Tag Archives: Trump’s Fraudulent Voter Integrity Commission

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 194

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president with an extremely embarrassing book that will undoubtedly accelerate the end of his failed presidency, why the debates over Trump’s mental deficiencies – which he has repeatedly proven he is suffering from – don’t matter, our lackluster lame duck president isn’t taking credit for his biggest accomplishments for obvious reasons, our national embarrassment’s complete corruption and ignorance have been a matter of public record for decades so it’s a mystery as to why his enablers in Washington continue aiding and abetting him – which makes them just as guilty as he is, our fake president’s war on fake news serve as distractions from his failed presidency, understanding how and why our idiotic Twitter tyrant tweets is key to identifying and ending his corrupt regime, our demented delinquent speaks at a 4th grade level – which is the lowest of the last 15 U.S. Presidents, Trump approval ratings reveal he’s the least popular president – by far – to enter a second year in office, Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ found zero evidence of voter fraud, Trump’s violations of the emoluments clause and conflicts of interest are making him millions, America is paying a heavy price for the damage being inflicted by our Delusional Orange Menace, our racist Shit for brains president with no mandate just can’t stop showing his true colors and a lot more.

The Wildest Moments From ‘Fire And Fury,’ The Trump Book Everyone Is Talking About article from The Huffington Post. –

Some of the more memorable excerpts from the book are highly embarrassing to America’s worst-ever president and it could easily play a major role in ending his failed presidency.

‘An Idiot Surrounded by Clowns’: Why Trump (Still) Sits in the White House article from Counterpunch. –

A look at how our dimwitted dip shit got to occupy the White House and why he’s still there.

6 Things Trump Actually Deserves Credit For article from Alternet. –

Our lackluster lame duck president likes taking credit for his bogus accomplishments – most of which have absolutely nothing to do with him – so he needs to be recognized for his failures too.

Is President Trump Mentally Ill? It Doesn’t Matter article from Talking Points Memo. –

Trump has repeatedly proven that he has serious mental deficits and it will prove disastrous for this country if something isn’t done:

“We are now back on to the feverish debate about whether or not Donald Trump is mentally ill or suffering from the onset of dementia. The most important thing to know about this debate is that it simply doesn’t matter. Diagnoses are something for trained professionals and even they are challenged to make them without a proper in-person examination. But again, it doesn’t matter.

For public purposes, clinical diagnoses are only relevant as predictors of behavior. If the President has a cognitive deficiency or mental illness that might cause him to act in unpredictable or dangerous ways or simply be unable to do the job, we need to know. But My God, we do know! We see him acting in these ways every day – and not just in multiple news reports from an abundance of different news organizations. We see it with our own eyes: in his public actions, his public statements, his tweets. All the diagnosis of a mental illness could tell us is that Trump might be prone to act in ways that we literally see him acting in every day: impulsive, erratic, driven by petty aggressions and paranoia, showing poor impulsive control, an inability to moderate self-destructive behavior. He is frequently either frighteningly out of touch with reality or sufficiently pathological in his lying that it is impossible to tell. Both are very bad.

It is now widely believed that President Reagan showed early signs of his later Alzheimers diagnosis during the latter part of his presidency. How much or whether it affected his ability to carry out his duties is less clear. But that is a very different case. The kinds of subtle lapses in memory or cognition that might hint at such an affliction would be very difficult for the public to be aware of, especially if his staff is making efforts to conceal them. We don’t have that problem here.

It is also important to understand the nature of mental health diagnoses. Neurological disorders and lapses of cognitive function are different and something I know less about. But a key element of most DSM-V diagnoses is the degree to which the behavior or affect impairs normal life functions. Can you hold down a job? Can you carry on healthy or functional relationships with other people? Can you sleep and take basic care of your health? This fact is important for a number of reasons. But it highlights an important fact: the nature of clinical diagnoses of mental illness are heavily informed by the need for and potential efficacy of treatment. The framework of these clinical definitions simply don’t line up well with the issues that are important to ask about public officials, which are more or less entirely about behavior…”

Donald Trump Goes Full Fredo article from The Atlantic. –

Our national embarrassment’s complete corruption and incompetence have been a matter of record for decades so it remains a mystery as to why he was ever allowed to run for President and why his enablers in Washington continue aiding and abetting his crimes – which makes them just as guilty as Trump is.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 193

