Tag Archives: Trump’s Fatally-Flawed Personality

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 241

So bad at being president from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with how his advisers ‘lied through their teeth’ when testifying about all the Russian contacts in his ongoing Russia scandal in their efforts to hide his treasonous actions, our feckless fuhrer is busily trying to find more ways to terrorize children and destroy families while lying repeatedly about immigration, kidnapping them to force their parents to agree to deportation are part of Trump’s inflammatory authoritarianism delusions, it only took a year and a half but the majority of Americans are beginning to realize the full extent of what they did to themselves in November 2016 after witnessing the continual implosion of Trump’s failed reality show presidency, Trump’s Twitter tirade about deporting immigrants without due process again revealed his despotic delusions of grandeur and much more.

Key Democrat: Trump advisers ‘lied through their teeth’ when testifying about Russia contacts article from Yahoo! News. –

Which really shouldn’t surprise anyone since all our dimwitted dip shit does is lie all the time about everything to distract and avoid accountability for his treasonous actions.

White House incompetence laid bare by immigration fiasco article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Actually the incompetence of America’s most corrupt-ever president* has been obvious since he was ‘elected,’ his terrorizing immigrants only shows another side of his racism and stupidity.

Trump Said There’s No More Nuclear Threat from North Korea – But the White House Just Admitted That Was a Lie article from Alternet. –

More on our Liar and Thief’s farcical ‘historic summit’ with North Korea and the resulting lies that, once again, were revealed for what they are in all their glory.

This Is What Trump Is Doing to Innocent Migrant Parents And Children article from PoliticusUSA. –

One example of the terrorism Trump and his ICE Gestapo are perpetrating against defenseless migrant children and their families:

“Watch the traumatic reunion of a mother and seven-year-old boy who were separated for more than a month, because Trump and the Republicans thought it was going to make Democrats pay for his wall.


Guatemalan asylum seeker Beata Mejia Mejia was reunited with her 7 year-old son Darwin on Thursday more than a month after he was taken away by immigration authorities after they crossed the southern border. Mejia-Mejia and her son had an emotional reunion near Baltimore after the Justice Department agreed to release Darwin. Mejia-Mejia is suing several government agencies over the detention of her son. The Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance” policy led to more than 2,300 migrant children being separated from parents in recent weeks, but the order to separate parents from their children was rescinded following a national outcry…”

Trump Is Trying to Find a Legal Way to Lock Up Even More Immigrant Families article from Mother Jones. –

Our feckless fuhrer is trying to find more ways to terrorize migrant children and destroy families while lying repeatedly about immigration to justify his criminal actions.

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