Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
We begin today’s misadventures of our popular vote losing president with lessons in loyalty – or in his case the lack thereof, in Trump’s land of delusion, he has convinced himself that he’s almost as good as Abraham Lincoln, our demented delinquent’s obsession with his illegitimate presidency is making us all less safe, backlash from Trump’s Boy Scout pep rally speech begins, our Twitter tyrant steps us his ignorant tirades against his political enemies, Trump’s efforts to distract from his growing scandals are failing miserably, how Trump keeps using Twitter – which refuses to stop him despite the obvious violations of their policies – to bully enemies and try to distract from his growing list of crimes and scandals and much more.
Lessons in Loyalty From John McCain and That Other Guy article from Roll Call. –
Loyalty only works one way for Trump as he has none for anyone else.
Trump: U.S. military won’t allow transgender people ‘to serve in any capacity’ article from Yahoo! News. –
6 months in and our Loser-in-Chief is already discriminating big time against transgender people and the LGBT Community.
Trump is a coward. At least it limits the damage he does article from The Guardian. –
Trump doesn’t have the balls to fire the Attorney General he appointed so he has to play games to try and humiliate him instead.
As Trump Prepares to Fire Mueller, the Rule of Law Has Never Been Weaker in Washington article from AlterNet. –
As our popular vote losing president threatens to fire Mueller and plays games with Sessions it has become blatantly obvious that the Rule of Law in non-existent in Washington’s Culture of Corruption:
“As President Trump drops increasingly broad hints that he believes he is above the law, Congress and the public face an impending crisis that will test whether the Republican Party is more loyal to Trump or to the rule of law. The crisis is all but certain, and the outcome is very much in doubt.
In talking up his “complete power” of pardon, humiliating Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and denigrating special prosecutor Robert Mueller, Trump has made clear that he doesn’t believe any investigation of his campaign’s contacts with the Russian government is legitimate. “A special counsel should never have been appointed in this case,” Trump told the New York Times.
With investigators closing in on his friends and family, time is not on Trump’s side. But the weakness of the rule of law is.
The pace of the various investigations is picking up. Mueller has assembled a high-powered staff. The House and Senate intelligence committees both grilled Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner this week. The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley, has now joined the hunt, issuing a subpoena for Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager. If Trump doesn’t act soon, more revelations—or indictments—could further limit his options to act…”
Trump Insists He’s ‘Presidential,’ Ranks Himself Right Behind Lincoln (VIDEO) article from Talking Points Memo. –
Our illegitimate president is trying to convince himself he’s great despite the obvious failures of his first 6 months in office…