Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Preparing for the first shocks of Trump’s exploitation of disaster capitalism, our minority-elect President’s delusional dipshittery is proving profitable for Dems, no one has any idea what Trump’s policies are – including Trump, more reports of Trump campaign fraud, sure signs your President is about to launch a nuclear war, ramping up the rhetoric and escalating tensions with North Korea, protesters massing to demand Trump release his tax returns, the demands of a wannabe Dictator when he visits the UK, financial implosion begins as Trump shows his true colors, Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale is falling apart, watching Trump’s endgame with the dangerous out-of-control security state we’ve created to enable endless wars, reality sinks in as Trump turns Clintonian, America has a real problem when its media praises Trump’s Idiocracy instead of calling him out for his war crimes and much more.
Does Trump want to be world’s policeman after all? article from CNN. –
Trump Effect: Dems Shatter Fundraising Records article from NBC News. –
“WELCOME TO THE Age of Trump, where no one has any idea what the policies of the President of the United States are, including the President of the United States.
There has never before been a U.S. president whose stated goals were as simultaneously vague, preposterous, and contradictory.
Nor has there ever been a president who has intermittently taken strong stances that were so directly at odds with his own party’s most fervent dogma and his own appointees.
Nor has there been a president who was as completely uninterested in the basics of politics. It’s as though America is playing in the World Series with a manager who truly doesn’t care about baseball.
What this adds up to is that there’s not a single person who knows exactly what the Trump administration is going to try to do. No one could be surprised if Trump suddenly announced that he wants NASA to send a team to colonize Neptune; that he’s going to lead the team; and that he’s signed a deal with China to personally make $3 billion for the reality show syndication rights…”
Trump’s companies benefit from nearly $500K in campaign funds: report article from AOL News. –
12 Sure Signs Your President Is Abouto To Start A Nuclear War article from Extra News Feed. –
Conservative and liberal watchdogs slam Trump for refusing to release White House visitor logs article from Business Insider on AOL News. –
Trump and North Korea: Climbing the escalation ladder article from Yahoo! News. –
Why So Many Americans Support Deadly Aerial Warfare article from Esquire. –
“It took decades of propaganda to get here.”
Trump’s military actions show departure from ‘America first’ campaign talk article from The Hill. –
Protesters to take to streets to demand Trump release tax returns article from Reuters. –
With Trump Appointees, a Raft of Potential Conflicts and ‘No Transparency’ article from The New York Times. –
It’s time to take a close look at our pathological Liar-in-Chief’s illegitimate administration.
Trump heads to Fla. golf course article from The Hill. –
Once again your tax dollars hard at work for our incompetent, lazy-ass president!
The Problem With Trump’s Attempt to Scare North Korea article from The NY Mag. –
“President Trump and his advisers have taken a more and more threatening stance toward North Korea since January, and the isolated dictatorship has responded with threats of its own. Foreign-policy experts say a breaking point could be looming. Saturday marked the 105th anniversary of the birth of North Korea’s founder, Kim Il-sung, and the regime there commemorated the holiday with displays of military force — though, thankfully, not with a nuclear test, as many experts feared. Still, there is a sense of a collision course. Several days ago, the U.S. military moved a brigade of warships to the Korean Peninsula, as a show of force. Then on Friday, the North Korean government threatened to attack major American military bases in South Korea, saying it could destroy them almost instantly.
For a broader perspective on how Trump’s approach compares to what prior U.S. administrations have done, we spoke with George Lopez, professor emeritus at the Krok Institute for International Peace Studies, which is based at Notre Dame University. He has advised the United Nations and various governments on North Korea and sanctions issues since 1992. Lopez also proposes a set of directions for getting out of this conflict — directions that favor diplomacy over military force. What American leaders fail to understand, he says, is that they can’t scare North Korea by threatening war…”
Hundreds of Trump supporters and counter-protestors face off at Berkeley rally article from The Los Angeles Times. –
White House demands carriage ride with the Queen when Trump visits the UK article from The New York Daily News. –
The demands of our wannabe Dictator when he visits the UK.
Trump’s About-Face article from Barron’s. –
Stocks and economy stumble as Trump shows his true colors.