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president begin with his top lawyers lying to him about his Russia scandal to prevent his being impeached for obstruction of justice and covering up his crimes, Trump abandoned populism – which isn’t surprising to the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him, Trump supporters are heavy consumers of fake news courtesy of the idiot they voted for, the price we pay for having a profoundly corrupt and ignorant demented delinquent running this country, the duplicitous irony of our racist Twitter tyrant’s alleged support of the Iranian people – after banning them from entering America, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator is waging war on the Justice Department since he’ll be going down for the count soon over his Russia scandal and obstruction of justice, it’s time for our grandiose, impulsive idiot in the White House to have a psyche eval, White House tell all book reveals what many have known about Trump for years – which is why he never should have been allowed to run for president in the first place as the indications of his mental deficiencies keep getting confirmed, yet another Trump lie – this time about job creation – comes back to bite him in the ass as 2017 was the worst year for job creation since 2011, as Trump’s corrupt regime gets closer to being removed due to all the crimes committed, the desperation will grow as will his pernicious outbursts and actions and much more.

Trump Is So Mentally Gone That His Lawyers Are Intentionally Lying To Him About The Russia Investigation article from PoliticusUSA. –

America’s worst-ever president is dangerously close to losing the support of his GOP Brown Shirts now that their fraudulent tax reform scam has passed so they really have no need for him any more.

Remember, much of what Trump does can be undone article from The Los Angeles Times. –

Stopping our dimwitted dip shit and undoing the damage he has already wreaked on this country can be undone.

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 49th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look at our nefarious narcissist’s 49th disastrous week as once again he made his priorities clear, showing his complete disdain for the American public while spending millions of taxpayer dollars golfing and more.

How Trump abandoned populism article from The Week. –

Trump never had any intention of helping the minority of minions that ‘elected’ him and never will – it’s all about him and his fraudulent billionaire friends that own him:

“Conservatives inclined to cheer major tax-cut legislation even if it’s signed by a president they don’t particularly care for are frustrated by its unpopularity. They blame the media and Democrats for torquing up class warfare. In effect, they ask, don’t you know you’ll get a tax cut, too?!

Here is an alternative explanation: Working- and middle-class voters don’t much care that they might get a (temporary) tax cut. The problem is, when they hear Republicans touting the magic of cuts, they smell a rat. They’ve been hearing the same rhetoric for 40 years, and they know the fix is in. They suspect that the wealthiest Americans stand to gain the most — and they would be right.

It didn’t have to be this way.

In fact, Donald Trump, the candidate, promised the country a different way, a different kind of Republicanism; he promised a kind of radical-center populism. Candidate Trump entertained the idea of raising taxes on the wealthy, including himself. As late as this past September, he signaled a commitment to eliminating the carried-interest loophole for hedge fund and private equity managers. As late as this past March, there was still talk of breaking up the big banks and reinstating Glass-Steagall legislation. He says he still wants an infrastructure bill — but the deficits caused by these tax cuts (estimates vary from $500 billion to $1 trillion over the next 10 years, depending on how much growth they stimulate and, conversely, how much easier it becomes to game the tax code) will make it hard to find money for new spending…”

President Trump has made 1,950 false or misleading claims over 347 days article from The Washington Post. –

Our chronic pathological Liar-in-Chief has repeatedly proven that he is incapable of ever telling the truth.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 186

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect president with the unraveling of his fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission,’ a look at the metastasized canter that has been the first year of America’s illegitimate worst-ever president’s failed presidency, White House employees are not allowed to read our deranged Twitter tyrant’s tweets, more on Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam, what happens when a very big country is led by a very demented little man and the price Americans are paying for their Liar-in-Chief’s profound ignorance, the number of lies coming out of Trump’s mouth on a daily basis continues rising – currently averaging at least 9 lies per day, our pussy-grabbing predatory president’s past is once again coming back to haunt him and a lot more.

Trump’s absurd voting commission starts to unravel article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ put together by our national embarrassment to try and justify his lie about 3.5 million people voting illegally – costing him the popular vote – is beginning to unravel.

