Tag Archives: Our Numb Nutted Nimrod

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 219

Trump dangerous imbecile thinks he’s a genius from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The many self-inflicted crises rushing the impending implosion of our malevolent minority-elect president*s disastrous tenure in the past week alone begins today’s misadventures, even his wag the dog moment in illegally bombing Syria isn’t going to save our nefarious narcissist’s profoundly corrupt, idiotic Orange ass, Trump keeps fuming but hasn’t blown so it remains to be seen how much more rope he’ll need to hang himself, Comey confirms our demented delinquent is unfit for office and a total liar in addition to numerous other tidbits – many of which were already known, still trying to figure out what exactly was accomplished by illegally bombing Syria, reality clashes with Trump’s land of delusion – which has got to drive him crazy, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s delusions of grandeur have made it obvious it’s time for him to go, Trump’s illegal attack on Syria was a bigger crime than that he accused Assad of and much more.

Week 74: Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you’ll remember article from Medium. –

The many corrupt faux pas that defined our dimwitted dip shit’s 74th week in his soon-to-be-over disastrous presidency.


Creating secret legal justification to commit illegal war crimes is unacceptable and Congress – and We the People – really needs to do something about that.

Donald Trump Goes to War article from The Daily Beast. –

More on America’s most corrupt-ever president’s* wag the dog moment in bombing Syria to serve as a distraction from his failed presidency.

Unfit to Command article from The Atlantic. –

Even his wag the dog moment isn’t going to save our nefarious narcissist’s corrupt Orange ass because he’s too mentally unfit:

“The weekend news from Washington featured two story lines: the U.S.-led coalition missile strikes against Syrian government forces, and President Trump’s most extreme Twitter meltdown to date. The question for all the world to worry over: How closely are these two story lines interconnected? How and to what extent is the president’s increasingly extreme mental state obtruding on the national security of the United States?

The most important business of the day on Friday, April 13, was to sign off on that night’s planned missile strike against government forces in Syria. The decision was a heavy one, involving risks of conflict with Russia and Iran. It also sharply reversed Trump’s public statements only nine days before that the U.S. would be ending its Syria role soon.

And yet that’s not where Trump’s brain was. Starting at 8 am that day and continuing into the afternoon, the president erupted in a sequence of rage tweets against former FBI director James Corey, demanding that he be prosecuted, calling him as a “slime ball,” and congratulating himself for firing Comey.

Yet when the president stepped before the TV cameras at 8 p.m. to announce the strikes, most pundits and most politicians temporarily disregarded that same-day evidence of the president’s agitated mental state. The impulse to rally around the flag seized American elites, even many Trump critics, who saluted the president’s leadership. The strong dormant desire to discover some normality in this most abnormal administration reasserted itself. As happened the last time he launched missiles into Syria, almost exactly a year before, Trump went to bed that night to praise that he had proven himself presidential…”

Week 47: Mount Trump Fumes but Doesn’t Blow article from Politico. –

Trump hasn’t tried to have Mueller or Rosenstein fired yet – though he can’t legally fire Mueller – but it remains to be seen if he eventually gets enough rope to hang himself.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 218

Trump Public Service Reminder from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with his hometown newspaper publishing a picture with the caption ‘Pee Brain’ as his melt down over former FBI Director James Comey’s book begins, a large majority of Americans aren’t buying our dimwitted dip shit’s lies about Mueller and want him to be allowed to finish his ongoing investigations, once again our dysfunctional dumb ass decided to commit more war crimes by bombing Syria in retaliation of unsubstantiated accusations of gas attacks with no evidence whatsoever, war crimes and pardons are the reflection of a felonious fake president trying to distract from his impending implosion, the multitude of lies being used to justify committing more war crimes, trying to act presidential while committing more war crimes will not work in saving Trump plus a lot more.

Donald Trump’s Hometown Newspaper Just Burned Him With A Savage Nickname article from The Huffington Post. –

His home town newspaper gives our malignant minority-elect president* a new nickname – Pee Brain.

Majorities back investigations of Trump from Russia to alleged hush money (POLL) article from Good Morning America on Yahoo! News. –

By more than 2 to 1 margins Americans want to get to the truth about Trump’s criminal endeavors, which speaks volumes about how ‘popular’ Trump is.