Trump claims he can’t be sued for inciting rally violence article from Politico. –
Life in Trump’s land of delusion.
New Revelations Belie Trump Claims on Syria Chemical Attack article from Truthout. –
Trump’s Syrian gas attack fairy tale is falling apart:
“Two unnamed senior Trump administration officials briefing journalists Tuesday asserted that a Syrian regime airstrike in the city of Khan Sheikhoun on April 4 had deliberately killed dozens of civilians with sarin gas.
The Trump administration officials dismissed the Russian claim that the Syrian airstrike had targeted a munitions warehouse controlled by Islamic extremists as an afterthought to cover up the Syrian government’s culpability for the chemical attack. Moreover, the Trump officials claimed that US intelligence had located the site where the Syrian regime had dropped the chemical weapon.
However, two new revelations contradict the Trump administration’s line on the April 4 attack. A former US official knowledgeable about the episode told Truthout that the Russians had actually informed their US counterparts in Syria of the Syrian military’s plan to strike the warehouse in Khan Sheikhoun 24 hours before the strike. And a leading analyst on military technology, Dr. Theodore Postol of MIT, has concluded that the alleged device for a sarin attack could not have been delivered from the air but only from the ground, meaning that the chemical attack may not have been the result of the Syrian airstrike.
The Trump administration is pushing the accusation that the Assad regime was the force that carried out the highly lethal chemical attack on April 4 very hard, perhaps not so much to justify the already politically popular US strike against the Shayrat airbase on April 6, but rather to buttress a new hardline policy against the Syrian regime…”
Did Al Qaeda Fool the White House Again? article from Consortium News. –
What Have We Done: Executive Power, Drones, and Trump? article from AlterNet. –
Erratic Trump unbeholden to past declarations video from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Whackos in Washington: the Risky Game of Regime Decapitation article from Counter Punch. –
No More Silver Lining: Trump Turns Clintonian article from Counter Punch. –
“The election of Donald Trump was a catastrophe. This was clear before Election Day; it is even clearer now.
Nevertheless, his victory was not a total disaster — Hillary Clinton lost. She and her husband had done enough harm already. Three decades of Clintons is enough.
I put the point this way because with the Republicans’ success in replacing the late Antonin Scalia with Neil Gorsuch, a smoother but more reactionary jurist, the Supreme Court is on my mind.
The allusion is, of course, to an infamous remark of the much venerated – and ostensibly liberal –Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior in a ruling (Buck v. Bell, 1927) that permitted the state of Virginia to require the sterilization of an intellectually disabled woman. Holmes declared: “three generations of imbeciles is enough.”…”
Keeping visitor logs secret, Trump acts like he has something to hide article from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
This week gave us a textbook example of why the corporate media are next to useless aricle from The Daily Kos. –
When our media praises Trump’s Idiocracy claiming our illegitimate leader made himself important in a good way for committing International War Crimes you have a problem.
Donald Trump Will Backtrack on Virtually Any Policy If a CEO Tells Him To article from AlterNet. –
Trump skimps on Syria, Afghanistan policy while blowing stuff up video from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. –
Dear Rest of the World article from The Daily Kos. –
“Dear Rest of the World:
Just a quick note to let you know we can’t believe this shit either. It’s a perpetual WTF here every single day. And yes, we know he makes little, to no sense, with his ego-driven, chest-beating, pompous, ridiculous, disgusting blather and lies. And we’re watching it get worse, because right now he’s desperately trying to distract from his own blatant corruption, and ultimately his own destruction — and it’s not working for him. We also know he’s dangerous. And we could wait until he self-implodes (and he would), but it’s clear he could do a lot more harm before then, with some irreversible damage, and with innocents already dying.
The grassroots Resistance is growing and ‘we the people’ are doing our best to see that he’s nonviolently removed from office. It’s not about if anymore — it’s when. No matter how it happens, it will happen. He is unfit and unhinged.
In the meantime, we’re are so sorry. The majority of Americans didn’t vote for him. And many of us aren’t even sure how he got elected (it’s under investigation), but we know we have to own this, and we take responsibility…”
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