Tag Archives: Trump’s Twitter Tirades

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 259

Trump Hitler comparison from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how the cesspool of corruption he created despite his lies of draining the swamp have hastened his imminent downfall and failed presidency, our fraudulent feckless fuhrer added one more impeachable offense to his growing list of crimes he’s already committed, the pressure from his ongoing Russia scandal is adversely affecting Comrade Cheetolini and it’s making him appear even more guilty as he keeps digging himself a deeper hole he can’t slither out of, our fake president* is losing his war on fake news and he can’t handle it, all the personal attacks on his enemies reveals our angry Orange creamsicle’s despotic delusions of grandeur on full display and Mueller is taking notice and so much more.

Swamp Thing: Donald Trump Is ‘Boss Tweet’ of the DC Ooze article from BuzzFlash. –

America’s most corrupt-ever president* lied when he promised to drain the swamp and has in fact turned it into quite the cesspool of corruption.

Thanks to their NDAs, Trump officials have no credibility. These clips prove it. article from ThinkProgress. –

Not that they ever had any credibility to begin with, and since the NDAs are illegal and non-binding, it makes our dimwitted dip shit and the miscreants he calls his administration even more illegitimate.

Rachel Maddow Just Nailed Trump For Committing Another Impeachable Offense article from PoliticusUSA. –

With all the crimes our fraudulent feckless fuhrer has already committed, there’s not much harm or shame in adding one more:

Tom Arnold insists the ‘N-word’ tape exists – and Trump and his former ‘Apprentice’ producer are terrified article from The Raw Story. –

You can rest assured that there is plenty of proof on tape the our Liar and Thief is blatantly racist, the only question is how bad it will affect him:

“Actor and comedian Tom Arnold said Wednesday that he knows with certainty that a tape exists of Donald Trump saying the N-word, as well as other horrible things.

In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Arnold said that he has known Trump for 30 years and that the president was always begging him to do “The Apprentice.”

“It is such a crappy show that I wouldn’t do it,” Arnold said. “Like, that is for real. That says a lot. Because I do everything.”

When it came to the infamous N-word tape, Arnold said that he has seen it and knows the people who have it…”

This if Fake News Trump from Pinterest

Trump Draws a Direct Connection to the Russia Investigation and His Punishment of Brennan article from PoliticusUSA. –

The beauty of having such an ignorant Twitter tyrant who doesn’t think before he tweets is that his true intentions inevitably end up being revealed when he slips up and admits to committing some of his crimes…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 256

Democrats’ fault Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Being blissfully unaware that some of his instructions are ignored begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as his ignorant boasts of ‘strong leadership’ make him appear all the more pitiful, our Manchurian Orange maggot’s despotic delusions of grandeur are on full display with all the lies and propaganda he spews at his rallies in an attempt to build a cult-like following while thinking he’s a Supreme leader, our demented delinquent admitted that he’s trying to destroy Obamacare – which, like everything else he does, is illegal, the perils of Trump’s ineptitude, the reason Trump’s GOP Gestapo refuses to hold him accountable for his actions and crimes, White House election probe reveals that Trump lied about widespread voter fraud after he lost the popular vote bigly, Trump’s Twitter tirades are coming more frequently as he realizes that Mueller is coming for his profoundly corrupt ass and there isn’t a thing he can do to stop it and lots more.

Trump may bark orders, but US officials sometimes ignore them article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Our feckless fuhrer loves boasting about ‘strong leadership’ but many of his orders are ignored, which makes him and his boasts look even more pitiful.

Trump and the Possibility of Authoritarian Rule in the US article from BuzzFlash. –

The constant lies and distractions from our Manchurian Orange maggot are designed to instill a cult-like culture for the minority that ‘elected’ him in hopes of initiating his despotic delusions of grandeur and elevating himself to authoritarian status – though it won’t work because the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him won’t tolerate it.

‘He’s Scamming His Supporters’: Paul Krugman Calls the Media ‘Complicit’ in Trump’s Biggest Lie article from Alternet. –

Total Fraud Trump from Pinterest

Despite the fact that his economic policies only enrich him and his fraudulent family and friends, America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* moronic mini me’s actually believe he’s helping them.

