Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:
Donald Jr. making his daddy’s life a living hell while trying to spin his crimes as opposition research begins today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, popular vote losing president, having a serious mental deficit – and being profoundly corrupt – has created the need to create new scandals to serve as a distraction from his growing list of criminal activities, with support from GOP ‘lawmakers’ in Washington Trump and his ilk can get away with anything, our Liar-in-Chief’s collusion with corrupt corporations is worse than his collusion with Russia, the second version of Trump’s fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway worse than the original and a lot more.
Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting ‘Borders on Treason’: Ethics Lawyer article from AlterNet. –
Planning a meeting to dig up dirt on a political opponent with a foreign country is collusion and most likely treason, regardless of how you try to spin it…
Oversight Chair: ‘Drip, Drip, Drip’ Is Undermining Trump Admin’s Credibility article from Talking Points Memo. –
Despite the fact that Trump and the miscreants that comprise his administration have had no credibility for quite some time…
‘Create a new scandal!’: Rachel Maddow unveils Trump’s go-to move to distract Americans next article from The Raw Story. –
America’s worst-ever President has to create new scandals to try and distract from his own growing list of crimes and scandals.
Our national embarrassment’s growing scandals are making life hell in the White House:
“Returning from Europe last weekend, White House aides had hoped to spin Donald Trump’s divisive meeting with President Vladimir Putin as a turning point for an administration whose agenda has been overshadowed by allegations of campaign collusion with Russia. “Let’s talk about how to move forward,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had told the press on Friday, explaining that Trump had raised the issue of Russian election interference but was prepared to move on as partners in the war on terror and, improbably, on cybersecurity. “The question is what do we do now?” Instead, as the U.S. delegation flew back to Washington on Saturday, Trump’s inner circle reportedly found themselves huddled in the back of Air Force One, where they crafted a statement for Donald Trump Jr. to give The New York Times, explaining why he had met with Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya last June. According to people with knowledge of the discussion, the airborne group debated as to how transparent the statement should be, according to the Times’ Maggie Haberman and Peter Baker.
Not very, as it turned out.
The president signed off on a sparse statement that claimed the meeting was primarily focused on the issue of U.S.-Russian adoption—an explanation that quickly fell behind a fast-evolving story, as the Times followed up with a series of reports revealing that not only did Trump Jr. know that the point of the meeting was to obtain damaging information about Hillary Clinton, but that the promised dirt was said to come explicitly from the Russian government. Seeking to get ahead of the story, the president’s son on Tuesday released four pages of communications with Rob Goldstone, the intermediary who brokered the meeting with Veselnitskaya. In the e-mails, Goldstone says that the lawyer has negative information about Clinton that is part of the Russian government’s efforts to bolster Trump’s campaign. Trump Jr. responded with unfortunate enthusiasm: “I love it.”
Blindsided staffers are reportedly in panic mode after the latest revelation, which appears to substantiate some of the worst fears about the Trump campaign’s unsavory relationship with Russia. Many people within the White House had dismissed the Trump-Russia affair as “conspiracy bullshit,” one Trump adviser told Politico. Now, aides are “essentially helpless” to contain the fallout from a story that has its origins in the heady “anything goes” days of the campaign. Members of Trump’s inner circle are reportedly filled with paranoia and suspicion over the identities of the “three advisers to the White House” who were the sources for the blockbuster Times story…”
How Much More Absurdity Can You Handle? article from Esquire. –
The bad joke that the U.S. government has become under our profoundly corrupt Liar-in-Chief.