Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
The fact that Donald J. Trump is the worst president in U.S. history begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* as highlighted by many of the articles below, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator backs down and puts an end to terrorizing children alone and decides to do it with their parents instead while trying to turn his cluster you-know-what into a victory, then our feckless fuhrer holds a rally in Minnesota during which he goes full dickless-tator, why it’s long past time to compare Trump and his Gestapo to Nazis, Trump’s ‘space force’ farce is as remarkably stupid as it sounds and so much more.
Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in American history article from The Week. –
Our dimwitted dip shit’s dubious accomplishments, topped off with his terrorizing immigrant children and families cements his legacy as the worst president this country has ever had.
In the Trump administration, conflicts of interest barely cause a stir article from The Los Angeles Times. –
Being enabled by his GOP brown shirt Gestapo in Congress and the stupidity of the minority that supports him, it’s not surprising that his conflicts of interest barely cause a stir, but they will in the near future…
Trump’s War on Children is an act of State Terrorism article from CounterPunch. –
More on our nefarious narcissist’s acts of terrorism against migrant children and families and why it and the lies he’s using to justify it matter.
Donald Trump: A Lifelong Ponzi Scheme article from Medium. –
Trump’s life has been nothing but one fraudulent con after another which is exactly why he belongs behind bars:
“Basically with a Ponzi scheme there is no there there.
This has always been the essence of Donald J. Trump’s entire master BS life. The Trump con of course was to convince banks and the sophisticated, along average Joes, that he is a super wealthy, highly successful businessman.
It didn’t matter that he was clueless about most things and therefore every venture was a failed venture, because on the other hand he was such a fantastic self-promoter (compulsive liar) that there was always some bank, international mobster organization or Russian sponsored agency willing to bail him out, but eventually all Ponzi Type Schemes come crashing down. Donald’s fatal mistake was in becoming president. Yes, ironically it is the panicle of his seeming success that will undo the Donald.
Of course Mr. Trump never really wanted the normally taxing job of being president of the United States, but he just couldn’t resist the limelight that would pour over him in running for that most prestigious office. And so fate stepped in to the amazement of some and the horror of many when through the vagaries of the Electoral College, an opponent saddled with much political baggage, an effect dose of voter suppression gimmicks, and Putin excited to shill for a man of a kind made to cause all sorts of problems for his arch rival the good old US of A formed the perfect storm to put Trump into the White House…”
Trump Foundation may be unique in the ‘scope of its transgressions’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* foundation – like the rest of his illicit businesses – could easily put an end to his failed presidency if his multitude of other ongoing investigations don’t bring him down first.