Trump’s Tweets and the Creation of ‘Illusory Truth’ article from The Atlantic. –

Our Liar and Thief keeps repeating lies about a ‘witch hunt’ and ‘no collusion’ hoping that if he repeats if often enough and keeps the lies coming people will believe it – but the majority won’t:

“As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has heated up, so too have Donald Trump’s Twitter fingers. The president is fond of repeating certain disparaging phrases about Mueller’s investigation on the social media platform, repeatedly referring to it as a “hoax” and a “scam.” But his favorite moniker by far is “Witch Hunt”—embellished, in recent weeks, to “Rigged Witch Hunt”—which Trump has used a whopping 84 times this year alone in reference to Mueller’s investigation.

This repeated public condemnation is almost certainly having a psychological effect on how Americans view the investigation. Multiple studies have shown that when something is repeated often enough, people start to think of it as true, whether it actually is—a concept known as illusory truth. “When a statement is repeated, it starts to feel more familiar,” said Keith Payne, a psychology and neuroscience professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “That feeling of familiarity is easily interpreted as the feeling of truth.” Payne is the co-author of a study that found that even when people know a claim is false, just a few repetitions can make them more likely to think it’s true.

Trump’s consistent tweeting—and the constant media coverage of those tweets—makes his favorite phrases familiar to the American public. And that familiarity could be key to making his claims seem plausible, even believable. By consistently referring to the investigation as a “hoax” and a “witch hunt,” Trump is framing the debate on his terms.

“If you start arguing about whether something is or isn’t a witch hunt, you’ve basically conceded that it’s plausible that it’s a witch hunt, or that that’s the right term to use,” says Tom Stafford, a cognitive scientist at the University of Sheffield in Britain. So when Trump says, over and over, that the Mueller investigation is a “rigged witch hunt,” people subconsciously begin to think the idea that it is a witch hunt could be plausible—even when there’s no evidence to substantiate that claim…”


All the constant lies about witch hunts, no collusion, it’s all a hoax, the fake war with the media calling him out on his lies and treachery and ever present distractions committed by our dystopian dotard are useless when his stupid ass admits that there was indeed collusion…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 201

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with his commonplace Twitter tirades against his current perceived enemies while trying to deflect blame for his profoundly corrupt failed presidency, Trump likes comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln despite being the complete opposite and a demagogue that Lincoln warned against, Trump is losing control as his corruption and profound stupidity continue imploding his failing lackluster lame duck presidency, the endless parade of lies spewing from Trump’s lips over his Russia scandal are getting ridiculous, barely a year into his already failed presidency and our demented delinquent has already cemented his place as the worst president in America’s history, Trump resorts to new lies to deflect from facing the truth, how to take Trump’s lies and use them against him, Trump’s ‘no foreign deals’ pledge involves his chicanery in foreign deals, Trump wages war on the very workers he promised to protect and fight for, Trump encourages gerrymandering, still trying to destroy healthcare for millions of his supporters so his fraudulent friends can make more money at our expense and a lot more.

Trump Attacks Congressional Dems, FBI, McMaster, Clinton, Obama, Schiff, Others article from Talking Points Memo. –

As usual our Twitter tyrant lashed out at his current list of enemies responsible for his latest failed week as president* in order to distract from his profoundly corrupt failed presidency.

Trump puts public school safety and trauma counseling fuding on the chopping block article from Think Progress. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s fraudulent budget proposal cuts public school safety and trauma counseling funding – which really looks bad after one of his supporters killed 17 people at a high school last week…

Trump Is Tantruming After Getting Owned By Emma Gonzalez For Taking NRA Money article from PoliticusUSA. –

When Trump – who received $30 million from the NRA – gets called out for taking said NRA money, he has to resort again to trying to blame his predecessor and not doing anything about stopping violence at schools perpetrated by his supporters.

Trump thinks he’s Honest Abe, but Lincoln warned us about demagogues like him article from Think Progress. –

In Trump’s land of delusion, he’s greater than Abe Lincoln, but in reality, he’s what Lincoln warned against:

“President Donald Trump loves to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe would disagree.

Just last month, at a gathering of GOP lawmakers, Trump placed himself on Mount Rushmore again, asserting that Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) “actually once said I’m the greatest president in the history of our country. I said, does that include Lincoln and Washington? He said yes.”

Seriously. Last January, Trump even chose to be sworn in on ?the same bible Honest Abe used because he was “inspired by Lincoln’s words.”

