Tag Archives: Alternative Facts

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 68

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Trump’s White House tries clearing up our illegitimate leader’s N. Korea ‘armada’ faux pas, whining about negative news coverage – when he brings it all upon himself, the fact that Trump is President is reason enough NOT to go to war with North Korea, Trump’s deep swamp – which in one of the most corrupt in history, why we need to know more about Trump’s relationship to another war criminal and how it shapes his foreign policy, Trump’s 100-day report card is coming – and it’s not good, Trump’s chronic low approval rating, Trump’s ‘buy American’ executive order applies to everyone but him, the White House’s game on Russia exposed in all its deceptive glory, major chemical company lobbying Trump and his duplicitous swamp to hide the effects of their product from the public, contradicting – albeit probably lying as usual – his State Department over the Iranian nuclear ‘deal,’ the Trump cabal has its own weekly far-right bible study group, TrumpCare 3.0 – which the White House is trying to shove down everyone’s throats – is even worse than its predecessors, Trump’s fraudulent Syrian gas attack fairy tale fueled by George W. Bush’s fraudulent Iraq playbook and more.

US tries to clear waters after N. Korea ‘armada’ confusion article from The AFP on Yahoo! News. –

University Is Allowing Painting of Trump With a Severed Head to Hang in Gallery article from The Independent Journal Review. –

Honeymoon from Hell: The Liberal Media vs. President Trump article from News Busters. –

Some complain that evening news coverage of Trump are reportedly over 90% negative. Maybe that’s because he’s such a moron?

Trump is president. That’s reason enough not to go to war with North Korea article from The Guardian. –

“Famous quotes sometimes become clichés that insult one’s intelligence. Consider, for example, the oft-cited phrase “Know your enemy, and know yourself,” from the 5th century BCE Chinese general Sunzi. How can ignorance about one’s own ability and capabilities, and the enemy’s, be anything but harmful?

Fast forward 2,500 years, to an April 17 interview on Fox, when US President Donald Trump twice referenced “this gentleman” in North Korea, who “outplayed” Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama – to explain that he, Trump, would not be fooled. The problem, however, is Trump didn’t seem to understand that the “gentleman” Kim Jong Il, who frustrated Trump predecessors, died in December 2011, and therefore no longer rules North Korea.

After weeks of provocative language from Pyongyang and Washington, the two sides are dangerously close to conflict – and Trump doesn’t seem to understand who leads the country he might attack.

Managing North Korea has been an almost uniquely difficult problem for US presidents. And the three generations of Kims who have ruled the nation since its founding in 1948 – Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un – have shown an almost unique willingness to endanger and sacrifice the lives of North Korea’s people for their own enrichment and security, weakening American-led effects to sanction and isolate the country…”

Trump’s Deep Swamp article from Information Clearing House. –

Our Liar-in-Chief has built himself quite a corrupt cabal.

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 67

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

One of many possible reasons Trump is trying to avoid paying his own taxes by mucking up the IRS, the ignorant hypocrisy over Trump’s claims to care about children in other countries, more on Trump’s unraveling Syrian gas attack fairy tale, pushing another dubious ‘executive order’ allegedly aimed at buying American while hiring Americans, still scrambling to justify his fraudulent Obama wiretapping claims, another broken Trump promise – this time involving a DREAMer, the continuing fallout from Trump and Nunes’s fake Susan Rice scandal, white supremacist blames Trump for inciting violence at his rallies, Trump and his family looting the U.S. Treasury, allegations that Putin-linked think tank helped Trump win the election, the convenience of appointing an ex-CEO of Exxon as Secretary of State who gets to decide whether a waiver allowing Exxon to bypass U.S. sanctions against Russia to drill offshore with a Russian company in the Black Sea will be granted, shifting his fraudulent vacations – profiting as U.S. taxpayer expense while staying at his own properties – to another Trump property, his record inauguration fundraising – much of which appears to have been used as bribery for our lackluster leader and the GOP establishment – is unaccounted for, Trump’s ethical issues and conflicts of interest are growing exponentially, aided by his absolute disregard for ethics, laws, and rules and more.

