Tag Archives: Trump’s Delusional Dipshittery

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 228

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Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The endless probes into Trump’s growing cesspool of corruption begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president*, digging in to face the growing list of criminal charges from his lackluster lame duck presidency, the many ways our Liar in Thief is purposely trying to destroy the Federal government, why Trump has the leakiest White House ever, our demented delusionist actually believes he’ll be able to put an end to the Mueller investigations, Trump’s felonious rap sheet continues growing exponentially, the new adventures of dumb and dumber are proving quite entertaining, the mystery of the missing millions in donations to Trump’s inauguration campaign that just disappeared plus a lot more.

The Trump labyrinth article from The Week. –

On the growing probes into America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* endless cesspool of criminal activities that keep spurring more investigations into his profoundly corrupt, failed presidency.

Team Trump Plans to Go on ‘War Footing’ to Fend Off Impeachment: It Could Backfire Big Time article from Truthout. –

If Trump’s past legal defense is any indication, his ignorance will end up backfiring big time.

Trump Is Destroying Himself By Demanding That The White House Never Apologize article from PoliticusUSA. –

Actually our dimwitted dip shit’s actions – compounded by profound stupidity – have been destroying him for decades, now it’s just catching up to him.

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 68th Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

A look at the latest week of our nefarious narcissist’s incompetent corruption filled week in office:

“Willing to turn on its allies at a moment’s notice.

Making consequential foreign policy decisions based on a foundation of lies.

Eager to decimate a decade’s worth of diplomacy to fulfill a campaign promise.

Its leader consumed in counterintelligence, corruption, and ethics investigations and is hell-bent on obstructing those investigations…”

Conservative Columnist Truth Bombs Trump, ‘Soulless People Working for Soulless President’ article from PoliticusUSA. –

Why our Lord of the Lies is more upset about the truth of his aide insulting John McCain being leaked rather than what was said:

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 185

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of America’s worst-ever popular vote losing president begins with a majority of people believing that he hasn’t accomplished much of anything during his first 10 months in office – despite his lies that he has, the list of scandals fueling Trump’s failed presidency are growing exponentially, the potentially lasting damage of Trump’s failed presidency and the consequences it brings, enrollment for Obamacare is breaking records despite Trump’s lies about it being finished – though the long-term effects of his pernicious actions by edict remain to be seen, the minority of minions that ‘elected’ our lackluster lame duck president on the premise that he would bring back coal jobs are feeling severely disappointed, on the malevolent, profound corruption and ignorance that is our nefarious narcissist’s new normal, one year after the 2016 elections Trump is – and always will be – an illegitimate president, lasting resistance to Trump is on the rise, Trump’s politics have been thoroughly repudiated and much more.

Poll: 65 Percent of Americans Say Trump Hasn’t Accomplished Much article from Slate. –

The majority of people surveyed don’t believe our national embarrassment has accomplished much of anything despite his lies that he has.

Trump continues to degrade the presidency – and there’s no quick fix coming article from Salon. –

If our political system weren’t so corrupt our national embarrassment would have been removed from office long ago.

Opinion: As Snake Continues To Slither, Loyalty To Trump Will Wither article from PoliticusUSA. –

On the karma due to our illegitimate, popular vote losing president whose entire fortune is built on chicanery and illegality.

13 Trump Allies and Counting Busted in Explosive ‘Paradise Papers’ Leak article from Alternet. –

Another week another scandal for our dimwitted dip shit that will prove costly:

“The U.S.-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the publishers of the high-profile Panama Papers leaks, published another database — The Paradise Papers — on Sunday revealing offshore of “some of the world’s most powerful people and companies.”

