Traitors Trump from Pinterest
Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
The primary reason nobody wants him to speak at their memorial service begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* who was shunned from speaking at John McCain’s funeral because all he does is talk about himself while lying about non-existent accomplishments, our Liar and Thief’s latest trade deal with Mexico is showing to be yet another of his fraudulent scams, evidence of our dimwitted dip shit’s mental deficiencies spreading like wild fire, Hair Hitler’s list of impeachable offenses – as well as his multitude of other crimes – keeps growing, our cheeto fuhrer really wants to be a dictator – despite the obvious fact that he’s too stupid and corrupt to pull something like that off, the irony of having a treasonous president* bitching about libel laws, in 24 hours our impotent imbecile suggested curbing two constitutional freedoms and so much more.
Here’s one of the biggest reasons why nobody wants Trump to speak at their memorial service article from The Raw Story. –
Primarily because our nefarious narcissist can’t stop talking about himself and lying about his delusional accomplishments.
NY Attorney General: Trump Charity Illegally Bankrolled His Campaign article from PoliticusUSA. –
Our dimwitted dip shit won’t be able to pardon his way out of this or avoid being held accountable since it’s not a federal crime – and it could easily take him down.
Revised NAFTA Shows Every Sign of Being Another Trump Scam article from Counter Punch. –
Like the rest of his fraudulent agenda, our Liar and Thief’s latest farcical trade deal with Mexico is nothing but a scam.
Trump Sets A New Record For Declaring Things Fake article from PoliticusUSA. –
Our fake president’s war on fake news to distract from his imminent implosion is really starting to make him look more ignorant:
“Trump broke his own previous record sending out 46 tweets in August declaring various things “fake or phony.”
( link for ‘NPR’ below – https://www.npr.org/2018/09/02/643761979/president-trumps-description-of-whats-fake-is-expanding )
NPR analyzed Trump’s tweets and found, “An NPR analysis found that in the month of August, Trump sent out 46 tweets containing the words “fake” or “phony,” far surpassing his previous record. (Two of the tweets were later deleted to fix typos)….In June 2018, a month with 31 “fake” or “phony” tweets, Trump took issue with coverage of the Singapore summit with North Korea, family separation along the U.S.-Mexico border and, as usual, the Russia investigation.”Here is the chart of Trump’s increasing declarations of fake:
If it seems like President Trump is declaring more things fake and phony more frequently, it’s because he is. And August set a record. https://t.co/IqaAGvo4w5 pic.twitter.com/1x3rGulBCb
— Tamara Keith (@tamarakeithNPR) September 2, 2018
Donald Trump Isn’t the Victim of a Witch-Hunt. He’s Leading It. article from The Daily Beast. –
How his lies and propaganda over his exponentially growing corruption scandals are making our national embarrassment look like the piece of shit that he is.