Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump like a diaper from Interest
We begin today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* with his delusional definition of winning compared to that of most of the country that still can’t stand him, Trump’s Russia and corruption scandal investigations are going to prove extremely entertaining before the 2018 midterm’s and there will be hell to pay, how a flawed nondisclosure agreement coupled with hush money could be the end of our pussy grabbing president*, instead of impeaching our demented delusionist, Congress and the public should focus on indicting him for his high crimes and misdemeanors, more of the lies about Trump’s fraudulent tax reform scam are making themselves known, when you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance you baffle them with your bullshit, bully people, make false accusations, lie continuously and hope your idiotic supporters don’t know any better, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator show his true Sociopathic colors and a lot more.
Tired of winning yet? You’re not alone. article from Yahoo! News. –
Our national embarrassment’s definition of winning is extremely different than that of most people who still can’t stand him.
Former WH lawyer: ‘people are starting to realize this administration has been corrupt from day one’ article from The Daily Kos. –
Anyone familiar with our dimwitted dip shit’s past business dealings and crimes has been well aware that his illegitimate presidency has been corrupt from day one.
Trump Is Sweating Bullets As Mueller Probes Russians Funneling Money To His Campaign article from PoliticusUSA. –
Follow the money in our fraudulent Orange con man’s businesses and presidential campaign and you’ll see a lot of interesting things…
Why Mueller’s Move on Trump Is the Beginning of the Endgame article from Alternet. –
Trump’s Russia scandal is going to play a big role in the 2018 midterms as more revelations of his profound corruption come to light:
“With the Washington Post’s revelation that President Trump is not the “subject” of criminal investigation, special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s strategy for completing his probe is coming into view.
Mueller has pinned down Trump with two grand juries, issuing a wide net of indictments on diverse charges that have kept the president off-balance. The sentencing of Alex van der Zwaan, a Dutch lawyer working for indicted Trump aide Rick Gates, underscored a message for the president: those who lie to investigators face swift consequences.
What has seemed like an interminable inquiry now looks like it will terminate in a one-two punch: an interview with Trump followed by a report on the question of obstruction of justice.
All of this may well happen before the 2018 midterm elections…”
Trump claims his favorite conspiracy theory is ‘not a conspiracy theory’ article from Think Progress. –
Actually it is a conspiracy theory… it’s just that Trump can’t handle the fact the he is indeed an illegitimate president* who lost the popular vote bigly…