Trump Hitler comparison from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how the cesspool of corruption he created despite his lies of draining the swamp have hastened his imminent downfall and failed presidency, our fraudulent feckless fuhrer added one more impeachable offense to his growing list of crimes he’s already committed, the pressure from his ongoing Russia scandal is adversely affecting Comrade Cheetolini and it’s making him appear even more guilty as he keeps digging himself a deeper hole he can’t slither out of, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news and he can’t handle it, all the personal attacks on his enemies reveals our angry Orange creamsicle’s despotic delusions of grandeur on full display and Mueller is taking notice and so much more.
Swamp Thing: Donald Trump Is ‘Boss Tweet’ of the DC Ooze article from BuzzFlash. –
America’s most corrupt-ever president* lied when he promised to drain the swamp and has in fact turned it into quite the cesspool of corruption.
Thanks to their NDAs, Trump officials have no credibility. These clips prove it. article from ThinkProgress. –
Not that they ever had any credibility to begin with, and since the NDAs are illegal and non-binding, it makes our dimwitted dip shit and the miscreants he calls his administration even more illegitimate.
Rachel Maddow Just Nailed Trump For Committing Another Impeachable Offense article from PoliticusUSA. –
With all the crimes our fraudulent feckless fuhrer has already committed, there’s not much harm or shame in adding one more:
Rachel Maddow draws a parallel between Nixon and Trump following the president’s decision to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance. #Maddow #ctl #p2 pic.twitter.com/GG6OF0yNBY
— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) August 16, 2018
Tom Arnold insists the ‘N-word’ tape exists – and Trump and his former ‘Apprentice’ producer are terrified article from The Raw Story. –
You can rest assured that there is plenty of proof on tape the our Liar and Thief is blatantly racist, the only question is how bad it will affect him:
“Actor and comedian Tom Arnold said Wednesday that he knows with certainty that a tape exists of Donald Trump saying the N-word, as well as other horrible things.
In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Arnold said that he has known Trump for 30 years and that the president was always begging him to do “The Apprentice.”
“It is such a crappy show that I wouldn’t do it,” Arnold said. “Like, that is for real. That says a lot. Because I do everything.”
When it came to the infamous N-word tape, Arnold said that he has seen it and knows the people who have it…”

This if Fake News Trump from Pinterest
Trump Draws a Direct Connection to the Russia Investigation and His Punishment of Brennan article from PoliticusUSA. –
The beauty of having such an ignorant Twitter tyrant who doesn’t think before he tweets is that his true intentions inevitably end up being revealed when he slips up and admits to committing some of his crimes…