Misadventures of a minority-elect President 128

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect president begins with the fact that it appears our Loser-in-Chief is losing the support of the morons that ‘elected’ him, Trump is telling so many lies at such an incredible rate that he can’t keep them all straight in his alternate reality, our fraudulent national embarrassment facing new problems over his Trump University scam, Trump’s fraudulent ‘voter integrity commission’ facing scrutiny as the miscreant in charge of it faces legal issues, Fox faux news – Trump’s ministry of propaganda – provided the ammo needed for his impeachment for obstructing justice, our demented delusionist’s Twitter idiocy will be preserved in time for all to see, stupid is as stupid does for our impotent popular vote losing leader, the fallacy of foreign policy in the delusion that is the Trump cabal, Senate’s current Trumpcare bill will hurt major core of Trump supporters and much more.

Are Republican voters finally turning on Trump? article from The Week. –

Trump has been unpopular from the start but now it appears that he’s losing support from the morons that ‘elected’ him.

President Donald Trump Is Telling Lies at an Astonishing and Historical Rate article from AlterNet. –

The worst part is our Liar-in-Chief can’t keep all his lies straight because he tells so many of them…

Trump thinks he’s signed a ‘Nice!’ amount of legislation. Here’s what he’s really done. article from Vox. –

Trump has reached ‘liar, liar pants on fire’ status as the lies about his non-existent accomplishments keep coming.

The Kremlin’s Investment in Trump Is Paying Off article from The Atlantic. –

Since taking office our illegitimate national embarrassment has shown himself to be a pro-Russian puppet:

“Fifty-four years ago this month, former President John F. Kennedy delivered the “Strategy of Peace,” a powerful address that captured America’s indispensable leadership at the height of the Cold War. Kennedy knew that our country could not guard against the Soviet Union alone, for he believed that “genuine peace must be the product of many nations, the sum of many acts.”

Incredibly, the man who now leads the United States seems to find himself locked in an alarming and perilous embrace with the Russian government. These ties threaten to weaken a system of alliances that have held Russia—and countless other threats to the international community—at bay since the conclusion of the Second World War.

In his Senate testimony two weeks ago, former FBI Director James Comey affirmed a disturbing suspicion: that Donald Trump first undermined Comey, by leaning on him to drop his investigation of former National Security-Adviser Michael Flynn, and then removed him from his post. Since then, events have escalated at a dizzying pace: Trump accused Comey of lying under oath about their interactions earlier this year, even as he cheered Comey’s public assertion that the president wasn’t under FBI investigation. Soon, reports emerged that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating obstruction-of-justice allegations against the president—revelations Trump was none too happy about. And all the while, rumors have continued to swirl that Trump may fire both Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who’s overseeing the special counsel inquiry.

But Trump’s reckless handling of these events should not distract from a startling reality: As the president faces accusations of colluding with the Russians during last year’s campaign, his policies in office have aligned almost perfectly with the Kremlin’s goals. If Moscow wanted its interference in America’s election to yield dividends, it could hardly have hoped for more…”

Donald Trump may face new legal action over Trump University article from The Guardian. –

Allowing a blatant fraud to be ‘elected’ by a minority could come back and bite Trump as his Trump University scam rears its ugly head once again…

Kobach Sanctioned By Court For ‘Deceptive Conduce And Lack Of Candor’ article from Talking Points Memo. –

The miscreant in charge of Trump’s fraudulent ‘election integrity commission’ is having legal issues of his own.

Trump to Tap Top Swamp Thing Jeff Holmstead for Senior EPA Position article from Truthout. –

Because putting another miscreant in his duplicitous swamp who spent a decade lobbying for coal companies will work out well for America…

AP FACT CHECK: Trump And Missions Unaccomplished article from Talking Points Memo. –

More on Trump’s endless lies and his alternate reality:

“WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has a way of presenting missions as accomplished even when they’re not.

So it was when he told Iowans he’s put farmers back at their plows, secured a historic increase in military spending and empowered homebuilders to swing their hammers again. Those all remain aspirations, not achievements.

Trump is also known to propose something already in effect, as when he declared “the time has come” for a welfare moratorium for immigrants. President Bill Clinton signed such a moratorium into law in 1996.

A look at a variety of Trump’s statements from the public square over the past week:

TRUMP: “We’re thinking about building the wall as a solar wall so it creates energy and pays for itself. And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money. And that’s good right? … Pretty good imagination, right? Good? My idea.” — in Iowa on Wednesday.

THE FACTS: His idea? Others came forward with such proposals back when he was criticizing solar power as too expensive…”

Kellyanne Conway melts down on CNN after being asked basic question about Russia article from Think Progress. –

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell which is more entertaining: Trump or the miscreants that work for him…

GOP health plan is like trying to put out a fire with a flamethrower article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The devastation caused by the duplicitous Trumpcare bill will be horrendous and harmful for millions of Americans.

