Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect president with his war on the press that is actually a war on the truth – his biggest enemy – on his quest to become America’s first dictator, Syrian civilian deaths rocketing as our War Criminal-in-Chief commits more war crimes there under the dubious guise of fighting terrorism while his plans to invade Iran unfold, our Loser-in-Chief tweets more lies about his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway bill, the miscreants supporting our national embarrassment’s fraudulent health care tax giveaway are lying their asses off about it – and failing miserably, Trump’s Syrian gas attack false flag exposed in all its ignorant glory, Trump’s fraudulent Voter Integrity Commission laying the ground work to screw Americans out of future elections and much more.
Very Dangerous Times: The Media Is Under Attack by an Authoritarian White House article from AlterNet. –
Our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s war on the press is a war on the truth.
These Are The Civilian Victims Of The US-Led Campaign Against ISIS article from Buzz Feed. –
Killing innocent civilians while alleging to fight ISIS in Syria belies our War Criminal-in-Chief’s claims of fighting terrorism.
At Last the World Is United – in Hating and Fearing One Man article from AlterNet. –
Trump’s White House believes it’s getting away with distracting from the truth in its alternate reality but it’s not.
How unpopular is Donald Trump? Latest presidential approval ratings article from AL. –
At 35 percent, very unpopular:
“Amid squabbles with CNN and Congressional Democrats, President Donald Trump faces another foe – dismally low approval ratings.
The latest daily tracker from Gallup shows 39 percent of those responding to the poll approve of the job the president is doing as compared to 56 percent who do not. The 39 percent approval rating is an improvement for Trump, whose numbers dipped to 36 percent earlier this week following reports that millions could lose health insurance under the Senate’s Obamacare replacement plan.
In comparison, President Barack Obama’s approval ratings during the summer of his first term were around 60 percent.
Trump’s lowest approval rating of his presidency – 35 percent – came on March 28…”
President Trump Attacks ‘Morning Joe’ Host: ‘She Was Bleeding Badly From a Face-Lift’ article from Variety. –
Spending every free moment to hurl ignorant insults on Twitter – because of obvious cognitive deficits – while fighting your war on truth speaks volumes.