Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Our illegitimate, popular vote losing President begins today’s misadventures with further threats of producing another false flag Syrian chemical weapons attack, more evidence that our Loser-in-Chief has no mandate as his popularity continues to plummet and his entire duplicitous agenda comes to a screeching halt, our Ignoramus-in-Chief’s incorrigible incompetence is about to have real world consequences, Pro-Trump Super PAC’s are trying their best to make our national embarrassment look good – and it’s going to fail miserably, our illegitimate President is fighting a war with the Press that he won’t win and much more.
Trump’s Syrian chemical weapons claims: A house of cards article from The World Socialist Web Site. –
Further insight into our impotent leader’s threats against Syria which will inevitably end up turning into another False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack.
Warnings on Syria’s chemical weapons is test of Trump’s credibility, and of intelligence community he attacks article from The Los Angeles Times. –
Being America’s worst-ever President who never tells the truth leads to an incredible credibility deficit – and bogus claims of Syrian chemical weapons with no evidence speaks volumes as to how corrupt our Loser-in-Chief really is…
The Senate Trumpcare Bill’s Worst Advocate Is President Trump article from New York Magazine. –
Our illegitimate, dimwitted dip shit in the White House has no clue as to what’s in his Trumpcare bill.
Trump Fails To Reach Beyond Base, As Independents’ Disapproval Grows article from NPR. –
More evidence Trump has no mandate as his popularity continues to plummet:
“President Trump’s support has eroded with independent voters since he took office. Though he still clings to a loyal base of supporters, his overall disapproval among Americans has reached record highs, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.
Just 37 percent of Americans approve of the job Trump is doing just over five months into his tenure, while 51 percent disapprove. Forty percent of those polled strongly disapprove of Trump’s performance, twice the 20 percent who strongly approved.
The most pronounced swing the poll found was among independents. Over the past four months, their approval of the president has dissipated. In February, 40 percent of independents said they approved of the job Trump was doing, with 51 percent disapproving. Four months later in June, just 31 percent say they approve of the president with 59 percent of independents disapproving — a 17 point net-negative drop.
Despite almost full employment nationwide, independents are particularly dissatisfied with Trump on the economy. That’s likely driving much of their overall disapproval. Just 31 percent of independents say they have confidence in Trump’s ability to improve the U.S. economy, while 49 percent doubt he can do so. Just three months ago, 44 percent thought Trump could turn around the economy, while 38 percent didn’t — a whiplash-worthy 24-point swing…”
President Trump’s politicking raises ethics flags article from CNBC. –
Taking time out from running the government to run for re-election – to feel the adoration of those that are actually stupid enough to support him – is one of many things Trump does that are unethical.
Time asks Trump Organization to remove fake cover from golf clubs article from The Hill. –
TIME asks our fake president to remove the fake TIME cover plastered in all of his resorts.
Trump Is China’s Chump article from The New York Times. –
Having a chump running the White House is making America look ignorant…
Senate GOP seethes at Trump impulsiveness article from Politico. –
Trump’s ignorance and diminished cognitive deficits are going to cost the GOP their majority:
“Top GOP officials and senators say White House chaos and impulsiveness are crippling efforts to expand the Republican Senate majority in 2018, unraveling long-laid plans and needlessly jeopardizing incumbents.
There’s a widespread sense of exasperation with the president, interviews with nearly two dozen senior Republicans reveal, and deep frustration with an administration they believe doesn’t fully grasp what it will take to preserve the narrow majority or add to it.
The most recent flash point involves Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, who was attacked by a White House-sanctioned outside group after announcing his opposition to the now stalled Obamacare repeal bill. Heller, the most endangered GOP incumbent up for reelection in 2018, was initially targeted with a surprise $1 million digital, TV and radio assault — an act of political retaliation that stunned senators and other top GOP officials.
The TV and radio commercials, produced by America First Policies — which is staffed by a number of Trump’s top campaign aides — accused Heller of refusing to keep his “promise” to dismantle Obamacare…”
Reporter who exploded at Sarah Huckabee Sanders during White House briefing: ‘We can’t take the bullying anymore’ article from Yahoo! News. –
One thing Trump and his ilk do almost as well as lying is bullying…
Trump’s ignorance about health care carries real consequences article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Actually Trump’s ignorance about most things carry real consequences…
TrumpCare is class warfare article from The Week. –
The dangerous repercussions of Trump’s fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway are going to cost the GOP for years to come.
