Tag Archives: Pussy Grabbing Predator

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 216

Trump – J stands for genius photo from Pinterest

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with our pussy grabbing predator’s guide to sexual assault awareness month, a look at the damage being done to this country by our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator as Democracy spirals downward towards despotism, our Twitter tyrant’s latest distractions aren’t working, stupid is going to hurt as our dimwitted dip shit keeps taking advice from his Ministry of Propaganda, the number of crimes committed by our numb nutted nimrod since taking office continue climbing, Holocaust survivor compares Trump to Nazi Germany, Trump’s fraudulent tax reform will implode the U.S. economy, America’s most corrupt-ever president* explodes after his lawyer is busted – for obvious reasons and a lot more.

Donald Trump’s Guide To Sexual Assault Awareness Month. article from Extra Newsfeed. –

The never-ending irony of our pussy grabbing president’s proclamation of sexual assault awareness month.

Dissatisfied with Americans’ attitudes, Trump picks his own approval rating article from Rachel Maddown on MSNBC. –

Our fake president* was so tired of being the least popular leader in U.S. history that he decided to create his own delusional approval rating.

America’s Descent Into Despotism article from CounterPunch. –

On the damage being done to this country by our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator and the moronic minority of minions that support his profoundly corrupt and ignorant ass.

Exposing Trump’s Border Lies: A Checklist article from The Daily Beast. –

The delusions behind all of Trump’s Border Wall fantasies are endless, and his claims about why he wants to build it and send the military there are all lies:

“CALI, Colombia—President Donald Trump issued a flurry of bewildering statements over the last week concerning immigration and an alleged “point of crisis” along the U.S. border with Mexico. The upshot of all this is that POTUS wants soldiers to defend the southern frontier, at least until his ever-loving wall—which he also claimed is under construction—can be completed.

“We’re going to be doing things militarily,” Trump said on Tuesday. “Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military.”

Trump’s decision to deploy thousands of troops to the border, which is already heavily patrolled by state and Federal agents, drew a swift rebuke from the Mexican senate. In a unanimous vote, lawmakers urged an end to all bilateral security cooperation. There hasn’t been a cooperation breakdown like that between the U.S. and Mexico since the days of Pancho Villa, and such a move would be an unprecedented disaster for anti-cartel and drug interdiction efforts.

But what of the reasons cited for this mass mobilization across four southwestern states? Given the costs to taxpayers, the danger of angering one of our most important trading and security partners, and the sacrifices that will have to be made by both the troops and their families, one would expect a sitting U.S. president might only move to militarize our border due to some “clear and present danger” that required it…”

Over one year into his presidency Trump blames Obama for latest Syria gas attack in Twitter blitz article from The Raw Story. –

Our Twitter tyrant is busily distracting from his endless cesspools of corruption with his delusional Twitter rants – which, contrary to his ignorant beliefs, don’t work.

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