Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president with an extremely embarrassing book that will undoubtedly accelerate the end of his failed presidency, why the debates over Trump’s mental deficiencies – which he has repeatedly proven he is suffering from – don’t matter, our lackluster lame duck president isn’t taking credit for his biggest accomplishments for obvious reasons, our national embarrassment’s complete corruption and ignorance have been a matter of public record for decades so it’s a mystery as to why his enablers in Washington continue aiding and abetting him – which makes them just as guilty as he is, our fake president’s war on fake news serve as distractions from his failed presidency, understanding how and why our idiotic Twitter tyrant tweets is key to identifying and ending his corrupt regime, our demented delinquent speaks at a 4th grade level – which is the lowest of the last 15 U.S. Presidents, Trump approval ratings reveal he’s the least popular president – by far – to enter a second year in office, Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ found zero evidence of voter fraud, Trump’s violations of the emoluments clause and conflicts of interest are making him millions, America is paying a heavy price for the damage being inflicted by our Delusional Orange Menace, our racist Shit for brains president with no mandate just can’t stop showing his true colors and a lot more.
The Wildest Moments From ‘Fire And Fury,’ The Trump Book Everyone Is Talking About article from The Huffington Post. –
Some of the more memorable excerpts from the book are highly embarrassing to America’s worst-ever president and it could easily play a major role in ending his failed presidency.
‘An Idiot Surrounded by Clowns’: Why Trump (Still) Sits in the White House article from Counterpunch. –
A look at how our dimwitted dip shit got to occupy the White House and why he’s still there.
6 Things Trump Actually Deserves Credit For article from Alternet. –
Our lackluster lame duck president likes taking credit for his bogus accomplishments – most of which have absolutely nothing to do with him – so he needs to be recognized for his failures too.
Is President Trump Mentally Ill? It Doesn’t Matter article from Talking Points Memo. –
Trump has repeatedly proven that he has serious mental deficits and it will prove disastrous for this country if something isn’t done:
“We are now back on to the feverish debate about whether or not Donald Trump is mentally ill or suffering from the onset of dementia. The most important thing to know about this debate is that it simply doesn’t matter. Diagnoses are something for trained professionals and even they are challenged to make them without a proper in-person examination. But again, it doesn’t matter.
For public purposes, clinical diagnoses are only relevant as predictors of behavior. If the President has a cognitive deficiency or mental illness that might cause him to act in unpredictable or dangerous ways or simply be unable to do the job, we need to know. But My God, we do know! We see him acting in these ways every day – and not just in multiple news reports from an abundance of different news organizations. We see it with our own eyes: in his public actions, his public statements, his tweets. All the diagnosis of a mental illness could tell us is that Trump might be prone to act in ways that we literally see him acting in every day: impulsive, erratic, driven by petty aggressions and paranoia, showing poor impulsive control, an inability to moderate self-destructive behavior. He is frequently either frighteningly out of touch with reality or sufficiently pathological in his lying that it is impossible to tell. Both are very bad.
It is now widely believed that President Reagan showed early signs of his later Alzheimers diagnosis during the latter part of his presidency. How much or whether it affected his ability to carry out his duties is less clear. But that is a very different case. The kinds of subtle lapses in memory or cognition that might hint at such an affliction would be very difficult for the public to be aware of, especially if his staff is making efforts to conceal them. We don’t have that problem here.
It is also important to understand the nature of mental health diagnoses. Neurological disorders and lapses of cognitive function are different and something I know less about. But a key element of most DSM-V diagnoses is the degree to which the behavior or affect impairs normal life functions. Can you hold down a job? Can you carry on healthy or functional relationships with other people? Can you sleep and take basic care of your health? This fact is important for a number of reasons. But it highlights an important fact: the nature of clinical diagnoses of mental illness are heavily informed by the need for and potential efficacy of treatment. The framework of these clinical definitions simply don’t line up well with the issues that are important to ask about public officials, which are more or less entirely about behavior…”
Donald Trump Goes Full Fredo article from The Atlantic. –
Our national embarrassment’s complete corruption and incompetence have been a matter of record for decades so it remains a mystery as to why he was ever allowed to run for President and why his enablers in Washington continue aiding and abetting his crimes – which makes them just as guilty as Trump is.