Daily Archives: July 11, 2017

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 142

Chronicling the misadventures of our minority-elect President’s alternate reality, alternative facts and the miscreants that comprise his administration so you don’t have to:

The intent of Trump’s Twitter tantrums and distractions from reality begins today’s misadventures of a minority-elect President, the dirty deeds of Trump and his offspring are the gifts that keep on giving, our Twitter tyrant threatening Congress on passing his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway, how our Liar-in-Chief has proved from day one that he’s unfit for office, Trump trying desperately to deflect attention away from his crimes and his Russia scandal by accusing Comey of leaking information, Donald Trump Jr. tries giving his daddy plausible deniability about his meeting with a Russian lawyer to dig up dirt on Hillary Clinton before the 2016 election but fails miserably, Trump and his cabal have many ties to Russia – and there are undoubtedly more that we don’t know about yet, our Loser-in-Chief’s sham voter fraud commission tells states not to send info until a Judge makes a ruling in one of what will be many more lawsuits, evidence of Trump and his administration’s collusion with Russia piling up rapidly as the walls of a treasonous presidency come crumbling down and much more.

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Aiding and Abetting the Tweeter-in-Chief article from Tom Dispatch. –

Trump’s Twitter tantrums are attempts to distract from other important issues going on, much of which is due to his corruption.

Analysis: Donald Trump Jr.’s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times article from The San Francisco Chronicle. –

Doing his daddy proud.

Trump Aides: Russia Flap Proves Don Jr. Is The ‘Fredo’ of The First Family article from The Daily Beast. –

The endless depths of corruption and stupidity from America’s worst-ever President and his incompetent offspring truly are the gifts that keep on giving…

Trump Gives His Twitter Version Of Putin Meeting article from Yahoo! News. –

Our national embarrassment’s second foreign trip was a rousing success and life is good in Trump’s land of delusion:

“Sunday mornings are one of President Donald Trump’s favorite times to tweet, and this week he decided he wanted to clarify what happened at the G20 summit, and give his version of events of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The G20 summit is a forum where economic leaders and heads of state of the world’s top economies meet to discuss world issues. This year the summit took place in Hamburg, Germany. On Friday during the summit Trump met with Putin in a meeting closed to the press, the only other people in attendance were Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and two translators.

When the meeting was over, there were two competing narratives of what took place, especially when it came to discussions of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

“They had a very robust and lengthy exchange on the subject,” said Tillerson in an off-camera briefing, according to CNN Friday. “The President pressed President Putin on more than one occasion regarding Russian involvement. President Putin denied such involvement, as I think he has in the past.”…”

Trump says Congress ‘wouldn’t dare’ leave Obamacare repeal unfinished as divide grows article from AOL News. –

Our Twitter tyrant took to tweeting about his fraudulent healthcare tax giveaway again, trying to force the Senate into shoving it through despite overwhelming opposition from the public.

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