The Paradise Papers include around 13.4 million leaked documents, including nearly 7 million loan agreements, financial statements, emails, trust deeds and other paperwork from the Bermuda law firm Appleby Group Services Ltd. Appleby was named offshore firm of the year by Legal 500 UK in 2015. The law firms branches are in Bermuda, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Mauritius and the Seychelles, and it has a presence in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

“The Paradise Papers reveal offshore interests and activities of more than 120 politicians and world leaders, including Queen Elizabeth II whose private estate indirectly invested in a rent-to-own loan company accused of predatory tactics. At least 13 allies, major donors and Cabinet members of U.S. President Donald Trump appear, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s interests in a shipping company that makes millions from an energy firm whose owners include Russian President Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law and a sanctioned Russian tycoon,” the press release by ICIJ summarized.

Democrat Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said Ross had misled Congress and the Americans by concealing his ongoing stake in the company, Navigator…”

President Trump Committed Another Impeachable Offense on Friday article from Slate. –

Trump keeps stacking charges of impeachment up, this time by asking the FBI and the DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton’s non-existent scandals to deflect attention away from his.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 166

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president with his meltdown over how he’s being treated by the media and the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ him over his un-Presidential – still incapable of acting Presidential after 7 months – responses to a natural disaster and his support of neo-Nazis and White Supremacists, our dimwitted dip shit’s Twitter tirades designed to distract from his gross incompetence and crimes begin again as he shamelessly smears Comey while his Russia scandal hits closer to home, Trump’s dubious claims of being wiretapped by President Obama remains unfounded – just more malicious lies fabricated by our illegitimate idiot in the White House, still struggling to show empathy to Hurricane Harvey victims as the real reason he fired Comey comes to light, details on Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam aimed at screwing the Middle Class while further enriching corrupt billionaires and corporations revealed and much more.

Trump Lashes Out at Top Aides in Private As He Struggles Over Harvey, Charlottesville and Media Coverage article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

It’s not difficult to see why media and the majority that didn’t ‘elect’ Trump are being so hard on him, but he himself can’t figure it out…

The Curious Link Between Trump’s Moscow Tower Deal and a Ukraine ‘Peace Plan’ article from Mother Jones. –

More bad news for our national embarrassment as more details of his lies and malfeasance emerge.

Trump’s Tax Plan Is a Confidence Scam article from Common Dreams. –

America’s worst-ever president has no tax plan, only delusions of cutting taxes for the fraudulent corporations that own him so their CEO’s can get richer while screwing over everyone else.

‘Disappointed’ and ‘Let Down,’ Disaffected Trump Voters Voice Their Dismay article from Alternet. –

Many of our demented delinquent’s minions are beginning to realize that Trump has conned and lied to them:

“WASHINGTON — With each crisis of the young Trump administration, reporters and pollsters have documented the steady support he continues to get from his most ardent backers, the roughly one in four Americans who consistently tell pollsters that they approve of his performance in office, agree with him on most issues and like his personality.

Tuesday night at a focus group in Pittsburgh, a group of reporters heard from a different slice of Trump voters — ones he’s lost for now.

“Outrageous,” “disappointed,” “not ready” were among the adjectives that focus group members tossed out when asked for a single word to describe the president — and those were from the participants who had voted for him.

“He has got to be his own worst enemy,” said Tony Sciullo, a lifelong Pittsburgh resident and a registered independent who works for an insurance agency and described Trump as an “abject disappointment.”…”

Kris Kobach Now A Paid Columnist At Breitbart article from Talking Points Memo. –

One of the head’s of Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ is pushing fake news as a Breitbart ‘columnist’ offering yet more evidence that Trump’s claims of voter fraud are nothing but a sham…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 165

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect president begin with his evolving Russia scandal which – in addition to epitomizing how profoundly corrupt, greedy and ignorant his fraudulent empire is – is going to eventually cost him his illegitimate presidency, plugging his own merchandise during his Texas trip, being called out on an old tweet from our dimwitted dip shit about Obama acting presidential while standing in a puddle is soooo apropos, Trump starts pushing his tax cut scam while perpetrating his Hurricane Harvey hero scam, Trump can’t even handle a crisis without showing how much of a failure he is and a lot more.