Resisting Trump? Five Tips from the Hunter-Gatherer Playbook article from Common Dreams. –

Advice for the Trump resistance movement which is growing exponentially on a daily basis.

Trump Year One: Betrayal, Division and the Rise of Illiberal Democracy article from Truthout. –

On the joke that has been the first year of America’s illegitimate worst-ever president and life in his land of delusion.

What You Need to Know About Trump’s Latest Judicial Appointments article from Truthout. –

When America’s worst, most corrupt president appoints judges Americans are going to have serious problems and ‘Justice’ no longer exists:

“Republican President Donald Trump’s policy agenda has been moving at a snail’s pace — at least, it has for anything that hasn’t involved him simply signing executive orders.

Still, there is one place he has been remarkably successful, and that is at stacking the courts with far right judicial nominees. Benches that were left empty for years thanks to GOP filibustering and partisanship are now being loaded with a line of judges hand-picked by conservative action groups, leading us to a permanent social conservative judiciary that could haunt the country for decades to come.

The President’s earlier appointments — especially his Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch — gave us a clear guideline of the pro-business, anti-civil liberties, anti-federalism type nominees we could expect from the White House, and that has continued unabated even into the most recently confirmed candidates.

Take Joan Larsen: she will now serve on the US Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, despite opposition from 27 LGBTQ advocacy organizations who brought up Larson’s troubling record on gay rights issues, including calling the Supreme Court’s strike down of the Texas ban on sodomy “revolutionary.”…”

A straight-faced Kellyanne Conway says anyone in office who committed sexual assault should resign article from Think Progress. –

Which means she inadvertently admitted that our lackluster lame duck leader should resign since he’s facing numerous sexual assault charges…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 170

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin our minority-elect president’s misadventures today with a pro-Trump rally wishing to bring a million supporters to Washington failing miserably after mustering a little over a thousand instead, our Twitter tyrant once again reveals that he’s not competent to hold the office of President, still trying to replace Obamacare with his third fraudulent healthcare bill, why and how the greatest threat we face in America is the illegitimate impotent idiot in the White House, Trump reveals yet again why he is our national embarrassment and never will be presidential during his UN address as the reality of his imploding presidency continues and much more.

Pro-Trump rally that sought to bring one million supporters to Washington musters little over a thousand article from The Independent on Yahoo! News. –

Supporters of America’s worst-ever president hoping to bring a million people to Washington to show solidarity with our Loser-in-Chief could barely find a thousand people to attend.

‘Incapable of serving safely as president’: More mental health experts question Trump’s stability article from The Raw Story. –

Each passing day brings yet another revelation that our lame duck lackluster leader is extremely mentally unstable.

Trump retweets doctored GIF of him hitting Hillary Clinton with golf ball article from Market Watch. –

Our Twitter tyrant again got out of hand when he tweeted a doctored GIF of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.

A Ranking of Trump’s Sunday Morning Tweets From Least to Most Insane article from Slate. –

A small example of our national embarrassment’s Twitter tirades that do nothing but make him look like the impotent moron that he really is:

“The president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, woke up on Sunday morning raring to tweet. Starting at 7:40 a.m., after his breakfast Big Mac, Trump began firing off a string of missives, ranging from loopy to outright unhinged. The president, since he has nothing else to do, clearly scoured the responses to his tweets finding a few meme-type graphics and gifs to retweet because, sure, that’s what normal presidents of normal countries do before its citizens wake up.

The president tweeted or retweeted 15 times on Sunday morning. Here’s an official ranking of the top eight of Trump’s Sunday morning tweets from least to most insane:

8. The president’s newfound love of maps continues unabated. So he retweeted this gem from his mentions.

7. Trump with arrows. Pointing up. Sure. RT...”

Stephen King Has A Chilling Diagnosis For Donald Trump’s Mind article from The Huffington Post. –

King notes that Trump has a seriously ‘fucked-up mind’ – and it’s worth noting that Trump’s tweets are meant to serve as nothing more than a distraction from his failing presidency.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 169

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with more of his delusions as he tries to salvage what little is left of his failing presidency, the many lessons we’ve learned about Trump after the start of his failed presidency, using another crisis to try and make it all about himself, being a lackluster lame duck president hasn’t stopped Trump from inflicting serious damage while everyone was distracted by his idiocy and other malfeasance, more on Trump’s Syrian war crimes after his failed Syrian gas attack false flag, still pretending his tax reform scam is legit and not another scam to screw the country over, growing dissatisfaction from Trump’s dwindling base, our fake president is losing his war on fake news and a lot more.