Fox News May Have Gotten Trump Jailed Or Impeached With Question About Comey Tapes article from Politicus. –

Our Ignoramus-in-Chief’s Ministry of Propaganda – Fox faux news – may have supplied the ammo to begin the impeachment process…

Trump is reliving the 2016 election again on Twitter Sunday morning – and attacking Hillary Clinton article from The Raw Story. –

More evidence that being the illegitimate, minority-elect President is painful for Trump – despite the fact that he always will be:

“As is his habit on early Sunday morning, President Donald Trump was on Twitter attacking his enemies — this time former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

A day after he attacked former President Barack Obama and Republican senators who are not falling in line with the GOP’s proposed Trumpcare plan, Trump was back tweeting about the 2016 election

“Hillary Clinton colluded with the Democratic Party in order to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. Is she allowed to so collude? Unfair to Bernie!” he tweeted — although it is unclear why.

The president then promoted his appearance on Fox & Friends — which has become the go-to safe space for Trump Administration officials…”

Sketchy firm behind Trump dossier is stalling investigators article from The New York Post. –

Fabricating phony evidence is difficult – especially when it doesn’t exist to begin with…

I Found Trump’s Diary – Hiding in Plain Sight article from Politico. –

On how our demented delusionist’s Twitter tantrums and idiocy are going to be locked in history for all to see and used as evidence against him.

Trump complains about Democrats’s rallying cry to ‘resist’ article from Yahoo! News. –

For 8 years the GOP obstructed President Obama and screwed him out of a US Supreme Court appointment and he was legitimately elected – get used to it Trump, it’s only going to get worse…

The New York Times used a full page to print all of Trump’s lies since taking office article from Business Insider. –

Surprising that a full page was actually enough room to cover them all:

“The New York Times used a full page in this week’s paper to print out every lie President Donald Trump has publicly told since taking office just over five months ago.

The list contains Trump’s contradictions on a slew of topics, like the Iraq War, NATO, the administration’s controversial travel ban, the crowd size at Trump’s inauguration, the ongoing controversy over Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s possible role in it, and more.

Trump has contradicted himself on a regular basis since taking office and during the presidential campaign.

His rise to political stardom was built on the false “birther” theory that former president Barack Obama was born in Kenya and not a US citizen. Beginning in 2011, Trump led the charge calling for Obama to release his long-form birth certificate, which he eventually did. Trump did not publicly disavow his comments until last September during the election, five years after he initially pushed the conspiracy theory.

He blamed then-candidate Hillary Clinton for starting the controversy, saying, “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it, you know what I mean.” That claim has never been substantiated…”

How Trump is empowering the military – and raising some eyebrows article from CNN. –

Stupid is as stupid does for our dimwitted dip shit popular vote losing president – the less he has to do the better, regardless of the outcome…

Watergate Lawyer: The Trump Administration Would Fire Mueller ‘At Their Peril’ article from The Atlantic. –

To the minority of American’s that ‘elected’ him – yes, he is really that stupid…

Under Trump, US foreign policy is increasingly being left to the generals article from Quartz. –

The fallacies of foreign policy in the Trump Cabal’s land of delusion are quite contradictory.

Trump’s core voters could suffer most under GOP health bill, but they may not punish him for it article from CNBC. –

For a majority of Trump supporters, stupid is going to hurt if the GOP passes its fraudulent Trumpcare bill:

“The Senate health-care bill has sharpened the central political question surrounding the 2017 Republican agenda: Will the voters who made Donald Trump president rebel?

Like the House health-care bill, the Senate version would roll back Obamacare’s expansion of insurance coverage under Medicaid. While cutting Obamacare’s taxes on the rich, it would shrink both subsidies and requirements on insurers for coverage on exchange marketplaces, leaving many beneficiaries with skimpier protection and higher deductibles.

Those changes threaten financial hardship for the very constituency that won Trump the 2016 Republican nomination and tipped the electoral votes that put him in the White House.

They violate his explicit pledges to protect Medicaid from cuts and reduce their out of pocket expenses for health care…”

New poll shows majority of Americans are unaware Trumpcare slashes Medicaid article from Think Progress. –

Only 38 percent of people are aware that the GOP’s Trumpcare bill will decimate Medicaid recipients.

Trump Embraces GOP Tax-Cut Orthodoxy article from Truthout. –

On why our greedy Con Artist-in-Chief has no business being in the White House.

Trump champion Hugh Hewitt gets his own show on MSNBC. –

It’s important to always consider the source and question everything when minions try justifying Trump’s malfeasance…

A Complete Breakdown Of Trump’s 21st Unpresidented Week As POTUS article from Rantt. –

Covering the dysfunction of our demented delusionist’s 21st week as America’s worst-ever President:

“The President of the United States is under criminal investigation and he has only himself to blame.

Repeated meddling in an ongoing investigation into Russia’s meddling. Self-incriminating statements. Paranoid tweets. If Trump wants to continue crying “WITCH HUNT,” then he should stop casting spells.

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation heated up and the nation was captivated by this slow moving train wreck, a lot happened. Americans were shot, strategy was shifted in the Middle East, and lawsuits concerning Trump’s potential emoluments clause violations continued to pile up.

Here’s a complete breakdown of Trump’s 21st week as POTUS:…”

Intel Behind Trump’s Syria Attack Questioned article from Consortium News. –

Our War Criminal-in-Chief lied when he launched Tomahawk missiles in Syria back in April, and his Syrian War Crimes have continued unabated ever since…

If there is something you’d like to see added or would like more information you can contact me here.

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