Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate minority-elect president with his attempts to take us back to the gilded Golden age with his draconian policies and non-existent mandate, how our fake president put his war on fake news front and center while allegedly honoring veterans – plus more on his war with the media and the truth, our Loser-in-Chief’s fraudulent voter integrity commission being recognized for what it is, why our national embarrassment’s White House leaks so many things to the press, the distractions of our Twitter tyrant aren’t doing him any favors and a lot more.
The Nineteenth-Century Trump article from The New York Book Review. –
Trump’s draconian policies and non-existent mandates are pushing this country backwards to the Gilded Golden Age.
‘I’m president, they’re not’: Donald Trump savages media at veterans rally article from The Guardian. –
How our fake president put his war on fake news front and center while allegedly honoring veterans.
Trump Tweets Fake Video of Him Body-Slamming, Dunking CNN article from Slate. –
Our popular vote losing demented delinquent in the White House posts fake video of himself attacking CNN after crying about fake news…
Inside the twisted mind of our incorrigibly incompetent Liar-in-Chief:
“EARLIER THIS WEEK, the New York Times posted a comprehensive accounting of President Donald Trump’s lies. It is, among other things, a triumph of web design. Orange, san-serif dates turn each falsehood into bricks in a vast wall. Scrolling turns the wall into a wave, a tsunami of mendacity.
And once the wave has crashed over you and you have wiped out on the rocky shoals of existential despair, the Times gives you a methods section:
We have set a conservative standard here, leaving out many dubious statements (like the claim that his travel ban is “similar” to Obama administration policy). Some people may still take issue with this standard, arguing that the president wasn’t speaking literally. But we believe his long pattern of using untruths to serve his purposes, as a businessman and politician, means that his statements are not simply careless errors.
We are using the word “lie” deliberately. Not every falsehood is deliberate on Trump’s part. But it would be the height of naïveté to imagine he is merely making honest mistakes. He is lying.
That’s admirable rigor. Writers David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson tell you what they counted—and defend their use of word “lie” overall, which a year ago was one of the most inflammatory charges you could lob at a political opponent, much less a president. So, crumple that idea up and chuck it. But pay attention to Leonhardt and Thompson’s definition of “lie.” Even if you accept the premise that lies and lying are bad (I do! I do!), lies have an architecture more intricate than “something not accurate.”…”
Trump defends tweets as ‘modern day presidential’ in renewed attack on media article from The Los Angeles Times. –
Only in our demented delusionist’s alternate reality would you see an impotent president talking about his ignorant Twitter tantrums being ‘modern day presidential.’