Trump’s Shadowy Moscow Deal: Could This Be the Key That Unlocks the Whole Russia Scandal? article from Truthout. –

The more we find out about Trump’s Russia scandal, the more illegitimate his presidency looks.

Son Says Media Coverage of President Would Drive Anyone to Suicide article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

Sadly, Trump brings on all the negative coverage himself… if he quit acting like the perfect argument for birth control and started acting presidential – and representing everyone, not just the minority that elected him – coverage would be better.

Donald Trump Keeps Plugging His Own Merchandise During Hurricane Harvey article from The Huffington Post. –

Always trying to make a buck while exploiting millions shamelessly… quite the humanitarian.

Trump’s Business Dealings Come Back to Haunt Him article from The Atlantic. –

Lying about his failed attempt to start a development in Moscow while running for President epitomizes the profound corruption, greed and ignorance or our lackluster lame duck leader:

“Donald Trump the man has always been indistinguishable from Donald Trump the business, and since winning the election last November, both have been indistinguishable from Donald Trump the president.

That creates a range of problems, from the legal to the ethical to the logistical. In the latest instance, the porous boundary between Trump’s business and political lives is a new front in the investigation into his ties to Russia. Even as Trump was running for president in 2015, the Trump Organization was continuing a years-long effort to build a tower in Moscow.

Central to the effort were Felix Sater, a colorful Russian figure who had worked with Trump on Trump Soho, a debacle of a development in New York City, in addition to having done shadowy work for the U.S. government and having mob ties and a history of securities fraud; and his childhood friend Michael Cohen, a Trump attorney and hanger-on.

“I know how to play this and we will get it done,” Sater wrote to Cohen in November 2015, in an email reported by The New York Times. “Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this.”…”

Against Trump, Republicans Are All Talk and No Action article from The Nation. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s GOP brown shirts talk tough but remain complicit in aiding and abetting his duplicitous ass.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 154

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president begins with his ongoing war crimes in Syria where he has killed thousands of civilians in a dubious attempt at overthrowing the Bashar al-Assad regime while funding and training terrorists, growing evidence that in addition to being illegitimate, Trump is a lame duck president no longer feared by many in Washington, the delusional dipshittery of the miscreants Trump surrounds himself with aren’t doing him any favors, why threats and Trump’s reality TV show – as opposed to having a version of Trump resembling anything remotely presidential – aren’t cutting it and much more.

The Trump Administration Is Waging a War On Civilians In Syria article from In These Times. –

The U.S. is illegally committing War Crimes in Syria and civilians are again paying a heavy price for it.

With Trump it’s time to go beyond mere disgust article from The Guardian. –

It’s time to take the rage against our illegitimate national embarrassment and turn it into something more coherent to remove his corrupt, ignorant ass from office.

The Past 5 GOP Presidents Have Used Fraud and Treason to Steer Themselves to Electoral Victory article from AlterNet. –

Trump is just the latest illegitimate GOP President to perfect their system of defrauding and disenfranchising voters to ‘win’ elections while committing treason and other high crimes.

Fox-Conned: After Trump’s healthcare debacle, next up is fake jobs and fiscal malpractice article from The Raw Story. –

With the defeat – for now – of his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway Trump and his GOP brown shirts can move on to the next items on their dubious agenda to enrich their masters:

“In Donald Trump’s mafioso-style presidency, appearances are reality. Trump courts chaos solely to appear strong and decisive. That was his standard for Trumpcare: getting a win at any cost.

If an early version of the Republican healthcare bill had passed, the Center for American Progress estimated up to 2.9 million jobs would have been lost by 2022. It didn’t matter that the forgotten men and women of Trump’s America would be hammered by cuts to rural healthcare systems overburdened with opioid addicts. It only mattered that Trump could brag that he was the top dog.

That disaster has been delayed — Trump will sabotage Obamacare out of sheer vindictiveness — so it’s on to the next debacle.

