Tag Archives: Our Dystopian Orange Ass Wipe

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 249

Fake President Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

How our dimwitted dip shit’s Ministry of Propaganda is finding it difficult to defend the indefensible begins today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* after his arguably treasonous words and deeds during his farcical Russia summit which proved to be more idol worship than anything else, how our feckless fuhrer continues getting away with his heinous crimes against the U.S. aided and abetted by his GOP brown shirt enablers, a look at how our Distractor-in-Chief twists reality and truth to make it appear as though his fuck ups are everyone else’s fault, once again Trump is making history for all the wrong reasons, the number of Trump’s moronic mini me’s regretting his potentially treasonous actions in Helsinki is growing as reality starts setting in plus much more.

Even on Fox, Trump’s Helsinki Performance Was ‘Ridiculous’ and ‘Surreal’ article from The Atlantic. –

It’s going to be interesting to see how our dimwitted dip shit reacts when his Ministry of Propaganda finds it difficult to defend the indefensible words and deeds he constantly perpetrates.

Rachel Maddow Lays Out The Devastating Case For Trump Being A Treasonous Traitor article from PoliticusUSA. –

How Trump’s many ties to Russia may explain his treasonous actions and what America must do to fight back against the Traitor in the White House:

Surrender Summit In Helsinki: A Rundowns Of Trump’s Capitulation To Putin On The World Stage article from Rantt Media. –

A recap of our treasonous Orange ass wipe’s capitulation and adoration of Russian President Putin during their secretive meeting that made America look extremely stupid.

Trump’s Own Team: He ‘Looked Incredibly Weak’ Next to Putin article from The Daily Beast. –

Revelations from our illegitimate president’s own administration on why Putin’s Kompromat looked weak and was acting like a traitor during the farcical Russia summit:

“Donald Trump’s much-anticipated meeting with Vladimir Putin on Monday offered him yet another opportunity to defy those who’ve criticized his coziness with the Russian leader.

But on a global stage, Trump didn’t just cower; he actively cemented an image of submissiveness to his Russian counterpart.

“I honestly had little to no good expectations for this,” said a senior Trump political appointee who works on issues surrounding Russian disinformation efforts, adding that the event “went about as well as I expected.”

“Trump looked incredibly weak up there. Putin looks like a champion,” the official continued. “I’d like to say I’m shocked, but this is the world in which we live now.”…”

Donald Trump wants you to know he’s getting away with it: Helsinki gloating fits a long pattern article from Salon. –

Were it not for our feckless fuhrer’s GOP brown shirt Gestapo aiding and abetting him while enabling his numerous crimes against the U.S., Trump would have been out of office and held accountable for his heinous crimes long ago.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 248

What can I F-up today Trump from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with yet more confirmation that he is indeed an illegitimate president who appears to have had help in ‘winning’ the election despite massively losing the popular vote, the noose from his Russia scandal is tightening as his claims of ‘witch hunt’ have been blown away and it’s becoming blatantly obvious that he’s guilty as hell of what he’s being investigated for, our fake president’s* war on fake news continues as the world comes crashing down on his alternate reality in his land of delusion, our impotent imbecile sucking up to his hero on Twitter before his upcoming Helsinki love fest while ranting more delusions – again – to try and create more distractions, lots of information on our Marmalade Miscreant’s treasonous treachery while sucking up to his hero during the ‘summit’ with Putin in Helsinki and so much more.

Donald Trump is an illegitimate president – and here is why article from The Raw Story. –

Being aided and abetted by his Russian cohorts in ‘winning’ the election despite massively losing the popular vote reveals just how illegitimate his presidency is.

Will Trump Keep Pushing Putin’s Lies About Attacking America? article from The Daily Beast. –

Of course he will – the only thing our Liar and Thief knows how to do is lie his ass off repeatedly and he’s incapable of ever telling the truth.