On Presidents’ Day, though, it’s worth remembering Lincoln’s words, which make clear that Trump is the anti-Lincoln (and anti-Washington). He is the demagogue that not only the Founding Fathers like Alexander Hamilton warned us about, but that Lincoln himself warned us about as well…”

Trump’s Furious Tweetstorm Backfires article from The Atlantic. –

Every time Trump tweets to distract from his ceaseless corruption he ends up digging himself a bigger hole and making himself look more guilty – which is a direct result of his profound stupidity…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 134

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The cognitive deficits of our popular vote losing President start the day off with his idiocy yet again on full display as his moronic Twitter tirades continue, meet the team of miscreants representing our Loser-in-Chief’s legal woes, how Trump’s profound ignorance is going to cost him, more on Trump’s latest addition to his Ministry of Propaganda, Trump’s growing Russia scandal is implicating more of his administration – making it appear that he and his entire administration are illegitimate, questioning why the media won’t cover Trump’s Syrian War Crimes and much more.

Trump Twitter Wars Continue: New Attack on MSNBC for Firing Greta Van Susteren article from Yahoo! News. –

The diminishing mental capacity of our dimwitted dip shit again on full display as his moronic Twitter tirades continue.

President Trump slams CNN as ‘garbage journalism’ article from AOL News. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s Twitter tantrums continued with his duplicitous war on the truth.

‘Dumb as a rock Mika’: Donald Trump back on attack against Morning Joe hosts article from The Guardian. –

Yes, another Twitter tantrum from our impotent man-boy occupying the White House…he’s been busy showing everyone why he’s our illegitimate, minority-elect President.

Meet Trump’s legal team article from The Week. –

Meet the scrappy shysters representing our Loser-in-Chief:

“The president has assembled an unusual group of scrappy lawyers to defend him in the Russia investigation. Here’s everything you need to know:

Who is heading the team?
Marc E. Kasowitz, the president’s longtime personal lawyer and his go-to guy for legal battles over the past 15 years. When special counsel Robert Mueller put the Russia investigation into high gear, Trump initially tried to hire at least four of the nation’s most prestigious law firms, with high-profile attorneys including former Solicitor General Ted Olson. But they all refused, according to a Yahoo News report, with the lawyers citing the difficulty of representing the mercurial Trump, who has a history of not paying bills. As one lawyer put it, “The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen.” So Trump has turned to his old buddy to defend him from the most dangerous legal challenge of his life. Kasowitz, 64, makes for a “peculiar choice” to handle a major investigation and possible impeachment, a lawyer who is familiar with Kasowitz’s work told The Washington Post. “He is not a white-collar lawyer. He is a bulldog civil litigator. You want someone who [Mueller] is going to respect. You don’t go in there with your hair on fire.”

What is Kasowitz’s background?
The founding partner of Kasowitz Benson Torres, Kasowitz specializes in complex financial litigation — which is how he first met Trump. In 2001, the real estate mogul retained the $1,500-an-hour lawyer to represent him in an Atlantic City casino bankruptcy case. Kasowitz has since gone to court to protect Trump’s sealed divorce records from being opened; unsuccessfully defended Trump University from a fraud lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman; and represented him amid allegations of sexual assault. “Trump has always favored scrappy lawyers and street fighters,” says Trump biographer Timothy O’Brien, who has personally faced off against Kasowitz. “Kasowitz fits that profile.”

How does Kasowitz operate?
Described as one of the toughest lawyers in Manhattan, Kasowitz goes on the attack against his clients’ accusers. When Bill O’Reilly, another of his clients, was accused of sexual harassment by several Fox News colleagues, Kasowitz claimed that the TV host had “been subjected to a brutal campaign of character assassination…unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.” And when Trump sued writer O’Brien for challenging the real estate mogul’s claim to be a billionaire in his 2005 biography, Kasowitz appeared at one of O’Brien’s book readings — filming the event while using audience “plants” to goad the author into making damaging statements, says O’Brien. “It’s just a trench fight with them,” says Roddy Boyd, another reporter who has battled with Kasowitz. “It’s brutal stuff.”

Who else is on the team?
Former prosecutor John Dowd, a veteran white-collar lawyer known for his work on the Keating Five scandal, will bring some Washington expertise to the team. But on TV at least, the public face of Trump’s Russia defense squad now appears to be Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for evangelical Christian groups and a conservative talk show regular. Sekulow serves as chief counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a Christian-based nonprofit founded by televangelist Pat Robertson, and has argued 12 religious liberty cases before the Supreme Court. Sekulow, 61, was born to a Reform Jewish family in Brooklyn, and only became a Messianic Jew — or a “Jew for Jesus” — after attending Atlanta Baptist College. He has also defended organizations like the militant anti-abortion Operation Rescue…”

White House threats to Joe Scarborough may have violated three criminal laws article from Think Progress. –

Threatening blackmail – especially as president – is indefensible and always a crime.

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