Misadventures of a minority-elect President 185

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of America’s worst-ever popular vote losing president begins with a majority of people believing that he hasn’t accomplished much of anything during his first 10 months in office – despite his lies that he has, the list of scandals fueling Trump’s failed presidency are growing exponentially, the potentially lasting damage of Trump’s failed presidency and the consequences it brings, enrollment for Obamacare is breaking records despite Trump’s lies about it being finished – though the long-term effects of his pernicious actions by edict remain to be seen, the minority of minions that ‘elected’ our lackluster lame duck president on the premise that he would bring back coal jobs are feeling severely disappointed, on the malevolent, profound corruption and ignorance that is our nefarious narcissist’s new normal, one year after the 2016 elections Trump is – and always will be – an illegitimate president, lasting resistance to Trump is on the rise, Trump’s politics have been thoroughly repudiated and much more.

Poll: 65 Percent of Americans Say Trump Hasn’t Accomplished Much article from Slate. –

The majority of people surveyed don’t believe our national embarrassment has accomplished much of anything despite his lies that he has.

Trump continues to degrade the presidency – and there’s no quick fix coming article from Salon. –

If our political system weren’t so corrupt our national embarrassment would have been removed from office long ago.

Opinion: As Snake Continues To Slither, Loyalty To Trump Will Wither article from PoliticusUSA. –

On the karma due to our illegitimate, popular vote losing president whose entire fortune is built on chicanery and illegality.

13 Trump Allies and Counting Busted in Explosive ‘Paradise Papers’ Leak article from Alternet. –

Another week another scandal for our dimwitted dip shit that will prove costly:

“The U.S.-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the publishers of the high-profile Panama Papers leaks, published another database — The Paradise Papers — on Sunday revealing offshore of “some of the world’s most powerful people and companies.”

The Paradise Papers include around 13.4 million leaked documents, including nearly 7 million loan agreements, financial statements, emails, trust deeds and other paperwork from the Bermuda law firm Appleby Group Services Ltd. Appleby was named offshore firm of the year by Legal 500 UK in 2015. The law firms branches are in Bermuda, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Mauritius and the Seychelles, and it has a presence in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

“The Paradise Papers reveal offshore interests and activities of more than 120 politicians and world leaders, including Queen Elizabeth II whose private estate indirectly invested in a rent-to-own loan company accused of predatory tactics. At least 13 allies, major donors and Cabinet members of U.S. President Donald Trump appear, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s interests in a shipping company that makes millions from an energy firm whose owners include Russian President Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law and a sanctioned Russian tycoon,” the press release by ICIJ summarized.

Democrat Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said Ross had misled Congress and the Americans by concealing his ongoing stake in the company, Navigator…”

President Trump Committed Another Impeachable Offense on Friday article from Slate. –

Trump keeps stacking charges of impeachment up, this time by asking the FBI and the DOJ to investigate Hillary Clinton’s non-existent scandals to deflect attention away from his.

There Is No Easy Fix for Trump’s Continuing Degradation of the Presidency article from Alternet. –

On the potentially lasting damage of Trump’s failed presidency and the consequences it brings.

Learning How to Hate in Trump Country article from The Daily Kos. –

Trump supporters keep paying a heavy price but more-often-than-not they’re too stupid to realize it.

Trump Reverses Course on Trickle Down article from Slate. –

Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam is designed to help Trump, not the rest of us:

“President Trump and congressional Republicans are proposing a huge cut in corporate taxes. They say this will help the middle class, not the rich, because companies will use the savings to hire people and raise wages. But at the core of this pitch, there’s a nagging question: If Republicans really want to help the middle class so much, why don’t they just give the money to the middle class? Why do they always give it to the wealthy, or to executives and shareholders, with vague assurances that the money will trickle down?

Economists frame this critique in logical, empirical terms: Tax cuts for shareholders, they point out, are an inefficient way to help workers. But populists put it more sharply. The reason politicians give the money to rich guys, they argue, is that they’re all in cahoots. The rich guys are keeping the money and ripping you off.

The problem for Republicans is that the person most vigorously delivering this rip-off argument lately isn’t Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. It’s Donald Trump.

