorizing immigrant children while separating families and trying to blackmail Democrats into funding his border wall isn’t working out so well for our dimwitted dip shit and he’s not happy about it.

Is Trump Heading Back to ‘Fire and Fury’ With Kim? article from The Daily Beast. –

Now that the joke that was Trump’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with Kim is starting to implode since North Korea won’t get rid of his nuclear arsenal, it’s only a matter of time before our nefarious narcissist reverts back to his Twitter tirades against North Korea…

Trump tells ridiculous lie about German crime to argue against taking in asylum-seekers article from Think Progress. –

The lies and deceptions from our Lord of the lies about everything are coming fast and furious and it’s going to end up burying his ignorant ass when it backfires.

MSNBC Destroys Trump While He Is Talking With Fact Check Of His Blame Democrats Immigration Lie article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our Liar and Thief is imploding because he can’t get anyone to believe his lies about separating children at the border:

“MSNBC destroyed Trump’s lie that his policy of child separation at the border was the fault of Democrats with an immediate fact check while Trump was still talking.


While Trump was still talking Andrea Mitchell cut in and said, “Let’s do a quick fact check. It is not the Democrats, it’s not congress. This is an enforcement action which the Obama and Bush White Houses rejected as being too harsh and unnecessary, what they were calling a nuclear option, and it is something that Lindsay Graham and others who support the president who say he could change with a phone call. But again, using it against the Democrats and as Bill Kristol was just saying, doubling down on it as a midterm election strategy.”…”

Trump replaces White House photos of French president with framed pictures of Kim Jong-un article from The Raw Story. –

Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display as he frames pictures of North Korea’s dictator – probably for inspiration to fuel the fires in his land of delusion:

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