Today’s misadventurous chronicles of our minority-elect President begin with his signing your Internet privacy away, another Trump promise goes down in flames, LA Times highlights Trump’s authoritarian vision, ruminations on how Trump has become part of the establishment he pretended to deplore, Trump’s idiotic tweets will be forever preserved in the US National Archives, looking at the growing list of groups lined up against him reveals how much trouble Trump is really in, Trump’s agenda is based on lies and most Americans hate it, comparing Trump to Nixon isn’t fair to Nixon, still trying to repeal Obamacare with his fraudulent TrumpCare replacement, ignorance still running rampant in Trump’s land of delusion, Trump panicking about his Russia scandal, ISIS claims U.S. ‘being run by an idiot,’ Trump kleptocracy watch updated, Trump’s claims of not having ties to Russia seem to be unraveling, Trump lied about no more factories closing as more jobs get exported to other countries, theaters nationwide inspired by Trump’s dystopian dipshittery enough to screen 1984 as a tribute, the White House swamp and more.
Trump signs bill blocking online privacy regulation article from the AP on Yahoo! News. ––finance.html
As U.S. Jobs Flee the Country, One of Trump’s Biggest Campaign Promises Is Already Going Down in Flames article from AlterNet. –
Trump’s Authoritarian Vision article from the Los Angeles Times. –
“Standing before the cheering throngs at the Republican National Convention last summer, Donald Trump bemoaned how special interests had rigged the country’s politics and its economy, leaving Americans victimized by unfair trade deals, incompetent bureaucrats and spineless leaders.
He swooped into politics, he declared, to subvert the powerful and rescue those who cannot defend themselves. “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.”
To Trump’s faithful, those words were a rallying cry. But his critics heard something far more menacing in them: a dangerously authoritarian vision of the presidency — one that would crop up time and again as he talked about overruling generals, disregarding international law, ordering soldiers to commit war crimes, jailing his opponent.
Trump has no experience in politics; he’s never previously run for office or held a government position. So perhaps he was unaware that one of the hallmarks of the American system of government is that the president’s power to “fix” things unilaterally is constrained by an array of strong institutions — including the courts, the media, the permanent federal bureaucracy and Congress. Combined, they provide an essential defense against an imperial presidency…”
Is Trump now part of the establishment? article from BBC News. –