Robert Reich: 4 Reasons Trump’s Plan to Shrink the IRS Would Do Big Damage to Society article from AlterNet. –

Trump Has Killed Beautiful Babies in Four Countries article from Information Clearing House. –

How the U.S. Government Spins the Story article from The Unz Review. –

More on Trump’s unraveling Syrian Gas Attack Fairy Tale.

Trump pushes reactionary ‘Buy American, Hire American’ plan article from The World Socialist Web Site. –

“President Trump signed an executive order Tuesday making it more difficult for skilled workers from other countries to obtain temporary work visas in the US. The order also called for a review of trade deals to enforce “Buy American” clauses and mandated government agencies to use American-made steel and other goods in federally funded projects and contracts.

The measures, Trump said, were part of his “Buy American, Hire American” policy, which would “send a powerful signal to the world: We’re going to defend our workers, protect our jobs, and finally put America first.”

Trump’s program of economic nationalism, along with his savage witch-hunting of immigrant workers, is the domestic counterpart to the administration’s ever more violent military provocations around the world. With the support of the trade union bureaucracy, Trump is peddling the lie that foreign workers and “unfair trade deals” with China, Mexico and other countries, not the relentless pursuit of profit by the American ruling class, are the causes for chronic unemployment and stagnant wages.

Aware that American workers are already tired of endless wars and their financial and human cost, the Trump administration is trying to divert social anger outward even as its program of expanding militarism, corporate tax cuts, deregulation and social spending cuts imposes greater hardships and inevitably provokes working class opposition…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 66

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our lackluster leader hiring officials that worked for appointed President George W. Bush – since it worked so well the first time, considering making a deal to appoint another corrupt, alt-right wing U.S. Supreme Court ‘Justice,’ Trump’s deep links to organized crime, the list of lies from our Liar-in-Chief keeps growing, trying to blame his predecessor for his profoundly corrupt ignorance, why Trump is vulnerable to impeachment, our wannabe dictator celebrates Turkey’s dictator, Trump’s do-nothing presidency, Trump’s Obama-bashing hypocrisy, making more baseless promises he won’t be able to keep, emoluments clause violations could haunt our minority-elect President, more on the dipshittery over Trump’s tax returns, refusing to disclose information while shrouding everything in secrecy raises red flags over his treachery and deceptions, Georgia election GOP upset could be the start of something big, the anti-Trump resistance is growing, Ivanka’s corruption and ethics issues reveal she truly is a daddy’s girl, shutting down American-style authoritarianism, despite his constant bashing – and badmouthing – Trump and Obama have a lot in common, the real cost of Trump’s ‘fake news’ accusations and lots more.

President Trump reportedly hiring more officials from the George W. Bush administration article from AOL News. –

What could possibly go wrong?

TOP TRUMP CONFIDANT: Trump should make a deal with Ruth Bader Ginsburg article from The Business Insider. –

One ‘Justice’ appointed by our illegitimate minority-elect President is too many…

Assad Says Videos of Dead Children in Syria Chemical Attack Were Faked article from The New York Times. –

Trump Has Deep Links to Organized Crime: Federal Investigators Know It and the Public Is Catching Up article from AlterNet. –

“As Trump built his empire, he attracted a criminal element whose ties still bind.

As President Trump discovers the prerogative of unilaterally making war, the media gaze has turned away from the ongoing FBI, House and Senate investigation of his Russia ties to the simpler dramas of cruise missiles, big bombs and tough but loose talk on North Korea.

Yet even the “mother of all bombs” cannot obliterate the accumulating body of evidence about his relationship with Russian organized crime figures and the not unrelated question about whether he and his entourage colluded with Russian officials in the 2016 presidential election. The story, notes Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall, is “Hiding in plain sight.”