Three weeks ago, during the debate over health care, Trump derided corporate subsidies. The government was sending money to insurance companies with explicit instructions to spend it on policyholders. Trump said we shouldn’t trust the companies. He said they were using the money to boost their stock prices and line their pockets…”

‘I’m the only one that matters’: Trump’s chilling imperial power-grab article from Salon. –

Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator doesn’t respect limits on presidential power so he’s doing his damnedest to try and make them disappear.

As President, Trump Doing Exact Opposite of What He Promised on the Campaign Trail article from Common Dreams. –

Which isn’t surprising to anyone – except the a few of the morons that were foolish enough to ‘elect’ him.

GOP Tax Bill Mostly Benefits The Wealthy, Tax Policy Center Finds article from The Huffington Post. –

The lies keep coming from Trump and his GOP miscreants trying desperately to get their fraudulent tax reform scam passed.

Trump’s Sabotage Efforts A Miserable Failure As Obamacare Signups Break Record article from PoliticusUSA. –

Despite our Liar-in-Chief’s delusional claims about Obamacare being finished, enrollment is up:

“Despite Donald Trump’s efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, a record-breaking number of Americans enrolled in Obamacare insurance plans in in the early days of open enrollment, a new report indicates.

According to The Hill, twice as many people signed up for Obamacare plans this year than last year during the same time period.

More from the report:

On the first day of enrollment alone, Nov. 1, one source close to the process told The Hill that more than 200,000 people selected a plan for 2018, compared with about 100,000 last year. More than 1 million people visited healthcare.gov that day, compared to about 750,000 last year, the source said…”

Trump and the Authoritarianism of Fails article from Talking Points Memo. –

The many ways our Twitter tyrant’s tweets highlight his narcissistic desires to be a dictator, which would be funny given his failed presidency were it not for the millions of lives his ignorance routinely affects.

Trump Repeatedly Sticks Foot In Mouth In Japan Speech article and video from Crooks and Liars. –

Why the White House allows him to go anywhere and open his mouth to put his profound ignorance on full display is quite perplexing…

Trump’s presidency is not recovering article from The Washington Post. –

It’s no mystery as to why our Loser-in-Chief’s popularity keeps dropping, especially when his delusional dipshittery in his actions contradicts the lies coming out of his mouth.

Is This Trump’s Most Mortifying Admission of His Presidency? article from Alternet. –

Our imbecilic embarrassment admitted during his Japan visit that he had no idea how many countries there really were in the world:

“President Donald Trump is on a trip to Asia, and his first stop in Japan raised eye-brows for numerous bizarre public comments.

Trump told Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a joint press conference that he wanted to make sure that Japan doesn’t surpass the U.S. economically and boasted about the country’s upcoming military purchases from the U.S.

The most embarrassing moment came during an address to Japanese dignitaries at a state banquet when Trump acknowledged that, before becoming president, he didn’t realize the the number of countries in the world was so high.

“So my relationship with Shinzo got off to quite a rocky start because I never ran for office, and here I am,” Trump said in his usual confusing manner. “But I never ran, so I wasn’t very experienced. And after I had won, everybody was calling me from all over the world. I never knew we had so many countries.”…”

Triple Whammy For Last Remaining U.S. Coal Miners article from The Triple Pundit. –

Many of the minority minions that were foolish enough to believe our lackluster lame duck president would bring coal jobs back have finally figured out they’ve been lied to.

The Trump administration is up to its neck in Russians article from The Chicago Tribune. –

Quite a few of the miscreants that comprise the Trump cabal are going to have a rough road ahead.

UNPRESIDENTED – A Complete Breakdown Of Donald Trump’s 41st Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

On Trump’s most recent failed week as our illegitimate, popular vote losing president.

The Plot Against America’s 99% article from Medium. –

Yet again our nefarious narcissist is trying to screw the American public with his fraudulent tax reform scam:

“After multiple failed attempts to “repeal and replace” the 2010 Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), US President Donald Trump’s administration now hopes to achieve its first legislative victory with a massive tax giveaway that it has wrapped in the language of “tax reform.” To that end, Republicans in the US Congress have just unveiled a bill that, if enacted, could vastly widen the deficit and increase the public debt by as much as $4 trillion over the next decade.