Trump Might Be About to Launch His Dumbest Gambit Yet to Save His Presidency article from Alternet. –

Despite a temporary surge in popularity, our national embarrassment is not presidential nor will he ever be regardless of who he works with in the U.S. Congress.

6 Months of Trump, 6 Lessons Learned article from Populist.com. –

In addition to his diminishing mental capacity, a few of the things we’ve learned include the fact that Trump lies all time, he only cares about himself and he’s incapable of leading a country…

How Trump Is Destroying America article from The Atlantic. –

America’s worst-ever president’s delusional belief that he is above the law and accountable to no one is going to sink his failing presidency.


Where they will try and support our Liar-in-Chief’s claims that he won the popular vote and make it easier for the GOP to win elections by suppressing everyone else:

“Last week, much of official Washington rejoiced after President Trump made a deal with senior congressional Democrats to forestall a government shutdown, provide aid to hurricane victims, and raise the debt ceiling until December. The deal, some observers claimed, marked Trump’s long-awaited pivot to conventional Presidential leadership and a bipartisan style of governing. Some praised this maneuver as statesmanlike, while others denounced it as a betrayal of the President’s fellow-Republicans, but there was something close to consensus that Trump had jettisoned the hard-right politics expressed at the beginning of his term in office and begun a new and different chapter.

This is, to put it charitably, nonsense. Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer, the top Democrats in Congress, understandably accepted a modest political gift from the President; Trump, by agreeing to just a three-month extension of the deadlines, gave the opposition party somewhat more leverage when the next negotiation takes place, before the end of the year. But, notwithstanding the developments of last week, which mostly amount to inside baseball, the course of the Trump Presidency is set, and conservatives are still very much in charge.

A vivid example of the right-wing hegemony in the Trump Administration will be on display today, when the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity convenes for the second time. It is difficult to imagine a more cynical enterprise than this commission, which Trump appointed after he claimed (falsely) that the casting of illegal votes last November accounted for his loss of the popular vote, which Hillary Clinton won by a margin of nearly three million. Trump named Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, who has been the nation’s leading advocate for restrictions on voting rights, as the vice-chair of the commission. (Vice-President Mike Pence is the chair.) Kobach will preside at today’s meeting, which will convene in Manchester, New Hampshire. (To further confuse matters, the meeting will be hosted by New Hampshire’s longtime secretary of state, Bill Gardner, a Democrat who also sits on the commission but who has, in the past, been skeptical of voter-fraud charges.) The choice of this location is characteristic of the incompetence and malevolence that is at the heart of the vote-suppression agenda.

Hillary Clinton and Senator Maggie Hassan—who defeated the Republican incumbent, Kelly Ayotte—both won narrow victories in New Hampshire, in 2016. Kobach has claimed that those results are suspect because out-of-state voters may have cast ballots for the Democrats. Last Wednesday, the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Shawn Jasper, a Republican, released data showing that six thousand five hundred and forty people had registered to vote using out-of-state driver’s licenses. Using such licenses for voter registration is legal in the state, but it was pointed out that only a thousand and fourteen of these people later obtained a New Hampshire license. This, Kobach suggested in a column that he wrote last week for Breitbart, means that most of those voters never lived in New Hampshire at all…”

Trump exploits 9/11 anniversary to promote himself, just like he did 16 years ago article from The Daily Kos. –

America’s worst-ever president loves manipulating crises to make it all about himself and 9/11 was no exception.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 168

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president begin the tie between our national embarrassment and evangelicals – offering yet more evidence that politics and so-called religion don’t mix, Trump’s decision to end DACA is going to haunt him for quite a while, our fake president and his moronic minions are still waging a war on fake news despite promulgating nothing but fake news themselves, Trump’s GOP brown shirts – surprised and angry at him as they may be – are still covering his corrupt ass by not allowing the release of his tax returns, Trump pivots to work with Democrats to toss Republicans under the bus as he realized how much people really hate him, new evidence destroys Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, more on our Loser-in-Chief’s fraudulent voter integrity commission, trying to use the hurricanes as a reason to push his tax reform scheme and taking lessons from our previous popular-vote losing president in fabricating weapons that don’t exist to try and justify his illegal actions and war crimes in Syria and much more.