The evidence of pre-election collusion between Trump and the Russians, while growing, is far from definitive. The evidence on Trump’s organized crime ties is stronger. Says Marshall:

“If we’d never heard about Russian intelligence hacking of the 2016 election or Carter Page or Paul Manafort or Sergei Kislyak this [Trump’s organized crime connections] would seem like an extraordinarily big deal. And indeed it is an extraordinarily big deal.”…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 65

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

More on what appears to have been a staged chemical weapons attack in Syria despite Trump’s duplicitous claims that it was done by the Syrian government, Trump’s popularity hits another new historic low as his ethics issues continue growing exponentially, blaming Trump’s profound failures on Steve Bannon, increasing his unethical, morally challenged cesspool of corruption known as his swamp, majority believe our Liar-in-Chief never keeps his promises, more on Trump’s War Crimes and campaign fraud, one of Trump’s chief propagandists admits that he’s a fake, 120,000 protesters turn out to demand Trump’s taxes, looking past the moronic bluster and profoundly corrupt idiocies of Trump and his illegitimate administration reveals his necessity for dubious secrecy, the convenience of Trump’s disappearing Russia scandal and much more.

MIT expert claims latest chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged article from The International Business Times on Yahoo! News. –

It’s not just the golf: Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ethics mess gets worse article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove of President Trump, a near historic low article from AOL News. –

Trump Just Appointed a Chemical Industry Honcho to Protect Us From Chemicals article from Mother Jones. –

E.J. Dionne: Trump: Now it’s Bannon’s fault article from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch. –

“President Trump rose to power on a combination of meanness, incoherence and falsehoods. His strategy depended almost entirely on playing off the unpopularity and weaknesses of others.

Every aspect of his approach has blown up on him since he took office, but as is always the case with Trump, he will not take any personal responsibility for what’s going wrong. He must find a scapegoat. The latest object of his opprobrium would seem to be Steve Bannon, the chief White House strategist.

But dumping Bannon would only underscore the extent to which Trump is a political weathervane, gyrating wildly with the political winds. He’s “populist” one day, conventionally conservative the next, and centrist the day after that. His implicit response is: Who cares? Let’s just get through another week…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 64

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Today’s misadventures begin with the ineptitude of the Trump White House during the annual Easter egg roll – which it couldn’t do properly, results of Trump’s America first con becoming more evident, Trump lashes out at protesters demanding his taxes, the human cost of Trump’s regulation rollbacks, in typical fashion our Liar-in-Chief’s claims about his executive orders aren’t true, Trump’s growing millennial issues – most view him as illegitimate, another dubious nominee that wants to destroy the agency he would lead, musings over whether or not Trump has a media team, NYT brings in serial misinformer columnist to prop up our War Criminal President and continue pushing Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale and more.

The Trump White House Can’t Even Throw the Easter Egg Roll Properly article from Marie Claire on Yahoo! News. –

As Trump plays the global strongman, what happened to ‘America first’? article from The Guardian. –

As with the rest of his illicit campaign and illegitimate presidency, Trump’s promises of ‘America First’ were nothing but a con.

Trump lashed out after Tax March protest: ‘The election is over!’ article from Yahoo! News. –

Yes Mr. Trump, the election is over and yes, you are the President – albeit it the minority-elect President with no mandate – and you will never live that down…but you still need to release your taxes.

The Human Cost Of Trump’s Rollback On Regulations article from The Huffington Post. –

“The White House seems to measure regulations in terms of dollars and cents. What about lives lost or saved?

WASHINGTON ? If Tom Ward had to die from his work, he’d rather fall off a scaffold than endure the slow death his father did from the debilitating lung disease silicosis.

“I would choose to go much quicker,” he said, “rather than to have my family watch me suffer.”