Worse still, the Republican plan is designed to funnel most of the benefits to the rich. It would lower the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%, reduce the tax on capital gains (investment profits), eliminate the estate tax, and introduce other changes that benefit the wealthy.

Like the Republicans’ health-care proposals, their tax plan offers little to struggling middle- and working-class households. Trump continues to govern as a pluto-populist?—?a plutocrat pretending to be a populist?—?who has not hesitated to betray the people he conned into voting for him.

Before releasing the current plan, congressional Republicans passed resolutions to reduce taxes by $1.5 trillion over the next decade. But the actual tax cut will likely be much larger. The proposal to lower the corporate tax rate to 20%, for example, implies a $2.5 trillion tax cut, once other tax cuts in the plan are considered. To keep the tax cuts below $1.5 trillion, one would have to keep the corporate rate at or above 28% and broaden the tax base…”

Trump’s new American normal article from The Week. –

On the profound ignorance, malevolence and corruption of our illegitimate, minority-elect leader and the damage we’ve incurred so far.

To win elections, Trump likes to create alternate universes article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Because Trump needs altnernate universes to correspond the alternate reality in his delusional world…

Robert Reich: America Might as Well Not Have a President At All article from Alternet. –

For all intents and purposes, we don’t – which is why Trump will always be an illegitimate popular vote losing president with no mandate.

Democracy on Life Support: Donald Trump’s First Year in Office article from Truthout. –

Trump is doing his damnedest to try and destroy Democracy so he can become a dictator:

“Donald Trump was elected president of the United States a year ago this week.

His ascendancy in US politics has made visible a culture of cruelty, a contempt for civic literacy, a corrupt mode of governance and a disdain for informed judgment that has been decades in the making.

It also points to the withering of civic attachments, the undoing of civic culture, the decline of public life, the erosion of any sense of shared citizenship and the death of commanding visions.

As he visits Asia this week in a trip that those in the White House, as usual, feared could careen spectacularly off the rails, the world will once again witness how Trump’s history of unabashed racism and politics of hate is transformed into a spectacle of fear, divisions and disinformation…”

Obstruction of justice case against Trump grows stronger with each potential indictment article from The Daily Kos. –

Obstruction of Justice will end up dealing the final blow to Trump’s failed presidency so sit back and enjoy the show.

One year on, Donald Trump is still an illegitimate president article from The Guardian. –

And regardless of his lies and delusions in his alternate reality, he always will be…

Trump’s Stock Market and Un-Shared American Prosperity article from Common Dreams. –

Trump loves taking credit for the growing, over-inflated stock market – which will eventually come crashing down – but he neglects to mention that the only ones benefitting from it are the 1 percent he caters to.

‘The View’ Unleashes Devastating Compilation Video of All the Times Trump Admitted Ignorance of Widely Known Facts article and video from Alternet. –

Yet more evidence of why our national embarrassment is and always will be an illegitimate popular vote losing president with no mandate:

“This week, President Donald Trump announced that he “never knew there were so many countries,” while on a trip to Asia. It prompted the co-hosts of “The View” to string together all of the things Trump has admitted he didn’t know before becoming president.

“Well, there are only two countries he knew about: The U.S. and Russia,” co-host Joy Behar quipped.

“Why would he say, ‘who knew?’” Goldberg wondered. “Well, I think, probably, every, single, other person before you knew there were more countries than just two.”

The co-host explained that it wasn’t the first time Trump was surprised about something he didn’t know…”

Six Big Ways Trump Has Remade America In The Year Since His Election article from Talking Points Memo. –

As I’ve previously noted, it’s impossible to believe that we would ever see another president make George W. Bush look good, but the current idiot occupying the White House has done just that.

The Limits of Trumpism article from Slate. –

Trying to ride on an illegitimate popular vote losing president’s corrupt coat tails is going to prove extremely costly to the GOP.

New report suggests Trump may have lied about ties to mob-linked Russian businessman article from Salon. –

Newly revealed evidence from Trump’s 2016 election party reveals that yet again Trump lied about his ties to Russia.