That is likely to be tax reform. The scheme is to shower the wealthy like Trump with tax cuts, inching closer to Grover Norquist’s dream of making government so small he can “drown it in the bathtub.”…”

Donald Trump Is A Terrible President, According To His Own Tweets About Obama article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s tweets about Obama – like the vast majority of his Twitter meltdowns over the past six months – are coming back to bite him.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 137

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s contempt for American democracy and the government institutions that keep it honest begin today’s misadventures of our minority-elect Loser-in-Chief, 44 States – so far – refuse to hand over voter data to Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ for obvious reasons, despite the ‘fake news’ claims from our fake president, more Americans trust CNN than Trump, our national embarrassment’s misuse of plausible deniability – there’s a major difference between it and being profoundly stupid, America’s worst-ever president’s phony patriotism charades awed his supporters while making him look foolish to the majority, how Trump is the greatest threat facing America and more.

The biggest threat to American democracy isn’t Trump’s uncivil speech article from The Guardian. –

The biggest threat against American democracy is the contempt our Loser-in-Chief directs against it and the institutions that keep government honest.

Trump and Allies: It’s the F**k-You Presidency article from AlterNet. –

Trump and the GOP brown shirts enablers that support him are all about contempt for the media, facts and truth, and anyone else who challenges their profound corruption.

GOP Official Quits Voter Fraud Panel As 41 States Refuse To Hand Over Data article from Talking Points Memo. –

It appears the word is out about our national embarrassment’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ and their deceitful end game – that number has since risen to 44 States.

Poll: More Americans trust CNN than Trump article from The Hill. –

All the bogus cries of ‘fake news’ by our fake president are for naught – unless you’re in the minority that ‘elected’ him:

“A new online poll finds that Americans trust CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times more than President Trump, Axios reported Tuesday.

But amid Trump’s ongoing war against the press, trust is largely split among partisan lines, with 89 percent of Republicans viewing Trump as more trustworthy than CNN while 91 percent of Democrats think the opposite.

Among all adults, trust for CNN is 7 points ahead of Trump; among independents, CNN wins by 15 points.

Trump on Sunday tweeted a doctored video of a wrestling match between himself and CNN, escalating an ongoing war of rhetoric between the president and the cable news outlet, which he has repeatedly dismissed as “fake news.”…”

Presidential Misogyny: From Jefferson to Trump article from Counter Punch. –

It appears Trump’s GOP brown shirts are getting fed up with our popular vote losing president’s attacks on women…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 134

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The cognitive deficits of our popular vote losing President start the day off with his idiocy yet again on full display as his moronic Twitter tirades continue, meet the team of miscreants representing our Loser-in-Chief’s legal woes, how Trump’s profound ignorance is going to cost him, more on Trump’s latest addition to his Ministry of Propaganda, Trump’s growing Russia scandal is implicating more of his administration – making it appear that he and his entire administration are illegitimate, questioning why the media won’t cover Trump’s Syrian War Crimes and much more.

Trump Twitter Wars Continue: New Attack on MSNBC for Firing Greta Van Susteren article from Yahoo! News. –

The diminishing mental capacity of our dimwitted dip shit again on full display as his moronic Twitter tirades continue.

President Trump slams CNN as ‘garbage journalism’ article from AOL News. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s Twitter tantrums continued with his duplicitous war on the truth.

‘Dumb as a rock Mika’: Donald Trump back on attack against Morning Joe hosts article from The Guardian. –

Yes, another Twitter tantrum from our impotent man-boy occupying the White House…he’s been busy showing everyone why he’s our illegitimate, minority-elect President.