The death rattle of the Trump evangelicals article from The Week. –

Evangelicals are losing faith in our national embarrassment – for good reason – offering yet more evidence of why politics and religion don’t mix.

Why Trump’s Dreamer nightmare won’t go away anytime soon article from The Guardian. –

Partially because, like most of his other idiotic decisions, America’s worst-ever president made his decision based on lies and misinformation provided by the miscreants he appointed to his duplicitous administration.

Whatever happened to the money from Trump’s inaugural committee? article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

As with his other conflicting endeavors since being ‘elected,’ it’s probably being used fraudulently to line his pockets and bribery.

Trump’s Minions in Government Carrying on His Attacks on Legitimate Media article from Alternet. –

Our fake president is still spewing fake new while crying about fake news:

“Scott Pruitt appears to be the most Trump-like member of Donald Trump’s cabinet, and now the federal agency he is tasked with leading, the Environmental Protection Agency, has officially adopted the president’s most pernicious habit.

When Trump recently visited hurricane-ravaged Houston he praised the Coast Guard while knocking the journalists tasked with covering the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

“Think of it, almost 11,000 people by going into winds that the media would not go into . . . unless it’s a really good story,” Trump said, before gesturing toward the media.

That same day, the Associated Press published a story about the flooding of toxic waste sites in Houston, noting that Scott Pruitt’s EPA was still not on the ground. The agency responded in Trump-like fashion, attacking the press to distract from legitimate questions…”

Appeals court: Grandparents not part of Trump’s travel ban article from The AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0 gets shot down in court again…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 166

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president with his meltdown over how he’s being treated by the media and the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him over his un-Presidential – still incapable of acting Presidential after 7 months – responses to a natural disaster and his support of neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, our dimwitted dip shit’s Twitter tirades designed to distract from his gross incompetence and crimes begin again as he shamelessly smears Comey while his Russia scandal hits closer to home, Trump’s dubious claims of being wiretapped by President Obama remains unfounded – just more malicious lies fabricated by our illegitimate idiot in the White House, still struggling to show empathy to Hurricane Harvey victims as the real reason he fired Comey comes to light, details on Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam aimed at screwing the Middle Class while further enriching corrupt billionaires and corporations revealed and much more.

Trump Lashes Out at Top Aides in Private As He Struggles Over Harvey, Charlottesville and Media Coverage article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

It’s not difficult to see why media and the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ Trump are being so hard on him, but he himself can’t figure it out…

The Curious Link Between Trump’s Moscow Tower Deal and a Ukraine ‘Peace Plan’ article from Mother Jones. –

More bad news for our national embarrassment as more details of his lies and malfeasance emerge.

Trump’s Tax Plan Is a Confidence Scam article from Common Dreams. –

America’s worst-ever president has no tax plan, only delusions of cutting taxes for the fraudulent corporations that own him so their CEO’s can get richer while screwing over everyone else.

‘Disappointed’ and ‘Let Down,’ Disaffected Trump Voters Voice Their Dismay article from Alternet. –

Many of our demented delinquent’s minions are beginning to realize that Trump has conned and lied to them:

“WASHINGTON — With each crisis of the young Trump administration, reporters and pollsters have documented the steady support he continues to get from his most ardent backers, the roughly one in four Americans who consistently tell pollsters that they approve of his performance in office, agree with him on most issues and like his personality.

Tuesday night at a focus group in Pittsburgh, a group of reporters heard from a different slice of Trump voters — ones he’s lost for now.

“Outrageous,” “disappointed,” “not ready” were among the adjectives that focus group members tossed out when asked for a single word to describe the president — and those were from the participants who had voted for him.