Mueller’s New Indictment of the Russian Hackers Is Full of Clues About Connections to Trump World article from Slate. –

Our dimwitted dip shit’s delusions of ‘witch hunt’ are full of holes as mountains of evidence are making it appear that his delusions are pure fodder designed to distract from his momentous guilt.

Mueller Has The Goods – All of the Goods article from Esquire. –

Our feckless fuhrer should start having more meltdowns as it’s becoming more obvious that he is guilty as hell of what he’s being investigated for:

“Goddamn them all.

Goddamn the hackers. Goddamn the journalists who laundered the pilfered material. Goddamn any of them who treated Roger Stone as a source, or as a cute prankster, instead of the nasty vandal he’s always been. Goddamn the pundits who chortled over the pilfered material. Goddamn the politicians who profited from the hacking. Goddamn the politicians who minimized the hacking. Goddamn the politicians who still stonewall about the hacking. Goddamn the “activists” who ranted about “McCarthyism” when anybody pointed out that the 2016 presidential election had been poisoned from afar. Goddamn them all as traitors, if not to the American nation, then to everything that ever made that nation worth the bother.

They conspired, wittingly or unwittingly. They colluded, wittingly or unwittingly. They are accessories, before and after the fact, to the hijacking of a democratic election. So, yes, goddamn them all.

Bob Mueller dropped the first of many shoes on Friday. Rod Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers on charges of helping to ratfck the 2016 presidential election under the noms de ratfck “DCLeaks” and “Guccifer 2.0.” Rosenstein went out of his way to say that no Americans were named in the indictment, so the White House grabbed onto that as though it were the last floating deck chair off the Lusitania. But it is very clear from the indictment that Mueller has the goods, all of the goods, and that nothing is going to slow him down or knock him off pace. (Notice how the indictment details how seriously the Russians took the president* appeal to them to find HRC’s “lost” emails.) The mills of the gods and all that…”

Emboldened by Trump, Proud Boys’ confrontations raise concers in the Northwest article from The Seattle Times. –

Yet another shining example of one of the many detrimental ways our racist Mango Mussolini is infesting this country – and why it needs to be stopped.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 242

The Apprentice from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The fact that it’s time to start recognizing him for what he is and calling it criminal begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* as he lashes out at people picking on his Gestapo personnel in public places because of his crimes and terrorism against migrant children and families, why it’s time for a long hard look at the reason U.S. trust in their government is virtually non-existent, why it’s important to give our feckless fuhrer and his illegitimate Gestapo a taste of their own medicine for supporting terrorism of migrant children and all the other massive crimes he keeps committing, our illegitimate president’s* Russia scandal is about to get a lot more interesting, Trump’s totalitarian tendencies are pissing a lot of people off, with the Courts and Institutions failing us by enabling the corruption of our mendacious Mango Mussolini it has become glaringly evident that stopping it is up to us and so much more.

This Is Just the Beginning article from Splinter News. –

When people like our demented delinquent who wield great power – albeit illegitimately – get a taste of what having great power wielded against them feels like, especially when it’s because of the crimes against humanity they’ve committed, including terrorizing migrant children, they have absolutely no ground to stand on and complain about it.

The Orange Elephant in the Room article from Medium. –

Why it’s time for a long hard look at the reason U.S. trust in their government is virtually non-existent, our national embarrassment and those that support him and do something about it.

Donald Trump is the most un-American president in living memory article from The Guardian. –

How our dimwitted dip shit has surrendered U.S. values with his words, thoughts and actions on immigration by terrorizing children and destroying families.

A Short List of Giant Failures Brought to America by Donald Trump article from Alternet. –

The lies by America’s worst-ever president* about how he alone can fix things are becoming painfully evident:

“The core concept that Donald Trump sold to his supporters was this: I alone. As in “I alone can do it.” Trump campaigned on the idea that any effort to conduct nuanced and detailed policy made for a “weak” position. Instead, everything should be trusted to Trump. Because, as stated by Trump and cataloged by the Washington Post, Trump knows more about just about everything than “anyone else on Earth” including trade, infrastructure, defense, immigration, and the economy. What better thing to do than anoint the guy who knows more about war than the generals and more about science than the scientists and more about money than the bankers to solve all America’s issues?