Meet Trump’s legal team article from The Week. –

Meet the scrappy shysters representing our Loser-in-Chief:

“The president has assembled an unusual group of scrappy lawyers to defend him in the Russia investigation. Here’s everything you need to know:

Who is heading the team?
Marc E. Kasowitz, the president’s longtime personal lawyer and his go-to guy for legal battles over the past 15 years. When special counsel Robert Mueller put the Russia investigation into high gear, Trump initially tried to hire at least four of the nation’s most prestigious law firms, with high-profile attorneys including former Solicitor General Ted Olson. But they all refused, according to a Yahoo News report, with the lawyers citing the difficulty of representing the mercurial Trump, who has a history of not paying bills. As one lawyer put it, “The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen.” So Trump has turned to his old buddy to defend him from the most dangerous legal challenge of his life. Kasowitz, 64, makes for a “peculiar choice” to handle a major investigation and possible impeachment, a lawyer who is familiar with Kasowitz’s work told The Washington Post. “He is not a white-collar lawyer. He is a bulldog civil litigator. You want someone who [Mueller] is going to respect. You don’t go in there with your hair on fire.”

What is Kasowitz’s background?
The founding partner of Kasowitz Benson Torres, Kasowitz specializes in complex financial litigation — which is how he first met Trump. In 2001, the real estate mogul retained the $1,500-an-hour lawyer to represent him in an Atlantic City casino bankruptcy case. Kasowitz has since gone to court to protect Trump’s sealed divorce records from being opened; unsuccessfully defended Trump University from a fraud lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman; and represented him amid allegations of sexual assault. “Trump has always favored scrappy lawyers and street fighters,” says Trump biographer Timothy O’Brien, who has personally faced off against Kasowitz. “Kasowitz fits that profile.”

How does Kasowitz operate?
Described as one of the toughest lawyers in Manhattan, Kasowitz goes on the attack against his clients’ accusers. When Bill O’Reilly, another of his clients, was accused of sexual harassment by several Fox News colleagues, Kasowitz claimed that the TV host had “been subjected to a brutal campaign of character assassination…unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.” And when Trump sued writer O’Brien for challenging the real estate mogul’s claim to be a billionaire in his 2005 biography, Kasowitz appeared at one of O’Brien’s book readings — filming the event while using audience “plants” to goad the author into making damaging statements, says O’Brien. “It’s just a trench fight with them,” says Roddy Boyd, another reporter who has battled with Kasowitz. “It’s brutal stuff.”

Who else is on the team?
Former prosecutor John Dowd, a veteran white-collar lawyer known for his work on the Keating Five scandal, will bring some Washington expertise to the team. But on TV at least, the public face of Trump’s Russia defense squad now appears to be Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for evangelical Christian groups and a conservative talk show regular. Sekulow serves as chief counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a Christian-based nonprofit founded by televangelist Pat Robertson, and has argued 12 religious liberty cases before the Supreme Court. Sekulow, 61, was born to a Reform Jewish family in Brooklyn, and only became a Messianic Jew — or a “Jew for Jesus” — after attending Atlanta Baptist College. He has also defended organizations like the militant anti-abortion Operation Rescue…”

White House threats to Joe Scarborough may have violated three criminal laws article from Think Progress. –

Threatening blackmail – especially as president – is indefensible and always a crime.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 119

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate popular vote losing president begin with potentially fatal fallout from Comey’s testimony, more on Trump’s obstructing justice and the growing impeachment movement, defending Trump’s corrupt ignorance won’t bode well for the GOP or America, why you need to be careful of what you wish for, adding one more War Crime to Trump’s list of illicit accomplishments and more.

Donald Trump survived Comey’s testimony, but the fallout could be fatal article from The Guardian. –

Revelations from Comey’s testimony – despite the demented delusions of Trump and his minions – could overshadow our lackluster leader’s presidency.


Corruptly, by threats or force, or any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede is guilty of obstruction. The relevant section of the federal legal code pertaining to obstruction of justice can be found here.

BUSTED: Trump Treasury Pick Took 4-Week Course on Dartmouth Campus and Called It a Degree article from AlterNet. –

Here’s a shocker: Trump chooses another fraud to add to his perfidious collection of saboteurs in the Federal government….

