Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with the damage being done to his businesses as his corruption scandals continue tanking his already failing presidency, the many reasons why Trump is going down and will not recover from the endless cesspool of corruption that is his illegitimate presidency, echoing Nixon by abusing the power of his office to take down personal enemies is going to prove disastrous for our dimwitted dip shit, record-setting $178 billion stock buyback boom offers yet more evidence that Trump’s tax reform plan was nothing but a fraudulent scam, how our big Orange turd ball’s ignorant tweets are going to come back and bite him in the ass, using a conspiracy theory of someone spying on his campaign as a distraction won’t bode well for our demented delusionist, our national embarrassment’s lifetime of profound corruption coupled with the fact that his profoundly ignorant ass is in the White House is this country’s biggest scandal and a lot more.
Donald Trump’s Business Empire Is No Longer Growing article from Mother Jones. –
The damage being done to our impotent imbecile’s businesses is becoming noticeable as his profound corruption continues imploding his already failed presidency.
How Trump Assaults the Very Language of American Democracy with Every Word He Utters article from Alternet. –
Having an illegitimate, Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator in the White House who is highly illiterate is sad but extremely entertaining.
Trump’s latest ‘Watergate’ appears to be as misguided as his others article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
America’s worst-ever president* is starting to lose what little is left of his demented mind as the pressure from his corruption scandals continue so he’s desperately creating distractions – and failing miserably.
The mind-boggling corruption of Trump Inc. article from The Week. –
America’s most corrupt-ever president* is drowning in his own self-inflicted cesspool of corruption that just keeps growing exponentially:
“Another week in the Donald Trump presidency, another handful of days so stuffed full of sordid and highly complicated stories that even journalists have trouble keeping track of what’s going on.
But the thread tying all the latest news together — from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s sundry exploits, to Trump’s ongoing presidential profiteering, to the Russia investigation — is corruption. The Trump administration will surely go down as one of the most — if not the most — rotten in American history.
Let’s roll this most recent bit of tape. Ronan Farrow, who has become one of the signature investigative reporters of the Trump presidency, revealed at The New Yorker why somebody leaked the notorious financial reports of Michael Cohen showing that he had been given fantastically large sums of money from AT&T, Novartis, and a Russian oligarch-connected LLC. This information came from a “suspicious activity report” (SAR), which is something a bank files with the Treasury Department when they suspect something fishy is going on with a customer.
It turns out the source is a law enforcement official, and he released the SAR after he discovered that two more SARs detailing $3 million of additional similar transactions had somehow vanished from the Treasury Department’s database. The source told Farrow that he feared that someone within Treasury was withholding the documents for political reasons, and thus released the one he had…”
Trump is ‘going down’ – and here are all the reasons why article from The Raw Story. –
Because his entire illegitimate, fake presidency is nothing but felonies, fraud and lies that are profoundly compounded by stupidity and endless corruption.