Trump has maintained this position since taking office, insisting that he doesn’t need to prepare for meetings, or delve into details of policies. All that matters is the “one-on-one” of his relationships with other leaders and those big, simple themes. That, and his “very good genes.”

So … why is it all going so badly? Here’s a very short list of some very large things that are going very wrong under Donald Trump.

There’s no other area in which Trump’s destructive, selfish, and stubbornly unprepared actions have brought on disaster like the area of foreign policy. By insisting that everything can be handled in the same way as he might negotiate the sale of a condo, Trump has wrecked relationships between the United States and our closest, most consistent allies. His ugly treatment of both Canada and the U.K., and his eager embrace of dictators from China, Russia, and North Korea show clearly that Trump will take a murderous autocrat who flatters him ahead of a democratic leader who tries to correct Trump’s misconceptions…”

There’s Nothing Wrong With Treating an Asshole Like an Asshole article from The Root. –

Why it’s important to give our feckless fuhrer and his illegitimate Gestapo a taste of their own medicine for supporting his terrorism of migrant children and all the other massive crimes he keeps committing.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 241

So bad at being president from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how his advisers ‘lied through their teeth’ when testifying about all the Russian contacts in his ongoing Russia scandal in their efforts to hide his treasonous actions, our feckless fuhrer is busily trying to find more ways to terrorize children and destroy families while lying repeatedly about immigration, kidnapping them to force their parents to agree to deportation are part of Trump’s inflammatory authoritarianism delusions, it only took a year and a half but the majority of Americans are beginning to realize the full extent of what they did to themselves in November 2016 after witnessing the continual implosion of Trump’s failed reality show presidency, Trump’s Twitter tirade about deporting immigrants without due process again revealed his despotic delusions of grandeur and much more.

Key Democrat: Trump advisers ‘lied through their teeth’ when testifying about Russia contacts article from Yahoo! News. –

Which really shouldn’t surprise anyone since all our dimwitted dip shit does is lie all the time about everything to distract and avoid accountability for his treasonous actions.

White House incompetence laid bare by immigration fiasco article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Actually the incompetence of America’s most corrupt-ever president* has been obvious since he was ‘elected,’ his terrorizing immigrants only shows another side of his racism and stupidity.

Trump Said There’s No More Nuclear Threat from North Korea – But the White House Just Admitted That Was a Lie article from Alternet. –

More on our Liar and Thief’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with North Korea and the resulting lies that, once again, were revealed for what they are in all their glory.

This Is What Trump Is Doing to Innocent Migrant Parents And Children article from PoliticusUSA. –

One example of the terrorism Trump and his ICE Gestapo are perpetrating against defenseless migrant children and their families:

“Watch the traumatic reunion of a mother and seven-year-old boy who were separated for more than a month, because Trump and the Republicans thought it was going to make Democrats pay for his wall.


Guatemalan asylum seeker Beata Mejia Mejia was reunited with her 7 year-old son Darwin on Thursday more than a month after he was taken away by immigration authorities after they crossed the southern border. Mejia-Mejia and her son had an emotional reunion near Baltimore after the Justice Department agreed to release Darwin. Mejia-Mejia is suing several government agencies over the detention of her son. The Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance” policy led to more than 2,300 migrant children being separated from parents in recent weeks, but the order to separate parents from their children was rescinded following a national outcry…”

Trump Is Trying to Find a Legal Way to Lock Up Even More Immigrant Families article from Mother Jones. –

Our feckless fuhrer is trying to find more ways to terrorize migrant children and destroy families while lying repeatedly about immigration to justify his criminal actions.

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