The Most Important News out of Jim Comey’s Explosive New Book article from Mother Jones. –

There are a lot more revelations about our dimwitted dip shit than golden showers and little hands…

American mainstream rejects Trump’s condemnation of Mueller probe article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

More on how the majority of Americans aren’t buying Trump’s demonization of Mueller over his Russia scandal and criminal investigations and actually believes he needs to be allowed to complete them:

“At a certain level, public-opinion polls on federal criminal investigations seem unimportant. After all, law-enforcement officials are not politicians, and while they serve the public’s interests, they also have a job to do that has little to do with popular will.

That said, I tend to keep an eye on polling related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, not because public attitudes should shape the direction of the investigation, but because I’m interested in whether the Republican campaign to undermine public confidence in the probe is working.

Donald Trump, for example, has characterized the investigation itself as “illegal” and “corrupt.” His allies in Congress and conservative media have mounted a spirited campaign against Mueller, the FBI, and the Justice Department, which collectively have become a bete noire for the right.

The American mainstream isn’t buying it…”

Trump ‘pee tape’ alibi contradicted by testimony of his personal bodyguard article from Think Progress. –

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 216

Trump – J stands for genius photo from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with our pussy grabbing predator’s guide to sexual assault awareness month, a look at the damage being done to this country by our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator as Democracy spirals downward towards despotism, our Twitter tyrant’s latest distractions aren’t working, stupid is going to hurt as our dimwitted dip shit keeps taking advice from his Ministry of Propaganda, the number of crimes committed by our numb nutted nimrod since taking office continue climbing, Holocaust survivor compares Trump to Nazi Germany, Trump’s fraudulent tax reform will implode the U.S. economy, America’s most corrupt-ever president* explodes after his lawyer is busted – for obvious reasons and a lot more.

Donald Trump’s Guide To Sexual Assault Awareness Month. article from Extra Newsfeed. –

The never-ending irony of our pussy grabbing president’s proclamation of sexual assault awareness month.

Dissatisfied with Americans’ attitudes, Trump picks his own approval rating article from Rachel Maddown on MSNBC. –

Our fake president* was so tired of being the least popular leader in U.S. history that he decided to create his own delusional approval rating.

America’s Descent Into Despotism article from CounterPunch. –

On the damage being done to this country by our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator and the moronic minority of minions that support his profoundly corrupt and ignorant ass.

Exposing Trump’s Border Lies: A Checklist article from The Daily Beast. –

The delusions behind all of Trump’s Border Wall fantasies are endless, and his claims about why he wants to build it and send the military there are all lies:

“CALI, Colombia—President Donald Trump issued a flurry of bewildering statements over the last week concerning immigration and an alleged “point of crisis” along the U.S. border with Mexico. The upshot of all this is that POTUS wants soldiers to defend the southern frontier, at least until his ever-loving wall—which he also claimed is under construction—can be completed.

“We’re going to be doing things militarily,” Trump said on Tuesday. “Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military.”

Trump’s decision to deploy thousands of troops to the border, which is already heavily patrolled by state and Federal agents, drew a swift rebuke from the Mexican senate. In a unanimous vote, lawmakers urged an end to all bilateral security cooperation. There hasn’t been a cooperation breakdown like that between the U.S. and Mexico since the days of Pancho Villa, and such a move would be an unprecedented disaster for anti-cartel and drug interdiction efforts.

But what of the reasons cited for this mass mobilization across four southwestern states? Given the costs to taxpayers, the danger of angering one of our most important trading and security partners, and the sacrifices that will have to be made by both the troops and their families, one would expect a sitting U.S. president might only move to militarize our border due to some “clear and present danger” that required it…”

Over one year into his presidency Trump blames Obama for latest Syria gas attack in Twitter blitz article from The Raw Story. –

Our Twitter tyrant is busily distracting from his endless cesspools of corruption with his delusional Twitter rants – which, contrary to his ignorant beliefs, don’t work.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 213

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Pondering whether or not his voters and supporters even care that he’s a criminal begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president*, our national embarrassment’s despotic delusions of grandeur in demanding loyalty to himself above everything else is dangerous and will cost him dearly, lying outright about his border wall that he can’t seem to find funds for, Sinclair Broadcasting reveals itself as another arm of Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda to deceive the public about his profoundly corrupt incompetence – which is his greatest political liability, Trump’s tariff war is beginning to show signs of backfiring spectacularly, our Liar-in-Chief’s plot to privatize the VA is becoming blatantly obvious and much more.

Do Trump’s voters Even Care If the President Is a Criminal? article from Alternet. –

Examining the psychology of the minority that are still faithful to the criminal they voted for and support regardless of facts and the truth.