“He has got to be his own worst enemy,” said Tony Sciullo, a lifelong Pittsburgh resident and a registered independent who works for an insurance agency and described Trump as an “abject disappointment.”…”

Kris Kobach Now A Paid Columnist At Breitbart article from Talking Points Memo. –

One of the head’s of Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ is pushing fake news as a Breitbart ‘columnist’ offering yet more evidence that Trump’s claims of voter fraud are nothing but a sham…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 158

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with our Twitter tyrant having yet another one of his famous meltdowns – this time over his lousy poll and more fake news (which is only fake when it reflects on him poorly), our fake president falsely cries about fake news while starting his own fake news network, the depths of Trump’s corruption include censoring information to suit his duplicitous political agendas and having corrupt cronies dictating U.S. foreign policy – both of which are potentially unlawful, supporters and the majority of the U.S. public aren’t the only ones turning against our demented delinquent, twice a day Trump’s staff reportedly prepares a ‘propaganda document’ full of his great accomplishments – headlines, tweets and hosts of other complimentary propaganda – to keep their delusional wannabe dictator happy, having a warmongering psychopath that wants to be a dictator in charge could prove costly to America, how America got to the place where a profoundly corrupt moron ended up in the White House and much more.

Trump fumes as presidency hits 200 days from The Hill. –

Trump’s popularity is plummeting and it’s driving him crazy as he engages in yet another Twitter meltdown.

The part of the job numbers Team Trump doesn’t want to talk about article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Not looking at the whole picture seems to be a big issue for our Loser-in-Chief and his incompetent administration…

Trump, who has repeatedly claimed he doesn’t watch CNN, angrily live-tweets CNN segment article from Think Progress. –

All from his private golf club where he says he’s ‘working hard’…

Fake News? Trump Launches ‘Real News’ Series article from NBC News. –

The irony of a fake president claiming fake news while starting his own fake news network:

“WASHINGTON — If you don’t like what they’re saying, change the conversation. Or, in the case of President Donald Trump’s campaign, produce your own news series.

In the fight against what Trump has decried as “fake news” about him and his administration, his team has launched their own version of events: Taking the president’s frequent laments about a lack of media focus on jobs, the stock market and the economy and turning it into a weekly video posted to Facebook focusing on just that.

“More great economic news on Friday,” former pro-Trump cable news commentator Kayleigh McEnany says, seated in front of a blue Trump-Pence themed wall to give “the real news.”

McEnany rose to political prominence during the 2016 election for her fiery exchanges in defense of Trump on CNN. She left the network this weekend, a source with knowledge of the situation told NBC News, asking to leave in order to pursue another opportunity…”

Trump hands US policy writing to shadow groups of business execs article from McClatchy News. –

Bypassing government employees by having corrupt, hand-picked business executives writing U.S. policies may be breaking the law.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 150

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President with Trump making history as the only president not to reach 50 percent approval rating during his first 6 months, Trump’s other Russia scandal is being overlooked, the Trump celebration from the stock market is coming to an end, working for our psychopathic demented delinquent is exhausting, our Twitter Tyrant’s rants against Clinton and his other enemies don’t work and actually make him look even more stupid, forcing through a vote on his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway will cost Trump, our popular vote losing president’s creation of a fraudulent ‘voter integrity’ commission will never justify his lie about winning the popular vote and much more.

Poll: Trump is the only president not to reach 50 percent approval during first 6 months article from AOL News. –

Trump’s approval rating has been consistently low since he was ‘elected,’ holding at 36 to 40 percent depending on which poll you go by.

Trump Is Obsessed With His Twitter Following – Too Bad Most of His Followers Are Fake article from AlterNet. –

It’s easy to claim you have millions of followers when most of them are bots – not people – designed to spread your lies and propaganda.

Trump pressures troops for political help in lobbying Congress article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

America’s worst-ever President is still unable to act like a Commander-in-Chief…

What President Trump Actually Accomplished in His First 6 Months article from New York Magazine. –

Despite Trump’s lies he hasn’t accomplished a lot – aside from being the most unpopular president in history:

“The first six months of the Trump administration have been marked by a massive revitalization of the U.S. manufacturing sector, an end to the lawlessness of the Obama years, and a new respect for America on the world stage, thanks to the president’s soaring, Reaganesque rhetoric — at least, that’s what this video released by the White House would have you believe:

In reality, President Trump is historically unpopular, and despite having a Republican-controlled Congress, he hasn’t passed any major legislation. Many measures Trump promised to enact on day one — including overhauling the tax code, building a wall on the southern border, and repealing and replacing Obamacare — have been delayed, curtailed, or possibly killed by disagreements within the GOP.

