When CA Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and his staff created a fraudulent memo – apparently in collusion with President* Donald J. Trump who has repeatedly obstructed Justice since being ‘elected’ – in efforts to ‘vindicate’ Trump in his ongoing Russia scandal and put an end to it while trying to provide cover for Trump to fire the Director of the FBI, it raises a lot of questions.
Nunes – who has since started his own fake news site – started leaking information on his ‘memo’ to Fox faux news who in turn ‘reported’ about it while trying to create a scandal that didn’t exist and pushed for the release of it, aided by millions of bots that are alleged to be of Russian origin that promulgated their fake news on Twitter, Facebook and a host of other right-wing ‘News’ sites and social media platforms to try and deflect from Trump’s failed attempts to shut down the multitude of scandals currently burning down the walls of his imploding White House. Nunes’ attempts to help Trump backfired spectacularly.
But the depths of unbridled idiocies from Trump and Nunes didn’t stop there.
Unsatisfied with one round of fake news over the dud he called a memo, despite the continuing fallout from it, Nunes created two more fake news stories that have also been repeatedly proved as nothing but fraudulent attempts to exonerate his leader. So far Trump and his propagandists are 0-for-3 in trying to kill investigations into his ongoing Russia scandal, but Nunes has hinted that he may have 5 more memos to release. It’s unknown if Trump ever colluded with Russia to be elected, but his many Obstructions of Justice are glaringly evident.