On impeaching Trump article from The Los Angeles Times. –

Calls for Trump’s impeachment are growing:

“Former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday before the Senate Intelligence Committee exacerbated concerns that President Donald Trump may have tried to kill an investigation into his national security advisor, and in so doing committed a criminal offense — obstruction of justice. On the same day but across the Atlantic, the British election that demonstrated surprisingly weak public support for Prime Minster Theresa May served as a reminder of how different the tools are here, in the United States, for dealing with an unpopular or failing elected leader than they are in a parliamentary system.

We cannot call snap elections or votes of no confidence. A president is elected to a four-year term and is not subject to recall. In four years, the people weigh in again and say yes or no to a second term, after they have some perspective on his performance. To cut short a president’s term in office before it is finished is to contravene the will of the people as expressed in the election — the most fundamental act of democracy — and should be done in only the rarest and most exceptional of cases.

The Times has made no secret of its opposition to Trump — to his policies, certainly; but also to his fluid relationship with fact, to his embrace of fringe political theories and movements, to his disrespect for basic institutions of democratic government, to his careless handling of intelligence, to his cavalier attitude toward alliances and partnerships that have stood the country in good stead. We believe his election and continuing tenure as commander in chief are bad for the nation. We see no evidence that he will grow into the job. We look forward to the day when he is no longer president.

The Constitution provides a procedure for a president to be impeached and removed from office. Although the criteria are “treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors,” and the impeachment process has some of the form of a legal prosecution — with the House of Representatives acting as grand jury and prosecutor and the Senate acting as judge and jury — impeachment ultimately is a question of political power. Congress will define for itself what constitutes an impeachable and removable offense, and no court can step in to override its decision. The option should be used if the president appears to have committed a serious crime, but also if his actions pose a serious and irreversible danger to the nation. If it is merely a question of policies with which we disagree, that is a problem better left for the next election…”

What Trump Doesn’t Know Will Hurt Us article from Slate. –

Claiming ignorance as an excuse for enabling the crimes of America’s worst-ever President will not bode well for the GOP or America…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 115

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Questions about Trump’s mental stability start today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect President, four top law firms denied Trump’s request to represent him, on the importance of countering our dimwitted dip shit’s lies with truth, Trump’s privatization scam dressed up as an infrastructure plan, the Trump cabal’s bogus jobs claims – the usual lies from the usual players, the many disadvantages of working for our perfidious Ignoramus-in-Chief, Trump – and his Twitter ignorance – is his own worst enemy, doing his damnedest to criminalize protesting his duplicitous dereliction, more on Trump’s out-of-control derangement syndrome and more.

Is Trump OK? President’s Mental Stability a ‘Serious Problem,’ Conservatives Say article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s mental stability has been a ‘serious problem’ for some time and now they’re worried about it?

Trump’s Twitter attacks on Sadiq Khan reveal how pitiful the president is article from The Guardian. –

Yet another revelation of how pitiful our president is.

Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump article from Yahoo! News. –

Concerns that Trump and his ilk would not listen to them – compounded by Trump’s twittering ignorance – made their decision easy.

Opinion: Truth the Pill for Trump’s Dysfunction article from Roll Call. –

On countering our dimwitted dip shit’s mendacity and meanness with truth:

“The Associated Press, the nation’s leading and most respected wire service, has always erred on the side of caution. Buried deep in the AP’s DNA is the hazy memory that its leading competitor, the United Press, stained its credibility for decades by prematurely announcing the end of World War I.

But never in the following century did the Associated Press write anything this blunt about any American elected leader: “President Donald Trump can’t be counted on to give accurate information to Americans when violent acts are unfolding abroad.”

That lede on a Monday “AP Fact Check” article by Calvin Woodward and Jim Drinkard actually understated the president’s duplicitous fearmongering in response to Saturday night’s terrorist attack in London.

Take the most vicious presidential statement on Saturday night delivered through Twitter: “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no need to be alarmed!’” Trump’s snide tweet about London Mayor Sadiq Khan took his remarks wildly out of context (he was referring to the massive police deployment as nonalarming)…”

Trump’s populist wing on the rise article from CNN. –

Trump’s right-wing whack jobs in the White House aren’t doing him any favors…

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