Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
The many ways our illegitimate, minority-elect president is dismantling the U.S. after six months in office begins today’s misadventures, his fraudulent ‘voter integrity’ commission dubiously tries to justify our popular vote losing liar’s claims that he won the popular vote, Trump and his team’s actions meet the definition of betrayal of country – which is treason, Trump’s ‘accomplishments’ during his first illicit 6 months after being ‘elected,’ Trump’s endless corruption and ignorance is coming back to bite him, our Liar-in-Chief’s Ministry of Propaganda is shifting the lies into overdrive and much more.
Six ways Trump is ‘dismantling’ the US after six months in office article from The Guardian. –
Putting a fraudulent Con Artist in charge of the U.S. was a big mistake.
Kris Kobach pushes debunked theory on illegal votes: ‘We may never know’ who won article from Yahoo! News. –
Our popular vote losing president’s fraudulent voter integrity commission dubiously tries downplaying the fact that Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 11 million votes by trying to claim we may never know the truth – fact is we already do.
A Typology of Undisclosed Trump-Russia Meetings article from The Atlantic. –
Tracking Trump and his cabal’s Russia meetings – many of which were revealed after his Russia scandal investigations began.
The Making of the Tabloid Presidency article from The New York Book Review. –
Understanding Trumpism and how it came about:
“Six months into Donald Trump’s presidency, the bond between him and his base remains strong, largely unaffected for now by the mounting scandals, talk of impeachment, and Trump’s stalled agenda. There have been five special elections to fill vacant House seats—in Georgia, Montana, Kansas, California, and South Carolina—and the Republicans have won four of them. In Georgia, the most closely watched race, the Democrats poured in $30 million for their candidate. But the Republicans nearly matched that figure, and their narrow victory in June was perceived as a win for Trump—and Trumpism, however ill-defined it may be.
Joshua Green’s new book, Devil’s Bargain, argues that Trumpism is best understood through his partnership with Stephen K. Bannon, now the president’s chief political strategist. Green, formerly a correspondent at The Atlantic and now at Bloomberg Businessweek, has been writing about conservatives since the George W. Bush years. It is a testament to his adroit intertwining of Bannon’s story with Trump’s that we’re not certain which of the two figures has sold the bigger part of himself to the other. In the broader sense, they are coauthors of our moment’s tabloid conservatism.
Trump has had many biographers, but it was Green who did the first in-depth reporting on Bannon, in a long Bloomberg profile in October 2015, ten months before Bannon formally joined the Trump campaign and rescued it from what looked like certain defeat. Previously, Bannon had been an informal adviser while making Breitbart News, the website he had run since 2012, Trump’s main propaganda auxiliary, surpassing Fox News, which had been divided over Trump and roiled by a sexual harassment scandal involving the network’s late founder and CEO, Roger Ailes. Green describes a conversation in which Ailes, still clinging to his job, tells Bannon he can survive. He just has to plead his case directly to Rupert Murdoch, who is away on his boat and can’t be reached. Bannon sees the obvious, telling Ailes, “If somebody called him about a merger, he’d take the fucking call…. You’re done.” A patois of coarseness is heard everywhere in this book, but especially from its two principals. Bannon was able to manage Trump the candidate when other, more seasoned operatives could not because Bannon is Trump’s unlikely spiritual twin, his bookish doppelgänger, unkempt in cargo shorts…”
Why Not Call It Treason? article from AlterNet. –
The actions of our national embarrassment and the miscreants that comprise his administration meet the legal definition of betrayal of country.