Rachel Maddow Just Sent Waves Of Terror Through The White House On Russia article from PoliticusUSA. –

Our national embarrassment is going to be freaking out as his Russia scandal continues taking his failed presidency down the drain.

King Donald rewards loyal courtiers – and other are beheaded by tweet article from Salon. –

How Trump’s despotic delusions of grandeur are dangerous to this country since he demands loyalty to himself above everything else.


If this is an example of hiring only the best with his delusional little genius brain, Trump has some serious problems:

“Many lawyers and top law firms want to represent me in the Russia case,” Donald Trump bragged on Twitter over the weekend. “Don’t believe the Fake News narrative that it is hard to find a lawyer who wants to take this on.” Yet as with the vast majority of presidential tweets, this one coincided with a news cycle demonstrating just the opposite: hours later, the White House announced that attorneys Joseph diGenova and Victoria Toensing would no longer be joining the president’s legal defense. Trump has struggled to fill his rapidly shrinking bench since the departure of his lead personal attorney, John Dowd, last week—at least two lawyers, Tom Buchanan and Dan Webb, have turned down the job—necessitating the sudden promotion of a character as eccentric as he seems unqualified: former prosecutor and medieval historian Andrew Ekonomou.

Left running what has largely become a one-man show, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow announced this week that Ekonomou, who has worked on the Trump-Russia probe since June, will take on a more prominent role. Like much of the rest of the president’s legal team, however, Ekonomou lacks any experience relevant to the case. According to Reuters, he works under contract as an assistant district attorney in Brunswick, Georgia. He entered Trumpworld through his relationship with Sekulow, whom he worked with through Sekulow’s role as general counsel for conservative nonprofit the American Center for Law and Justice. (Sekulow has characterized Ekonomou as a “brilliant strategist.”) In his role, Ekonomou was apparently tasked with, among other things, dispatching a vaguely menacing letter to the son of a widow who became upset when Sekulow addressed an aggressive fund-raising request to her dead husband. (At the time, Sekulow said he was sorry and that the incident had been a “misunderstanding.”)

After studying law, Ekonomou suffered what he characterized as a “mid-life crisis” and returned to school to earn his doctorate in medieval history, with a minor in “Church History from Late Antiquity through the High Middle Ages”; he has since authored a book on Byzantine Rome and the Greek popes. Per Talking Points Memo, his law firm, Ekonomou Atkinson & Lambros, specializes in “bringing civil and criminal forfeiture proceedings against convenience store owners accused of running video poker machines.” Ekonomou and one of his partners ended up getting so rich off this line of work that they drew the attention of state authorities, who found they were working on contingency, earning a percentage of the assets from each store they busted. (Georgia passed a law in 2012 preventing such arrangements.)

Arguably little in Trump’s legal team’s background prepares it for the task ahead—a fact that Bob Bauer, who served as White House counsel under Barack Obama, told me should be deeply concerning to the president. “You wouldn’t go to an ear and nose and throat specialist to perform heart surgery,” he said. “It is an odd notion that you just reach out and recruit lawyers that you are personally comfortable with . . . rather than select the people that have the experience and the training to address the very specific problem that you face.” Ekonomou told Reuters that he “prosecutes a lot of murders for the D.A.” and “That’s basically it. Nothing earthshaking.” But when pressed, he dismissed the idea that he is out of his depth. “I’ve been tested plenty of times,” he said. “Just because you’re not a Beltway lawyer doesn’t mean you don’t know what you’re doing.”…”

Roseanne tweets ‘NAZI SALUTE’ to Parkland survivor, gets a call from a ratings-obsessed Trump article from The Daily Kos. –

ABC may have made a yuge mistake by putting a moronic Trump supporter back in prime time…

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 212

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malignant minority-elect president* begin with an examination of the extremely corrupt cabal he calls his cabinet and the price U.S. taxpayers are paying for it, the dubious details of Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam are becoming abundantly clear, follow the money and it will tell you all you need to know about Trump’s Russia scandal, our Twitter tyrant hasn’t tweeted about his latest sex scandals because his nuts are in a grinder and he knows he’s totally screwed, It appears Trump distractions could be in preparation of granting pardons to some of his former cabal members in an effort to further admit his guilt in his ongoing criminal investigations, how pardoning former staffers involved in his Russia investigations could easily add to more obstruction of justice charges against him, in cementing his place in history as America’s worst president* Trump has proved to be like a cancer that keeps metastasizing and destroying everything it touches and much more.