Donald Trump Was the Single Biggest Loser of the 2017 Elections article from Alternet. –

Republicans got trampled during the 2017 elections courtesy of the incorrigibly inept piece of shit in the White House, and if they’re foolish enough to try and pass their fraudulent tax reform scam they’ll pay an even bigger price:

“President Donald Trump backed two Republican candidates for governor and both lost —prompting the president to immediately distance himself from his own horrible loss.

“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for,” Trump tweeted Tuesday night after GOP candidate Gillespie lost badly in Virginia to Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, by a nine-point percent margin. Counties where Trump ran well last year voted strongly for the Democrat, MSNBC reported, calling it “the Trump gap.”

And in New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy, who had campaigned on a promise to target Trump’s policies, won the governor’s race, beating Gov. Chris Christie’s own lieutenant governor.

Gillespie, a former aid for President George W. Bush, embraced the President’s policies on the campaign trail. But Trump jettisoned him minutes after the race was called for Northam…”


Trump’s tweets are serving as a distraction for the media that’s covering the White House – as well as the rest of the world.

The Disastrous Trump Tax Plan article from Forbes. –

More on the disaster – virtually everything he does is disastrous – that is Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam.

The resistance to Trump is blossoming – and building a movement to last article from The Guardian. –

Since our gift that keeps on giving was ‘elected’ – primarily by the electoral college after losing the popular vote by almost 11 million – resistance to his failed presidency is growing exponentially.

Deranged Trump Tries To Use The Presidency To Force AT&T And Time Warner To Dump CNN article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our big-ass Orange turd ball really hates CNN so his ‘Justice Department’ is trying to do something – albeit probably illegally – about it:

“Trump hates the coverage on CNN, which is why the Justice Department is trying to force AT&T and Time Warner to divest themselves of CNN.

Politico reported:

DOJ is demanding the sale of Time Warner’s Turner Broadcasting, which includes CNN as well as networks like TBS and TNT, one of the sources said — adding that it’s clear the real sticking point is CNN, a frequent target of President Donald Trump’s anger.

“The only reason you would divest CNN would be to kowtow to the president because he doesn’t like the coverage,” another source said. “It would send a chilling message to every news organization in the country.”…”

Donald Trump Never Had A Mandate From America article from Common Dreams. –

No he didn’t – nor will he ever…

The Politics of Trump Have Been Repudiated article from Alternet. –

The fun is just beginning as there will be a lot more blow back coming to the Republican Party during the 2018 midterm elections.

A Year Of Resistance: How An Indecent President Sparked American Greatness article from Rantt. –

More on the resultant resistance our demented delusionist is responsible for creating and why it’s not going away any time soon.

Proof Trump’s Supporters Will Stand Behind Him No Matter What article from Alternet. –

Actually it’s proof that there are still A LOT of ignorant minions that support the least popular, most corrupt president in history:

“The headlines have become routine. Earlier this week, Donald Trump’s approval rating dipped from 37 to 36 percent, according to the latest CNN poll. Last month, Gallup had him at an all-time low of 33 percent.

Trump is the most unpopular president in modern American history, that much is apparent. But what these numbers obscure, or at least elide, is the seemingly endless devotion of his voting bloc. A closer look at the data reveals that Trump’s level of support has mostly held steady since August, before the collapse of his Obamacare replacement bill, the introduction of a plutocratic new tax proposal and the announcement of multiple indictments in Robert Mueller’s collusion probe. For tens of millions of Americans, the president can do no wrong.

Just ask the people of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Over the course of several days, Politico’s Michael Kruse interviewed residents from the once-booming steel town who cast their ballots for Trump last November. None expressed so much as an iota of regret about their decision. As 60-year-old retiree Pam Schilling made clear, “I’m a supporter of him, 100 percent.”

Schilling’s 32-year-old son died of a heroin overdose. She says she began finding needles in his pockets after he was laid off from a nearby mine. She had a union job packing meat at a local grocery, until she was forced to find work at Walmart for a fraction of the pay…”

Trump’s CNN attacks may hobble legal case to block AT&T-Time Warner deal article from CNN on Yahoo! News. –

Once again Trump’s stupidity and bullying on Twitter could cost him dearly and he’ll have no one to blame but himself, though to him it’ll be everyone else’s fault.

If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.

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