Is Trump Blundering Into the Next Middle East War? article from Counter Punch. –
Trump’s incorrigible incompetence is causing major problems:
“The Washington elite is waking up to the increasingly real possibility that the Trump administration may be moving the country into yet another Middle East war. And much more quickly than anyone had anticipated. And through sheer incompetence and incoherence rather than by design.
At the moment, attention is focused on the situation in eastern Syrian, the details of which are spelled out well in a growing number of accounts such as Mohamad Bazzi’s piece in the Atlantic as well as a recent action alert by the National Iranian American Council. In addition, the New Republic’s Jeet Heer posted an excellent piece that quotes former key Obama policymakers (Colin Kahl and Ilan Goldenberg), as well as Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who have been well ahead of other national-security analysts in warning about the gathering storm clouds.
Eastern Syria is indeed the focus of the moment, particularly since a U.S. fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane in Syrian territory and Iran launched a mid-range missile attack on an Islamic State (ISIS or IS) target. Russia subsequently warned that it will target U.S.-led coalition aircraft flying in Syrian territory west of the Euphrates. Then, on June 20, an Iranian-made drone was shot down close to the border with Iraq and Jordan where the various rival proxy forces are all converging to fill the vacuum in anticipation of the IS collapse.
No doubt the Pentagon is gaming out the various scenarios in which a wider war could soon break out, but it certainly sees Iran and its allies in the area as the main post-ISIS threat to Washington’s interests in and around Syria. See, for example, this little memo published recently by a senior policy adviser to the U.S. Central Command and, remarkably, a visiting fellow at the staunchly pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy (hat tip to Barbara Slavin). Or this helpful new contribution by WINEP’s long-time counselor and “Israel’s lawyer,” Dennis Ross…”
As White House Cracks Down on Press, Calls Grow for Journalists to Fight Back article from Common Dreams. –
America’s worst-ever President is fighting a war with the Press that he won’t win.
Pro-Trump groups take no prisoners in rush to help an embattled president article from Reuters. –
Note to Trump super PAC’s: Nothing you do is going to save our national embarrassment’s ignorant ass…
Trump Administration Makes Key Decision That Threatens Water Supply of Millions article from Truthout. –
Trump’s EPA is undoing the Clean Water Rule enacted in May 2015 under President Obama that protects the water supply for more than 117 million Americans – nothing like ‘making America great’ again…
Keeping the pressure up: Stalling Trump’s fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway in the U.S. Senate is a big deal:
“Earlier this month, a senior White House official deeply involved in enacting President Trump’s agenda on Capitol Hill laid out the Administration’s ideal legislative schedule for the rest of this year.
“Between now and the August recess, we’d like them to get health care done, we’d like them to get the debt ceiling done, we’d like them to start tackling the budget,” he told me. “So when they get back from the August recess, first or second week of September, we can throw a tax proposal down and, literally, we can do taxes for September, October, and November.”
The G.O.P. has adopted a major—even radical—agenda: transforming a massive sector of the economy, slashing taxes and rewriting the entire tax code, passing a budget that would dramatically reduce the size of government, and, in the middle of all of that, raising the debt limit. They have a plan to accomplish almost all of it before the end of the year, with minimal transparency, and without relying on a single Democratic vote. But if health-care reform goes down this summer, the rest of the plan may sink with it.
For obscure parliamentary reasons, Republicans can’t move on with the rest of their wish list until they pass the health-care bill. And those prospects are not looking good. On Tuesday, Mike Lee, of Utah, became the fifth Republican senator to say that he would vote against even bringing the health-care bill up for debate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who announced, also on Tuesday, that he will delay the vote until after the July 4th recess, may yet broker a deal on health care, but if he fails to do so the legislative impact for Trump could be calamitous…”
It’s Official: Any Future Gas Attacks In Syria Are Definite False Flags article from Medium. –
The official statement from our War Criminal-in-Chief’s White House hints that he will definitely attempt – and undoubtedly fail – another false flag Syrian chemical weapons attack…
If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.