Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Today’s misadventures of our minority-elect President begins with Trump trying to deflect the investigation into his Russia scandal as it starts taking its toll on him, six months into America’s nightmare and our popular vote losing president is still in office, the fact that our national embarrassment questions pardoning himself and his other miscreants – including his family – speaks volumes as to how guilty they really are, our demented delinquent is now officially America’s least popular president in history, Trump’s Russia scandal keeps taking all kinds of twists and turns as he brings in more propagandists to try and keep up with all his lies and deceptions, our Hitler-aspiring wannabe dictator’s land of delusion is imploding at a rapid rate, the price we all pay for the stupidity of a few and much more.
The Russia Probe Is Headed Toward Places Trump Doesn’t Want It To Go article from Talking Points Memo. –
Trying to derail his Russia scandal investigation isn’t going to bode well for our Loser-in-Chief.
Six months into America’s nightmare, how likely is Trump’s impeachment? article from The Guardian. –
Six months of lies and deception and America’s worst-ever president is still in office.
Were Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner Hoping to Get Clinton’s Emails From Putin? article from Mother Jones. –
More on the treasonous acts of Trump’s duplicitous offspring and their attempts to collude with Russia over Clinton and her emails.
Trump Reportedly Asked Legal Team About His Power to Pardon Aides, Family, Even Himself article from Slate. –
If our national embarrassment, his family and his illegitimate administration weren’t guilty of treason – and many other things – Trump wouldn’t be trying to see how far his power to pardon goes:
“Donald Trump’s legal team is, predictably, looking for ways to push back against the Mueller investigation into Trump World and undermine its credibility. It’s a strategy straight from the playbook of former President Clinton, who launched withering attacks on independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr during the 1990s, branding him partisan and biased in an attempt to turn public opinion against Starr’s aggressive broadening of what started as an investigation into land development deals that came to be known as Whitewater and ended with Monica Lewinsky and impeachment. But, along with pursuing perceived conflicts of interest on Mueller’s team as a means to knock the probe off course, according to the Washington Post, Trump himself has asked his legal team about his own power to pardon not just aides and family members, but also himself.
From the Post:
Currently, the discussions of pardoning authority by Trump’s legal team is purely theoretical, according to two people familiar with the ongoing conversations. But if Trump pardoned himself in the face of the ongoing Mueller investigation, it would set off a legal and political firestorm, first around the question of whether a president can use the constitutional pardon power in that way.
The power to pardon is granted to the president in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, which gives the commander in chief the power to “grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” That means pardon authority extends to federal criminal prosecution but not to state level or impeachment inquiries. No president has sought to pardon himself, so no courts have reviewed it…”
Breitbart Editor: The Goal Is The ‘Full Destruction And Elimination Of The Entire Mainstream Media’ article from Right Wing Watch. –
Part of Trump’s dubious war on the media and truth involves rebuilding his Ministry of Propaganda to help fabricate Trump’s alternative reality.