But amid all the chaos of President Trump’s first six months in office, he has managed to enact some measures that have a concrete effect on Americans’ lives. Here’s how Trump has changed America in the first eighth (or sixteenth) of his presidency:

Put Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court
Though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell deserves the credit for stealing President Obama’s final Supreme Court appointment, technically it was Trump who replaced the late Justice Antonin Scalia with an equally conservative 49-year-old justice. As FiveThirtyEight notes, in his first few months on the job, Justice Gorsuch has proven to be just what conservatives were hoping for:…”

Donald Trump boasts he ‘has the complete power to pardon’ article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Trump boasts about a lot of things so the point is actually moot…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 146

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The many ways our illegitimate, minority-elect president is dismantling the U.S. after six months in office begins today’s misadventures, his fraudulent ‘voter integrity’ commission dubiously tries to justify our popular vote losing liar’s claims that he won the popular vote, Trump and his team’s actions meet the definition of betrayal of country – which is treason, Trump’s ‘accomplishments’ during his first illicit 6 months after being ‘elected,’ Trump’s endless corruption and ignorance is coming back to bite him, our Liar-in-Chief’s Ministry of Propaganda is shifting the lies into overdrive and much more.

Six ways Trump is ‘dismantling’ the US after six months in office article from The Guardian. –

Putting a fraudulent Con Artist in charge of the U.S. was a big mistake.

Kris Kobach pushes debunked theory on illegal votes: ‘We may never know’ who won article from Yahoo! News. –

Our popular vote losing president’s fraudulent voter integrity commission dubiously tries downplaying the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 11 million votes by trying to claim we may never know the truth – fact is we already do.

A Typology of Undisclosed Trump-Russia Meetings article from The Atlantic. –

Tracking Trump and his cabal’s Russia meetings – many of which were revealed after his Russia scandal investigations began.

The Making of the Tabloid Presidency article from The New York Book Review. –

Understanding Trumpism and how it came about:

“Six months into Donald Trump’s presidency, the bond between him and his base remains strong, largely unaffected for now by the mounting scandals, talk of impeachment, and Trump’s stalled agenda. There have been five special elections to fill vacant House seats—in Georgia, Montana, Kansas, California, and South Carolina—and the Republicans have won four of them. In Georgia, the most closely watched race, the Democrats poured in $30 million for their candidate. But the Republicans nearly matched that figure, and their narrow victory in June was perceived as a win for Trump—and Trumpism, however ill-defined it may be.

Joshua Green’s new book, Devil’s Bargain, argues that Trumpism is best understood through his partnership with Stephen K. Bannon, now the president’s chief political strategist. Green, formerly a correspondent at The Atlantic and now at Bloomberg Businessweek, has been writing about conservatives since the George W. Bush years. It is a testament to his adroit intertwining of Bannon’s story with Trump’s that we’re not certain which of the two figures has sold the bigger part of himself to the other. In the broader sense, they are coauthors of our moment’s tabloid conservatism.

Trump has had many biographers, but it was Green who did the first in-depth reporting on Bannon, in a long Bloomberg profile in October 2015, ten months before Bannon formally joined the Trump campaign and rescued it from what looked like certain defeat. Previously, Bannon had been an informal adviser while making Breitbart News, the website he had run since 2012, Trump’s main propaganda auxiliary, surpassing Fox News, which had been divided over Trump and roiled by a sexual harassment scandal involving the network’s late founder and CEO, Roger Ailes. Green describes a conversation in which Ailes, still clinging to his job, tells Bannon he can survive. He just has to plead his case directly to Rupert Murdoch, who is away on his boat and can’t be reached. Bannon sees the obvious, telling Ailes, “If somebody called him about a merger, he’d take the fucking call…. You’re done.” A patois of coarseness is heard everywhere in this book, but especially from its two principals. Bannon was able to manage Trump the candidate when other, more seasoned operatives could not because Bannon is Trump’s unlikely spiritual twin, his bookish doppelgänger, unkempt in cargo shorts…”

Why Not Call It Treason? article from AlterNet. –

The actions of our national embarrassment and the miscreants that comprise his administration meet the legal definition of betrayal of country.

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