Ward fears that other workers will face the same suffocating illness as his father, thanks to the regulatory rollback underway by the Trump administration…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 63

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Preparing for the first shocks of Trump’s exploitation of disaster capitalism, our minority-elect President’s delusional dipshittery is proving profitable for Dems, no one has any idea what Trump’s policies are – including Trump, more reports of Trump campaign fraud, sure signs your President is about to launch a nuclear war, ramping up the rhetoric and escalating tensions with North Korea, protesters massing to demand Trump release his tax returns, the demands of a wannabe Dictator when he visits the UK, financial implosion begins as Trump shows his true colors, Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale is falling apart, watching Trump’s endgame with the dangerous out-of-control security state we’ve created to enable endless wars, reality sinks in as Trump turns Clintonian, America has a real problem when its media praises Trump’s Idiocracy instead of calling him out for his war crimes and much more.


Does Trump want to be world’s policeman after all? article from CNN. –

Trump Effect: Dems Shatter Fundraising Records article from NBC News. –


“WELCOME TO THE Age of Trump, where no one has any idea what the policies of the President of the United States are, including the President of the United States.

There has never before been a U.S. president whose stated goals were as simultaneously vague, preposterous, and contradictory.

Nor has there ever been a president who has intermittently taken strong stances that were so directly at odds with his own party’s most fervent dogma and his own appointees.

Nor has there been a president who was as completely uninterested in the basics of politics. It’s as though America is playing in the World Series with a manager who truly doesn’t care about baseball.

What this adds up to is that there’s not a single person who knows exactly what the Trump administration is going to try to do. No one could be surprised if Trump suddenly announced that he wants NASA to send a team to colonize Neptune; that he’s going to lead the team; and that he’s signed a deal with China to personally make $3 billion for the reality show syndication rights…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 62

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Our illegitimate president accused of political blackmail over his fraudulent Obamacare replacement, White House denies it – consider the source – as Syria military claims US airstrike blows up ISIS chemical weapons depot killing ‘hundreds,’ dropping the ‘mother of all bombs’ in Afghanistan easily construed as a crime against humanity by our war criminal President, our pussy-grabbing minority-elect President is shutting down his modeling agency, dubiously lying about his relationship with Steve Bannon – who is being paranoid since being demoted, the constant flip flopping by our minority-elect President reveals the depths of his incessant ignorance, Trump’s offspring only interested in profiting off their name since daddy’s in the White House, Russia, Iran and Syria warn U.S. over Trump’s war crimes, Trump’s budget director says he’ll cut Social Security whether Trump knows it or not, how our delusional leader acts like a glorified gangster, time to hold Trump accountable, Trump’s confusion over his his military as opposed to the U.S. military, why things could get interesting for Trump if he fires Bannon, bracing for more war from trigger-happy Liar-in-Chief, Bill Moyers ponders whether or not Trump will EVER become President, the presidential learning curve remains steep for Trump, Chinese media having fun at Trump’s expense and much more.

House Democrat accuses President Trump of ‘political blackmail’ article from AOL News. –

Syrian Military Claims ‘Hundreds’ Killed After U.S. Airstrike Hits ISIS Chemical Weapons Site article from Newsweek on Yahoo! News. –

You’ll see little mention of this in America’s corporate media. As usual the U.S. denies it, but the best way to get an idea of what is going on in a country is to view their News site(s).

Hundreds Killed as US Bombs ISIS Chemical Depot: Syrian MoD article from Information Clearing House. –

US drops largest non-nuclear weapon on Afghanistan: A crime against humanity article from the World Socialist Web Site. –

“The US military’s dropping of the largest non-nuclear weapon in its arsenal on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border Thursday is a crime against humanity. Even as the US government and the mass media were engaged in a lying propaganda campaign denouncing Syria and Russia for the use of poison gas, the American military was positioning the monstrous weapon—the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB)—for use in Afghanistan.

While the Pentagon has released few details about the impact of the bombing, one can be certain that the total number of deaths resulting from the dropping of the MOAB is a massive multiple of the number killed in the alleged Syrian gas attack, assuming—and this is by no means certain—that the gas attack even took place.

Seventy-two years after the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, American imperialism has proven once again that it is the most ruthless and criminal force on the planet.