A Cabinet of Conspicuous Corruption article from The Atlantic. –

A look at the extremely corrupt cabal America’s worst-ever president* calls his cabinet and the price we as U.S. taxpayers are paying for it.

Trump doesn’t take anyone’s advice but his own, and now it’s coming back to bite him in the Russia probe article from Business Insider. –

For someone who delusionally claims to have a genius brain, our numb nutted nit wit is profoundly stupid.


When you can’t coerce Mexico or U.S. taxpayers to finance your racist fairy tale wall, trying tricking the U.S. Military into paying for it…

While Workers Get Crumbs, GOP Tax Scam Analysis Details $25 Billion ‘Bonanza’ for Big Oil article from Common Dreams. –

The dubious details of Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam are becoming abundantly clear:

“The oil and gas industry benefited to the tune of billions of dollars from the Trump tax cut bill… And you didn’t.”

That’s how the Center for Biological Diversity responded to a new analysis published Tuesday, which shows how the fossil fuel industry has saved $25 billion so far—”with many more billionaires more to come”—from the Republican tax plan signed by President Donald Trump in December.

Antonia Juhasz at Pacific Standard reviewed 2017 Securities and Exchange Commission filings by 17 American oil and gas companies, “looking at the largest companies in production, refining, and pipelines that also clearly specified the impacts of the Tax Act in their result.”

Confirming reports that the new tax code has “supercharged the oil industry,” she found that “it is the oil and gas industry, including companies that backed the presidency of Trump and whose former executives and current boosters now populate it, that are among the tax bill’s largest and most long-lasting financial beneficiaries.”…”

Abbreviated pundit roundup: Trump and his brand are a huge liability for the GOP article from The Daily Kos. –

Trump’s toxic corrupted stupidity is going to bury any Republican that is foolish enough to still support him.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 210

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Testimony from a witness in his ongoing Russia scandal revealing what amounts to bribes being accepted by his administration under the guise of fundraising begins today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president*, the treason and treachery of our national embarrassment and the irony of his bitching about ethics when he has none himself, Trump’s legal woes coupled with his preference for surrounding himself with propagandistic shysters while being unable to keep a lead personal lawyer is going to haunt him, any time a fake president* rages about fake news while doing nothing but spewing fake news it’s a pretty sure bet the news he’s bitching about is indeed real, Trump can’t seem to figure out why no one is bowing down to their King and giving him everything his fraudulent little heart desires, Moscow Project from the Center for American Progress reveals the depths of the House GOP Intelligence Committee’s collusion with Trump during its alleged Russia investigation, the hazards of being a pathological liar that lives in his own delusional alternate reality are coming back to haunt our lackluster lame duck president*, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda is now taking over the White House and a lot more.

Rachel Maddow Reveals That Mueller Could Bust Trump For Accepting Foreign Government Payoffs article from PoliticusUSA. –

A witness in Trump’s ongoing Russia scandal made it clear that the Trump administration, under the guise of a fundraiser, accepted money from foreign governments which is illegal.

Treason or Treachery: Trump’s Legal Troubles Are Heading into Court and Could Backfire in Spectacular Ways article from Alternet. –

There is no way in hell our national embarrassment is going to be able to finagle his treacherous ass out of the myriad of scandals that are imploding his failed, illegitimate presidency.

Now we know who Trump really is article from Salon. –

It’s comical hearing Trump talk about ethics and such when he possesses none of those qualities himself.

Trump can stop the ‘witch hunt’ – by proving he’s not a witch article from The Chicago Tribune. –

Always bitching about the ‘witch hunt’ but never proving otherwise – primarily because he can’t:

“The week began, as so many do, with President Donald Trump using Twitter to voice his disdain for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between Russia and Trump’s campaign: “A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!”

That was, according to trumptwitterarchive.com, a website that allows you to search all of Trump’s tweets, the 26th time the president has tweeted the term “Witch Hunt” in relation to the Russia investigation.

Clearly, our very calm president is bothered by Mueller’s investigation, which might explain why he keeps denouncing the FBI, the Department of Justice, Mueller, his own attorney general, the media, anyone who disagrees with him, and, I would guess, the dictionary for having the gall to include the word “collusion” on its pages.

It’s all a witch hunt, you see. And that could be a good way for Trump to explain away the Mueller investigation, were it not for all the witches that keep getting caught…”

Trump is finally getting a taste of accountability. And it’s driving him nuts article from The Week. –

The one thing – aside from truth and fact – our dimwitted dip shit can’t handle is being held accountable for his actions.

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