The use of the MOAB has implications that extend beyond Afghanistan. It demonstrates—and this is, in fact, the principal aim of the attack—that there are no restraints on what the US military is prepared to do in pursuit of the interests of American imperialism…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 61

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Despite his horse crap of hiring only the best, our minority-elect President’s picks are coming back to haunt him, the ‘not going into Syria’ completely disregards the 1000+ U.S. troops already there, Trump’s Russia scandal keeps getting worse, Trump cabal’s devious plan for deportation comes to light, more on our moronic president’s ‘America first’ bull shit, Syria responds to Trump’s gas attack fairy tale, why the resistance against Trump will continue to build, a moron on CNN compares Trump to MLK on healthcare, allegations of ‘concrete evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion, Trump’s Florida White House facing 15 food violations, tyranny under our illegitimate president, more on Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale and his resulting war crimes, quietly easing Obama-era gun restrictions, man who has predicted every presidential election winner since 1984 – which is funny if you realize the irony of 1984 in Trump’s land of delusion – including our current corrupt President now predicts his upcoming impeachment, his first 100 days probably don’t matter to Trump, going full Goldman Sachs after removing President Bannon from his throne, the non-transformation of our minority-elect President, a world in turmoil courtesy of our lackluster leader, Trump withholds Syria-sarin evidence – for obvious reasons – while telling Americans to ‘trust us’ despite his history of never telling the truth, Trump’s corrupt “Justice” Department enabling his fleecing of America and a lot more.

Trump boasts of hiring only the best, but picks haunt him article from the AP on Yahoo! News. –

Trump’s ‘not going into Syria’ vow ignores 1000+ US troops there video from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –

The Russia story just keeps getting worse for President Trump article from CNN. –

“Two stories dealing with Russia’s meddling in the election broke Tuesday night. And both were full of bad news for President Donald Trump.

The first, an exclusive to CNN, revealed that a number of Democratic and Republican lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence committees who have seen classified documents see no evidence that Obama administration officials did anything unusual or illegal, further suggesting Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California, misled Trump (and the public) when he described documents relating to the unmasking of Trump campaign officials caught up in an incidental collection operation by the intelligence community.

Write CNN’s Jim Sciutto, Manu Raju and Eric Bradner:

“Their private assessment contradicts President Donald Trump’s allegations that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice broke the law by requesting the “unmasking” of US individuals’ identities. Trump had claimed the matter was a ‘massive story.'”…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 60

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

White House unfreezes hiring and outlines plan to ‘drain the swamp’ – which is extremely corrupt courtesy of our illegitimate president, more evidence revealing why there needs to be an independent investigation into Trump’s Russia scandal, Trump’s illegal bombings in Syria and Iraq are killing far more children than those killed during the Syrian military’s bombing of an al-Qaeda storage depot filled with noxious chemicals – being promulgated as the Syrian ‘gas attack,’ contradicting Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, more evidence appearing to show that Washington’s claims of Syrian gas attack were orchestrated false flag designed for regime change in Syria, more on Donald Trump’s war crimes, apparently Trump’s love affair with Stephen Bannon is over, still lying about being surveilled by President Obama, mixing personal business while running the White House, dipshittery in Trump’s land of delusion from our clueless mastermind who knows exactly what he’s not doing, more waffling on campaign promises – this time over China and NATO, an update for Trump voters and lots more.

White House unfreezes hiring, outlines plan to ‘drain the swamp’ article from Yahoo! News. –

Colleagues of Devin Nunes have now seen his ‘unmasking’ intelligence. They’re bipartisanly underwhelmed article from The Week. –

Yet more reason there has to be an independent investigation into Trump’s Russia scandal.

Deaths from US bombings triple in Syria, Iraq article from the World Socialist Web Site. –

While our media fawns over his Syrian gas attack fairy tale, our illegitimate president is killing far more children and civilians than the Syrian military’s bombing of an al-Qaeda weapons depot that was storing noxious chemicals responsible for killing those children and Trump’s illegal attack on the Syrian Air Force. One major question going unanswered is where did al-Qaeda get noxious chemicals from?

A multi-level analysis of the US cruise missile attack on Syria and its consequences article from The Saker. –

A little lengthy but well worth the read:

“The latest US cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase is an extremely important event in so many ways that it is important to examine it in some detail. I will try to do this today with the hope to be able to shed some light on a rather bizarre attack which will nevertheless have profound consequences. But first, let’s begin by looking at what actually happened.

The pretext:

I don’t think that anybody seriously believes that Assad or anybody else in the Syrian government really ordered a chemical weapons attack on anybody. To believe that it would require you to find the following sequence logical: first, Assad pretty much wins the war against Daesh which is in full retreat. Then, the US declares that overthrowing Assad is not a priority anymore (up to here this is all factual and true). Then, Assad decides to use weapons he does not have. He decides to bomb a location with no military value, but with lots of kids and cameras. Then, when the Russians demand a full investigation, the Americans strike as fast as they can before this idea gets any support. And now the Americans are probing a possible Russian role in this so-called attack. Frankly, if you believe any of that, you should immediately stop reading and go back to watching TV. For the rest of us, there are three options:

1. a classical US-executed false flag

2. a Syrian strike on a location which happened to be storing some kind of gas, possibly chlorine, but most definitely not sarin. This option requires you to believe in coincidences. I don’t. Unless,

3. the US fed bad intelligence to the Syrians and got them to bomb a location where the US knew that toxic gas was stored.

What is evident is that the Syrians did not drop chemical weapons from their aircraft and that no chemical gas was ever stored at the al-Shayrat airbase. There is no footage showing any munitions or containers which would have delivered the toxic gas. As for US and other radar recordings, all they can show is that an aircraft was in the sky, its heading, altitude and speed. There is no way to distinguish a chemical munition or a chemical attack by means of radar…”

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Misadventures of a minority-elect President 59

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

Still playing family feud in the White House over power trips, more on the miscreants who helped our illegitimate president get elected, pushing propaganda about Russia to try and cover Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale, wife of arrested Russian hacker claims her husband’s alleged hacking helped Trump win the presidency, brief respite from his ongoing daily ineptitude hasn’t changed the overall ignorance of the Trump cabal, Putin says he expects ‘fake’ gas attacks to discredit Syria’s Assad – meaning there may possibly be another false flag planned by Trump’s cabal, too much power in the hands of someone as corrupt as Trump is not a good thing, taking a page straight out of Hitler’s playbook, Trump taking a toll on Republicans, costing Americans their retirements, running the White House like a CEO camp is going to piss off a lot of Trump supporters, students just got screwed royally by Trump’s Education Secretary, more lies rolling off Trump’s lips over job creation under his illegitimate tenure, Trump’s presidential transition under investigation, prepare for another deceptive attempt involving Trump’s administration to cut Social Security, our current inept White House even screwed up its annual Easter Party and more.

Steve Bannon Throws His Worst Insult at Jared Kushner article from Marie Claire on Yahoo! News. –

Supporters Who Got Trump Elected Are Pursuing Vicious and Divisive Agendas article from AlterNet. –

US Official: Russia knew Syrian chemical attack was coming article from the AP on Yahoo! News. –

Still pushing propaganda to cover Trump’s Syrian chemical attack fairy tale – as usual the Russians did it. Once again, show us the evidence.

Wife of Arrested Russian Hacker: ‘The Virus My Husband Allegedly Created Was Related to Trump’s Victory’ article from AlterNet. –

“Pyotr Levashov was arrested in Spain under a U.S. international warrant on Friday.

The wife of an alleged Russian hacker has revealed that her husband’s recent arrest is linked to President Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election.

Reuters reported on Sunday that Pyotr Levashov was arrested in Spain under a U.S. international warrant on Friday. The Justice Department declined to provide details because the case is under seal.

Levashov’s wife, Maria Levashova, told RT that the arrest is related to Russia’s interference in the U.S. election…”

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